How to pass data in body of a HttpConnection in blackberry - blackberry

Actually I want to pass data in body of a httpconnection.
Using apache httpclient library in blackberry, integrated jar file in my project but getting compilation error while running my project.
Kindly updated me on the same.

I have not tried using Apache HttpClient lib in a BB project before, because I did not for a moment think it would work...
In short, you need the code to be compatible with J2ME, and compilable using the RIM tool chain. And then we get into other problems....
First of, be aware that networking in BlackBerry is NOT as straightforward as one might wish.
Have a look at this video for the back ground theory: Networking Transports on the BB Platform
Ok, then for some code (I assume here you already went through the trouble of obtaining an HttpConnection):
byte [] bodyBytes = getBodyBytesFromSomewhere();
OutputStream out = httpConnection.openOutputStream();
out.close();//If you are done, which I'm guessing you are
The above code is of course very simplistic, and completely ignores all the many, many errors that will occur during network IO.
I would suggest you also look at this API,this forum entry,and this one. OS6.0 also introduced a new HTTP Connection API - can't find a link for that right now (sorry!)


ExtJs 3.4, ExtDirect, Symfony and PHP 8.2 -> no data is returned

We are currently upgrading PHP form 7.1 to PHP 8.2 for a legacy application which uses Apache, FriendsOfSymfony 1.5.15, ExtJs 3.4 and ExtDirect.
The following problem occurs: Sending a request to the Symfony backend creates the result as expected. The ExtDirect plugin, dsExtDirectPlugin, handles the request and response until a certain point in the dsExtDirectRouter.class.php where the code echos the response from the Symfony endpoint:
echo json_encode(self::$response);
From this point on Symfony shutdowns down logging,... and I expect that the response echod is used in JavaScript from that point on, but in the Firefox development tools, I see "no data available" in the network tab. So the output doesn't seem to come to the frontend / is suppressed from being echod?
Does anyone have a clue what can cause this? Do I need an additional php or apache config?
Thanks and kind regards,
I found the solution for my prolbem: fastcgi_finish_request seems to be executed too early. Probably there's still some kind of misconfiguration on the Apache / PHP. If I directly add the fastcgi_finish_request call after the result "echo" and comment out the method call in the sfWebResponse (cached) class, it works. Of course not the final solution to comment something out in a commented class, but at least knowing the problem is a first step to the final solution.

Electron Remote Upgrade Issue

I have a working Electron app which I wrote about two years ago. I'm not an employee of a company, but just some guy that wrote an app that a few people use to make the world a better place. Anyway, I need to make some changes to the app but my computer crashed a while back so I downloaded my old code from Github onto my new computer and started to get to work. But immediately I found the app wouldn't work in the new 17.0.0 version of electron because the REMOTE module in Electron was deprecated and then removed in previous versions. I tried to follow the instructions here... to replace REMOTE with the new #electron/remote module. I've had several problems, my most recent is:
JavaScript Error: Uncaught Exception: TypeError BrowserWindow is not a constuctor at app.createWindows (C:...\main.js:89:17).
I use the remote functionality (properties?) over 50 times in my app, including .dialogue, .getGlobal, .getCurrentWindow, and .BrowserWindow.getAllWindows
I'm not including my code here because I'm not really looking for a a coding solution (unless that's the easy/best/only thing I should do and you can give me a solution from the information I've written) but more general advice on what direction I should go to solve this problem. I'm a good programmer in a language that is not Electron, or JavaScript, or NodeJS! So, with the right instruction I can get by, but please be easy on me. (For example I get lost in the instructions for #electron/remote around the API Reference section.) Thanks for any help you can provide.
Some big changes have been made to Electron over the past couple of years, especially with the use of remote. I would hate to say it but it looks like you are in for a bit of work to get it operational again.
You will want to look at ipcMain, ipcRender and contextBridge.
The inclusion of webPreferences: {preload: ""} in your new BrowserWindow() method plus the use of the above Electron methods will place you in a good starting position for safe, quick, thread seperated code.
See Context Isolation and Inter-Process Communication for more info.
PS: If you need a quick bit of code to get you going / give you an idea then let me know.

