Using Case Statement with String - delphi

Say i have a string
and wanted the values return in a case statement. Can this bedone? Can strings be used in a case statement like so
Case 'SomeName' of
'bobby' : 2;
'tommy' :19;
'somename' :4000;

In Jcl library you have the StrIndex function StrIndex(Index, Array Of String) which works like this:
Case StrIndex('SomeName', ['bobby', 'tommy', 'somename']) of
0: ..code.. ;//bobby
1: ..code..;//tommy
2: ..code..;//somename

The Delphi Case Statement only supports ordinal types. So you cannot use strings directly.
But exist another options like
build a function which returns a Integer (hash) based on a string
using generics and anonymous methods ( A generic case for strings)
using a function which receive an array of strings (Making a case for Strings, the sane way)
and so on.

#Daniel's answer pointed me in the right direction, but it took me a while to notice the "Jcl Library" part and the comments about the standard versions.
In [at least] XE2 and later, you can use:
Case IndexStr('somename', ['bobby', 'tommy', 'somename', 'george']) of
0: ..code..; // bobby
1: ..code..; // tommy
2: ..code..; // somename
-1: ShowMessage('Not Present'); // not present in array
ShowMessage('Default Option'); // present, but not handled above
This version is case-sensitive, so if the first argument was 'SomeName' it would take the not present in array path. Use IndexText for case-insensitive comparison.
For older Delphi versions, use AnsiIndexStr or AnsiIndexText, respectively.
Kudos to #Daniel, #The_Fox, and #afrazier for most of the components of this answer.

Works on D7 and Delphi Seattle,
uses StrUtils (D7) system.Ansistring (Delphi Seattle)
case AnsiIndexStr(tipo, ['E','R'] ) of
0: result := 'yes';
1: result := 'no';

I used AnsiStringIndex and works, but if you can convert to number without problems:
number := StrToInt(yourstring);
number := 0;

try this it uses System.StrUtils
procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
cCaseStrings : array [0..4] of String = ('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four');
LCaseKey : String;
LCaseKey := 'one';
case IndexStr(LCaseKey, cCaseStrings) of
0: ShowMessage('0');
1: ShowMessage('1');
2: ShowMessage('2');
else ShowMessage('-1');


I can not correctly translate the code from MSDN to Delphi. Section DirectShow Step 6. Add Support for COM

Please help me to translate the code. I don't know C++ well, but I know Delphi syntax well. I want to translate code from MSDN:
Step 6. Add Support for COM.
static WCHAR g_wszName[] = L"My RLE Encoder";
CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[] =
int g_cTemplates = sizeof(g_Templates) / sizeof(g_Templates[0]);
I realized that the first line is a variable. But when translated, it does not work. Error:
This is a string and you defined it as WCHAR.
Next comes the description of the structure, but I do not know such a form.
The last line is also a variable, but it has a / and two values.
In general, I kind of understood the meaning, but do not understand how to write it.
The code roughly translates to Delphi as follows:
g_wszName: PWideChar = 'My RLE Encoder';
g_Templates: array[0..0] of CFactoryTemplate;
g_Templates[0].m_Name := g_wszName;
g_Templates[0].m_ClsID := #CLSID_RLEFilter;
g_Templates[0].m_lpfnNew := #CRleFilter.CreateInstance;
g_Templates[0].m_lpfnInit := nil;
g_Templates[0].m_pAMovieSetup_Filter := nil;
g_cTemplates: Integer;
//g_cTemplates := SizeOf(g_Templates) div SizeOf(g_Templates[0]);
g_cTemplates := Length(g_Templates);

