Rename local path of team foundation server project (TFS 2010) - tfs

I have made a "get latest version" on a team foundation server project. I think (not sure) this has
produced a local workspace on my computer where it has put all the files. Now
I want to rename the local path. Can I just do this in windows explorer or will it
cause any problems in TFS?

If you are using TFS 2010 then it will not cause any problems for TFS. TFS will not see the files that were previously pulled down to your work space since you moved them. It would be as if you deleted the files locally.
However, if you are using TFS 2012 then you might run into unattended consequences based on the new local work space feature since it lets you make edits while being offline and disconnected from TFS. Still though if you are renaming the folder you should be fine.
TFS 2012 - local work spaces


How to get changes from other users in VS Code from TFS

This question is for building Angular application in VS Code.
My team has been coding in VS2015 and using Microsoft TFS for version control (Please note that our code is within the company firewall, on a local TFS build server and not on Gits repository). For Angular, I installed VS Code and Azure Repos plugin for TFS.
Once Work-space is setup, I can see the files (I downloaded the files from VS2015 on local machine) but they all show as "Untracked" changes - why? These are checked in files.
Also, when a colleague checks-in files from their VS Code instance, my VS Code doesn't get it.
What is that I am missing here?
I figured out the issue (or a workaround). Posting my solution for any newbie facing the same issue:
Please note that my code is not in GITS or any remote repository, it is in Team Server hosted in the company data center.
I have a workspace created in VS2015 via which I mapped my Angular code and downloaded it on local machine.
VS Code Settings:
Make sure you have Azure Repos extension installed.
Go to File->Preferences->Settings (make sure User settings tab is selected)-> Extensions-> Azure Repos extension:
Provide the values for following fields:
(a) Tfvc: Location Example value for VS2015: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe
(b) Tfvc: Proxy
Example (this should be your team server name):
(c) Tfvc: Restrict Workspace (this is optional, use only if needed)
Check the box
Goto View->Command Palette-> type Team: Signin, provide username and password.
Goto File->Open folder-> select the folder mapped via VS2015.
Once the folder is open, you will see all files inside the folder. Go to File->Save Workspace As and give it a name.
Now you should be able to see any changes done by you in either VS2015 or VS code. Check-in should reflect the changes for you and other users connected to the code.
Previous Mistake: I realized that I was using Gits:Initialize Repository (as advised on various sites) which was causing all the trouble of "Untracked" changes and other users' changes not reflecting in my code.

Can I utilize two different versions of TFS to manage source code?

I am not familiar with TFS, however the scenario that I will be coming across is that I will have a branch of source code stored in Visual Studio Team Services (was TFS Online) and locally I will be running TFS 2008.
Would there be any issues pulling the code from Team Services and merging with TFS 2008?
You won't be able to bind the code (solution and projects) to 2 different TFS servers. If you're using the online version of TFS what reason would you have of also trying to store the code in a local repository?
You definitely won't be able to merge the code between the different servers. TFS is a centralized version control system and merge operations need to be handled and tracked by the server.
You could theoretically Manage the code in one of the TFS servers (i.e. have the solution bound to TFS online) and manually manage the code in the other server. However TFS 2008 only supports local workspaces which means that it will make files read only if they are not explicitly checked out. This will cause you no end of pain.
Even if you did it the other way round (made the local TFS server the "master") you will almost certainly create yourself a load of problems as TFS simply isn't designed to be used this way
Also TFS 2008 is pretty ancient and unsupported.
The typical TFS workflow is.
Create a development branch on the server.
"Get" the code to a local folder on your dev machine (called a workspace).
"Check out" the files you need to modify from your branch or "Add" new files as needed.
You should regularly "check in" files to your branch to make sure your changes are saved on the server.
When your changes are complete then "merge" the code from the development branch back to the Main branch.
The code is stored and versioned on the server, but your changes are made on your local machine. To interact with the server you use the Team Explorer plugin in Visual Studio. Modern version of Visual Studio have Team Explorer built in.
If you're using the online version of TFS then you'll want to use Visual Studio 2012 or above.
If you're planning on Forking the code and do not plan on committing your changes back to the server, then you're probably better off using something like Git. You could use Git-tf or Git-TFS to pull changes from TFS and then that would make merging a lot easier and you could use your local Git Repo to manage your own changes

Mirror FTP changes to local code with VS-2015

I've managed to edit sites through ftp connection in Visual Studio 2015 Professional version. How would I go about having those saved changes I make in the ftp Connection be mirrored in my local file system in a version control type of way?
(I've tried opening the site and then right clicking to select team foundation version control, this does not work)
If the files that you want to version-controlled have been added into TFS, you just need to create a workspace and map it with TFS. Then you can get all files from TFS.

Upgrading TFS 2010 to new machine with a different name - What happens client side?

I have the following TFS upgrade scenario: I'd like to change my current TFS 2010 environment to TFS 2012 - this by moving the 2010 server to a new machine with another computer name.
Therefore I simply use the backups of the TFS 2010 databases from the old server and restore them on the new server. Before starting the backup I will turn off several TFS specific services on the old machine to avoid check-ins from devs. In the meantime the developers are working in offline mode. Afterwards I'm going to upgrade the databases.
Now it's getting interesting: The TFS 2012 is up and running with the upgraded project collections and everything works smoothly, but what happens to the local workspaces which are linked to the old TFS url? Is it possible that the developers can switch their exisiting workspaces with their pending changes to the new TFS 2012 url?
If yes, how can I do that? I've already did a test installation and upgraded to 2012 successfully, but I can't find out how to bind my existing workspaces with my pending changes to the new TFS. Initially I thought that the "Change Source Control" dialog could do the trick, but everything I'm able to click in the toolbar are the "Bind/Unbind" and "Refresh" buttons...
If no, I guess I have 2 options:
All I can do is forcing everyone to check-in/shelve and create a new mapping for the new server
simply keeping the old TFS name/url? (Are the pending changes still available in this case?)
Thank you in advance!
Workspaces are stored on the server, so when the users add the new server they should find their old workspace already setup for them. Complete with all their existing checkouts etc.
If this doesn't work for a user, they can map a new workspace to the same directory, checkout all files in the tree, then use the tfs power tools do to a uncheckout unchanged (tpft uu /noget) to only leave their changed files checked out.

Windows file to TFS - How do I do it?

We're a small shop and have legacy VB6, Classic .ASP, .NET 1.2 - 3.51. We installed the product successfully, but since depending on the code which needs changing we fire up the respective IDE Visual Studio x. How do we go from no source control to TFS?
You will probably want to look at the TFS 2008 Power Tools. One of the features that is available in the Power Tools is Windows Explorer integration, so you can get/checkout/checkin by right clicking the file(s).
Your other choices are to use the VS2008 / TFS 2008 client to do your SCM operations (which means you need to switch between multiple IDEs), or you could use the TF.EXE command line to do your SCM operations.
If I misread your question and you're asking how do you get your legacy code into TFS, you'll need to go into the TFS 2008 client and do the following:
Map a workspace to a folder on your hard drive (or network).
Copy your source to the folder.
In TFS 2008, click on the "Add Files" button.
Select the folder you just copied everything into.
Add them.
Check in.
