When Does DetailController Change Size After Rotation to Landscape? - uitableview

I'm running into a bit of an issue with the Master-Detail layout for an iPad app I'm writing. The DetailController contains a UIViewController that manages a tableview. The tableview contains custom cells, and the layout is very specific.
I'm using auto-layout, and the hopes were to use auto-layout to manage the cell layout on transition from portrait to landscape, but that seems to be a complete bust. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get a layout configuration to work where the table is resized on rotation. The size is stuck at whatever the width and height are defined as in the Size Inspector for that table.
Sooo ... I'm trying to make it work on my own. But I can't figure out when the Display Controller actually resizes itself. No matter where I check, when I get the size of the Display Controller, the width and height are fixed at the original size for portrait mode.
I'm not sure what to do at this point. If someone has an idea for how to use auto-layout to make the table layout work automatically, that'd be killer. But I think I'd be satisfied at this point if someone could show me how to resize the table manually after rotation.


Collection view flickers when page sheet viewcontroller size changes

I have a problem with the screen presented modally.
At some point of scroll offset, whenever I change the screen size, the scroll offset flickers with some cells being re-layout, but the delegate is not asked for the new cells at this time.
I hope that the below GIF illustrates it's quite good.
I guess it's due to a change in the collection view height, which Geoff Hackworth showed here.
I'll be glad for any suggestions.
Probably it is worth noticing that I use Compositional Layout and DiffableDataSource.
I've decided to check how the code sample from Implementing Modern Collection Views will work, when the screen will be presented modally. The result is the same.
It seems that this is a bug in UIKit. When the NSCollectionLayoutSize height is estimated, not absolute it forces the layout to calculate the view size, probably based on preferredLayoutAttributesFitting(layoutAttributes:). On change of the view container height, the view is asked to be layout again. At the beginning of the layout loop, UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout returns estimated, not the actual size of the views, which causes reusable views (both supplementary and cells) to jump across the screen. The overall result looks really weird.
Here it is:

Set max height of UITableView

on the iPhone 5s it seems as though the last item of a specific list shown using UITableView goes slightly off screen and unable to select. Is their any simple way to prevent the tableview from displaying contents offscreen besides checking overtime data is reloaded and the current height of the view?
EDIT: This is all done programmatically and all other tableviews display correctly on the 5s I have tried fiddling with constraints but could not see a difference.
It sounds like your issue has to do with constraints. I'm not sure whether you're using a storyboard to build the view or not, but probably what you need to do is constrain the table view to the bottom of its superview.

Autolayout causing UI Elements to "snap" into place at runtime?

I have a UIView with a UIImageView at the very top, a UILabel below it, a UIButton below that, and a UISegmentedControl that determines what determines what embedded UIview to display at the bottom (which also a choice to not show any at all).
I've run into the problem where I've set up all of my constraints in the interface builder, and everything seems to be fine when I switch between screen sizes in the storyboard. However when I actually run the project on a device or emulated, the UIimage at the top is briefly stretched before "snapping" into a size the fits the constraints. Also, it seems as if the label disappears for a brief second and reappears after the image has snapped into a size. After the "snap" has occurred, everything is in place and there are no problems.
This snapping occurs both when testing on a 4 and 3.5 inch display. I find this odd because I've designed the UI for the 4inch screen perfectly.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Here's whats the constraints look like in IB.
This is potentially due to adjustments that you might be making to your UI elements (or constraints) from the view controller in code. For example, if you are programmatically setting a different UIImage into your UIImageView, and this code is happening too late in the view lifecycle (for example, in viewDidAppear) after a layout pass has already calculated view positions and sizes, then you will see a visible snap as views take on new positions based on the new intrinsic content size of the image view.
This could be caused by other adjustments such as injecting a localized string into a UILabel in code, which causes the label to have a smaller or larger intrinsic content size, which in turn affects the layout based on your constraints.
If you are making adjustments to your UI in code, make sure they are happening in viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear: so that they occur before the view's initial layout pass (and the view's animation onscreen).
If you're still seeing issues, you can try explicitly forcing an immediate layout pass to occur on the view controller's view at the end of viewWillAppear: by doing the following:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[self.view setNeedsLayout];
[self.view layoutIfNeeded]; // forces an immediate layout pass
Spacing between the UIElements might be the problem . Specially when using Pickers
Got it, You have applied constraint for Picker to adjust along with segmented control. So when app runs on 4 inch screen , picker automatically fits properly, but for 3.5 Inch picker always starts from bottom of the screen and picker will push segmented control upwards and hence segmented control will push rest control automatically.
Remove picker and segmented control constraint.

ScrollView height for 3.5" vs 4" iPhone

I have a UITableView in a UIViewController which is inside a UINavigationController which is inside a UITabBarController.
When Developing using a 3.5" Simulator and having my storyboard set to 3.5" and everything works fine.
However if I use a 4" simulator, the UITableView ends too short up the screen. And if I do it the other way around the table view ends off the bottom of the screen.
How do I go about correctly sizing my UITableView?
(P.S. I'm not sure it matters, but I'm loading an AdBannerView which goes at the bottom of the screen, so I'm adjusting the contentInset of the UITableView after it is loaded to make space for the AdBannerView, but I don't think that makes a difference to this situation).
You need to add auto layout constraints so that the components are resized according to the desired logic.
Read Apple's Auto Layout Guide and you'll know everything you need in order to accomplish this.

UIPageViewController rotation weirdness

I've added a UIPageViewController to my app to act as a manual for the app. When the user pops it up it shows one page in portrait and two in landscape with the spine in the middle. Since I have about 100 pages, there is a sibling view UICollectionView page selector view above it to allow jumping to a page quickly. Both the UIPageViewController and the UICollectionView sit on a backing view that contains them both.
The problem I am having with the UIPageViewController is that when the views are first rotated they seem to constrain themselves to the short dimension of the original layout. So, if it first appears in portrait, then when rotating to landscape the width of the two pages is the same as the old portrait width. Likewise, if it first appears landscape with two pages, rotating to portrait has the correct width, but the height is the height of the initial landscape height. This is consistent on any device.
When I create my content views they are all the size I desire, but for some reason they seem to be transformed by some component of UIPageViewController and I'm not grasping why it is only doing one of the two dimensions and why it is always the "short side" that is the problem.
This is one of those kinds of problem that makes me feel a bit nutty, any ideas on how I might debug it if it isn't some trivial misconfiguration?
I finally found it after a long period of debugging. The critical hint was seeing that the spine is set to the correct mid for the width of the view BEFORE the rotation for portrait to landscape. The solution was to reset the frame of the view to the new size given the orientation in willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation.
I calculate the new size before I call an animation block that uses the duration passed into the method, then inside the block I have:
pageViewController.view.frame = newFrame;
When the page is rotated the view holding the content pages is shifted to the correct size and the spine is place correctly and the content fills the given area. I suppose that I ran into the problem because the complexity of the views required me to take over so many defaults, but this one was left hanging.
