We have a win control object which moves its clients to some other coordiantes. The problem is, when there are too many children - for example 500 controls - the code is really slow.
It must be because of each control being repainted each time I set Left and Top property. So, I want to tell the WinControl object stop being repainted, and after moving all objects to their new positions, it may be painted again (Something like BeginUpdate for memo and list objects). How can I do this?
Here's the code of moving the objects; it's quite simple:
for I := 0 to Length(Objects) - 1 do begin
with Objects[I].Client do begin
Left := Left + DX;
Top := Top + DY;
As Cosmin Prund explains, the cause for the long duration is not an effect of repainting but of VCL's realignment requisites at control movement. (If it really should take as long as it does, then you might even need to request immediate repaints).
To temporarily prevent realignment and all checks and work for anchors, align settings and Z-order, use DisableAlign and EnableAlign. And halve the count of calls to SetBounds by called it directly:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
Control: TControl;
for I := 0 to 499 do
Control := TButton.Create(Self);
Control.SetBounds((I mod 10) * 40, (I div 10) * 20, 40, 20);
Control.Parent := Panel1;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
C: TControl;
// Disable Panel1 paint
SendMessage(Panel1.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Integer(False), 0);
for I := 0 to Panel1.ControlCount - 1 do
C := Panel1.Controls[I];
C.SetBounds(C.Left + 10, C.Top + 5, C.Width, C.Height);
// Enable Panel1 paint
SendMessage(Panel1.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Integer(True), 0);
// Update client area
RedrawWindow(Panel1.Handle, nil, 0, RDW_INVALIDATE or RDW_UPDATENOW or RDW_ALLCHILDREN);
Your assumption that the slowness comes from re-painting controls is probably true, but not the whole story. The default Delphi code that handles moving controls would delay painting until the next WM_PAINT message is received, and that would happen when the message queue is pumped, after you complete moving all the controls. Unfortunately there are a lot of things involved in this, that default behavior can be altered in many places, including Delphi and Windows itself. I've used the following code to test what happens when you move a control at runtime:
var i: Integer;
for i:=1 to 100 do
Panel1.Left := Panel1.Left + 1;
Sleep(10); // Simulate slow code.
The behaviour depends on the control! A TControl (example: TLabel) is going to behave according to Delphi's rules, but a TWinControl depends on too many factors. A simple TPanel is not repainted until after the loop, in the case of TButton on my machine only the background is re-painted, while a TCheckBox is fully repainted. On David's machine the TButton is also fully repainted, proving this depends on many factors. In the case of TButton the most likely factor is the Windows version: I tested on Windows 8, David tested on Windows 7.
AlignControl Avalanche
Anyhow, there's an other really important factor to be taken into account. When you move a control at runtime, all the rules for alignment and anchoring for all the controls need to be taken into account. This likely causes an avalanche of AlignControls / AlignControl / UpdateAnchorRules calls. Since all those calls end up requiring recursive invocations of the same, the number of calls will be exponential (hence your observation that moving lots of objects on a TWinControl is slow).
The simplest solution is, as David suggests, placing everything on a Panel and moving the panel as one. If that's not possible, and all your controls are actually TWinControl (ie: they have a Window Handle), you could use:
BeginDeferWindowPos, DeferWindowPos, EndDeferWindowPos
I would put all the controls in a panel, and then move the panel rather than the controls. That way you perform the shift in a one single operation.
If you would rather move the controls within their container then you can use TWinControl.ScrollBy.
For what it is worth, it is more efficient to use SetBounds than to modify Left and Top in separate lines of code.
SetBounds(Left+DX, Top+DY, Width, Height);
To speed up you should set the Visible property of you WinControl to False during child movement to avoid repainting.
Together with SetBounds you will get the best from moving the child controls.
procedure TForm1.MoveControls( AWinControl : TWinControl; ADX, ADY : Integer );
LIdx : Integer;
AWinControl.Visible := False;
for LIdx := 0 to Pred( AWinControl.ControlCount ) do
with AWinControl.Controls[LIdx] do
SetBounds( Left + ADX, Top + ADY, Width, Height );
AWinControl.Visible := True;
BTW As David suggested, moving the parent is much faster than each child.
I have an application which always starts initially maximized. This consists of putting Self.WindowState := wsMaximized; in the OnCreate of the main form.
Just before that, I'm assigning what should be the default dimensions of the main form, if the user were to change the window state to wsNormal.
So, in short, the main form's OnCreate handler looks something like:
procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Width:= 1300;
Height:= 800;
WindowState:= wsMaximized;
Theoretically, I could assign these dimensions in design-time, and that does what I need. However, due to the size of my screen, and thus the IDE, the whole form is not visible at one glance without scrolling. In design, I keep the form size small, so I can see everything. But in runtime, I need to assign these default dimensions, and then maximize it by default. When the user changes the window state out of maximized, I expect it to go to those dimensions I dynamically assigned.
The issue is that it seems to lose those dimensions after maximizing the form, and it reverts back to whatever values were in design-time. If I comment out the line WindowState:= wsMaximized; then it shows the form in the desired default dimensions. However, maximizing it seems to overwrite and ignore these values I had just assigned before it.
