Intercept iOS Device internet traffic with profile - ios

I want to create an a parental-control app very similar to Onavo, other than I'm not compressing any data, I'm just storing the URL being requested and letting it go on its way.
Basically, I just want to install a profile that will tell my app anytime an internet request is made on the device (assuming my app is running in the background). This is an even simpler version than what Onavo does (intercept internet actions and reroutes them), so I know it's possible I just can't seem to find any documentation for it...
Can anyone point me in the right direciton? Google is failing me.
I'm an intermediate iOS developer. Thanks!


Burpsuite proxy troubleshoot issue

I am working on mobile pentests currently. At first, using my home network I was able to intercept traffic on burpsuite for both iOS and Android versions of “Test App”. Then the next day, I still am able to intercept traffic but the behaviour of this “Test App” for both iOS and Android seem like it has certificate pinning as I was just stuck on the pre-auth page and getting errors when trying to log in. Without proxy though I am still able to login OK and proceed with the app normally so I don’t think my home network got blacklisted? (For context, the binaries does not have any certificate pinning).
But when I tried to change my network to my mobile hotspot, I could intercept the traffic and app behaves normally again.
Anyone encountered the same previously? Any ideas on what could be causing this? Thanks
This does seem odd. I would wager one of three things is happening here:
You accidentally left "Intercept" on in Burp Suite Proxy. This holds the response in Burp Suite until you click Forward, which would cause behavior very similar to what you are describing here. I have done this more times than I am willing to admit.
There was a temporary outage in the application's API. Not unheard of, especially if this is an unreleased app.
There is some sort of issue on your home network, but this is unlikely. Maybe two devices have the same static IP address?
It's hard to say exactly what the issue might be based on the information you provided, but hopefully this was helpful, or at least gives you a place to start!

URL Scheme for Launching BlueJeans App on iOS?

I'm writing up an app for connecting people to videoconferencing options, and I want the ability to directly launch installed apps (on an iPhone/iPad) from the app.
The way to do this, is to register an app's scheme in the plist, then use that scheme in a URI.
I do that already with Google Maps and Zoom. Here's the Zoom page on that (the scheme is "zoomus").
I am trying to find the same scheme for the BlueJeans app, and I'm having a devil of a time, doing that. I don't want to embed their API. I want to call an installed app.
I may be able to figure it out by looking at their API (depending on how opaque it is), but I wanted to ask here, first, in case I missed something. I did root through their documentation site, and didn't have much luck. It's a fairly balkanized site.
So far, I see only that they support installing their API, which ain't happening.
I will also be looking for the answer elsewhere, and I have opened a support case with them.
OK. I found it.
Completely by trial and error (BlueJeans never responded to me).
It's "bjn".

How to fetch information from one app to another app in iOS

I've been searching for a way that if there's any way that an app can push / pull a message to / from another app, assuming that both apps have been installed. I have a feeling that probably that it is not possible, but would like to confirm with SO.
Basically, I'm going to develop two apps, app1 and app2. Let's assume that a user always downloads both of the apps (or, I've found previous discussions over SO that it is possible for an app to figure out if another target app is installed assume it makes Uri registration.) App1 would generate some information and have to pass to app2. One way to do it is that I can have an external server as a relay, and both apps can talk over network. However, is it possible to pass information locally from an app to another app, just like Service in Android? It would be appreciated if you can give me a keyword or a link. I read it further. Thank you.
Your solution is the App Groups Entitlement.
For files see:
For NSUserDefaults see:

How to fetch the list of near by wifi networks and able to connect to them from our App in ios (Using private API for enterprise App)?

I want to fetch the list of near by wifi networks and able to connect to them from our App in ios, and my Application is Enterprise App so even private api's is also fine. Stuck this issue since 2 weeks, please provide me some references..
What you require will only work on JailBroken devices, the blog( which #Ckouta referred also has one comment from the Blog Admin,
I’m assuming that your device is already jailbroken (otherwise not possible)
You shall create release build of sample app and upload release build in to /Applications folder.
(you can use open ssh for that )
Public API allows you to have only information about the current wifi used by your device using CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo
In order to fetch all the wifi available in your area, take a look at: Stumbler which is using MobileApple80211. I think, it handles what you are looking for. Moreover, you can also use it to connect your device to a specific wifi. You can find a good example of what you need here (answer #9)
Just keep in mind, if you are using private API, your app will be rejected by Apple.
Although it's late but have a look at this link. You can do what you want with the use of MobileWifi.framework and thanks to Cykey there are some reversed headers to use. I have done what you want myself using the link above:)

Setting username and password protection for Xcode IOS app

How do I set usernames and passwords for my app and they can only be used on one device at a time?
I am making an app that I will be selling as a one-click installation rather than in the app store so I need it to be extra secure. Please let me know what you come up with. I am a beginner programmer so please try to explain in a way that I would understand. Although I have decent knowledge on how to make an app, I would like some help.
P.S. - Some sort of device lock or UDID lock would work too. Whichever way will lock best on one device!
Thanks in advance!
If you get the installation worked out (which seems impossible without requesting the user to make a jailbreak), you could setup a server and implement a web socket to check that a given user has only on instance running at any time.
