provisional profile is not found for the device - ios

I know that it has been asked a thousands of times, but I am struggling 4 hours with every possible sollution I read but still I cannot beta test my app in my device.
Here are the facts:
1) My app is uploaded in the IOS store, so I have created a provisioning profile, app id's and so on. I just now want to test it in my iPhone4, with target iOS 6.0.
2) I added my device UDID in the devices, in my developer account.
3)I set the code signing for debug to my provisioning profile.
4) I plugged in my ios device in the mac and I see that picture.
As you can see there is no provisioning profile.
5)If I run the app to my ios device (which is listed in the Xcode) I get the error
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version.
I tried so many solutions that I found that I cannot even remember all of them. I am following all the steps one by one.
-someone said to log out from developer account
-other said to change deployment target
-other said to change the "edit scheme" to debug.
Can anyone help me? I do not understand what is missing since app is published and I only want to test it in my device. Should I change anything else?
EDIT: I selected the device as Ganee said. Then in my organiser I see the following picture:
If I press refresh, I see "Too few items in team".
So If I remove the provisioning profile, how do I download the new one? I suppose I enter my developer account and press download in the distribution profile under the provisioning tag, right? But is this updated with the selected device?
Here is my picture from the developer account:

I think you followed all steps, but still you have to conform the following steps.
After you added device to developer account, you have to select that device in your provisioning profile.
Remove old profile from your organiser, download new modified profile and install it on your Mac.
Please check wether you modified developer/ distribution profile and select it on your xcode.
Hope this will give some clarity.

I remember having similar problem in the past. I am not sure if yours is similar. But awhile back when I upgraded my iOS device, it was no longer compatible with the xcode version I was running. I had to upgrade to the latest version of xcode. What is Xcode version are you running?

Finally the problem was that I had a distribution profile set up, and not a developer. Thanks for the help!


A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found error Xcode 9

I have an iPhone on which until last evening was able to run an app without issue , my iphone is added to the developer portal and signing is set to auto in Xcode 9, and it was running fine. Since last morning I have started receiving error
A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found
I can see the device is on developer portal , also I am able to install the app on other phone from Xcode 9 just fine. So clearly this is not developer portal related issue.
I have restarted / fully restarted iPhone a few times and also quite Xcode 9 as well, but doesn't seems to work.
How can this be solved ?
Never mind this was solved as follows,
Removed the derived data folder and removed the device from Xcode , restarted Xcode, and connected iPhone again , this time it reindexed the device and all worked just fine.
Fixed this issue by going to > Certificates, IDs & Profiles > Provisioning Profile > Development, create or download an existing valid provisioning profile and double-click it. It should add the provisioning profile to the device you're using.
XCode 9.
If you are sure:
The provisioning profile was created correctly.
Added UDID (your iPhone / iPad) to devices category.
If manual import Provision Profile, but cannot build to your phone, then try to Check "Automatically manage signing" in your project > General > Signing
It work for me.
Maybe have a try of this:
1. Open the Keychain Application
2. Choose "Session" in the left panel
3. Try related keywords(your apple id, your team name, etc.) in the upper right search input, you can find all your certifications, some of them may expired, just delete them, and restart Xcode/ reconnect your device.
try to create the ipa by archiving it, and then installed it via itunes

