Xcode 4 - A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted - ios

I have created an app, distributed an ad-hoc version and successfully uploaded it under Organizer - Devices. So far so good. Now, i've tried a 2nd app. When i uploaded this one, i get the following message:
A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted.
I googeld for a while and tried the following things:
avoid special chars in the projectname
clear the build
delete derived data under Organizer - Projects
renew my Certificate
renew all my provisioning profiles
i've made a new and minimalistic project
It failed all. Same message every time.
Hopefully someone can help me, please.

I had the same issue and what worked for me was deleting the Derived Data (in Organizer).

Make sure you created the app ID for both apps in the Apple Developer Portal. Usually 'com.companyname.appname' as Bundle Identifier
Create both certificates and download them.
Check if you can open those certificates on your keychain. If you see an arrow next to the certificate name you can use the certificate. That means that you have the matching key for that certificate.
Create both provisioning profiles as Ad-Hoc and assign the App ID you just created.
If you have not added your devices to the device list, do it in this step.
Add the device to both provisioning profiles
Download and open the provisioning profiles (A tool I find very useful to manage provisioning profiles is the iPhone Configuration Utility)
In XCode on your project file select the target and in the 'Summary' tab type the Bundle Identifier.
Now go to Build Settings tab and select Code Signing and select your Bundle identifier
Clean and run.

It is because you are having two apps with same bundle name in your derived data folder. Simply delete one then the bug gone.


IOS: Code signing error Xcode 6.3.1 [duplicate]

