Match Policies using the API - youtube

Can I apply match policies using the API v2 or v3, or is my only option to use the SFTP upload method?

There's nothing public in the Data API v2 or v3 that you could use at this time. If you want, you can follow up with me via email to discuss your use case further—jeffy at google dot com.


Jira Rest 2 way integration with api key

I want to integration jira with rest api. I have a apikey. With this api key, I can create an issue via rest. When there is a change on this issue, I want to see it in my own project.
Other companies can only do this using apikey. How can I do?

Google Docs API, new "Compare documents" feature available through API?

Google has rolled out a useful tool of compare docs.
I need to access through an API because I'm comparing many documents. I searched through the API reference but didn't find it. Did i just miss it or is it not available?
This feature is not available via the Docs API.
More Information
Fundamentally, the Google Docs API lets you create and modify documents.
From the documentation:
The API allows you to do tasks such as the following:
Automate processes
Create documentation in bulk
Generate invoices or contracts
It is not an API which has methods that directly replicate the methods available in the user interface.
The Revisions resource of the Drive API might be an approximate solution for you, as it allows revisions of documents to be accessed and downloaded via export links.
As Google Documents have some level of version control implementation, it might be possible to use this to make document comparisons. Unfortunately however, there is no direct way of comparing changes, and as per a recent Issue Tracker case it seems that due to the zip nature of .docx files, not even exporting and comparing MD5s can be a direct solution for this.
Feature Request:
You can however let Google know that this is a feature that is important for the Docs or Drive API and that you would like to request they implement it. You can use the aforelinked Google's Issue Tracker to report issues and make feature requests for their development services.
The page to file a Feature Request for the Google Docs API is here and the Google Drive API is here
Introduction | Google Docs API | Google Developers
Revisions | Google Drive API | Google Developers
Issue Tracker Links:
Google Docs export returns non-stable (i.e. different) bytes content for each ex
Docs API Feature Request | New Issue - Issue Tracker
Drive API Feature Request | New Issue - Issue Tracker

Does Slack provide API access to Slack's avatars?

Where do the Slack default avatars come from? Is it their own service or a 3rd party one?
In either case, is there a possibility for others to use the avatar creation service / system e.g. via the slack API?
I asked Slack directly, and they don't currently offer this in their API:
We don't have an API method or service for it, so there isn't a way to do this, sorry!
They've heard the suggestion, though.

Where did the v2 api key console go?

There used to be a YouTube api console for v2 that allowed generation of v2 api keys. Mentioned here by Jeff Posnick. I get a 404 error now.
I know that v2 has been deprecated but it takes time to switch to the new v3 version and we should be still be able to use v2 until the end date of April 2015. Does anyone know where to get v2 api keys?
At the bottom of the post you reference, Jeff mentioned that one goal is to make the old v2 API aware of new keys generated via the API console (now the cloud console). I just tested it and it seems to work now to use a "key for browser applications" for deprecated v2 calls as well as the read-only v3 API calls, but someone else may be able to comment if this is, in fact, accurate.

Possible to share OAuth access tokens between V2 and V3?

I have Companies I authenticated with against V2. With V3 on the scene, can I safely make V3 API calls with their same tokens? Or do I need to have all of my users re-authenticate themselves?
I would think they are re-usable but during the run-up to V3 I vaguely remember reading/hearing some documentation which suggested otherwise. And I don't want to muck anything up by actually trying it out (it would be bad if Intuit somehow set a flag upon a V3 API call saying "this Company is now V3-enabled, disable V2" or something to that affect).
Yes, the tokens are the same, only the actual REST endpoints changed.
There is no need to get new tokens.