How can I create and show my main form maximized by default, while at the same time dynamically assigning the default size, without my assigned values getting lost?
(Confirmed with 10.3.3.)
The exact origin of this problem I cannot pinpoint, but a reasonable cause would be that during the constructor the form component is being read and that previous sizes seem to be explicitly backed up:
procedure TControl.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
SetBounds(FLeft, FTop, Value, FHeight);
Include(FScalingFlags, sfWidth);
if csReading in ComponentState then
FExplicitWidth := FWidth;
A possible solution is to set the desired sizes in the OnCreate event, like you are doing now, but postpone setting the desired WindowsState until the OnShow event.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Width := 1300;
Height := 800;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
WindowState := wsMaximized;
Of course, you probably should prevent consecutive calls by using a one-off mechanism.
Please take a look at wsMaximized forms do not appear maximized too.
Apparently, the VCL does not store the explicit intermediate size (in some Delphi versions anyway) but seems to merge the change with that of the maximization when the form is actually shown.
Like Sertac Akyuz quite correctly suggested, you can use SetWindowPlacement to bypass this VCL interference:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
WindowPlacement: TWindowPlacement;
GetWindowPlacement(Handle, WindowPlacement);
WindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition := Bounds(Left, Top, 1300, 800);
WindowPlacement.showCmd := SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED;
SetWindowPlacement(Handle, WindowPlacement);
You must set form size on FormActivate:
procedure TfrmMain.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
if Tag = 0 then
// Top := 100;
// Left := 100;
Width:= 1300;
Height:= 800;
WindowState:= wsMaximized;
Tag := 1;
I can't adjust a TTrackBar thumb size to a higher size. See the image:
I got a small thumb on the left, and I can't make it bigger (but not the TrackBar itself).
Desired thumb size is shown on an image with a red area.
Maybe I can use WINAPI somehow?
C++ apps have bigger thumb often.
This is what I'm actually hopping for:
It would seem like this cannot be done with the standard trackbar control. Indeed, I cannot see any trackbar style or trackbar message related to this. There is only the TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH, which you also can access from VCL's TTrackBar.ThumbLength, but this also affects the height of the background sunken rectangle.
A corollory is that I doubt the observation that "C++ apps have bigger thumb often".
Of course, you can always make your own trackbar-like control.
Or do you only want to shrink the sunken rectangle? Then just set ShowSelRange to False in the Object Inspector. But if themes are on, you still cannot make the thumb bigger than about 24.
If you are on an old version of Delphi with no TrackBar.ShowSelRange, you need to remove the window style TBS_ENABLESELRANGE manually. You can do this at any time using SetWindowLong, or you can do it in CreateParams of a subclassed trackbar control. The simplest way might be to use an 'interposer class':
TTrackBar = class(ComCtrls.TTrackBar)
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
{ TTrackBar }
procedure TTrackBar.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
Params.Style := Params.Style and not TBS_ENABLESELRANGE;
To get the appearance in the Notepad++ screenshot, you should also set TickMarks to tmBoth and TickStyle to tsNone.
This doesn't answer your question, though, which was about making the thumb larger. This will make the sunken rectangle smaller... From your screenshots, however, I would guess this is what you want.
Trackbar is one of the native controls that support custom draw. Basically, when themes are enabled, you can control various aspects of drawing the control, or you can tell the OS that you're overtaking drawing parts yourself. See more about custom draw here.
We don't have to overtake any drawing to play with the sizes of some parts a little bit. It is the VCL that draws the channel (the recessed tracking background), and the ticks. For ticks, there are already properties we can use. For the channel, we can deflate the rectangle a bit, and the VCL will take over from there. The thumb is drawn by the default window procedure, but it doesn't matter, the OS will draw the thumb to the modified rectangle.
The below example (for a horizontal trackbar) intercepts WM_NOTIFY notification sent to the form to carry out these modifications. This will only work if the trackbar is placed directly on the form. If this is not the case, you can derive a new control that descends from TTrackBar to handle CN_NOTIFY, or subclass the control, or its parent for WM_NOTIFY. All that matters is to handle the notification before the actual drawing is performed.