I've build a new application which is going to support IOS 7. I got the new XCode 5 GM and tried to sign my apps using my fresh provisioning profile and distribution certificate, but i'm having trouble with distribution. I constantly get the following error:
"Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app
bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the
provisioning profile. According to the provisioning profile, the
bundle contains a key value that is not allowed:
'[XXXX.com.sample.company ]' for the key 'keychain-access-groups".
Also the same error for a key value called application-identifier.
Screenshot of the errror:
The solution lies in the new option in Xcode 5 which says provisioning profile. Just set the project target's provisioning profile to the right one and it'll work.
If you are like me and you think you tried EVERYTHING, archived your project over ten times, banged your head on the keyboard and still get this error. Please do yourself a favor and simply Restart XCode, it worked for me. Sometime Apple... I hate you.
I went through many of the steps above but what finally worked for me was refreshing my profiles in Xcode. Not sure why it was necessary since my app's distribution profile was showing up in the list already. Here are the steps:
Xcode Preferences
Accounts tab
Select your Apple ID
Hit the View Details button in the Apple ID detail panel
Hit the Refresh button in the lower left corner
In my case, i activated the same capabilities in Xcode that in Application services in developer.apple.com. Thats works for me
In my case (sorry) I switched "Team" to "None" in -> General -> Identity
In another case I needed to switch this identity from "None" to the developer account managing the identities and profiles.
Xcode sometimes messes up greatly with code signing, it seems. Or, we mere mortals simply aren't clever enough to understand what it is doing, of course. Don't give up, we're all going through some code signing torture at times!
In my case, I had to set correct Provision Profile for Release, and then had to restart Xcode. Before restarting, it had same provision profile, and didn't work. So, sometimes a restart can do miracles. Maybe this helps somebody.
If someone uses a GameCenter then check this section in your target. I worked with some old project and there were 2 errors (but everything worked fine). Disabling and enabling it back solved this problem.
Most likely this action adds Game Center entitlement to App ID and and handle it itself.
1.Go to project folder, delete *.entitlements files.
2.Then go yo in xcode project target -> build settings -> code signing entitlements - delete values
Ah, this glorious error. For me whenever I see this error I check the following things:
1. Allow XCode to access your provisioning profile info all the time - If XCode keeps asking when you start it up to have access to your computer's private files so that it can get provisioning profile information with the options to allow access always, not now, or just one time - set it to ALWAYS ALLOW access
2. If you have any old entitlement files kicking around your project get rid of them and any sign of them - if you see a .entitlements file in your project delete it (or at least remove the reference to it if you aren't sure you are ready to outright delete it), then make sure the 'Code Signing Entitlements' line under the 'Code Signing' section in Build Settings is empty
3. Check your Application Services online and match them up with your Services in XCode for the app - Go to the Apple Member Center and check the App ID for your app, click on the app to see its 'Application Services' and see what you have checked, then go to XCode and check your 'Capabilities' section to make sure the two have the same list of Apple services on both
4. Make sure you assign a valid Provisioning Profile to your app before validating - double check your provisioning profile for your app in the Apple Member Center, make sure it isn't expired, has the right App ID with the correct bundle id and distribution. Download and click on the new provisioning profile to make sure XCode has it, or go to XCode > Preferences > Accounts > click on your account and 'View Details' then click the bottom corner button to Sync all the profiles to XCode. You should have the profile available to select now in the 'Code Signing' section. Once you have the correct provisioning profile then you can set the 'Code Signing Identity' lines to the correct option for that provisioning profile.
Note - if doing a distribution certificate it can help to set all the 'Code Signing Identity' lines to the identity you use for distribution including the debug lines
5. IF ALL ELSE FAILS - Clean your project and Restart XCode and some Apple magic may just work fine the next time you open your project and try to Validate
If you're building an old 3.1.5 project, Xcode 5 has some bugs which unfortunately makes Benjamin's answer impossible, as there are no Provisioning profiles to pick from. After many a late hour of tormented reading of Xcode project files I came up with this solution that worked for me:
In the Utilities pane (to the right) in Xcode 5, under project Document, change from Xcode 3.1-compatible to Xcode 3.2 compatible.
Enter your organization name.
Close project.
Open your project file, e.g. open -a TextEdit path/to/name.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Remove the two Distribution clauses (isa=XCBuildConfiguration).
Remove the two accompanying lines in buildConfiguration (one in PBXNativeTarget and one in PBXProject XCConfigurationLists)
Now you're ready to re-open, archive and submit to App store - voilà! It works again!
How I think it works
I assume this works because Apple somewhere along the line decided to drop the need for any separate distribution config, which is a good thing. When I archive, Xcode automatically code signs for distribution. That's the way it should have been implemented in the first place, it's just a shame that Apple can't make auto-migration part of the IDE; instead they force us developers to spend man-decades to make this stuff work.
