Ruby on rails without http request - ruby-on-rails

I'm currently developing a server that can get data over the internet from specific device i have and log it into a database. Unfortunately I dont have control on the way this device communicate.
Currently I set an IP adress and a port number and the device will open a socket and send a string. I dont really want to develop a server from scratch and i would much prefer to base on a web server. but the data is a plain string and not a full http request.
Is there a way around it using Ruby on rails ? Is it possible to do with other web-server-based technology ?
Thanks a lot

You can use just a regular old ruby socket to receive the string.

Sounds like an application that node.js would be useful for, if you want a pre-made node+rails app which would do what you want check out compound at GitHub mentioned in this article


ruby on rails chat application over port 80 which is hosting site agnostic(no flash and websockets)

Wanted to build a chat like application(i.e bidirectional message passing to multiple connected clients). Looked at the Faye gem but it opens a new port apart from port 80.
The big problem is that if the client is behind firewall all access to other ports except 80 are restricted and not all the hosting sites provide the support.
The ActionController::Live component does not have any mechanism to register the clients so that the message can not be passed to the registered clients on a specific event occurance.
Looking for a solution where the alive clients are stored in a collection(array or somthing like that) and when any of the alive client sends a message then the collection can be iterated and the messages can be written on it. All of these must happen only through port 80.
Good question - having implemented something similar, let me explain how it works:
A "live" web application is not really "live" at all - it's just got a persistent request; meaning it still works exactly the same as a "normal" Rails app, except clients don't close the connection (hence why you're interested in opening another port)
The way you handle the request is where the magic happens. This is as much to do with the client-side, as it is with Rails (server-side)
When you connect to a "chat" application, your browser is opening a live connection with the server. This will typically be done with either server sent events (Ajax long polling), or web sockets
The way this works is to open the connection using the normal Rails ActionDispatch middleware, and then allow you to connect
If you've played with ActionController::Live functionality, you'll find that it's not a typical controller-action. It's actually a separate technology (like resque or Redis) which you call from another controller action. This gives room to do cool things with
The way you'd handle something like this is to separate the "live" functionality and the "normal" Rails app. It's one of the current down-falls of Rails - in that it's probably better to implement something like nodeJS with to handle the live data (with an endpoint like, whilst using Rails to handle authentication & authorization
From a server perspective, its job is to handle incoming & outgoing requests -- not to handle persistent connections. So I guess you may want to look at ways you could "outsource" the websocket connectivity. Admittedly, my experience is slightly thin in this area, so you may do well searching the net
We've had a lot of success using a third-party system called Pusher
This is a web socket system which allows you to open a persistent connection as a client, and integrates with Rails in a similar way to Redis (you can push to it)
This means you can host the "chat" application with Rails (, send the messages to your Rails app (, and handle the incoming chats from pusher (or similar)
Maybe you want to use my open source comet web server ( There is a ruby web chat example. I use this to implement an interactive role playing map with rails (

how to address a soapinterface on localhost?

I have to consume a webservice with delphi-XE3 to retrieve information from a distant webserver on base of a unique number that I must send with my xml request.
I have the linkadress of the WSDL file that I can import into my project, but I have not a URL for sending my request to.
Instead according to the administrator of the remote webservice I have to address the SOAP interface on localhost and in the WSDL file the defurl is defined as:
So my question is: how to do that ?
All the examples that I found of consuming a website with Delphi are with an external URL to send the request to, but I found none that retrieves distant information by means of listening to localhost.
Do I have to install an additional program or where do I find a tutorial to manage this.
Thank you for any help
You know, it is not really a Delphi question, aren't you?
This question is more of the protocol, IDE or test environment kind.
If you want to test your application on your local host, you have to have an instance of the server software to provide the service you wish to use. If you don't have it and still want to test locally (and you are totally aware of the answers the server should send), you can fake it by setting up an RPC or (at least) a HTTP server on your computer, but I would not recommend it, since it will only test your application against your expectations instead of a real life scenario.

