iOS App with subscription always gets rejected [closed] - ios

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Closed 10 years ago.
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We have problems releasing our Newstand App to the App Store.
It always gets rejected, because the validation of the receipts coming from the subscription In-App-Purchase seem to fail in the live (non-sandbox) environment.
The thing is, we tested everything against the sandbox environment and everything works fine. For the release version, we made sure that we use
our validation webservice that validates against the apple live-service, NOT the sandbox validation service.
So everything should work, but in the review process it always fails.
Does anyone have experience with similar problems?
Apple does test against the live-environment, right? Because we have to submit the live-Version of our App, validating against sandbox does not make sense.
We submitted the IAP items together with the App, but that should not be a problem, as the Apple testers seem to be able to purchase the subscription,
just the validation does not work.

Ok, I found sth in the Apple documentation:
(way down under Frequently Asked Questions 16.)
"How do I verify my receipt (iOS)?
Always verify your receipt first with the production URL; proceed to verify with the sandbox URL if you receive a 21007 status code. Following this approach ensures that you do not have to switch between URLs while your application is being tested or reviewed in the sandbox or is live in the App Store."
We misread the line above "Use the production URL once your application is live in the App Store.", thinking Apple would use real server validation iin review process, but they also use sandbox environment.
Difficult to find this little line, they should make that fact more prominent in my opinion!
So hopefully this will resolve the issue.
Thanks for your comments though!


App submission with coming soon alert [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new in ios development. I have created one app, in this app some features are not available right now. So my question is can i submit my app to app store with same design by giving coming soon alert for those features. Thanks in advance.
It is likely that your app will be rejected if you include such an alert. Refer to section 2.1 of the App Review Guidelines:
2.1 App Completeness
Submissions to App Review should be final versions with all necessary metadata and fully functional URLs included; placeholder text, empty websites, and other temporary content should be scrubbed before submission. Make sure your app has been tested on-device for bugs and stability before you submit it, and include demo account info (and turn on your back-end service!) if your app includes a login. If you offer in-app purchases in your app, make sure they are complete, up-to-date, and visible to the reviewer, or that you explain why not in your review notes. Please don’t treat App Review as a software testing service. We will reject incomplete app bundles and binaries that crash or exhibit obvious technical problems.
2.2 Beta Testing
Demos, betas, and trial versions of your app don’t belong on the App Store...
You should remove all reference to "future functions" and put it back in when the function is available.
Yeah, as per my knowledge you can submit but it must not crash on iphone or ipad and must follow all the guidelines of apple. Because coming soon is on kind of UI of your app so i don't think that it will be rejected due to this kind of stuff.
You should refer App Store Review Guidelines for more details.

how to adopt agile developmemt for iOS app while Apple take weeks to review it? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Good day!
As we know in agile development we need "quick feedback" to get incremental delivery. But in iOS development it is difficult due to the long time review process.
Each submit to appstore cost us one to two weeks to wait for our app to go live.
During that period we have to start our new iteration without any online feedback and then, 2 weeks later we have to pause our development to solve online issues once the review process passed.
In this case how can we adopt agile development practice ?
No general rule that will fit all and solve all your problems, but here are some advices that will help:
Leverage iTunes Connect Testflight and your social channels to create an army of beta testers that can give you early feedback if something is terribly wrong
Dont stop development while your app is in a review, just continue working on whatever comes next and be ready to jump back to fix some issues
Prioritise app store feedback high
Don't be afraid to use expedited review feature, but again don't over use it as it will get us all in trouble.
Do user testing before actually developing features if possible
Automate testing as much as possible
These things among others will make your life easier, some of them are just best practices that can be applied in any other environment not just app store...
Good question. I think you should schedule a sprint only for "review issue" and start it only if there are some problem.
The review time it's about 4-5 days not 2 weeks I think.
Well, I use fabric to distribute my app to several beta users, make sure everything is tested as much as possible and then push application to appstore.
When you actually push your app you should be sure there will NOT be any major issues. As much as you test some small things might go by, but not major issues. Another key would be to have a team of testers that will test your app all the time.
Also, if your app is not working properly, you will get denied by Apple.
In the end, your fixes shouldn't take more then one day, or equivalent in story points.
You can define external and internal testers while using TestFlight. Since uploading a build doesn't have a review process, then you can upload a new one every-week and your testers will receive a notification each time an update is available.