I have been struggling with this problem for more than a day now, trying all kinds of solutions suggested here and elsewhere on the internet. Nothing worked...
But, I finally managed to solve the problem!
The problem I had was with an old app that I haven't touched in over 3 years, and now I was about to release a long awaited update. Since the time I released the app, Apple has been updating how the certificates and App Id works. They have introduced the concept of Team Id which seems to be recommended to use.
In particular, the Apple's "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" site, has seen a lot of changes since then.
There I realized that the Provisioning Profile I was using for App Store Distribution were connected to the App Id ED8xxxxxxx.com.rostsolutions.* but looking at the App Id for the game I was about to submit I notice that the App Id was ATMxxxxxxx.com.rostsolutions.Swisch. So the App Id prefix did not match!
That seemed to be the root of the problem. So what I did was to create a new Provisioning Profile connected to the App Id ATMxxxxxxx.com.rostsolutions.Swisch instead. Using that Provisioning Profile I successfully submitted my app to App Store and now I just keep my fingers crossed that everything else works fine at Apple's side.
(I first tried to connect to new Provisioning profile to the wildcard Id ATMxxxxxxx.com.rostsolutions.* instead, but that didn't seem to work).
But what puzzles me is that when I look at the old App in iTunes Connects and goes to Binary Details, it says that the App Id is ED8xxxxxxx.com.rostsolutions.Swisch. So why is the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" page listing the App Id as ATMxxxxxxx.com.rostsolutions.Swisch?
My problem was solved by removing my Apple ID from Preferences->Accounts and then adding it back again. Then all my provisioning profile files showed up on the View Details utility panel. I was mistakenly choosing "Mac Team Provisioning Profile:*" instead of the actual distribution provisioning profile for the project thinking that it was a generic selection. Provisioning files must be specific to the project. Oh, and BTW, make sure your provisioning profile has the correct entitlements (for example, Maps). I managed to release an app with OSX Maps without the entitlement and Apple approved it -- but no Maps showed up on the production version!
In my case, I had the same problem, my solution was to change the 'Release Provisioning Profile' in the Build Settings before doing Archive. I do this twice, once for App Store distribution, and another one for Ad Hoc distribution. I also add a comment on my archives. My conclusion is that there is something broken about the "archive re-signature".
There is a very good tutorial for solving that problem on this website.
It says that this problem can occur when your Projects Bundle Identifier is different to the one you entered on the iTunes Connect Website.
I think xcode 5 uses "release" instead of "distribution" that you may created yourself.
If all above didn't work (in my case after couple of days no luck trying everything) I have only one Mac application. BE CAREFULL WITH REVOKE!
1) Revoke by hand all "Mac App Distribution" & "Mac Installer Distribution"
2) Clean relevant certificates and open-keys in Keychain (Warning: export before delete)
3) Restart Xcode
4) Go to (in Safari) developer.apple.com -> certificates etc.
5) Create CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest in Keychain->Certificate assistant
6) Create by hand on developer.apple.com both "Mac App Distribution" & "Mac Installer Distribution" with your *.certSigningRequest
7) Provisioning Profiles -> Distribution -> create/fix custom provision for AppStore (I'm specially named it as "Mac provision profile for AppStore"
8) Xcode -> Settings -> Account -> Your account -> Refresh
9) Xcode Clean -> Archive -> Validate
I have been struggling with similar problem (I was building for Ad-Hoc distribution). Only thing that has changed since last successful deploy, was adding two devices to provisioning profile.
After double- and triple- checking all build settings, I regenerated provisioning profile (without changing anything), re-downloaded and it worked fine.
So note to self: if there is no logic explanation, you can always try good old IT voodoo.
I also recommend iPhone Configuration Utility, which despite its name, is useful for checking what provisioning profiles you have on computer.
ERROR ITMS-9000: “This bundle is invalid. New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with public (GM) versions of XCode 5.1.1 or higher and iOS 7 SDK. Do not submit apps built with beta software.
If multiple developers are using the same member center account. One of them can't use a certificate created by others cause they used a certificate request created using their computers.
You need to use a certificate created by you (certificate request
created using your computer).
Alternative, told them to send you the Developer Profile. not sure of the name. to use a certificate created on another computer.
Code signing Entitlements occur because of your resource does not contain Entitlements file in resources,Just go to build setting and search code signing Entitlements delete entry for debug and release, build project again you will see there is no error. Cheers
I had the same problem, but nothing written here worked for me. However, I found a simple way that worked for me. Here's how to do it:
1) In your Project and your Target(s) build settings, choose "None" for all Provisioning profiles, and choose "Don't Code Sign" for all Code Signing Identities.
2) Now, choose your Target and go to build settings. In Code Signing Identity Release setting, choose "iOS Distribution" for "Any iOS SDK". And then, in Provisioning Profile Release setting, choose your distribution profile for "Any iOS SDK". After that your Code Signing Identity Release setting should automatically change to "iPhone Distribution".
3) Archive your build and validate. Now it should work fine. That's it!

