Whats d best way to Tell user about ios App update? - ios

If i am making an client/server ios App, and i release a new version of that app on App store + other stores on internet. Then, how to manage to tell user to update the app ???
I searched on this...and i got two ways
1. To have web service tht returns current version of app and inform user to update it.
2. To check the URL of app on itunes and it returns info from which we cn get version (doubtful on this)
Because, if there is such an URL, we will have to write the URL address in code before uploading...Pls guide on this.

Don't reinvent the wheel! What you are looking for is iVersion by nicklockwood.


If iOS app is transferred to another user account then will its url gets changed?

I want to paste a link to my physical book, for this purpose i wanted to have iOS app url link.
Can anyone please tell if I transfer app from one account to another then will url get changed?
Can anyone please tell if I transfer app from one account to another
then will url get changed?
No. It will not change. Every application published in App Store has it's own id that does not depend on developer account - idxxxxxxxxx

How to fetch information from one app to another app in iOS

I've been searching for a way that if there's any way that an app can push / pull a message to / from another app, assuming that both apps have been installed. I have a feeling that probably that it is not possible, but would like to confirm with SO.
Basically, I'm going to develop two apps, app1 and app2. Let's assume that a user always downloads both of the apps (or, I've found previous discussions over SO that it is possible for an app to figure out if another target app is installed assume it makes Uri registration.) App1 would generate some information and have to pass to app2. One way to do it is that I can have an external server as a relay, and both apps can talk over network. However, is it possible to pass information locally from an app to another app, just like Service in Android? It would be appreciated if you can give me a keyword or a link. I read it further. Thank you.
Your solution is the App Groups Entitlement.
For files see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/filemanager/1412643-containerurl
For NSUserDefaults see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/userdefaults#1664611

Is it possible to pass params to an iOS app that can be evaluated immediately after installation?

I want to create a different experience based on where they found the link that took them to the App Store. So when the user opens the app for the first time, I want to parse the params if there are any to display some message that continues the experience. Is this possible?
It's not possible, your app has no information about where the buyer came from when they found your app or when he bought it.

Setting username and password protection for Xcode IOS app

How do I set usernames and passwords for my app and they can only be used on one device at a time?
I am making an app that I will be selling as a one-click installation rather than in the app store so I need it to be extra secure. Please let me know what you come up with. I am a beginner programmer so please try to explain in a way that I would understand. Although I have decent knowledge on how to make an app, I would like some help.
P.S. - Some sort of device lock or UDID lock would work too. Whichever way will lock best on one device!
Thanks in advance!
If you get the installation worked out (which seems impossible without requesting the user to make a jailbreak), you could setup a server and implement a web socket to check that a given user has only on instance running at any time.

A way to check if iOS app exists in App Store?

I'm working on episodic game for iOS and would like to have a menu with links to all the episodes. When the menu is shown, I want to check if the episodes are available in App Store or not, and depending on the answer enable a button to take the user to the game's App Store page.
Is there any way of checking the existence of an app in the App Store?
All the questions I found were about checking if the user had INSTALLED certain other app on their device, but all I want to know is if it exists in App Store.
I already tried canOpenURL but that returned true for any App Store url such as http://appstore.com/nononondsds
(Docs say "It does not guarantee that the full URL is valid.")
Thanks in advance!
You can use Apple API as follows:
Where "term" would be the search criteria. This will give you a JSON encoded result.
For full documentation you can check Apple Search API
Hope this is what you're looking for.
Or you just need to your App's appstore URL to https://fnd.io/ and if it returns correct response mean your app is there on appstore
OK, first thing I'd do is listen to #AdamRichardson. It might be a better idea to release each episode as an in app purchase rather than a new app?
However, if you want to do your AppStore thing then I'd do it by having a server with data on it that you can inspect.
On the server have an API that returns a list of your Apps that are available on the app store.
This way you don't need to go to the app store to check you can just update your server.
