Rails Ajax Jquery Delete Submits a Post request after - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to delete an instance of my Rails model with Ajax.
It happens on the click of a button and my code is as shown below:
type: "POST",
url: "/slot_allocations/" + slotallocation_id,
dataType: "json",
data: {"_method":"delete"},
complete: function(){
$( "#SlotAllocationForm" ).dialog( "close" );
alert("Deleted successfully");
I am able to delete it successfully, however the delete method is always followed up by a post request to the server to create a new model with the existing data. These are the requests to the server.
1. POST http://localhost:3000/slot_allocations/1009 [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 57ms]
2. POST http://localhost:3000/slot_allocations [HTTP/1.1 302 Found 111ms]
3. GET http://localhost:3000/slot_allocations/1010 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 185ms]
#1 happens on the click of my button. However, I am not too sure why #2 and #3 occur.
There are two buttons in the view:
<button id="button">Delete</button>
<div class="actions"><%= f.submit %></div>

Assuming your button is inside of a form, clicking it is probably submitting that form in addition to firing the ajax request.
What you want to do is prevent the default action of clicking the button, which is submitting the form.
Change the function() parameter to function(event), then add an event.preventDefault() call:
type: "POST",
url: "/slot_allocations/" + slotallocation_id,
dataType: "json",
data: {"_method":"delete"},
complete: function(){
$( "#SlotAllocationForm" ).dialog( "close" );
alert("Deleted successfully");

You can use:
type: "DELETE"
instead of:
type: "POST"
and remove
data: {"_method":"delete"}


How to get the current value from a select_tag to another in view rails

I have 2 select tags, the first is Teams and the second is for member ! I want the second select tag to be filled depending on the selection of the Team.
Example :
Team1 has user1 and user2
Team2 has user3 and user4
I want if if I select the team1 the second select tag would have only the values of its members which will be user1 and user2.
PS: I know how to invoke ajax and pass them to controller and deal with params, I just want to know if there is any way I can get the current value in view and pass to the next select tag
You can do by ajax calls and select2 option population, firstly write a change event like(expecting that you already included select2 in js source)
$('#first-select').change(function(event) {
var first_element;
first_element = $(this);
beforeSend: function() {
url: 'your ajax url',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'JSON',
data: {
role_id: first_element.val()
success: function(data) {
data: data,
placeholder: 'Select User',
allowClear: true
create a action to deliver the users list for a given team id in format json.
And it's done.

Appear Select dynamic on change other select Rails

I have an error when making a dynamic select. My ajax doesn't work when I change my select.
This is the view code:
<%= select_tag 'cost', options_for_select(Cost.all.map { |c| ["#{c.types}", c.id] }),:id => "cost_select" %>
<script type="text/javascript">
url: "finances/cost_type",
type: "GET",
data: {'cost=' + $('#cost_select option:selected').value() },
Im my finances controller, I have this:
def cost_type
#places = Place.find_by_cost_id(params[:cost])
respond_with #places
I make the cost_type.js.erb file, and my response is in js.
My problem is when i change the select tag dont active no one action, how is the problem whit the code in my searchs i find this code working but what is the problem?
my routes.rb contains:
get "finances/cost_type" => "finances#cost_type"
I solved my original question with the following:
url: "finances/cost_type",
type: "GET",
data: {cost: $("#cost_select option:selected").val() },
With this, I received a valid response (which I verified via firebug):
$("#cost_select").after("<select id="from_money" name="from_money"><option value="2">Luz</option></select>
However, the data isn't appearing in my view. I tried putting it in a different <div> but the <select> won't appear.
I don't know what is wrong, please provide me with any possible suggestions.
change your javascript to
url: "/finances/cost_type",
type: "GET",
data: { cost: $('#cost_select').val() }
the extra / before finances makes sure that you're using absolute paths. the data part is also wrong as pointed out in one of the comments but this is a cleaner version.

Unable to display twitter bootstrap modal after ajax request

I want to show modal window on click of link but also want to do ajax request to get the object which needs to be shown on modal window.
I am getting response with the content which needs to be shown on modal window but it is not popping up as modal window probably the script is not getting executed.
Main Page
<%= link_to "New Topic", "#", :class => 'btn primary float-right bootstrap-popover' %>
<div id="modal_form_container"></div>
Javascript Code
$('a.bootstrap-popover').live('click', function(){
url: "/topics/new",
type: "GET",
dataType: "html",
complete: function() {
success: function(data) {
error:function() {
}); // End of Ajax
$('#modal_form_container').html("<%= escape_javascript( render :partial => 'new_form')%>");
This new_form page contains content to be shown on modal window
Can anybody help?
Is it because the loading element is not being hidden?
Should this not be something like:
I think you have to write something like following code after your ajax request gets success.
$('#PopupBoxId').modal('show'); // Show the pop-up (modal)
$('#disable_layer').modal('show'); // Show the black overlay
We have to manually show the pop-up after the ajax request handling.. As per my small experience in bootstrap.
Hope it works for you.
Have you looked into the Bootstrap Modal Manager? You can use it like so:
$("a.open-with-ajax-loader").live('click', function(e){
remote: '/url/to/load'
You can see this in action on the live demo page for the Bootstrap Modal Manager ( scroll down a bit, look for the AJAX demo ).

Jquery mobile - how to specify that a link should be ajax-ed with POST

I have a regular link
<a href="Auth/LogOut" data-role="button">Log Out<a>and I have to specify that it should be navigated to with the POST verb.
How exactly do I do that?
Docs: jQuery Mobile
// using changePage to use POST on submit
$("#LogOut").bind("submit", function() {
if (validateFormData()) {
url: "Auth/LogOut",
type: "post",
data: anyDataNeedingPassing
}, false);

JQuery .bind() / .unbind() problem

I'm experiencing some strange behavior with .bind() and .unbind() in JQuery, even though my situation is seemingly identical to an example given on the JQuery site. In this case, the bind/unbind is applied to a JQuery tab (one of many). When the tab is clicked, it loads a controller action through ajax.
# show.html.erb:
$(document).ready( function(){
var projectNav = function(){
$("#tabs-project .loadingDiv").show();
$.ajax({ url: "<%= url_for(params.except(:action).merge(:action => 'show_project')) %>", dataType: 'script' })
$("#projectMenuButton").bind('click', projectNav);
# show_project.js.erb
$("#tabs-project .loadingDiv").remove();
$("#tabs-project").append('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => "profiles/project")%>')
$("#projectMenuButton").unbind('click', projectNav);
The .unbind() part isn't working like that - clicking the menu button again reloads the partial again.
When I change the existing unbind to $("#projectMenuButton").unbind('click');, it unbinds everything including the tab's principal function (to switch the view to the right div).
You have a scope problem... projectNav is only defined within the scope of the $(document).ready, so it is undefined when passed into unbind. A solution:
# show.html.erb:
var projectNav = function(){
$("#tabs-project .loadingDiv").show();
$.ajax({ url: "<%= url_for(params.except(:action).merge(:action => 'show_project')) %>", dataType: 'script' })
$(document).ready( function(){
$("#projectMenuButton").bind('click', projectNav);
# show_project.js.erb
$("#tabs-project .loadingDiv").remove();
$("#tabs-project").append('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => "profiles/project")%>')
$("#projectMenuButton").unbind('click', projectNav);