WinAPI: GetFontUnicodeRanges - I do not understand the result

I am trying to get Unicode font glyph ranges (Delphi 6):
var GS:PGlyphSet;
GSSize := GetFontUnicodeRanges(Canvas.Handle, nil);
GetMem(Pointer(GS), GSSize);
if GetFontUnicodeRanges(Canvas.Handle, GS)<>0 then begin
for i:=0 to GS.cRanges-1 do begin
rng := GS.ranges[i];
The strange thing is that Length(GS.ranges) is 1, but GS.cRanges is 309 and when I try to access the second range GS.ranges[1] I get, of course, a range check error. Before I turned range checking on it has worked in some magical way.
Types for reference (from Windows module):
PWCRange = ^TWCRange;
tagWCRANGE = packed record
wcLow: WCHAR;
cGlyphs: SHORT;
TWCRange = tagWCRANGE;
PGlyphSet = ^TGlyphSet;
tagGLYPHSET = packed record
cbThis: DWORD;
flAccel: DWORD;
cGlyphsSupported: DWORD;
cRanges: DWORD;
ranges: array[0..0] of TWCRange;
TGlyphSet = tagGLYPHSET;
This struct makes use of the so-called struct hack:
The ranges member is a variable length array, placed inline in the struct. But you cannot actually encode that in a static C type. That's why you call the function to find out how much memory to allocate, and then heap allocate the struct. If you allocated it on the stack, or using SizeOf(...) then the struct would be too small.
The simplest thing to do is to disable range checking for the code that accesses ranges. Although the type declaration says that only 0 is a valid index for ranges, in fact 0..cRanges-1 are valid.
If you don't want to disable range checking for the relevant code, then take a pointer the element 0, and then use pointer arithmetic in your loop.
rng: PWCRange;
rng := #GS.ranges[0];
for i:=0 to GS.cRanges-1 do begin
// use rng^
This is, in my view, the cleanest way to write code for sequential access. For random access, and with range checking in force, you'd be compelled to declare some extra types to defeat range checking:
TWCRangeArray = array [0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(TWCRange))-1] of TWCRange;
PWCRangeArray = ^TWCRangeArray;
And then use type casting to access individual elements:
rng := PWCRangeArray(#GS.ranges)[i];

Enumeration inheritance delphi

I am looking to inherite a enumaration in other one:
for example:
Type TMyTypeKind = (TTypeKind, enBoolean, enPath);
You can not. Compiler does not know how to interpret this. From the wiki :
An enumerated type defines an ordered set of values by simply listing identifiers that denote these values. The values have no inherent meaning.
Something similar is possible in the reverse order. If you know all the possible values, define it as a base type and declare subrange types of it. The subranges will be assignement compatible with the base type and with each other. It may or may not be a benefit.
TEnumAll = (enFirst, enSecond, enThird, enFourth, enFifth);
TEnumLower = enFirst..enThird;
TEnumMore = enFirst..enFourth;
procedure TForm1.Test1;
All: TEnumAll;
Lower: TEnumLower;
for All := Low(TEnumAll) to High(TEnumAll) do begin
Lower := All;
for Lower := Low(TEnumLower) to High(TEnumLower) do begin
All := Lower;
It can be done with an trick, using Include files. Example:
unit AdUserGroupCommonAttributes;
TAdUserGroupCommonAttributes = (
{$I}, {$I}
unit AdGroupAttributes;
TAdGroupAttributes = (
unit AdUserAttributes;
TAdUserAttributes = (
This is not possible because the enumerated names should be unique.
You cannot use the values of TTypeKind in another enumeration, it generates conflict.
However in Delphi 2009 there is a feature called scoped enums.
You can say TMyTypeKind.enBoolean.
But this does not solve the inheritance.
One way is to assign integer constants to the enum values:
Type TMyTypeKind = (enBoolean = High(TTypeKind) + 1, enPath = High(TTypeKind) + 2);
So you can have an index number that begins in Low(TTypeKind) and ends in High(TMyTypeKind)
See it for yourself: Ord(enBoolean)
I am afraid this is not possible at all. Theres nothing you can do about it, I am sorry,
When you type:
Type TMyTypeKind = (TTypeKind, enBoolean, enPath);
Delphi will see that TTypeKind is already a type and it will give you the follow error:
[DCC Error] xxx.pas(41): E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'TTypeKind'
As it was already said, you can't.
But you may do this way:
TBaseState = class
public const
stNone = 1;
stSingle = 2;
TMyState = class(TBaseState)
public const
stNewState = 3;
state: TMyState;
It isn't the same with enums, but sometimes it helps.

What is the Fastest Way to Check for a Keyword in a List of Keywords in Delphi?

