Matching function in erlang based on string format - erlang

I have user information coming in from an outside source and I need to check if that user is active. Sometimes I have a User and a Server and other times I have User#Server. The former case is no problem, I just have:
active(User, Server) ->
do whatever.
What I would like to do with the User#Server case is something like:
active([User, "#", Server]) ->
active(User, Server).
Doesn't seem to work. When calling active in the erlang terminal with a#b for example, I get an error that there is no match. Any help would be appreciated!

You can tokenize the string to get the result:
active(UserString) ->
[User,Server] = string:tokens(UserString,"#"),
If you need something more elaborate, or with better handling of something like email addresses, it might then be time to delve into using regular expressions with the re module.
active(UserString) ->
RegEx = "^([\\w\\.-]+)#([\\w\\.-]+)$",
{match, [User,Server]} = re:run(UserString,RegEx,[{capture,all_but_first,list}]),
Note: The supplied Regex is hardly sufficient for email address validation, it's just an example that allows all alphanumeric characters including underscores (\\w), dots (\\.), and dashes (-) seperated by an at symbol. And it will fail if the match doesn't stretch the whole length of the string: (^ to $).

A note on the pattern matching, for the real solution to your problem I think #chops suggestions should be used.
When matching patterns against strings I think it's useful to keep in mind that erlang strings are really lists of integers. So the string "#" is actually the same as [64] (64 being the ascii code for #)
This means that you match pattern [User, "#", Server] will match lists like: [97,[64],98], but not "a#b" (which in list form is [97,64,98]).
To match the string you need to do [User,$#,Server]. The $ operator gives you the ascii value of the character.
However this match pattern limits the matching string to be 1 character followed by # and then one more character...
It can be improved by doing [User, $# | Server] which allows the server part to have arbitrary length, but the User variable will still only match one single character (and I don't see a way around that).


In a tree-sitter grammar, how do I match strings except for reserved keywords in identifiers?

This might be related to me not understanding the Keyword Extraction feature, which from the docs seems to be about avoiding an issue where no space exists between a keyword and the following expression. But say I have a fairly standard identifier regex for variable names, function names, etc.:
How do I keep this from matching a reserved keyword like IF or ELSE or something like that? So this expression would produce an error:
int IF = 5;
while this would not:
int x = 5;
There is a pull request pending since 2019 to add an EXCLUDE feature, but this is not currently implemented as of time of writing this (April 2021 - if some time has passed and you're reading this, please do re-check this!). And since treesitter also does not support negative lookbehind in its regular expressions, this has to be handled at the semantic level. One thing you can do to make this check easier is to enumerate all your reserved words then add them as an alternative to your identifier regex:
keyword: $ => choice('IF', 'THEN', 'ELSE'),
name: $ => /\w*[A-Za-z]\w*/,
identifier: $ => choice($.keyword, $.name)
According to rule 4 of treesitter's match rules, in the expression int IF = 5; the IF token would match (identifier keyword) rather than (identifier name) since it is a more specific match. This means you can do an easy query for illegal (identifier keyword) nodes and surface the error to the user in your language server or from wherever it is you're using the treesitter grammar.
Note that this approach does run the risk of creating many conflicts between your (identifier keyword) match and the actual language constructs that use those keywords. If so, you'll have to handle the whole thing at the semantic level: scan all identifiers to check whether they're a reserved word.

ruby regex match

For my ruby on rails project, I have a model called message which has a to field. I want to implement a wildcard search so that, for example, %545 will bring up all messages ending with 545, 545% will bring up all numbers starting with 545, %545% will bring up all messages including 545.
I have a query like Message.where("to like ?", str) where str is the string to match, e.g. %545, %545%, 545%...etc.
Everything works but I'm concerned about SQL injection attack. So I want to do a regex matching for str so that it only allows % and numbers to pass through. So I want strings like %545, %545%, 545% to pass, but not abc, %545a, a545%, %54a5% to pass.
I've tried str.scan(/.*?(\d+%)/) but that doesn't work.
You are correctly using placeholders, so you are protected from SQL injection attacks already. Rails will escape any unsafe characters in the pattern; you don't need to take any further action.
If you still want to strip characters other than digits and %, you can use Ruby's String#delete method:
The '^1-9%' argument means "Delete every character that is not 1 to 9 or %". (n.b. you cannot use \d here, because #delete doesn't understand regular expression meta characters.)

Can I match against a string that contains non-ASCII characters?

I am writing an program in which I am dealing with strings in the form, e.g., of "\001SOURCE\001". That is, the strings contained alphanumeric text with an ASCII character of value 1 at each end. I am trying to write a function to match strings like these. I have tried a match like this:
handle(<<1,"SOURCE",1>>) -> ok.
But the match does not succeed. I have tried a few variations on this theme, but all have failed.
Is there a way to match a string that contains mostly alphanumeric text, with the exception of a non-alpha character at each end?
You can also do the following
[1] ++ "SOURCE" ++ [1] == "\001SOURCE\001".
Or convert to binary using list_to_binary and pattern match as
<<1,"SOURCE",1>> == <<"\001SOURCE\001">>.
Strings are syntactic sugar for lists. Lists are a type and binaries are a different type, so your match isn't working out because you're trying to match a list against a binary (same problem if you tried to match {1, "STRING", 1} to it, tuples aren't lists).
Remembering that strings are lists, we have a few options:
handle([1,83,84,82,73,78,71,1]) -> ok.
This will work just fine. Another, more readable (but uglier, sort of) way is to use character literals:
handle([1, $S,$T,$R,$I,$N,$G, 1]) -> ok.
Yet another way would be to strip the non-character values, and then pass that on to a handler:
handle(String) -> dispatch(string:strip(String, both, 1)).
dispatch("STRING") -> do_stuff();
dispatch("OTHER") -> do_other_stuff().
And, if at all possible, the best case is if you just stop using strings for text values entirely (if that's feasible) and process binaries directly instead. The syntax of binaries is much friendlier, they take up way fewer resources, and quite a few binary operations are significantly more efficient than their string/list counterparts. But that doesn't fit every case! (But its awesome when dealing with sockets...)

