Rendering different parts of a page from different actions from different controllers - ruby-on-rails

I've got an index page where I've decided to render both Usernames, Posts and other informative sources.
Since Devise takes care of the user creations and login sessions-managing I am aware of needing to have multiple controllers.
PostsController, DashboardController and RandomController. The plan is to make them be rendered on different parts of the page, with different sizes and on different places.
Let's say I've got Post.find(:all => :order => "created_at DESC") in the PostsController. I want to render that someplace on the page.
I want to render Usernames right under the according Post which belongs_to them, and I want to render some still "Random" Controller action which will post news on some random place on the page.
So a recap:
The PostsController finds and renders some part of the index page, and the DeviseControllers I guess renders the username belonging to the according one, and the Random Controller renders some random thing from news or something on the middle of the page. Amongst all of them all of this is happening on another controller called DashBoard.
So all these controller actions are supposed to be rendered on a own DashBoard controller index view.
Any tips, or good ideas on how to accomplish this. I know about partial rendering, but I don't know how to achieve that.

It seems we're talking about a view rendered by Dashboard#index. So all you need to do is define all the info on the page as instance variables under the index action.
Probably the bit of info that's missing for you is that controllers are free to use data from any of your models (and even other classes that don't inherit from ActiveRecord::Base).
For instance, in Dashboard#index, you can have:
#posts = Post.order("created_at DESC").all
Which is referring to a different model than the Dashboard model (assuming one exists).


Render a form in a modal(bootstrap) and make it available on another controller's view

It's been a while since I've used Rails and I think I've gotten a little rusty. Is there a way to do this?
I'm trying to make a messaging feature that allows one user type to message another. I want the button to display on the User index page and the user show page. When the button is clicked a modal will popup with a form contained therein.
Currently I've made a Message model with three columns: user_type1_id, user_type2_id and message_body.
Should I make a distinct controller for this new model? Or should I put the logic in the controller of user_type1 (the usertype that will be messaged)?
Any other suggestions would be welcome.
Controllers are there primarily to get data from the database and get it ready for the views. So if you have user#index and user#show pages, then you should use the UsersController for all the logic associated with those views, even though it uses other modals. It really is the "Rails Way". If, however, you were to create a message#index page, then you should create the associated MessagesController.
Also, there is nothing wrong with creating a partial and sticking in the messages view directory (the filename would be, say, messages/_form.html.erb). Then, whenever you needed that form (throughout the entire site), all you would need to do was type:
<%= render 'messages/form' %>

Ruby on Rails - Controller without Views

Iam new in Ruby on Rails. Normally I work with other web languages and now (of course) I try to compare it with other languages using on web.
But sometimes i have some problem to understand the philosophy and the character of Ruby on Rails. Of course i understand the concept of MVC.
But now Iam not absolutely sure:
Is ist OK to create and use a controller without views? In some cases you need a "class" for some usefull functionality used by other controllers they have views. Or is it a better style to use a module?
I try to find it out by reading a lot of articles and examples, but didnt find detailed information about this content.
When developing Ruby On Rails apps, it's recommended to put most of your business logic in the models, so for the controllers the logic need to be minimal to provide info for the views, so if it doesn't work with a view chance that you need a controller are really low.
Is it OK to create and use a controller without views
Yep it's okay.
The key thing to keep in mind is that Ruby/Rails is object orientated.
This means that every single you do with your controllers/models etc should have the "object" you're manipulating at its core.
With this in mind, it means you can have a controller without corresponding views, as sometimes, you just need to manipulate an object and return a simple response (for example with Ajax).
We often re-use views for different actions (does that count as not having a view):
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def search
render :index, layout: false
The notion of skinny controller, fat model is sound in principle, you have to account for the times when you may need small pieces of functionality that can only be handled by a controller:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def update
#user = User.find params[:id]
respond_to do |format|
format.js {render nothing: true}
A very rudimentary example of Rails is a drive-thru:
view = input interface
controller = accepts order & delivers
model = gets order packaged etc in backend
There are times when the controller may not need a view (for example, if you update your order with specific dietry requirements), and thus the notion that every controller action has to have a view is false.
It's really about making your controller versatile enough to manage your objects correctly.
Shared controller methods can be placed in ApplicationController. Also, in Rails 4 there are concerns (app/controllers/concerns/) where you can put the modules with methods that can be used by multiple controllers.
Controller handles request and renders corresponding view template. So controller without view is absolutely nonsense.
Every time request will execute this controller, it will just end with missing template error, so you will need to create view folder and put empty files with action name inside of it, which is obviously stupid.

Multiple index actions in Rails

I have a Game model and GamesController. Currently my index page shows first 10 records from the database for the purpose of the application. However, i want to make another page where all of the games are being shown.
My question is, what's the Rails way™ of achieving this purpose? Is it possible to have the index action of my GamesController to make requests based on what URL i want to render? (Something like http:localhost:3000/all)
Rails 3.1 - How do I organize multiple index actions for the same model?
was the closest to my issue, but the question tackles problem from rails 3.1 dating back to 2012.
You can really only have one index action per controller, but there are a couple of ways you can achieve this.
First, simply create a new action and have a separate page. Think of an appropriate name for it and create the controller, route, and view. You can keep the amount of code to a minimum by having much of the view code in a partial and use that in both views.
The other way to do this, if you really only want one action, is to pass a parameter to the index controller and query the database based on that parameter. For instance:
link_to 'link text', game_index_path(:g => 'all')
will create a url like:'all' and in the controller you can do this:
def index
which_games = params[:g] # should be all in this case
#games = Game.where(:criteria => which_games)
You can use this same method to implement sorting and filtering and all sorts of things.

Should I use partial or show.html.erb?

I'm writing a web app containing posts and comments. Since there are many places I need to display a bunch of posts with their comments, I'm thinking about reusing the code. But I'm not sure if it is correct to use a partial _posts.html.erb that displays each post in #posts, or implement it directly through the show action in posts controller, and render this action when necessary in other views. Anyone has any idea?
For this use case, partials are your best bet.
As you said, there are many places I need to display a bunch of posts with their comments. A main premise of Rails is Don't Repeat Yourself. It is far more tidy (and programmatically sound) to retrieve #posts in your various controller actions and then render those posts/comments using partials in your views. Otherwise, you'd be rendering the show action within other views – views aren't really meant to render out actions, but the other way around, rather.
Yes, according to DRY principle your are thinking in a perfect manner, you should create a partial.
A good practice is instead of using #posts, you should pass posts as a locals like:
<%= render 'posts', posts: #posts %>
in this way you can use this partial from anywhere with providing just posts as locals without any dependency on #posts instance variable.

how to access model data from different views in rails application

i am new to RoR and I am a little confused on this topic. Is the scope of variables in the controller only accessible in it's corresponding view?
for instance say I generated a Post scaffold (with blog_text and title). I also generated a controller called static with a home page view/controller resource. Is there any way I can access/print all of the posts from within my home page view? would i have to do something in my static#home function? I cant jsut do Post.all correct?
The controllers are tied to their corresponding views. But you need to use an instance variable (a variable with '#' in the front e.g. #variable) if you want to be able to use the variable in your views. Also, it doesn't matter what model/view/controller you're in when you request data from your db. So in response to your question, yes you can just do something like
#posts = Post.all
in any controller and then access the posts in your views. This is pretty basic stuff, you should study the guide a bit more.
