What files to send to my iOS dev to receive a testable app back? - ios

I hired a developer. He made app. I want to test it.
What I have:
Apple developer account - single - I never could figure out that
company international ID thingy.
Only I can access the account (am willing to give access if that is
only way)
I have OsX 10.6.2 snow lep running on Virtual Box all good
XCode 3.2.something (its older, updating requires new kernel and has
been problematic)
(I can utilize the apple dev provisioning wizard on dev.app.com to
obtain certs and files)
I have an apple certificate file downloaded to my computer that I
made under the provisioning thingy on dev.app.com
iPod Touch 4g (Jailbroken) if needed. (unknown if I can access it
via virtual box)
What I want to do...
Send whatever files to my ios developer so he can create a single file to email back to me. I take said file and install it on my iPod Touch, on my windows computer.
What do I need to send him so the developer can make this happen? Further what do I need to tell him to do. This part may seem odd as why would "I" not knowing how to build an iOS app be telling the dev how to do it. I have requested him to make this all happen before and there is a language barrier.
What I do not want to have to do:
Use the mac anymore (please tell me this is possible.)
(said in another way) I would like to Test apps by putting them on my ipod Touch (using itunes or safari and dev account is ok) BUT I want to be using windows.
Can this be done? I code Android. I do not know Xcode and dealing with builds from Xcode 4.6 then trying to open project in Xcode 3.X not knowing if there are project errors etc. and well...learning xcode jsut doesn't make sense...I mean then why hire a dev? yeah yeah cause he knows C++ I got that part.
Anyway, sorry for the 'flavor' parts of this message I just want to make a message that will sum up the "world of it all" for any future travelers trying to do the same thing.
Summary - I want to test apps on Ipod Touch (or whatever iOS device) using windows to install them to the device. Able and willing to use Mac to create needed files (certs. keychain files etc.) can use Mac for all building aspects.
Please advise and thank you very much programming gawds in advance.

Use the mac anymore (please tell me this is possible.)
2 .(said in
another way) I would like to Test apps by putting them on my ipod
Touch (using itunes or safari and dev account is ok) BUT I want to be
using windows.
It is possible. However, you may not understand the following steps because those should be done by iOS developer.
Step1. Your developer should archive it (In xcode, press Product, then Archive).
Step2. Open Organizer in xcode (top right corner), click the "Archives" page
Step3. Select the app you just built. Then click "Distribute" button and select "Save for enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment"
Step4. You will get xxx.ipa. You can drag this file in WINDOWS iTune and sync to your iPod.
Note: Your iPod should mark for "use for development" with valid provision.


Accessing an Application from a Web Browser for Android and iOS

First and foremost, I am not the developer behind this application, however I am looking for a solution to this problem as I work at the company that runs the application and I've been tasked to do so. This is not a focused code-line question, but more so an application question.
Background: The application is an educational tool that simulates a physical science laboratory that is programmed using Flash. It is accessed from a Learning Management System (LMS) web browser - i.e. Blackboard, Canvas, etc. - through a link to the object. There are multiple simulated labs that are each their own object.
The main problem: The simulators/labs are able to be accessed on an Android device (phones & tablets) by prompting a download of a .apk file once the link is clicked on that device where they will have a menu that localizes all the simulators. This is to centralize all the simulators into one menu app. Now, when you attempt this process on an iOS device, it's obviously incompatible (.apk vs .ipa). We can create a runnable .ipa file for each individual simulator, but this is not efficient at all when attempting to execute on a mass scale (think district-wide access).
What I want to find out is the most efficient way to adapt the application for iOS since it utilizes Flash. The same process would be desired (click the link and it prompts a download of the menu app that holds the sims/labs).
Thanks in advance.
You need to enrol for apple developer program to distribute builds. Normal subscription consider distribution thought App Store, and it seems not your case. There is Enterprise subscription - it allows to create .ipa, that can be installed on any device, but distributed locally (Ad-Hoc). While assembling Ad-Hoc build in latest Xcode you can select opportunity to create distribution manifest as well (Xcode will provide description how to use it). Then you can upload manifest and iPad file to you file server, and share link to manifest with you user. Opening manifest on iDevice will launch installation of application.