What does these two regex match?

I can't figure out what does this regex match:
A: "\\/\\/c\\/(\\d*)"
B: "\\/\\/(\\d*)"
I suppose they are matching some kind of number sequence since \d matches any digit but I'd like to know an example of a string that would be a match for this regex.
The pattern syntax is that specified by ICU. Expressions are created with NSRegularExpression in an iOS app and are correct.
The first matches //c/ + 0 or more digits. The second matches // + 0 or more digits. In both the digits are captured.
An example of a match for A) is //c/123
An example of a match for B) is //12345
When I use Cygwin which emulates Bash on Windows, I sometimes run into situations where I have to escape my escape characters which is what I think is making this expression look so weird. For instance, when I use sed to look for a single '\' I sometimes have to write it as '\\\\'. (Funny, StackOverflow proved my point. If you write 4 backslashes in the comment, it only shows two. So if you process it again, they might all disappear depending on your situation).
Considering this, it might be helpful to think of pairs of backslashes as representing only one if you're coming from a similar situation. My guess would be you are. Because of this I would say Erik Duymelinck is probably spot on. This will capture a sequence of digits that may or may not follow a couple slashes and a c:
This regex matches an odd sequence of characters, which, at first glance, almost seem like a regex, since \d is a digit, and followed by an asterisk (\d*) would mean zero-or-more digits. But it's not a digit, because the escape-slash is escaped.
So, for instance, this one matches the following text:
This one is almost the same
except you just delete the c\/ from the above results:
In both cases, the final \ and optional d is [capture group][1] one.
My first impression was that these regexes were intended for escaping in Java strings, meaning they would be completely invalid. If the were escaped for Java strings, such as
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\/\\/c\\/(\\d*)");
It would be invalid, because after un-escaping, it would result in this invalid regex:
The single escape-slashes (\) are invalid. But the \d is valid, as it would mean any digit.
But again, I don't think they're invalid, and they're not escaped for a Java string. They're just odd.

Regular expression for valid subdomain in Ruby

I'm attempting to validate a string of user input that will be used as a subdomain. The rules are as follows:
Between 1 and 63 characters in length (I take 63 from the number of characters Google Chrome appears to allow in a subdomain, not sure if it's actually a server directive. If you have better advice on valid max length, I'm interested in hearing it)
May contain a-zA-Z0-9, hyphen, underscore
May not begin or end with a hyphen or underscore
EDIT: From input below, I've added the following:
4. Should not contain consecutive hyphens or underscores.
a => valid
0 => valid
- => not valid
_ => not valid
a- => not valid
-a => not valid
a_ => not valid
_a => not valid
aa => valid
aaa => valid
a-a-a => valid
0-a => valid
a&a => not valid
a-_0 => not valid
a--a => not valid
aaa- => not valid
My issue is I'm not sure how to specify with a RegEx that the string is allowed to be only one character, while also specifying that it may not begin or end with a hyphen or underscore.
You can't can have underscores in proper subdomains, but do you need them? After trimming your input, do a simple string length check, then test with this:
With the above, you won't get consecutive - characters, e.g. a-bbb-ccc passes and a--d fails.
Will allow non-consecutive underscores as well.
Update: you'll find that, in practice, underscores are disallowed and all subdomains must start with a letter. The solution above does not allow internationalised subdomains (punycode). You're better of using this
I'm not familiar with Ruby regex syntax, but I'll assume it's like, say, Perl. Sounds like you want:
Or if Ruby doesn't use the i flag, just replace [-a-z\d_] with [-a-zA-Z\d_].
The reason I'm using [-a-zA-Z\d_] instead of the shorter [-\w] is that, while nearly equivalent, \w will allow special characters such as รค rather than just ASCII-type characters. That behavior can be optionally turned off in most languages, or you can allow it if you like.
Some more information on character classes, quantifiers, and lookarounds
I've took it as a challenge to create a regex that should match only strings with non-repeating hyphens or underscores and also check the proper length for you:
The middle part uses a lookaround to verify that.
This simply enforces the standard in an efficient way without backtracking. It does not check the length, but Regex is inefficient at things like that. Just check the string length (1 to 64 chars).
/[^\W\_](.+?)[^\W\_]$/i should work for ya (try our to test out regular expressions)
EDIT: actually, this doesn't check single/double letter/numbers. try /([^\W\_](.+?)[^\W\_])|([a-z0-9]{1,2})/i instead, and tinker with it in rubular until you get exactly what ya want (if this doesn't take care of it already).