Xcode6:Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app

After I add Today App Extension Target,I become impossible to compile project.
below is error:
error: Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Verify the embedded binary target's code sign settings match the parent app's.
Embedded Binary Signing Certificate: iPhone Developer: (Developer name) (number)
Parent App Signing Certificate: iPhone Developer: (Developer name) (number)
but Embedded binary certificate and parent app's cerificate are the same.
So I'm confusing now...
I had to select my app under 'Targets', then go to the 'Capabilities' tab and click 'Fix Issues' under the 'App Groups' section
I had discrepancies under Code Signing. My Extension and Main app had different certificates selected. Once I set both to use distribution it worked fine.
In the case of using WatchKit, make sure that your Watch App has the correct "Team" selected in the Watch App Target settings (under General > Signing > Team). I had set the phone app's team, but not the watch app's team.
If your Xcode has been working fine but stopped working after you add an extension target to your project, most of the time is that your app was signed using a older certificate (still valid with your name etc.), while your extension is signed with a newer certificate with entitlement for the extension. This is why the error. In this case, you most likely have two certificates with the same name, and this what you can do:
1.Go to Xcode->Preference;
2. Select Accounts Tab;
3. Select your Apple ID then click on View Details;
4. Under signing Identities List Window, select IOS Development, then click on the
little Configuration icon, and select Revoke;
5. Xcode will then try to download a new certificate.
You can do a clean build after this so both your app and extension will be signed using the new certificate.
I solved it by deleting my Apple ID account in
Preferences -> Accounts
and then logging back in again with my Apple ID
I had the same issue in Xcode 6, but in my case it occured because of having two active developer certificates. Revoking one had fixed the issue.
This issue might arise in the case where the embedded app targets like extensions or watchapp does not have the matching team selected in the General section, as the main iOS app.
Selecting the right team for all relevant targets fixed the issue for me.
I had a similar issue. For me the issue was with the certificate showing, 'signed by unknown authority'. I had followed the below steps and it is resolved.
The problem was missing apple WWDR intermediate certificate.
We must also install the WWDR intermediate certificate issued by Apple’s worldwide developer relations. It can be downloaded from the portal or directly at http://developer.apple.com/certificationauthority/AppleWWDRCA.cer Make sure you add this to your keychain as well.
To add the certificate: open your keychain utility software on your Mac computer, then go to File→Import items, then select AppleWWDRCA.cer.
There are quite a few reasons the issue may emanate from. If none of the other answers are working for you - would like to add another plausible check that helped me. Ensure the certificate you are signing with doesn't have 'Always Trust' (you will see a green '+' sign if the setting is such).
Go to Key Chain access, double click on the certificate you are using.
Expand the 'Trust' drop down and change/set to 'Use System Defaults' from 'Always Trust'.
It's especially true if you are using Swift in your project as the 'Always Trust' setting breaks pertinent Swift libraries.
I tried to run project in iPhone5,but App Extension does'nt support 32-bit architecture.So When I build project in iPhone5S,I can build the project !
You need to create Provisioning Profile for that target and make sure to include the same certificate in it.
Targets has their own bundle id se you will need to create an AppId also.
This solved the same problem that you are having
Just let Xcode handle the provisioning work. This solved the same issue in my case. http://aplus.rs/2014/embedded-binary-is-not-signed-with-the-same-certificate-as-the-parent-app/
In case this helps anyone, my fix was that I had updated my archive scheme for release when submitting to the store, but never changed it back to adhoc for testing. Editing my archive scheme to use ad hoc worked.
When I had this issue I went to the Apple Member Center and realized that the Provisioning Profile (for the extension) that I had created was marked as 'Invalid'. I just re-created the Provisioning Profile with the same certificate that the app is signed with and then downloaded it via Xcode > Preferences > Account > refresh.
Once I had the new provisioning profiles I selected them in the build settings. I selected the provisioning profile that was just created and also selected the corresponding certificate in the Code signing entity in the build settings and that fixed the issue.
