I have a route that matches /edit_account => accounts#edit since the account id isn't provided it's supposed to use the current user id and the account#edit method is shared with /accounts/[:id]/edit.
class AccountController < ApplicationController
def edit
# This doesn't work:
params = retrieve_id_if_missing(params)
# This works:
# aHash = params
# params = retrieve_id_if_missing(aHash)
def retrieve_id_if_missing(params)
# raise params.inpect => returns nil at this point
if params[:id].nil? and !logged_in?
redirect_to root_path
else params[:id].nil?
params[:id] = current_user.id
The problem I am having is that params, when passed to the class method, retrieve_id_if_missing, is becoming nil. However, if I assign params to another variable. e.g., aHash, before passing it to retrieve_id_if_missing it will contain the expected data, {"action" => "edit", "controller" => "account"}.
I've tried to search for a reason but have come up short, can someone explain to me why this is happening?
Have you tried
class AccountController < ApplicationController
def edit
def retrieve_id_if_missing()
if params[:id].nil? and !logged_in?
redirect_to root_path
else params[:id].nil?
params[:id] = current_user.id
I am fairly sure params will be in scope in the method.
Anyhow, check out gem devise for this. it should have everything you want and more
With devise you can just use
before_filer :authenticate_user!
At the top of your controller
The Ruby interpreter is treating params as a local variable and initializing it with nil when it sees the assignment. This happens before it executes the retrieve_id_if_missing.
This is why explicitly assigning a value to the local variable before calling the method avoids the error, because the initialization to nil by Ruby doesn't happen.
The following examples demonstrate this:
Example #1
def foo(bar)
puts "foo bar: #{bar.class}"
bar = foo(bar) # => nil
puts "bar: #{bar.class}"
# Outputs:
# foo bar: NilClass
# bar: bar: NilClass
Example #2
a = a # => nil
puts "a: #{a.class}"
# Outputs:
# a: NilClass
Example #3
a = 123 if a # => nil
puts "a: #{a.class}"
# Outputs:
# a: NilClass
Why is a = a nil in Ruby?
Ruby interpreter initializes a local variable with nil when it sees an
assignment to it. It initializes the local variable before it executes
the assignment expression or even when the assignment is not reachable
(as in the example below). This means your code initializes a with nil
and then the expression a = nil will evaluate to the right hand value.
a = 1 if false a.nil? # => true The first assignment expression is not
executed, but a is initialized with nil.
Ruby: method inexplicably overwritten and set to nil
Here's another example:
a = 123 if a # => nil a # => nil We shouldn't be able to say if a
because we never set a, but Ruby sees the a = 123 and initializes a,
then gets to if a at which point a is nil
I'd consider it a quirk of the interpreter, really. Gary Bernhardt
makes fun of it in wat (https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat)
with a = a
While I cannot answer why your params object would be overridden with the code provided, here are some thoughts.
class AccountController < ApplicationController
before_filter :retrieve_id_if_missing, only: :edit
def edit
# You'll find params[:id] prepopulated if it comes here,
# else the request has been redirect
# There should be no need to pass the params object around, it should be accessible everywhere
def retrieve_id_if_missing
if logged_in?
params[:id] ||= current_user.id # conditional assignment will only happen if params[:id] is nil
# Redirect to root if params[:id] is still blank,
# i.e. user is not logged in and :id was not provided through route
if params[:id].blank?
flash[:alert] = 'You need to be logged in to access this resource.'
return redirect_to root_url # early return!
Rails 5.2
In my inventories_controller.rb, I have the following:
before_action :fetch_product, only: [:show]
def show
def fetch_product
if params.has_key?(:sku)
#product = Product.get_product(params)
This works fine, when I do:
I am trying to implement search functionality, so I modified nventories_controller.rb as follows:
def fetch_product
if params.has_key?(:search) && !params[:search].blank?
product = Product.find_by_sku(params[:search])
if !product
params = params.except[:search]
redirect_to product_show_path, alert: 'Product was not found'
params = params.merge!(:sku, product.sku)
if params.has_key?(:sku)
#product = Product.get_product(params)
When I do:
I get an instant error message:
undefined method `has_key?' for nil:NilClass
Using my debugger, I find that on entry into the fetch_product method, params is nil
Any idea what's going on?
params = params.merge!(:sku, product.sku) modifies the hash in place and returns nil, don't do that assignment, just call params.merge! (if you still want to do the assignment, remove the "!").
Personally, I wouldn't modify the params hash unless it's really really needed, I would use another variable.
I'm trying to pass a variable from my controller to a custom activeadmin page but I can't seem to figure it out.
I basically have a form that uploads a file and it parses it. If it reaches an error, it throws one and redirects to the custom page.
class ToolController < ApiController
def import
rescue MissingDependencyError => e
#dependencies = "test"
redirect_to admin_import_path({}.merge(flash_error: "Missing Dependencies", dependency_error: true, :locals => { :m => e.object }))
class MissingDependencyError < StandardError
attr_reader :object
def initialize(object)
#object = object
ActiveAdmin.register_page "Import" do |lab|
menu false
content do
#dependencies comes back as nil -> why?
I can pass it through the params hash but that's not the right way.
Instance variables are not available after a redirect_to ... the redirect_to creates a new controller instance and all the instance variables of the previous controller object are gone.
Instead of the params hash, you can use the sessions hash
session[:dependencies] = "test"
content do
I'm making a breadcrumb module for my Ruby on Rails application, but I wanted a specific syntax - which I thought was good looking and more intuitive for Rails developers.
Here's the deal:
class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
breadcrumb_for :index, :text => 'Home', :href => -> { root_path }
def index
See, it's neat.