I have a small list of keywords. What I'd really like to do is akin to:
case MyKeyword of
'CHIL': (code for CHIL);
'HUSB': (code for HUSB);
'WIFE': (code for WIFE);
'SEX': (code for SEX);
else (code for everything else);
Unfortunately the CASE statement can't be used like that for strings.
I could use the straight IF THEN ELSE IF construct, e.g.:
if MyKeyword = 'CHIL' then (code for CHIL)
else if MyKeyword = 'HUSB' then (code for HUSB)
else if MyKeyword = 'WIFE' then (code for WIFE)
else if MyKeyword = 'SEX' then (code for SEX)
else (code for everything else);
but I've heard this is relatively inefficient.
What I had been doing instead is:
P := pos(' ' + MyKeyword + ' ', ' CHIL HUSB WIFE SEX ');
case P of
1: (code for CHIL);
6: (code for HUSB);
11: (code for WIFE);
17: (code for SEX);
else (code for everything else);
This, of course is not the best programming style, but it works fine for me and up to now didn't make a difference.
So what is the best way to rewrite this in Delphi so that it is both simple, understandable but also fast?
(For reference, I am using Delphi 2009 with Unicode strings.)
Toby recommended I simply use the If Then Else construct. Looking back at my examples that used a CASE statement, I can see how that is a viable answer. Unfortunately, my inclusion of the CASE inadvertently hid my real question.
I actually don't care which keyword it is. That is just a bonus if the particular method can identify it like the POS method can. What I need is to know whether or not the keyword is in the set of keywords.
So really I want to know if there is anything better than:
if pos(' ' + MyKeyword + ' ', ' CHIL HUSB WIFE SEX ') > 0 then
The If Then Else equivalent does not seem better in this case being:
if (MyKeyword = 'CHIL') or (MyKeyword = 'HUSB') or (MyKeyword = 'WIFE')
or (MyKeyword = 'SEX') then
In Barry's comment to Kornel's question, he mentions the TDictionary Generic. I've not yet picked up on the new Generic collections and it looks like I should delve into them. My question here would be whether they are built for efficiency and how would using TDictionary compare in looks and in speed to the above two lines?
In later profiling, I have found that the concatenation of strings as in: (' ' + MyKeyword + ' ') is VERY expensive time-wise and should be avoided whenever possible. Almost any other solution is better than doing this.
type TKeyword = ( ECHIL, EHUSB, EWIFE, ESEX )
const TKeyNames : array[TKeyword] of string = ( 'CHIL', 'HUSB', 'WIFE', 'SEX' );
Key : TKeyword
case Key of
ECHIL : (code for CHIL);
EHUSB : (code for HUSB);
EWIFE : (code for WIFE);
ESEX : (code for SEX);
else (code for everything else);
In general, don't use strings as "keys", use enumerations -- they're safer, and you get much of a speed increase.
Unfortunately Delphi (as far as I know) has no standard hashtable implementation that'd be easy to use, you can always roll up your own however.
BTW, code for SEX sounds much more fun than "will code for beer" :P
You can use a const table (which must be alpha-sorted) and a quick binary sort. It's very efficient, and doesn't require any hashing.
Here is the function to use:
function IsKeyWord(const KeyWords: array of string; const aToken: String): Boolean;
// aToken must be already uppercase
var First, Last, I, Compare: Integer;
First := Low(Keywords);
Last := High(Keywords);
Result := False;
while First <= Last do
I := (First + Last) shr 1;
Compare := CompareStr(Keywords[i],aToken);
if Compare = 0 then
Result := True;
if Compare < 0 then
First := I + 1 else
Last := I - 1;
And here, some examples of keywords:
PASCALKEYWORDS: array[0..100] of string =
DFMKEYWORDS: array[0..4] of string = (
CKEYWORDS: array[0..47] of string = (
CSHARPKEYWORDS : array[0..86] of string = (
And it's very easy to use:
if IsKeyWord(PASCALKEYWORDS,UpperCase('BEGIN')) then
You can easily modify the IsKeyWord() function to return the index of the token if you need it.
function KeyWordIndex(const KeyWords: array of string; const aToken: String): integer;
// aToken must be already uppercase
var First, Last, Compare: Integer;
First := Low(Keywords);
Last := High(Keywords);
while First <= Last do
result := (First + Last) shr 1;
Compare := CompareStr(Keywords[result],aToken);
if Compare = 0 then
exit else
if Compare < 0 then
First := result + 1 else
Last := result - 1;
result := -1; // not found
Mostly I use the IndexText function from StrUtils for that purpose. It is similar to your pos approach, but the return value is independent of the indiviual length of the strings. As a gimmick it is also case insensitive (use IndexStr if you don't want this).
function IndexText(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Integer; overload;
The comment to these functions actually mentions the case construct:
{ AnsiMatchText & AnsiIndexText
provide case like function for dealing
with strings }
Your series of if statements to check whether the input is any of the given keywords could be shortened by checking single characters, to bail out as soon as possible. Your example
if MyKeyword = 'CHIL' then (code for CHIL)
else if MyKeyword = 'HUSB' then (code for HUSB)
else if MyKeyword = 'WIFE' then (code for WIFE)
else if MyKeyword = 'SEX' then (code for SEX)
else (code for everything else);
could be replaced by
KW := kwOther;
if MyKeyword <> '' then begin
case MyKeyword[1] of
'C': if MyKeyword = 'CHIL' then KW := kwCHIL;