Xcode 8 asks for a device to be registered to create provisioning profile

I am trying to publish an app for testing, without having to connect a device in my mac.
I have created a developer account, created an app in itunes, generated bundle id, signed into xcode with the developer account, generated a distributor certificate.
When I tried to archive the app, I got the error "conflict provisioning setting. app is automatically signed for development ..."
I read in this post and followed the tip of unchecking and rechecking the option "Automatically manage signing". After re-choosing my team, I get the error "There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it".
The goal all along was that I wouldn't need an ios device, because I intended to immediately publish the application and invite people to test it via testflight. Is it not possible to do it like this? Am I missing something.
I have read lots of documentation, but being a first timer in this, everything seems confusing.
Edit: I created a provisioning profile as distributor. Even after creating and installing the distributor profile (it now appears also in xcode at Account -> provisioning profiles), I still get that same error. I also noticed that in signing, The signing certificate is iOS Developer. I am sure
I fixed it by plugging in my iPhone and going to the Product menu > Destination > iPhone (my device).
Then after clicking Try Again on this properties page the warnings went away.
The solution (though I would welcome more elaborate, insightful explanations):
#General -> Signing, disable the option "Automatically manage signing"
#General -> Signing and certificates choose your team
Though in my case that was not the issue, I would recommend making sure that in the device list, you choose Generic iOS device in your target devices.
This really sucked to figure out.
What you do is add a distribution profile in Don't choose development! Don't let the Xcode Automatically manage signing!!
Then, you download the provision.
Then, in the Signing & Capabilities -> Signing Section of the project.xcodeproj file, turn off Automatcially manage signing, choose import and import the file you just downloaded.
Then, in the top, you choose Any iOS Device (arm64, armv7) and then you go Product -> Archive.
What happened to me was that I was about to run my app on a physical device for the first time and I didn't have a Team. So I created it in the process before connecting my phone with the USB cable. After I created the team a message like the listed above appeared. I did some research on internet but nothing found.
So here's what I did: I connected my phone, did all the trusted process, then restarted Xcode, and it worked. I am not sure what happened, but it was some of my first experiences using Xcode. It could sounds silly but it helped me. Hope to you too.
If you do not wish to register a device follow this advice:
* In short use "Generic" as the device while archiving.
If you do wish to register a device then the solution to:
"There are no devices registered in your account on the developer
website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it".
Is to physically plug-in your device (an actual iPhone, or iPad) so that Xcode can register it for development use (note: this will not affect the normal everyday use of the device). After the device is registered it can then be used for development testing, load provisioning profiles onto it, etc.
↳ Disabling and Enabling Devices Using Your Developer Account
For those who are trying to develop without a mac computer using MacInCloud don't follow the standard advice out there. Its will lead you down a hole. I have wasted hours of my time.
The reason it say something about "a device to be registered to create provisioning profile" is that you need to provision an iOS device that you can test on before you can get it signed. If you are using MacInCloud you probably can't physically connect an iPhone or iPad to the MacInCloud and therefore it can't automatically provision devices for you.
Before you get to far into this you will need to get your iPhone/iPad UDID. Which I was able to do with on my iPhone, but it didn't work on my iPad. Instead, with the iPad I had to download iTunes from the Windows store and connect my iPad. Then click on the little gray square in the menu that's inline with Library tab.
image of itunes
Then when it pops up with your device info (mine didn't come up with my info at first, I had to sync my device). You will see your SN. Click on your SN and it will change to your UDID. Once you have your UDID you are ready to create a provisioning profile. What is confusing is this isn't done in the appstoreconnect section of your account online. Its done in your developer account: account screen shot
When you go there you will want to click: Certificates, Ids & Profiles
Here you will need to add your devices and then with auto signing checked in Xcode that made the problem go away. NOTE: I originally tried to create a profile, download it, and import into Xcode under the Provisioning Profile dropdown in Signing & Capabilities. As described in another answer here, but that proved more problematic and wasn't necessary.
Then you can chose Any iOS Device from emulator device drop down then go to Product > Archive > Distribute App and create a certificate to place it on the app store (TestFlight).
you can also plug an iphone, run the app the app on your iphone as the target, it will ask you to register the device and then the certificates will be generated
Have you paid the $99/year developer fee? TestFlight is only available for paid developers. I would highly recommend plugging in an iOS device, though. It's more fun and rewarding testing that way.

Xcode 8.0 - App Installation Failed - The executable contains an invalid signature

Made an app called MyFirstApp in Xcode 8.0 and I was ready to test it on my iPhone 6s. Plugged it in with the lightning cable it came with and pressed Window > Devices > iPhone 6s. Went down to the Installed Apps section pressed the + and selected the built application. Received the error "App Installation Failed - The executable contains an invalid signature."
Under the general tab for the app project I have "Automatically manage signing" checked with my name selected as the Team.
Provisioning Profile: Xcode Managed Profile
Signing Certificate: iPhone Developer (my name) (############)
Tried Product > Clean and Product > Build.
It feels like I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what my options are for fixing this. I'm building this in Swift 3 if that matters.
ok I somehow stumbled across a fix.
Product > Destination > my iphone.
Then I pressed the run button. It asked if I wanted to add my phone as a valid developers device. After pressing yes, it then asked me 700 times to validate the app was ok to place on the phone.
Very strange I couldn't just press to send the app to the phone, but this works. If anyone has anything to add please do. This was a very confusing process for me.
This error indicates that an App Store distribution provisioning profile was mistakenly used to sign the Ad Hoc build. Please note that builds signed with an App Store distribution provisioning profile cannot be installed onto development or testing iOS Devices; they can only be submitted to iTunes Connect for App Review. To resolve this issue, sign the app with an Ad Hoc distribution provisioning profile instead.
I have cleaned, rebuilt, uninstalled and reinstalled the app again. It fixed the problem for me.
I installed AppSync Unified from Cydia and it worked. However, this method requires a jailbreak.