Note that the extension has its own app id and hence its own provisioning profile.
For Xcode 8 beta 3
My build numbers were off on my different Targets in my Xcode project file.
My iOS target had a build version 3, but my watch app target and my share extension target both had build version 1.
All I did was match all the targets' build numbers (changed them all to 3) and it fixed the issue.
Hope this helps.
Refreshing my provisioning profiles fixed it for me (Preferences -> Accounts -> Double tap the account -> tap refresh button in lower left)
Open your key chain and It's the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority, if I choose always trust, Xcode archives failed. When I changed to system defaults, Xcode archives successfully. Yes you will enjoy!!
For some reason, my developer certificate was stored in my keychain twice. Deleting one of them fixed the issue.
I had got the same issue.
So I did a provisioning profil for each bundle ID and configuration of the WatchKit App :
Watch App Development
Watch Extension Development
Watch App Production
Watch Extension Prod
/!\ Be careful because the app ID of the watch app in the developer portal is something like :
and when i created the watchkit app the bundle ID in Xcode was :
maybe it something which changed since WatchOS 2.0.
I had to go to:
Xcode-> preferences -> Accounts -> View Details -> select all Provisioning Profiles -> press DEL-key on keyboard after deletion is completed press Download All button!
I had the same issue with an app in Xcode 7.1. The app had a Watch extension and therefore an App Group. What worked for me was to:
Go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Delete all provisioning profiles listed there
Go to the iOS Dev Center in Safari and regenerate all provisioning profiles
Go back to Xcode => Preferences => Apple IDs and choose the Apple ID associated with the app
Click "View Details..." (lower right)
Download the provisioning profiles that were just created
Clean and build again
I believe my provisioning profiles got mixed up because I was using Xcode's "fix automatically" feature for another issue I had with Capabilities => Associated Domains.
Open KeyChain Access on your mac, delete the other one certificate that is diff from your own certificate.This issue was general appeared after you loged in another account in your Xcode.
I faced the same issue too, I solved it by the procedure as follows:
First, I re Create my team develop certificate(Because we renewed our root certificate)
2、 edit the Iphone Apps develop certificate ,be sure include your certificate you just create.
3、doing same to the watchkit extension And watch kit App
4、go to Your Xocde "Preference ", double click your "Team Name",delete the old Certificate of Iphone 、watchApps、 watchExtention
5、download your new certificate and install.
Then it works.
In my case my App and my Widget profile were signed with different certificate.
So I had to go to to iOS Developer site, select parent app provisioning profile->Edit and choose the same certificate as the widget.
Then click "generate" and "download". Onece you have download it, double click on it to install in XCode.
Then select the new provisioning profile for your parent app in Build Settings->Provisionig Profile.
Finally Rebuild your project!
For me this was happening because some of my provisioning profiles were expired. Created new profiles on developer.apple.com, removed the old ones, set them to Automatic in Xcode, and the error went away.
In my case the profile my extension target uses contains different certificates than the profile the parent target uses contains. This was exactly the error messages complained about!
The reason was I generated a new certificate for the extension profile.
So log in to developer.apple.com to see if these profiles contains different certificate.
After a whole day it turns out "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority" in the Root Certs had been deleted. I export one from another machine and installed, everything works fine.
If you are using any extension (in my case I was using OneSignal Extension) in that case your parent app bundle will be com.app.xyz but for extension/widget your bundle id would be com.app.xyz.extension
So we will create an app id with the bundle identifier com.app.xyz.extension and we will create provisioning profiles for this app id.
We would use same development and production certificates which we used for parent app.
Here is link which can be helpful provisioning profile for a widget
Finally I am not using automatic settings. So I set my provisioning profiles and certificates manually
Check All targets select one by one and click signing & capabilities -> Select team
Then go for
Build settings->Signing Set all as per provisioning profile
//:configuration = Debug
//:configuration = Release
//:completeSettings = some