'H': if MyKeyword = 'HUSB' then KW := kwHUSB;
'S': if MyKeyword = 'SEX' then KW := kwSEX;
'W': if MyKeyword = 'WIFE' then KW := kwWIFE;
case KW of
kwCHIL: {code for CHIL};
kwHUSB: {code for HUSB};
kwSEX: {code for SEX};
kwWIFE: {code for WIFE};
{code for everything else};
For case-insensitive keywords the case would check for upper and lower case, and the comparison would use AnsiCompareText(). If you have several keywords with the same first letter you could nest these case statements, but readability would probably suffer soon for very little speed gain.
Taking this to the maximum you could implement a state machine that uses a PChar to calculate the next state, which would branch to the else case as soon as the first non-matching character is found. It would be faster than any solution involving hashes.
I think the
if x then
is by far the best solution. Your own solution is very inelegant and for the miniscule improvement in efficiency its not worth it. The if then else construct is perfect for what you want.
For cleanest code, it's best to use case with enumerations, or if..else with strings, as others have suggested. There are a few solutions off the beaten track, though, if you really want to go there.
One is to use a string hash map, which is like a list "indexed" by strings. Values in the list would be procedure pointers to the code you wish to execute for each string. All the procedures would have to have the same exact parameters - and you'd have to write the hash map yourself, or find one you can use e.g. in JVCL.
// prepare the hash map
myHashMap[ 'CHIL' ] := #procToCallForChil;
myHashMap[ 'HUSB' ] := #procToCallForHusb;
// use the hash map
TPrototypeProc = procedure( your-parameters-here );
procToCall : TPrototypeProc;
#procToCall := myHashMap[ 'CHIL' ];
procToCall( your-parameters-here );
Two, and this is something weird I've tried out once: if and only if your identifier strings fit in 4 characters (as in all your examples), and they are ansi strings (not unicode strings), you can map strings to integers directly. A 32-bit integer is equivalent in size to a 4-byte string, so you can do:
function FourCharStringToInteger( const s : ansistring ) : integer;
assert(( length( s ) = 4 ), 'String to convert must be exactly 4 characters long!');
move( s[1], result, 4 );
Any string identifier that's shorter than 4 characters would have to be padded with spaces, and the strings are case-sensitive ('chil' and 'CHIL' yield different values). To use this with a case statement, you'd have to precompute the values, which may or may not be suitable for your purpose:
id_CHIL := FourCharStringToInteger( 'CHIL' );
And finally you can have your case statement:
case id of
id_CHIL : ...
id_HUSB : ...
This is "special care" code, and might only make a difference if you have a hundreds or more of your identifier strings - it really shouldn't be done at all :) It is certainly easy to break. I agree though that case statements are neater than interminable processions of ...else... blocks.
disclaimer: answer is based on the updated problem statement, i.e. simply checking whether a string matches or not.
If you really want to go for that last bit of performance, some extra information about your data sets could help.
how many keywords are we talking about? (what order of magnitude)
is the set of keywords fixed?
is there a lot of repetition in the input set? (i.e. the same X keywords often repeat)
what is the expected hit/miss ratio like? Do you expect to match one keyword for every thousand input words, or do you expect almost every word to be found?
For example,
for a small amount of keywords (let's say about 20, depending on the implementation), the overhead of hashing will become important.
If If you get can get a perfect hashing scheme (see here for an example in C), you can get rid of any chaining or similar scheme, shaving off some important cycles. Then again, this would require both your keywords and input set to be known up front, which isn't very likely.
if there is a lot of repetition in the keywords (and a large hash collection to match against), a small local cache of the last X words could help.
if you expect a lot of blatant misses (or your hash algorithm is very inefficient ;P) a trie could be more efficient than a hash table.
Most of these are a bit extreme for common performance tuning tasks though. I'd probably profile standard "hashed set" implementations (delphi generics, jcl, etc.) first to see which one performs best on your problem set.
You could also switch to a more object-oriented approach and have something like
TCommand = class
procedure Execute; virtual; abstract;
TCommandClass = class of TCommand;
and have a factory create the commands for you
TCommandFactory = class
procedure RegisterKeyWord (const Keyword : String; CmdClass : TCommandClass);
function CreateCommand (const Keyword : String) : TCommand;
The calling code would then look as easy as:
CommandFactory.CreateCommand (Keyword).Execute;
That way you have localized and encapsulated all keyword strings in a simple factory class, which makes later changes to the input language very easy. Using this command-based approach has other advantages such as easy extensibility.
I know that this maybe interpreted as not an answer to your question, because it's not about how fast you can do it. But it's another approach that might be worth thinking about.

