iPad Take Photo changes orientation - ipad

I am developing a PhoneGap app for iPads with a landscape-only orientation and I have run into a problem that I can't seem to figure out. In the app is a feature that allows you to take a photo of a customer. If you take and crop the photo in landscape mode, it looks like it tries to change the orientation of the app to portrait (I get a black bar on the right side). However, if you take and crop the photo in portrait mode, the app stays in landscape. You can even take the photo in landscape and crop it in portrait and the app will maintain its landscape orientation. I now assume that the problem lies in whatever happens when I click "Use" in the crop screen (Move and Scale screen). Does anyone know what could be causing this or how to fix it? Thanks.


How to force a form to landscape and back to portrait after close the form on IOS

I need to force a form to open in landscape (take photo) and back to portrait when the photo is taken. I am setting the project to use landscape and inverted landscape, but this resource only works when I move the device manually.
Any suggestions? On android works perfect changing the form factor.

Dismissing imagePickerController while holding the device landscape style causes my app to rotate into landscape mode (but my app is portrait only)

I have a portrait and portrait upside-down app. I present an imagePickerController and it allows me to take pictures which can be either landscape or portrait. after taking a picture, the imagePicker verifies if I want to use the photo that was taken. If I hold my device 'sideways' (in a landscape fashion), the image picker view will dismiss like normal and my original view controller will be displayed, except it is in landscape mode (including the keyboard). This should be impossible because my app only supports portrait orientations.
Any ideas on how to keep my app in portrait mode so that the UI doesn't get messed up?
This is my app before I open the imagePicker:
This is the imagePicker right before I dismiss it. although this screenshot is in portrait mode, please imagine that I am holding the device SIDEWAYS (landscape style):
This is the resulting bugged out screen, that I would like to prevent:
I would first check Info.plist and confirm that the orientation is correct and does not contain any landscape options for either iphone or ipad:

ipad device screen orientation is not correctly when it is rotate

I'm working on this iPhone app, whose orientation works all fine except first screen. The first screen also works fine if the device is in portrait orientation, but not for landscape orientation.
Interestingly, if I rotate device at the first screen, it also adjust well.
The problem looks to me is that the app always assumes the device is in portrait orientation, so the first screen is always shown in portrait orientation even if the device is in landscape orientation.
what can i do to solve this.
Thanks, Please help Me
This nugget package may help you:
So can check which orientation the device is.

Manage orientation landscape and portrait both in a app iPhone

According to my client's requirement I want to set Splash Screen orientation in landscape(right) then the orientation will come in portrait.. any idea how can I implement it?
Just rotate your splash image in an external editor so that is gets displayed in a landscape mode.
Just because you perceive it as landscape doesn't mean it's actually not "rotated portrait".
See your Splash Image will look like this:
Just rotate your image the way you want it to look like...
The iPhone only has a single splash screen, no matter which orientation it launches in. The iPad on the other hand will display a different splash screen image in portrait and in landscape mode.
If your iPhone interface supports both portrait and landscape then you must decide which way round you'd like to display that splash screen image. As Kanan says, design your landscape image (say in Photoshop), then rotate the canvas so that the image is portrait (but the content is still landscape).

Do you need a landscape iPad launch image for app thats just portrait

I have made me app so that device orientation is portrait only, however there it still has a place to put landscape launch image. Will I have to have one? If so can I just have a rotated version of the portrait one (i.e. this will be sideways if the device is held in a landscape manner)?
You don't need to have a landscape default image even if you do support landscape.
If you are only in portrait, then a single image will do.