iOS TestFlight build notification e-mails repeatedly not being received [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We're building an iOS app in iOS 8 using Apple's version of TestFlight (integrated with iTunes Connect, of course). However, the system regularly refuses to send the "new build" notification e-mails to internal testers. In order to get build notification e-mails, I have to remove users from the internal testers group and re-invite them. Even when I have done this, the build notification e-mail (although it lists the desired version of the app) doesn't actually trigger an update in my TestFlight iOS app.
Points to note:
I have the Connect and TestFlight apps installed on my phone.
This has worked in the past with earlier versions of the app.
I have found other similar questions on Stack Overflow such as this and this one, but none of them seem to deal with the "this happens to me repeatedly" problem. Besides, most of them seem to suggest "remove all internal testers, disable beta testing on the app, then re-add them all" which is not a sustainable solution when we'd like to release multiple new builds per day through our continuous integration system.
Does anyone have any ideas?
ETA: I found an Apple Developer Forums thread on the subject. Not much help but it might be in future.
I had the same issue, Making changes to the "What to Test" field in the Build page and saving caused notifications to go out instantly for me.
When you upload a new build wait for a bit (I wait an hour) for all the processing to finish, then add the What to Test info and hit save. This seems to work for me quite well.
Using Edit, I removed the testers and saved. It says you can't test without testers. I added existing testers to the new build and saved. When I refreshed the page, it said they were notified with the current date.

Provisioning profile status is Pending [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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After creating Profile the status is still PENDING. How long it takes?
Its spend about 2 hour but status is still pending.
I am getting this problem first time.
Had the same issue but now it works. I tried out many things but nothing helped and I haven't seen any message about a maintenance by apple.
Apple were apparently performing maintenance for over 24 hours yesterday. There was a message:
"We are performing maintenance on the provisioning service"
Now they have removed this message and the provisioning service is still not working. It used to be immediate and as soon as your sent a request it would be done a few seconds later after your refresh the page.
I'm outraged as I actually signed up to the program again yesterday to start building an app. The iPhone simulator doesn't work for video editing for some reason and I can't deploy to to the iPhone without provisioning so I have no way to test my code.
The lack of information from Apple is ridiculous seeing as they are well aware there is a problem but have not even bothered to notify the users and have even taken down the old notice. This must be very confusing for any novice developers who are provisioning for the first time and is also severely delaying the development of my app.
I'm getting this too, It appears to be an issue with Apple. Mine has been pending for 30 minutes.
EDIT: It's fixed
Yes for me also this happened. See apple message in same page.
"We are performing maintenance on the provisioning service"
Also someone reported same issue in apple forums here.

Issue in Integrating In-app to the iOS application [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it necessary to submit the app to implement In-App purchase..
We havent yet submitted the app to the app store.. We have added the code for In-App in our app & we actually fetch the products created in Itunes connect via Storekit framework but when we run the app we are getting message as "Invalid Product Identifiers"...
When we browsed the issue on Google & came to know that we need to submit the app to the store & then work on In-app... Is this true??
Kindly help us..
Looking forward for the response at the earliest..
No, you do not have to submit in order to test (your app is very likely to be not admitted to the store).
If you have recently added the products to iTunes Connect, and then immediately start testing, it will probably not work as it takes some time for the products to penetrate the store. Give it 24-48 hours and try again to see if it fetches your products correctly.
If this still does not happen you probably have an error in your code for fetching the products.