Enums vs Const vs Class Const in Delphi programming

I have an integer field in a ClientDataSet and I need to compare to some values, something like this:
I can use const
mvValue1 = 1;
mvValue2 = 2;
if ClientDataSet_Field.AsInteger = mvValue1 then
or enums
TMyValues = (mvValue1 = 1, mvValue2 = 2);
if ClientDataSet_Field.AsInteger = Integer(mvValue1) then
or class const
TMyValue = class
Value1 = 1;
Value2 = 2;
if ClientDataSet_Field.AsInteger = TMyValues.Value1 then
I like the class const approach but it seems that is not the delphi way, So I want to know what do you think
TMyValues = class
type TMyEnum = (myValue1, myValue2, myValue3, myValue4);
const MyStrVals: array [TMyEnum] of string =
('One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four');
const MyIntVals: array [TMyEnum] of integer =
(1, 2, 3, 4);
if ClientDataSet_Field.AsInteger = TMyValues.MyIntVals[myValue1] then
A cast would generally be my last choice.
I wouldn't say that class consts are not the Delphi way. It's just they have been introduced to Delphi quite recently, and a lot of books and articles you'll find on the internet were written before their introduction, and thus you won't see them widely used. Many Delphi developers (I'd say the majority) will have started using Delphi before they were made available, and thus they're not the first thing that one thinks about.
One thing to consider is backwards compatibility - class constants are relatively new to Delphi so if your code has to be sharable with previous versions than they are out.
I typically use enumerated types, with the difference from yours is that my first enumeration is usually an 'undefined' item to represent NULL or 0 in an int field.
TmyValues = (myvUndefined, myvDescription1, myvDescription2)
if ClientDataSet_Field.AsInteger = Ord(myvDescription1) then...
To use a little bit of Jim McKeeth's answer - if you need to display to the user a text viewable version, or if you need to convert their selected text into the enumerated type, then an array comes in handy in conjuction with the type:
const MYVALS: array [TmyValues ] of string = ('', 'Description1', 'Description2');
You can then have utility functions to set/get the enumerated type to/from a string:
Function MyValString(const pMyVal:TmyValues):string;
result := MYVALS[Ord(pMyVal)];
Function StringToMyVal(const pMyVal:String):TMyValues;
var i:Integer;
result := myvUndefined;
for i := Low(MYVALS) to High(MYVALS) do
if SameText(pMyVal, MYVALS[i]) then
result := TMyValues(i);
Continuing on... you can have scatter routine to set a combo/list box:
Procedure SetList(const DestList:TStrings);
for i := Low(MYVALS) to High(MYVALS) do
In code: SetList(Combo1.Items) or SetList(ListBox1.Items)..
Then if you are seeing the pattern here... useful utility functions surrounding your enumeration, then you add everything to it's own class and put this class into it's own unit named MyValueEnumeration or whaterver. You end up with all the code surrounding this enumeration in one place and keep adding the utility functions as you need them. If you keep the unit clean - don't mix in other unrelated functionality then it will stay very handy for all projects related to that enumeration.
You'll see more patterns as time goes and you use the same functionality over and over again and you'll build a better mousetrap again.
When using constants I recommend assigning the type when the data type is a numeric float.
Delphi and other languages will not always evaluate values correctly if the types do not match...
TMyValue = class
// will not compare correctly to float values.
