I currently use a MSSQL query that allows me to find items that are in a certain radius.
It looks like this :
select distinct ID,longitude,latitude,
(#unite * ACOS(cos(radians(#latitude))*cos(radians(latitude))*cos(radians(longitude)
-radians(#longitude))+sin(radians(#latitude))*sin(radians(latitude)))) as distance
from myTable
where (#unite * ACOS(cos(radians(#latitude))*cos(radians(latitude)) *
I would like to know if it's possible to convert this query into Objective C (I use CoreData in my app and I have more than 8 000 records).
I found an interesting article about my need using sqlite
How it's possible to run a collection of query like this (came from a spreadsheet copy) directly in one cypher query? one by one it's ok, but need 100 copy/paste
MATCH (c:`alpha`)
where c.name = "a-01"
SET c.CP_PRI=1, c.TO_PRI=1, c.TA_PRI=2
return c ;
MATCH (c:`beta`)
where c.name = "a-02"
SET c.CP_PRI=1, c.TO_PRI=1, c.TA_PRI=0
return c ;
and 100 other lines ...
you may try the 'union' clause, which joins the results of queries into one big-honkin result set:
That said - the root behavior of what you are trying to do could use some details - maybe there's a better way to write the query - you could use Excel to 'build' the unified query via calculations / macros, you could possibly write a unified query that combines the rules you are trying to follow, there's a lot of options, but it's hard to know a starting direction w/o context....
Talking about the REST API you can use the transactional endpoint in Neo4J 2.0, or the batch endpoint in Neo4J 1.x.
If you want to use the shell, have a look to the import page, in particular the neo4j-shell-tools where they're importing massive quantity of data batching multiple queries.
we have big challenge : Application is too slow because of huge records :(
we look for best data access pattern in web application (asp.net mvc 3)
with big data (sql server view with more than 66 million records.)
customers have forms with search fields and will see results within a grid of web page.
since now
we used both these data access ways:
1- entity framework with some features like compiled query
--get result
GridModelsResult = VwLoanInquiryList.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
--get count
int totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)pageSize);
2- sql server store procedure for pagination and get only current page results
--get result
select t1.* into #t from
(select *
FROM VwLoanInquiry
where CustomerNumber like '%'+#CustomerNumber+'%'
) AS [t1]
WHERE (#PageIndex=-1 or (t1.ID BETWEEN (#PageIndex-1)* #RecordPerPage AND ((#PageIndex)* #RecordPerPage)-1))
--get count
select count(*) from #t
3- OLAP; we made cube in analysis services (SSAS)
but here our problem is to show records with string column type within Cube Cells (its impossible to define Non-numeric fields for measures )
in additon ,
to get result faster,our view has index and data types of column has been set .
please help us to know which one of these ways are better ,or if there is an other way what is that?
I have a table with almost 300K records in it. I run a simple select statement with a where clause on an indexed column ('type' is indexed):
FROM Asset_Spec
WHERE type = 'County'
That query is fast - about 1 second. Additionally I want to test against status:
FROM Asset_Spec
WHERE type = 'County'
AND status = 'Active'
The second one is VERY slow (minutes). Status is NOT indexed and in this particular case 99.9% of values in the db ARE 'Active'.
Any ideas how I can get better performance? We are compiling our own version of SQLite so I can tweak many settings (FYI - same performance on iOS pre-canned SQLite)
I looked at the query plan and the estimate for number of rows was off by an astounding amount. Asset_Spec (~2 rows) - actual number of rows is almost 300,000. Ran 'ANALYZE' - now the same query runs in 16ms.
the first thing I would try is using a subquery
FROM Asset_Spec
WHERE type = 'County')
WHERE status = 'Active'
and as Robert suggests, adding an index on any column you want to filter by is a good idea. I'd also consider changing fields Type and Status to be something other than string.
Any reason you need to select *?
Do you need to retrieve multiple records? If all you need is the first record found, then add "limit 1" to the end of the query.
If you're just checking for the existence of a row, i.e. you only need to know that there is one row with status active, then "select 1" instead of "select *".
My SQL query is:
SELECT * FROM 1910640 WHERE stype='P' OR stype='ERC' OR stype='PERC' ORDER BY ST_DISTANCE(geometry, LATLNG(-0.12623619999999391,51.5001524)) LIMIT 6
This results in a "parseerror". If I replace OR with AND the query returns success:
SELECT * FROM 1910640 WHERE stype='P' AND stype='ERC' AND stype='PERC' ORDER BY ST_DISTANCE(geometry, LATLNG(-0.12623619999999391,51.5001524)) LIMIT 6
Anyone else ran into this with Fusion Tables and have a solution/workaround?
The API doc does imply only AND is allowed, which came as a big surprise to me.
OR isn't supported - look at the API ref filter_conditions
IN is supported - so you can IN all your OR conditions for SType
Excuse me if I'm saying foolery, since I never have use fusion-tables, but OR queries can be split into 2 queries, one for each condition.
The main problem in this workaround is that you must implement the ORDER in programming language when merging both queries.
You can use IN instead of OR because OR is not supported by fusion tables.
I'm trying to do an order query that finds records nearest to the current_user.
I know the distance between the two points is: current_location.euclidean_distance(#record.position)
How can I work this into a PostGIS (or active_record/spatial_adapter) query?
To get the 5 closest:
SELECT * FROM your_table
ORDER BY ST_Distance(your_table.geom, ST_Geomfromtext(your point as wkt))
limit 5;
If you have a big dataset and know that you don't want to search further than , say 1 km, the query will be more efficient if you do:
SELECT * FROM your_table
WHERE ST_DWithin(your_table.geom, ST_Geomfromtext(your point as wkt, 1000)
ORDER BY ST_Distance(your_table.geom, ST_Geomfromtext(your point as wkt))
limit 5;
Just in case somebody stumbles upon this issue in rails 4.
I am using rgeo gem and this works for me
scope :closest, ->(point) { order("ST_Distance(lonlat, ST_GeomFromText('# {point.as_text}', #{SRID}))").limit(5) }
To wrap this up, with everyone's help I've got it working how I wanted:
order("ST_Distance(items.position, ST_GeomFromText('POINT (#{current_location.y} #{current_location.x})', #{SRID}))")
If you really want to find literally the 5 records nearest to the current_user, consider neighborhood search, which is supported by KNN index in PostGIS 2.0 (see '<->' operator):
SELECT * FROM your_table ORDER BY your_table.geom <-> ST_Geomfromtext(your point as wkt, 1000) LIMIT 5
Look at the ST_Distance documentation in PostGIS.
If you dont NEED to use PostGIS, geo-kit does this perfectly using google or yahoo (I've only used Google) and in your queries you can sort by distance, its awesome..