Rails connect to Asterisk and make phone calls

Hi i have googled all day long but i can't find an answer.
I have to write a web app which talks to asterisk.
It should be able to do ClicktoCall operations.
Can you guys recommend something ?
I came across a few projects but I'm still not sure.
I just want to connect to Asterisk and do calls from the web app.
If you're a Ruby programmer the best way for you to hook into Asterisk is adhearsion. It wraps up Asterisk's AGI and Manager (MAPI) APIs for you.
Also hAve a look at SIP, asterisk, adhearson and VoIP and in particular Adam Kalsey's answer. He works for Tropo which sponsor the adhearsion project.
First you need to know, that the protocol Asterisk uses is SIP, you can learn more at the Wikipedia.
Since you want to use an rails application, you may want to use ruby as well, so there's a ruby implementation named OverSip, you can check their API and see if it fits your requirements.
If you are aiming at web calls, you'll need an WebRTC, Flash or Java applet. For WebRTC you can check sipML5 for an opensource solution.
You can also opt for an interface, that will start a call from one number to another, using your phone. When the first call is picked up the server starts ringing in the destination.
Also you could make use of cloud communications providers like twilio, tropo, etc.
Try this Google search:
rails asterisk manager interface
I saw some interesting things right off. I am not trying to be one if those Use Google type people, just didn't want to paste all the links in that I found from this Google search.
Check it out, hope it helps.
There are several ways to do this but the three easiest ones are
1. Generate a call file on the Asterisk server
These files should be written to the dir
Asterisk will then pickup the file, process and delete it.
It's pretty aggressive when doing this so it's recommended to write the file into a temporary directory and then move it to the spool dir for processing.
An tutorial of the file format is here:
(I personally feel this is a bit "hacky", and prefer doing it with an API call)
2. Generate the call by the AMI API interface.
Use the Originate function of the AMI API to generate the call. It's pretty easy to set this up just configure the manager.conf file whitch sets up a HTTP server on port 5038 from witch you can call the API.
3. Set up the call using the ARI API
First you need to setup ari.conf, this is enough for now:
enabled = yes
type = user
read_only = no
password = my_password
password_format = plain
This is a little bit more complicated to set up, but it really isn't that hard if you just get past the technical geek-speak. Just set up two channels, setup a mixing bridge and add both channels to the bridge.
To set up a click2call you dont even need to do that...
This is the call we use (ruby):
#{sip_id} is your registered SIP username
#{number} is the extension that is sent to the dialplan
#{PASSWORD} is from ari.conf"{sip_id}&extension=#{number}&context=outgoing&priority=1&timeout=30&api_key=#{USERNAME}:#{PASSWORD}")
(Note that you need to send the variabels for the variable parameter as a separate JSON for the originate command if you need to send them)
A really useful tool to understand how this works is the swagger at We already allowed this origin in ari.conf so it should be ready to go. Remember to open your ports in firewalls etc.
Setup your Server IP and port and the API_KEY is in this format: my_username:my_password

Display multiple objects from server

I am making an iOS app that will display images, videos, and textual information that I provide.
this information needs to be updated and refreshed as the user requests, time interval, and when the user opens the app. Not hardcoded and changed on app store updates.
How would i go about doing this?
Do I need to create an online web server that I pull the information from?
If so how would I go about creating a server?
Could anyone point me in the correct direction?
yeah you have to use web Services. that means you have to create one server & from that server you can send images,text as you required without making hardcoded. you just have to pull the value from web service.
images,text all this can be send through xml & you have to accept that xml & have to parse it
You can install an Apache server on your MacOS, read read this:
I ended up using parse which has excellent mobile support. And is free until you receive a certain amount of traction. I recommend it!

Accessing shared DB using iOS and Django

I'm just starting to learn about iOS development, and I figure the best way to get started is to build a simple (but non-trivial) app. My idea is this: have a web interface where a user can create a survey, and then access those surveys through the app and send responses back to the server. The web design part probably won't be terribly difficult -- I've done similar things with Django before. The part that will require learning/effort is the iPhone app.
I've got enough Objective-C that the data structures (model) won't be hard to code, and the UI (view, controller) part shouldn't be bad either. I predict that the interface between web and phone will be difficult, though. In particular, how will I be able to access the database on the server from the phone? I'd like to have a single DB that both web and phone apps use.
What I'd really like to have is a general, broad-strokes description of what I'll need to do to get this all up and running. Am I right in believing that the networking will be the hardest part? Are there any other possible snags? Any advice, or pointers to good resources on the subject, would be greatly appreciated.
Networking will probably not be the hardest part here, you're just guessing because that aspect is unfamiliar to you. For example, you can use NSURLConnection to take care of pretty much all the details of server connection. You can use NSJSONSerialization to convert your data to and from a format that is suitable for sending over the wire.
Basically what you might do is:
Mobile app sends a HTTP GET request to the server for survey info.
Server responds with a JSON description of the survey.
User fills out survey.
When done, the app sends the responses back in JSON format as a HTTP POST to the server.
Server stores the results in the database.
One of the key points here is that the app on the phone does not try to access the database directly. All requests go through your Django web app.