How to run iOS app in iPhone without USB connection to Mac

I have developed my first apple app and i wish to run it in iphone (its working well in XCode). By running in iphone i don't mean to connect it with mac and run with USB connection.
I mean something like there will be uuid of iphone and i upload my app some where and it can be run by Iphone user without any wire-connection to my MAC where i have app in xcode.
Is it possible to achieve by anyway? Is that way to achieve is free of cost ?
What I understand from you question is you want to distribute your application to others,
If you have apple developers account , you can use TestFlight ITunes Connect, where you can distribute upto 1000 users
Or you could use other free providers like,
I personally recommend Fabric , it's free, has lot of features
In your project set your distribution profiles in code signing options
Then click on product-->Build wait for a moment until it opens an Organizer window .
After opening organizer window select save for AdHoC deployment --> choose your organization--> select for all devices compatibility(if you are running with latest Xcode 7.3 version otherwise devices compatibility window won't appear) click next next.
Finally you can get an api file in the Organizer window. In that select the first api file which has recently you built -> click on export to your any finder location.
Then open your api file location in your Finder.
Then open your browser and open https://www.diawi.com and drag and drop your api in the specified field and wait until it reaches 100% to upload and click on send so that you can get a link. Now you can share your link.
Note: In iOS device he can install the api by using safari browser with the link we have shared

Is there any way currently to browse an App Folder / App Sandbox on an iOS device with iOS 9

As a developer doing many operations with files in my own apps' sandboxes (An app's subfolder environment such as Documents folder etc.) on the device, I found it extremely useful to be able to browse my app folder to see if my code was writing things to the correct places etc. I always used to use iExplorer for this & it was vital. To my horror, I came to do the same browsing today, only to find that you can no longer look inside the app's folders with tools like iExplorer. Some research tells me that as of iOS 8.3, Apple have placed restrictions which stop these tools from doing the great job they did.
Is there a work-around now at the iOS9 stage or even any tools that still manage to do it? This was so essential as a dev.
I'm assuming you mean a physical device, not the Simulator. In that case, you could open the Devices window (Xcode > Window > Devices) and then select the relevant device on the left.
In the Installed Apps section, select your app, and then click the gear icon which will give you a menu to Show, Download or Replace Container...
Now, it's available FileBrowser to browse the content of an app folder (in its sandbox).

Blackberry WebWorks + Ripple, whats the easiest way to distribute app?

Currently I use Ripple "Package and Sign" option, and then use Blackberry Desktop Manager (with my blackberry connected to PC via USB) to import then apply the app. What annoys me is the whole process takes min 10mins sometimes 30mins all up.
I try to skip the "Sign" option, ie use "Package" only but when running the app from the device it gives me this error: "Error starting X: Module 'X' attempts to access a secure API".
How are you installing the app on blackberry during Dev/Test?
How are you distributing the app for PROD release?
I have heard we can distribute via Wi-Fi or just sending someone a link to download the app, but cant really find much info on it. Any help?
You have to sign Webworks apps that you intend to use on the phone. Test as much as you can in the simulator, since it has the fastest turn around time between compiling and running the application.
Appworld is probably going to be your easiest distribution method if you intend on having users buy your app.
If you want to use the internet/WiFi option, you'll need to have a webserver/site you can upload all the *.cod and *.jad files that are built when you package the app. Then point the people downloading the app to the .jad file and their phone will try to install it for them.

Test a PhoneGap application on a real device

I built an application using Phonegap and I tested it on the iPhone Simulator.
Now I want to "send" it to the iPad, can somebody explain me how to handle that ?
Of course I've got an apple id and all others stuff...
I made the "provisioning profile" for the iPad, but I don't understood how I can run it on the device. If somebody can explain me or redirect me to a good tutorial for this kind of "testing development". Thanks in advance.
If you have an Apple ID and the ipad is properly provisioned, then you simply need to change where you are building to in xcode. Click on the button next to the "run" and "stop" buttons in xcode. The button will be the name of your project followed by "nameOfProject>iPad 4.3 Simulator" or something similar. Change this to be "iOS device name of ipad", the ipad you have plugged into the computer. Now rebuild and run.
A way to distribute application without asking user to copy provisioning profile and application file to iTunes and then sync iPhone with it. Now, only thing that they need to do is to click on the link in e-mail, which will open website on device and there they can click to install application and profile on the iPhone.
Other reference :
use "run" instead of "emulate".
I've only used cordova but cordova run <osname> will install it on your device if it's plugged in.
cordova run ios (I refuse to pay 99$ so not tested but it should)
cordova run android (works beautifully)
Okay this is a bit of a shortcut/cheat. But what i've done was do phonegap serve and then open the IP address that it provides you on my Iphone...It's pretty much the same as having it run on your device as an APK!
Step One:
cd to your directory and run phonegap serve
Step two:
On your Iphone/Android/Device open your web-browser (e.g safari) and type in the IP phonegap has given you.
Step three:
Have fun seeing your app work :)
However if you're using some of phonegaps features (gps, etc...) then these won't work. This solution is a quick and easy way of viewing your app that doesn't use any hardware controls (e.g a jquery mobile app)
