Delphi OAuth authentication - delphi

I made an application that works with the twitter API to generate tweets.
Now I want to expand my application but to do the things I want in my application I have to authenticate with the twitter API.
The best example I found was here
But I can't seem to figure out how I can authenticate.
Is there anyone that has experience with this or if there is a good reliable OAuth class for delphi?
I dont consider the class in the example from the link as reliable since this post is from 2009. If you can prove me wrong, please do :)
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

I have made that same search myself a few months ago and come up empty handed. A similar question recently arose on the ADUG mailing list, and again to no avail.
I don't believe that there is a publicly available Delphi library for OAuth and/or Open Id. IMHO, this is an open source project ripe for development by some-one with the time and motivation.


Integration of Google Calendar into MVC

I don't normally ask for help on stack overflow, but when I do, it's usually after pulling out my hair for at least a few days!
That said, I'm having a heck of a time integrating Google Calendar in my MVC app. I need to be able to ask my users for their authorization and then do stuff with their calendar such as create events. I wouldn't say I'm having trouble getting the authorization from the user necessarily, but rather once I have it, how to go about using the refresh token. Or maybe I'm just not understanding the work flow.
Anyhow, Google's documentation on this is dismal at best. Searching for answers has been fruitless. The best solution I was able to find and actually make work is from here: nanovazquez/google-calendar-sample. Unfortunately that example is using a really early build and a lot had changed since.
So my question is this: does anyone know of, or have any working examples of an MVC project that uses the latest (or a more recent version) of the Google Calendar v3 api?
It seems that there's not going to be a lot of help in this area. I finally managed to figure things out for myself from what ever materials I was able to find. I suggest to start by creating a mock-up project to test things out. Once you have that working, you can port what you have over to an existing project. Be advised though, if it doesn't work there you'll probably end up doing a bit of sleuthing to chase down the problem that's not necessarily related to Google's API.

Facebook Authentication using AngularDart

Does anybody have already implemented a Facebook authentication using AngularDart? I know this post: Dart login/logout example but I stuck with the routing for the Facebook callback-Url. Do you have any example for me? Or do you think it is better to make it serverside e.g. using Node.js Passport?
Thank you!
This looks to be a solid example. Really, it is a better answer for your question than the original question:
Dart login/logout example
Sadly, it doesn't appear a pre-baked package exists yet. However, for google oauth:

Zend Framework 2 - Authentication / ACL

Hi i am new to ZF2 and i am trying to understand the main concepts by creating an extended application to learn all about ZF2 and test my knowledge.
Please forgive me if my questions sound stupid or if i didnt get some things along the way when using things, i try to learn while i go.
At this point i want to integrate Authentication and ACL to my project and i need some questions answered for my general understanding of how this process works and how i can use it.
I already integrated a Login Form so i can Authenticate, and it is possible for me to do so, a PHP Session Cookie is created and i can identify a user through hasIdentity() in the AuthService.
As i am about to create ACL, of which i read the documentation and think i understood it, how am i able to check on every page request of my application if a user has access to certain pages/controllers etc.
From what i read and think it must be in the bootstrap of the module, so that on every page load the user is identified and ACL is checked for access.
if the user has the right he is granted access and requested page i loaded but if he doesnt have access he gets redirected to any other page (index/index or error page etc.)
But so far i couldnt find any useful tutorial or really good advice on how to create a bootstrap for my module and how to realise that pre-load access check.
are there any useful articles (with code pls for better understanding) or tutorials on how to make auth acl and module bootstrap work and work together?
Are there any other things that i must take care of when trying to get my user system to work?
thanks in advance for any advice!
happy new year btw :)
Ive been working on the same problem recently and i came across a tutorial that can be modified to bootstrap some auth checks.
I hope this helps :)

Titanium oAuth Request

I have a Titanium Appcelerator project and I am trying to incorporate an API that uses oAuth. I found an excellent implementation of oAuth in Titanium Appcelerator for SimpleGeo by Aaron Saunders over at his blog:
It is extremely simplified and boiled down so I figured it would be easy to transfer the implementation to other APIs. In my case, I would like to extend it to Quizlet's API found here:
However, I am afraid I am just too new to oAuth in general that I don't even know where to begin, especially in how and what to do to the parameters. I'm hoping it's as simple as changing some parameters around.
It would be terrific if an expert could spare some time and maybe explain how I would go about adapting the implementation for Quizlet's API.
Thank you so much in advance. Please let me know if you would like me to paste in the code from Aaron's blog or do anything. I didn't want to clutter this post.

Is there a Ruby on Rails site thumbnail generator available?

I'm hoping to avoid building this if it already exists. Does anyone know of a plugin for Ruby on Rails that will generate a screenshot of a web site? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me find one.
As far as I am aware you need a server with a desktop (eg. Gnome, X11, KDE) and a web browser with thumbnail capabilities installed (eg. webkit and CutyCapt). Of course this is not usual for a Linux server.
I have used the service suggested by Soufiane using code based on Peter Coopers snippet and it works very well.
Generating website thumbnails would require significant server resources and some sort of background process and job queue so using a web thumbnail generation service might be a better alternative to generating your own.
Yes there is a wonderful solution:
It has an great API and there are some Ruby Wrappers (i.e.
It allows you to process 100 thumbnails a month, if you need more the price for credits is very generous if you ask me.
This is not a plugin, but I found this snippet which is using an external site to do what you want (I think.). I didn't test it though.
This is getting a little dated now, but just for posterity's sake there is an answer over here