can't resolve "valid identity is not found"?

I'm trying to develop my first iOS App on my mac (OS 10.8), the application contains a push notification service. I followed the below steps to create my App ID:
Give a name to the APP ID
Set the Bundle ID.
Check the Push Notification checkbox
Create App ID
Generate a certificate, by uploading the request created by key chain access, then downloading and installing it on key chain access, exporting into .p12 file.
Create Provision Profile, Download and install on my Xcode organiser (XCode 4 updated version) and on my device to test.
The project work well on the simulator (except get the token and that's normal). However when installing the provisioning profile on the Xcode Organizer it gave me :"valid identity is not found".
Checked and tested Many Solutions:
Delete Cert from Dev Center and Key Chain Access.
Delete Provision profile recreate it.
Install provision profile directly from Xcode.
Delete Created Keys from key chain and create new ones.
Many suggestion has been provided:
Your Keychain is missing the private key associated with your iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution certificate.
Your Keychain is missing the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate.
Your certificate was revoked or has expired.
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or Certificate Revocation List (CRL) are turned on in Keychain Access preferences
None of the above fixed the problem.
Would you please provide a solution for this problem and thank you in advanced.
i had discover my problem. i work in a company and there is my partner have generate the developpements certificate on his own mac. i work on a different mac. so what i need, he must export the key and the certificate from his key chain access and give it to me.
that's it.
beginner's problem :d
First of all make sure your Bundle Identifier match with the bundle Identifier included in the provisioning profile. And you have correctly added your iPhone's UDID to the developer account under devices and then add the bundle identifier and device to the provisional profile. Also make sure you have requested the certificate from your own Mac and then installed the certificate after downloading it from the developer account. And there will be a key under your certificate.
Many things may go wrong, so simply try these steps, even if you've done them before.
Make sure your Bundle identifier is the same at both in Xcode and in iTunes Connect, it's a good practice to fill it manually instead of Xcode's template, as it IS case-sensitive.
Check that your testing device's UDID is listed on the Devices list at developer.apple.com.
Create a new provisioning profile with a new unique name, for your app's bundle ID, make sure, again, that it's the same bundle ID (case sensitive) and make sure you have your newly-added device UDID (or the existing one if you had it correct before) in on the provisioning profile. Take a note of the developer certificate that the provisioning profile is bound to.
Download the newly created provisioning profile AND the development certificate that the provisioning profile is for. Clean your project's build folder (open Product menu from the menu bar, press and hold down the option button on your keyboard, and select 'Clean Build Folder...', exit Xcode.
Open both your provisioning profile and certificate. One should open in Xcode, the latter, in Keychain access.
In Keychain access, make sure you have the private key to your non-expired, non-revoked developer certificate. (if not, you need to either find its private key (e.g. in another keychain or in another Mac. It should be on the Mac that the CSR is created on, or if none are available, revoke it and create a new certificate, and start over this process)
In Xcode, make sure you are using the provisioning profile, NOT overriding it (e.g. you've selected a different value under 'Debug' or 'Release' options by mistake).
In Xcode, make sure you are using the correct development certificate (the one that is bound to the provisioning profile) and not overriding it under Code-signing identity section's Debug or Release, or in 'Any iOS SDK' sub-item underneath them. If everything worked, Xcode should offer you the correct certificate for your provisioning profile.
Your project should build. Seriously, I can't think of anything else.