iOS app 'The application could not be verified' only on one device

I have two iphone devices( 4s and 5 ) connected to my computer and i am trying to install an application in both the devices. It installs pretty well in iphone 5 but it gives an error 'The application could not be verified.' when attempted to install in the iphone 4s device.
The UDIDs of both the devices have been added in the provisioning profile generated for the application.
Also, to add a note, I have just updated my iphone version to 8.1.3 in my 4s device. I am not sure though if the error has anything to do with it.
Any help on this would be much appreciated. I have been stuck on this for some time now.
I just connected this to another iPhone device and the issue seems to be there again. Basically this means that the app, for some reason, installs only in the phone which I have been using for some time now and not in any other phone. Once again, I am pretty sure that the provisioning profile contains the UDIDs of all these 3 devices.
I had something similar happen to me just recently. I updated my iPhone to 8.1.3, and started getting the 'application could not be verified' error message from Xcode on an app that installed just fine on the same iOS device from the same Mac just a few days ago.
I deleted the app from the device, restarted Xcode, and the app subsequently installed on the device just fine without any error message. Not sure if deleting the app was the fix, or the problem was due to "the phase of the moon".
As I notice The application could not be verified. raise up because in your device there is already an app installed with the same bundle identifier.
I got this issue because in my device there is my app that download from App store. and i test its update Version from Xcode. And i used same identifier that is live app and my development testing app. So i just remove app-store Live app from my device and this error going to be fix.
just delete the app and try again, it happens to me when i try to launch over a device that has the same app but generated by an ipa file.
You probably used the "Fix Issue" option in Xcode when plugging in a new device. Old question but I believe this is the actual answer to WHY this is happening. When you install an app on a device it is signed with a specific development provisioning profile. If, for instance, you plug in another device that is not registered on your developer account Xcode will ask you to "fix the issue". When you press that the device is added and another provisioning profile is created/modified. If you try to overwrite an existing app you'll receive that error. Deleting the app and reinstalling it works since the profile has been altered. I find this often happens when a Team is set and a member plugs in a new device then Xcode "Fixes" the problem.
Might have figured it out... Deleting the app from the device worked for me, as others mentioned before (thanks!).
I think the reason is that the app on the device was actually signed with a separate provisioning profile, specifically a distribution profile in my case.
I faced this issue a lot. I am not sure if this is the issue, but I think, when xCode saw that there is an app with the same bundle identifier as of the app, I am trying to install, it didn't allow me. So, I had to delete the older one and attempted to install and it worked. However sometimes for testing purpose, I needed multiple version of the same app and in that case, I would change the bundle identifier and try to install. It only works if, I am using an wildcard provisioning profile.
To others not using RubyMotion and don't think that deleting the app is acceptable (as in, you want to do upgrade testing). Check out the bottom of these docs from Apple:
It looks like they changed something in 8.1.3 to check for this new rule.
The Fix
"[Add] the installed application’s application-identifier value, as logged in the second parentheses, to the previous-application-identifiers entitlement’s array value for the app being installed (by resigning it or re-building it) and requesting new special provisioning profiles as shown below."
<string>{Your Old App ID Prefix}.YourApp.Bundle.ID</string>
In order to do this, you need special provisioning profiles. You can request these from Apple:
"To enable signing with the previous-application-identifiers entitlement new special provisioning profiles are required that can be obtained by going to the Contact US page and requesting them." (from the docs linked above).
Had the same issue on my iPad running 8.1.3 Deleting the app and installing again fixed the issue. I use two different provisioning profiles on two different machines and that could have caused this issue.
Working & tested solution, which does not require to delete application:
It looks like AppStore Distribution Provisioning Profile or just iOS Distribution certificate have special permissions and "Could not be verified..." problem does not apply to them. They will always override previous certificate.
In other words: AppStore release will install successfully, even if already installed (testing, adhoc or enterprise) app has been signed by the certificate from different team.
If you are lucky and have previously uploaded app to the AppStore account owned by the same team as in certificate you have a problem with - then things are very simple: just download & install app from AppStore.
When it installs - app certificate will be the same as the one you want to test with and problem goes away.
If your app is not on the AppStore yet - iTunesConnect beta comes to the rescue:
Disclaimer: I did not tested this but since cert an prev are the same as AppStore release, I bet it works:
Archive your app with AppStore provisioning profile (iOS Distribution cert) and upload to iTunesConnect (to the account owned by the same developer team as included in the provisioning profile not you want to run).
Invite person with the device you want to run on (yourself?) to beta test.
Download & install the app from iTunes connect beta.
Now you are able to install your testing version.
The application could not be verified" , in your device there could be already an app installed with the same bundle identifier.
So Simple solution Just delete the App & try again..
TL;DR answer - There is no real solution besides "delete app and reinstall".
This answer is not satisfactory for many situations, when you have an existing database that needs to not get deleted within the app.
Lukasz and plivesey are the only ones with solutions that don't require delete, but neither worked for me.
I resolved this issue by changing the Build System to legacy in xcode.
I had the same problem but the mentioned solutions above didn't work for me. Even I had no previous app on device, I got this error when deploying on my device.
How to do:
Simply, go to menu File > Project Setting, inside Share Project Settings, change Build System from "New Build System (default)" to "Lagacy Build System".
I also encountered the same issue. Deleting the app didn't work, but when I tried deleting another app which was the current one's 'parent'(I copied the whole project from the previous app, modified some urls and images, then I clicked 'Run' and saw the unhappy 'could not be verified' dialog). Seems the issue is related to provisioning and code signing and/or some configurations of the project. Very tricky.
I had changed the team but I forgot to change it in my Tests target it so it caused that. Maybe this helps someone.
Just had the same problem and I found out that the issue is with expired certificate.
My app was distributed (AdHoc) through firebase and few days ago app was working just fine.
Today I've realized that I can't install it because 'The application could not be verified'.
Finally I realized that certificate that I was using for app signing has expired 2 days ago.
You need to upload it again and you'll be able to install it.
I had the same problem. But, I realised I was using a single plist with (debug) and (release) configuration, like this.
So, I changed few things..
Keeping a separate scheme for (release).
I added a new scheme for development purposes.
Edited the new scheme > run > Build Configuration > and set it to (release)
Generated a new archive using the new scheme and voila!!..
I'm able to install on all my devices.
My case:
jailbreak'ed iPhone
Final solution:
Install tweak AppSync Unified via Cydia
to bypass signing/certificate verification
Same issue occurred for me when I was installing through link. I tried to install using different link. Then I could install the app.