Value1 = 1; // true constant can be used to supply any data type value
Value2 = 2; // but should only be compared to similar data type
// will not compare correctly to a single or double.
Value3 = 3.3; // default is extended in debugger
// will not compare correctly to a single or extended.
Value1d : double = Value1; // 1.0
Value2d : double = Value2; // 2.0
Compared float values in if () and while () statements should be compared to values of the same data type, so it is best to define a temporary or global variable of the float type used for any comparison statements (=<>).
When compared to the same float data type this format is more reliable for comparison operators in any programming language, not just in Delphi, but in any programming language where the defined float types vary from variable to constant.
Once you assign a type, Delphi will not allow you to use the variable to feed another constant, so true constants are good to feed any related data type, but not for comparison in loops and if statements, unless they are assigned and compared to integer values.
***Note: Casting a value from one float type to another may alter the stored value from what you entered for comparison purposes, so verify with a unit test that loops when doing this.
It is unfortunate that Delphi doesn't allow an enumeration format like...
TController : Integer = (NoController = 0, ncpod = 1, nextwave = 2);
or enforce the type name for access to the enumeration values.
or allow a class constant to be used as a parameter default in a call like...
function getControllerName( Controller : TController = TController.NoController) : string;
However, a more guarded approach that provides both types of access would be to place the enumeration inside a class.
TController = class
//NoController : Integer = 1;
//ncpod : Integer = 2;
//nextwave : Integer = 3;
Option = (NoController = 0, ncpod = 1, nextwave = 2);
Class function Name( Controller : Option = NoController) : string; static;
class function TController.Name( Controller : Option = NoController) : string;
Result := 'CNC';
if (Controller = Option.nextwave) then
Result := Result + ' Piranha'
else if (Controller = Option.ncpod) then
Result := Result + ' Shark';
Result := Result + ' Control Panel';
This approach will effectively isolate the values, provide the static approach and allow access to the values using a for () loop.
The access to the values from a floating function would be like this...
using TControllerUnit;
function getName( Controller : TController.Option = TController.Option.NoController) : string;
function getName( Controller : TController.Option = TController.Option.NoController) : string;
Result := 'CNC';
if (Controller = TController.Option.nextwave) then
Result := Result + ' Piranha'
else if (Controller = TController.Option.ncpod) then
Result := Result + ' Shark';
Result := Result + ' Control Panel';
so many options! :-) i prefer enums and routinely use them as you describe. one of the parts i like is that i can use them with a "for" loop. i do use class constants as well but prefer enums (even private enums) depending on what i'm trying to achieve.
private const // d2007 & later i think
iMaxItems=1; // d2007 & later i think
private type // d2007 & later i think
TMyValues = (mvValue1 = 1, mvValue2 = 2); // d2007 & later i think
An option you haven't thought of is to use a lookup table in the database and then you can check against the string in the database.
Select value, Description from tbl_values inner join tbl_lookup_values where tbl_values.Value = tbl_lookup_values.value
if ClientDataSet_Field.AsString = 'ValueIwant' then