Xcode 5 Error ITMS-9000 Invalid Provisioning Profile

I've downloaded and checked all of my distribution certificates, as well as provisioning profiles. I keep getting this error message:
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.-----.---- [---.app] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate.] .....
Read that I need to download the distribution com.----.---- provisioning profile but I only have a APPNAME provisioning profile. Downloaded it anyway and still have the same issues.
I've gone through and downloaded all possible combinations, but still can't get anything to work with application loader. Everything before has worked fine until I had to upgrade to a new MBP.
Do I revoke anything even though it's valid for another 6 months?
AppStore submission has 2 steps:
Build archive (via Xcode Archive command)
Build ipa for submission (via Organizer / Application Loader)
Each of them require certificate, provisioning and entitlements (in provisioning) for separate (but related) use.
You should use the same provisioning for the two steps. If you can’t find the exact old provisioning, you may consider re-archive the app. I don’t know why Apple splits these steps as they are highly related.
I also have this issue.
It seems to me that the key is to make sure that the "product" you are dealing with has been associated with a DISTRIBUTION provisioning profile that has been signed by the code signing identity which has the right to upload items to the app store (typically a company, or an individual developer).
However, the problem I typically face is that the *.app "product" at the foot of the project navigator list (in the 'products' group) is NOT the output of the archive operation. I can tell this from the time stamp. I do not know where the archive operation places its product. (Perhaps someone here can explain how this works).
As a consequence, what I do is I set ALL the provisioning profiles in the 'Code Signing' section of the 'Build Settings' to the DISTRIBUTION provisioning profile. I then "BUILD for RUN". This results in a *.app file in the 'Products' section of the 'Project Navigator' pane that, while it is the result of a "Build to Run" operation, is properly signed for distribution. I can tell that the *.app product is "fresh" by the time stamp.
It is then this *.app product which I compress and deploy using Application Loader.
This seemed to work - today.
(I confess that I am an amateur and I find the provisioning process somewhat cargo-cult-like, and what I write above may be a kind of infantile superstition about what works.)
I had the same error. To fix this you must do the following:
When you "click" on Build, please go to:
Product -> Build for -> Profiling
Your file (.app) are created.
To achieve this archive it should do the next step:
XCode -> Preferences ->
Choose the "locations" option, and you will get a screen with different options and routes. Select the route: Derived Data.
You take the app file, and the other file App.dSYM generated in the default folder "release-iphoneos" ... to update these two files in iTunes, you should compress these two files and upload with "Application loader".
Works fine, good luck
You should also download the certificate from Apple and also put p12 of this certificate (=private exported certificate key) file to your keychain.
This is my proble to upload my app ..
I try to more then 10 time to upload my app but not accept itune store
then i take this process and after accept my app
after then i same change as following here
In plist file are show here
then i take change to here for bundle name is wrong and "test code" space are remove
after then change is
Then I upload my app in itune and accept itune store
really this is works. thanks
Just clean all the things.
Check the developer/distribution certificate and mobile provision profile properly created, if not then revoke them from developer account and create all new one.
Remove all profiles from /Users/yourSystemName/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Now, Export all certificates and keys from your keychain and Save them as backup for using them again.
Now install your developer/Distribution certificate first and install provisioning profile. And upload your application. This is tested way and should resolve your issue. Thanks.
Just clean your project files - that worked for me after receiving this error.

Provisioning Profile ERROR while running in iPad

I am using Xcode 4.6.3.
I am getting this error messages while running the application in iPad,But first it was running correctly. Now we have renewed our license so i have changed certificate and
profile.still the same error appears
Please help me...
you need to follow this step:-
You Provisioning profile Generate with developer certificate from iTunes dev center.
remove old install App from device may be you Ipad contain old profile reference.
After connect your device to Xcode-Organizer->device->yuorIpad->Provisioning--check there old Provisioning profile is ther or not. if there then remove it.
In your target And Project check-> your Identifier is currect or not for example com.yourprofile.yourId
In Build setting you->code signing ->selection profile is correct identifier or not
Now just clean your Project. Build and run.
Do not forget to Adding New testing Device ID into your new Generate Provisioning profile. in iTunes Dev there is Column to adding Device and also asking Device while you Generate Provisioning profile. May be you forget this step.
be sure that you are generating provisioning profile after adding device, or when you're just renewing profile.
And your provisioning profile must be linked with certificate, that you have in keychain.
All devices must be readded on demand, after renewing dev program (!)
In general, It's pretty sraightforward (just try it from the clean sheet, delete all the old stuff)
1) cert signing request
2) appid (if new app, if old just skip, optional - apns stuff)
3) certificates dev/distr (import them)
4) devices
5) provisioning profiles (import them)
in xcode choose in all positions needed profile, sometimes choosing parent option do not change profile for all fields of "Signing Identity" in xcode.
Deleting of old provisioning profiles is optional, it's not a problem when you have many of them
it's only problem when signing identities are more then one, ie: old expired and new one.
(In xcode 5 it will be easier to choose identity)
EDIT: it really seems like in build settings in code signing identity select options (some option) an old profile is chosen, and xcode gives this error.
