Bar code scanner app - Customize Shopsavvy - ios

I need an iPhone bar-code scanner app which can be customized to link with my own barcode database for our products. Is there any way I can customize one of the softwares listed here:
so that it can scan the barcodes of our company products ?
The barcodes on the products that need to be scanned have been printed in our machine.

I have found a few sites which offer barcode SDKs


How to know the string displayed by iOS framework in multiple languages

I'm developing iOS app which is avaialable in multiple languages.
In the app I want to show some strings same as the one displayed with iOS.
For example, when app ask access to Phots iOS shows the strings
"[App name] Would Like to Access Your Photos"
I'd like to know the following strings in multiple languages.
Would like to Access your Photos
Select Photos...
Allow Access to All Photos
Don't Allow
Anyone knows how to check the string displayed by iOS framework in multiple languages.
Or do I need to check them one by one with swithcing language in iOS "Settings"?
Thank you.

Barcode scanner app

So this isn't necessarily a code question, its more of a 'can it be done' question. I was wondering if there was a way to make an IOS app that could scan items in a store and read their barcode. It would then read what the item is and put it into a list. I've done some research on barcodes but I'm not sure if I can get that kind of information from them.
Scanning Barcodes of items shouldn't be a problem. There are several good libraries you can use for iOS and Android e.g.:
ZBar (
Otherwise the Question for Barcode Scanners was already asked here:
//edit after some clarification:
If your client has a database that shouldn't be a problem. The scenario is: All products have a barcode printed on them. The barcode represents an ID that your device will get when you scan it. After you scan it you can look up the product in their database with the help of the ID and show the product within the app. The only thing you need is being able to connect to their database (which shouldn't be a problem since they already use scanners).

Why are the results from iTtunes Search API ordered differently than a search result on an iOS device?

I noticed that the apps returned from the iTunes search API for a specific search term are different (mostly in a different order) than when I search for this search term directly in the App Store app on the iOS device.
Can I get the exact same results? (How do ASO tools like Sensortower achieve this?)
Answering my own question - the iTunes search API returns the results in the order they appear on the iTunes application on Windows or OS X. There is no API parameter or option to return the same results/ordering as on an iOS device.

Show transit stations, restaurants and other places on iOS 6 MKMapView

Is it possible to show businesses, restaurants, transit stations, parks, etc. on an MKMapView in your own app?
Below is a picture of how this looks in the iOS 6 Maps app. Can I do the same in my own app? How?
Although it would be very very nice to have this feature in MKMapViews, I think it's a feature Apple reserved for their own Maps app. However, the release of iOS 6.1 brings a search feature you can add to your app which will return all the matching places.
iOS 7 also opens many new maps APIs - I'll add more details when the OS goes public.
You could also check out the Foursquare API. You'd probably interested in their Venue's Platform:
Just need a database of places? The Venues Platform allows developers to search for places and access a wealth of information about them, including addresses, popularity, tips, and photos. It's available free and without any user authentication, as long as applications include adequate attribution.

What is this image that Google code provides?

Google Code provides a barcode like this:
When you download software. What is its purpose (I assume it is related to the SHA1 checksum, but if so, how is it used)?
Edit: Now that I know its name, I found this article. Thanks!
This is a QR code, frequently used for entering URLs into mobile phones. It can be helpful if someone posts software that could be installed, say, on an Android phone; instead of manually entering the URL on the phone keyboard, you can just use an app like Barcode Scanner from the open source ZXing project to easily scan it in.
If you're not trying to download something directly onto your phone, it's probably not all that useful.
It's a QR code and encodes a small amount of data - typically a URL. You can scan them for example using a phone and then visit the URL.
[Update: it's a URL for downloading msysGit.]
It's a 2-Dimensional Barcode. There's software out there that can scan it.