iOS & XCode5 App publishing fails - Error ITMS-9000: "The binary you tried to upload was invalid"

I was already looking through some other threads here with the ITMS-Error 9000, but they didn't help me to get my App passing the submission to the App Store.
I have NO errors or warnings inside XCode.
The App is perfectly working on iOS Devices & Simulators.
EDIT: What I have already tried:
Changed Deployment Target from iOS 7.1 to 7.0
Checked the Bundle ID in iTunesConnect and inside Xcode
Checked for any errors and warnings --- removed / fixed them
Do you have any additional ideas what it could be? Without any errors or further information it is hard to find out what the reason is.
If I try "just" to "Validate" instead of "Distribute" in the organizer after Archiviing it i get the following Error
Its an Issue with Apple's Server I tried validating the app it said "Unable to process app at this time due to general error" a quick search about it on SO said its got nothing to do with our code or project but some process running at Apples server
Assuming that your binary icons does not meet as per apple's human interface guidelines.
It most probably seems to be the issue with the profile you are signing your app with. You got to make sure that your are signing the app rightly with proper distribution profile. Also check out for the bundle identifier and make sure that it is same as the one you have given in itunes connect.
Check this link!
You should be creating the binary with the simulator or some device connected.
Try it:
Unconnect iOS device from your Mac,
Dont select any simulator, just leave it as it is, iOS device option
Archive it
Publish it
Make sure you're using a provisioning profile for the App Store (not for Ad Hoc distribution)
Then select this profile when building your app.
I would guess this all has something to do with Apple making system changes to prepare for iOS 8 and in doing so somethings got broken.
The issues look to have just been resolved by Apple. I just successfully submitted an app that was previous showing the same problem you had. If you look at your Provisioning Profiles, you should notice that Apple has removed your app's previous Distribution Profiles.
To get your submission working again, all you have to do is recreate your App Store and Ad Hoc provisioning profile, but make sure to use a new name and you should be good to go. You were not alone on this one. A bunch of people experienced the same problem and there were a lot of posts about it on the official Apple Dev forums.
Please check the Distribution Profile that you are signing your app with at iTunes Connects. make sure that it is still valid. I had same issue couple days back and after a struggle , i found out that somehow my provisioning profile was not valid anymore. Creating a new profile and submitting app with it solved my issue.
Apple have deleted corrupted provisionning, you just have to regenerate it and make submission works again !
Connect to your iOS Developer
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Provisioning Profiles / Distribution
Here you can see some certificates missing. You have to re-create (Distribution / AdHoc). Note, you have to change certificates name !
In Xcode, refresh your certificates, set the right one in Build Settings, and submit...
I called today the Apple Developer Support and i get one very very simple answear to this issue.
You have to create all your certificates, provisioning profiles etc with Apples SAFARI browser.
It is not working "always" proper with Mozilla Firefox or other Browsers. So if you get such an error, try to recreate it with Safari! It worked like a charm!