This is how the example looks:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
TrackBar1: TTrackBar;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure WMNotify(var Msg: TWMNotify); message WM_NOTIFY;
themes, commctrl, xpman;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
if ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled and
(TrackBar1.Orientation = trHorizontal) then begin
TrackBar1.TickMarks := tmBoth;
TrackBar1.TickStyle := tsNone;
TrackBar1.ThumbLength := 38;
procedure TForm1.WMNotify(var Msg: TWMNotify);
if ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled and
(TrackBar1.Orientation = trHorizontal) then begin
if (Msg.IDCtrl = Longint(TrackBar1.Handle)) and
(Msg.NMHdr.code = NM_CUSTOMDRAW) and
(PNMCustomDraw(Msg.NMHdr).dwDrawStage = CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) then begin
case PNMCustomDraw(Msg.NMHdr).dwItemSpec of
TBCD_THUMB: InflateRect(PNMCustomDraw(Msg.NMHdr).rc, -4, 0);
with PNMCustomDraw(Msg.NMHdr).rc do begin
Top := Bottom div 2 + 2;
Bottom := Top + 5;
Inc(Left, 4);
Dec(Right, 4);
I have some troubles with rendering my canvas. Actually I'm trying to write game like space invaders, without using any OpenGL or DirectX. So at the background I have moving sky, and jet moving over it. But the jet is blinding, and sky moves not uniformly. Here's my code
sky := TBitmap.Create;
jet := TBitmap.Create;
jet.Transparent := True;
while True do
for k := 0 to sky.Height do
for i := -1 to (pbMain.Height div sky.Height) do
for j := 0 to (pbMain.Width div sky.Width) do
pbMain.Canvas.Draw(nx, ny, jet);
pbMain.Canvas.Draw(j*sky.Width, k + i*sky.Height, sky);
Thank you.
You can't write a standard Windows app like that. You have to do your painting in response to WM_PAINT messages. In Delphi terms this equates to overriding the Paint method of a TWinControl descendent, or perhaps using a TPaintBox and providing an OnPaint event handler. I'm going to assume that you use a TPaintBox.
If you need to avoid flicker it is common practice to draw to an off-screen bitmap and then show this when you are asked to paint.
Your application should probably use a timer control to provide a regular pulse. Then, on each pulse, update your off-screen bitmap. Then call Invalidate on your paint box to force a paint cycle.
The code might look like this:
procedure TMainForm.RefreshTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
procedure TMainForm.RedrawOffscreenBitmap;
//paint to FOffscreenBitmap
procedure TMainForm.PaintBoxBox(Sender: TObject);
PaintBox.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, FOffscreenBitmap);
The Virtual Treeview scrolls vertically by pixels, unlike the way the standard Delphi grids, TListView and TTreeView (or most of the other such controls that I am aware of) scroll by line and keep a full line visible at the top of the control at all times. When I use the cursor keys to navigate, then depending on direction either the first or the last line is completely visible. When scrolling with the mouse there is no alignment whatsoever.
This behaviour can be observed for example with the Structure window in Delphi 2007 and 2009.
Is there any way to set the many properties to have the behaviour of the standard windows controls? Or is there a set of patches somewhere to achieve this?
This is what I came up with the help of Argalatyr, looks like it does what I want it to:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
VirtualStringTree1.ScrollBarOptions.VerticalIncrement :=
procedure TForm1.VirtualStringTree1Resize(Sender: TObject);
DY: integer;
with VirtualStringTree1 do begin
DY := VirtualStringTree1.DefaultNodeHeight;
BottomSpace := ClientHeight mod DY;
VirtualStringTree1.OffsetY := Round(VirtualStringTree1.OffsetY / DY) * DY;
procedure TForm1.VirtualStringTree1Scroll(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; DeltaX,
DeltaY: Integer);
DY: integer;
if DeltaY <> 0 then begin
DY := VirtualStringTree1.DefaultNodeHeight;
VirtualStringTree1.OffsetY := Round(VirtualStringTree1.OffsetY / DY) * DY;
You could intercept the TBaseVirtualTree.OnScroll event and use the virtual treeview's canvas's return value for textheight('M') as the amount to change TBaseVirtualTree.offsety in order to increment (scroll up) or decrement (scroll down). Could also test to ensure that pre-scroll position modulus textheight('M') is zero (to avoid scrolling by the right amount from the wrong position).
Alternatively, this post on the Virtual Treeview forum suggests another approach: hide the virtual treeview's native scroll bars with VCL scroll bars and then do the scrolling yourself (trapping VCL scroll events and programmatically scrolling the virtual treeview).
I'm trying to create with Delphi a component inherited from TLabel, with some custom graphics added to it on TLabel.Paint. I want the graphics to be on left side of text, so I overrode GetClientRect:
function TMyComponent.GetClientRect: TRect;
result := inherited GetClientRect;
result.Left := 20;
This solution has major problem I'd like to solve: It's not possible to click on the "graphics area" of the control, only label area. If the caption is empty string, it's not possible to select the component in designer by clicking it at all. Any ideas?
First excuse-me for my bad English.
I think it is not a good idea change the ClientRect of the component. This property is used for many internal methods and procedures so you can accidentally change the functionality/operation of that component.
I think that you can change the point to write the text (20 pixels in the DoDrawText procedure -for example-) and the component can respond on events in the graphic area.
procedure TGrlabel.DoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Integer);
Rect.Left := 20;
procedure TGrlabel.Paint;
Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed;
Canvas.pen.Width := 3;
What methods/functionality are you getting from TLabel that you need this component to do?
Would you perhaps be better making a descendent of (say, TImage) and draw your text as part of it's paint method?
If it's really got to be a TLabel descendant (with all that this entails) then I think you'll be stuck with this design-time issue, as doesn't TLabel have this problem anyway when the caption is empty?
I'll be interested in the other answers you get! :-)