You can safely ignore the everything else but that proc - what I assign to the :href key.
I use instance_eval so that when the proc is evaluated it has access to the root_path helper.
And it worked. The example above is okay. BUT then I wanted to use an instance variable and that didn't work.
Like this:
class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
breadcrumb_for :index, :text => 'Home', :href => -> { #path }
def index
#path = root_path
Now, in that proc context #path is nil.
What should I do so I can access the instance variables from the block ?
Below is all the code of my module. Note that when I "process" the blocks and use instance_eval (aka call my module's #breadcrumb) the action should already be evaluated so the instance variable #path should already exist.
module Breadcrumb
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
cattr_accessor(:_breadcrumb) { [] }
helper_method :breadcrumb
def self.breadcrumb_for(*args)
options = args.pop
_breadcrumb.push([args, options])
def breadcrumb
#breadcrumb ||= self._breadcrumb.map do |item|
puts item
if item[0].include?(params[:action]) || item[0][0] == '*'
text, href = item[1].values_at(:text, :href)
if text.respond_to?(:call)
text = instance_eval(&text)
if href.respond_to?(:call)
href = instance_eval(&href)
[text, href]
Oh no. I'm ashamed to say but it was my mistake. The code above works just fine, I was using different variable names in my application, not shown in the excerpt I used in the question.
Thanks anyway, I'll left it here for reference.
I have a Rails 3 blog. I want every Post to have a "Like" button. Clicking on it will save this action to the database and store to cookies on the user who has just liked the Post (for disallowing same action again).
I wrote a simple action to do this:
def like
render :nothing => true
id = params[:post_id]
cookies.permanent[:like_history] ||= []
unless cookies.permanent[:like_history].include? id
cookies.permanent[:like_history] << id
#post = Post.find(id)
#post.update_column(:likes, #post.likes + 1)
But I'm getting NoMethodError (undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass) when I try to log things. It points to this line: cookies.permanent[:like_history] ||= [] as if cookies.permanent isn't an array.
Am I doing something wrong with cookies here?
Turns out, the ||= operator counts as "reading" by rails standards, which actually makes sense. You can't "read" with cookies.permanent[:symbol], that's for writing, you read with cookies[:symbol]. So I modified that line to read:
cookies.permanent[:like_history] = "" unless defined? cookies[:like_history]
I think you have something stored in cookies.permanent[:like_history] which is not an Array. So make it nil or covert to array using to_a and try your code.
def like
render :nothing => true
cookies.permanent[:like_history] = nil #or cookies.permanent[:like_history] = cookies.permanent[:like_history].to_a
id = params[:post_id]
cookies.permanent[:like_history] ||= []
unless cookies.permanent[:like_history].include? id
cookies.permanent[:like_history] << id
#post = Post.find(id)
#post.update_column(:likes, #post.likes + 1)
Once it works remove that line you added.
My registration form, which is a form for the Users model, takes a string value for company. However, I have just made a change such that users belongs_to companies. Therefore, I need to pass an object of Company to the Users model.
I want to use the string value from the form to obtain the an object of Company:
#user.company = Company.find_by_name(params[:company])
I believe the above works, however the form is passing the :company (which is string) into the model when I call:
#user = User.new(params[:user])
Therefore, I want to know (and cannot find how) to remove the :company param before passing it to the User model.
Rails 4/5 - edited answer
(see comments)
Since this question was written newer versions of Rails have added the extract! and except eg:
new_params = params.except[the one I wish to remove]
This is a safer way to 'grab' all the params you need into a copy WITHOUT destroying the original passed in params (which is NOT a good thing to do as it will make debugging and maintenance of your code very hard over time).
Or you could just pass directly without copying eg:
The extract! (has the ! bang operator) will modify the original so use with more care!
Original Answer
You can remove a key/value pair from a Hash using Hash#delete:
params.delete :company
If it's contained in params[:user], then you'd use this:
params[:user].delete :company
You should probably be using hash.except
class MyController < ApplicationController
def explore_session_params
params[:explore_session].except(:account_id, :creator)
It accomplishes 2 things: allows you to exclude more than 1 key at a time, and doesn't modify the original hash.
The correct way to achieve this is using strong_params
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def create
#user = User.new(user_params)
def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:name, :age)
This way you have more control over which params should be passed to model
respond_to do |format|
if params[:company].present?
format.html { redirect_to(:controller => :shopping, :action => :index) }
this will remove params from the url
Rails 5+: Use the handy extract! method with strong params!
The extract! method removes the desired variable from the Parameters object (docs) and returns a new ActionController::Parameters object. This allows you to handle params properly (i.e. with strong params) and deal with the extracted variable separately.
# Request { user: { company: 'a', name: 'b', age: 100 } }
# this line removes company from params
company = params.require(:user).extract!(:company)
# note: the value of the new variable `company` is { company: 'a' }
# since extract! returns an instance of ActionController::Parameters
# we permit :name and :age, and receive no errors or warnings since
# company has been removed from params
params.require(:user).permit(:name, :age)
# if desired, we could use the extracted variable as the question indicates
#company = Company.find_by_name(company.require(:company))
Full example in controller
Of course, we could wrap this up in a handy method in our controller:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_user, only: [:create]
def create
# ...
def set_user
company = params.require(:user).extract!(:company)
#user = User.new(params.require(:user).permit(:name, :age))
#user.company = Company.find_by_name(company.require(:company))
To be possible to delete you can do a memo:
def parameters
#parameters ||= params.require(:root).permit(:foo, :bar)
Now you can do:
=> <ActionController::Parameters {"foo" => "foo"} permitted: true>