Can I use Zebble for only UI and use Xamarin for everything else

I would like to use Zebble only for producing UI and all other things I would like to use Xamarin apis/custom http apis/local db or whatever it may be. Basically a UI project with zebble and other things will be in PCLs.
Will it be compatible? Could you please advice?
Yes you can. There is nothing in Zebble that prevents you from using the native APIs directly.
For custom http calls, I recommend using the HttpClient class which is by default available in all 3 platforms of a newly created Zebble project.
For Device APIs, you can of course use the standard API classes of each platform, but to save time and achieve 100% code reuse I strongly recommend using the For example if you want o use the lamp (aka flash, led or torch) you can very easily implement that on all platforms with very little code code:
// Determines if a lamp feature is available on the device.
if (await Device.Torch.IsAvailable()) { ... }
// This will switch the lamp on.
await Device.Torch.TurnOn();
// This will switch the lamp off.
await Device.Torch.TurnOff();

Repeated "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been committed" errors with Grails and Tomcat

Please see my post on the Grails user mailing list. Essentially, I get the error "Cannot forward after response has been committed" with Grails 2.x after every few requests. This happens for all types of URLs, controllers, GSPs, CSS files, JS files and even image files. I have tried Grails 2.0.0 and Grails 2.0.1 with Tomcat 6.0.35 and Tomcat 7.0.25 on Windows XP 32-bit, Windows 7 32-bit and Centos 64-bit. The error comes up on all these combinations.
As I have mentioned in my post, there are no response.redirect or response.forward statements in our code. This is causing severe problem on our production application so need help in determining what else can be looked at to get to the bottom of the problem.
This has been solved. In one of the controllers in the application, response output stream was being directly written to but not closed explicitly after the operation was over. It seems Tomcat and Jetty recycle response objects. When a response object that did not have their output stream closed earlier was recycled for a future request and redirect was performed on it, the redirect would fail.
The code has been changed and the error has disappeared now. The lesson learned is that any time such an error occurs, scan the entire code base for direct access to response output stream and close output stream responsibly before existing controller methods.
You should create a new grails application and move the controllers, domains and etc yourself rather than grails update.
When you do that also make sure you look into the configuration files of grails.
Also take a look at what plugins you have.
Also, when moving the files, try out the application once in a while when it is possible, and perhaps you can detect when the error arises. Start out by trying it in your most basic controller and see if the error is there then as well.
Good luck.

Typo in SOAP WebServExp.GenerateXMLSchema?

We've recently setup out own webservice using SOAP and it all works like a charm.
Because the service is only used from within our own applications, I usually don't allow for a WSDL to be generated.
Today i started some tests with SoapUI and needed a WSDL of our own service. So I enabled the Default action of the TWSDLHTMLPublish component and tried to get the WSDL exported. All I got was an access violaton in WebServExp.GenerateXMLSchema, line 1636:
if (ParentInfo = nil) and ((GetTypeData(ATypeInfo).ParentInfo)^ <> nil) then
Debugging this, reveiled that GetTypeData(ATypeInfo).ParentInforeturned a nil, so of course using ^ on nil raises an access violation.
After removing the carret i had no problems generating the WSDL.
So did I find myself a bug here or am I missing something?
BTW: We have created our own SOAP.bpl, containing all original Delphi soap sources, to correct it for a known problem with exception derived from TRemotableException
So did I find myself a bug here or am I missing something?
Yes, that's a bug. And Subversion reveals it's been like that for many years - for as long as we've been on Subversion:(. [I am not setup to access the previous Starteam repository anymore].
I'm making to a note to remedy and check in unit tests for this. Please feel free to file a QC if time allows. And I'd like to hear more about the issue with TRemotableException-derived types.
