Update iPad application to universal application - ios

If I release to appStore application which is compatible with iPad only.
Can I release update to this application which will be universal (compatible with iPhone, iPod, iPad..)?
Do I need only to recreate my app or I must to do something more?

Yes you can, I have done it.
Depending on how you have made your app, xibs or Storyboards will determine how you do it.
for Storyboards
If going from iPhone to iPad:
Duplicate storyboard rename it: MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard (include .storyboard)
Inside xCode: right click on the new storyboard -> “open as” -> “Source Code”
Search for targetRuntime line near the top ="iOS.CocoaTouch.iPad"and change it to targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch"
This will create an additional iPhone storyboard. Adjust your artwork/views in the new storyboard as necessary to fit the iPhone screens
Check in the summary screen that the deployment info Main Storyboard is set to the correct storyboards for iPhone and iPad respectively
Submit as an update.
If your using xibs you can duplicate and rename them ~iPad if going from iPhone to universal or ipad app, not sure about the other way around for xibs
No new bundle ID needed


iOS - Open a different Stroryboard based on the device size

I have created an app in Swift and I want it to be available in both iPhone and iPad, but I would like the iPad to have a couple different layout variables, such as bigger buttons and pictures. Using auto-layout or Size Classes with constraints wasn't working and not letting me put them where I want them, so I was wondering how to make it so that when I open the simulator with an iPad, it opens the storyboard with the different View Controller layouts. I made a duplicate storyboard so I have main.storyboard and the copy is mainiPad.storyboard for the iPad only. If this can be done, please let me know! Thanks!!
This Tutorial is the old way, when You simply add iPad suffix in the file name.
This Post is the new way, introduced in Xcode 6; You simply select the storyboard name for ipad and iphone family in application plist file.

iPad storyboard changes not happening?

I started a xcode project for iPhone and now I'm working it also for iPad (Universal App).
So in devices I put Universal and I create the iPad storyboard and make the necessary changes (in plist file and build settings) and now anything I edit in the ipad storyboard is done, obviously yes on code but not in the storyboard (I'm working without auto-layout so Its disabled in both storyboards).
What can I do? I've checked everything and it's in order.
Just a guess, but you might be getting an error showing up in your debug console. Make sure that the storyboard has an entry point. Select the viewContoller that is the entry point and check the checkbox for "is initial view controller" in the utilities pane.
did you check the target> General> their did you give the storyboard for ipad? if you look, you can see the selection on iphone and your iphone storyboards name below it. Change it to ipad and enter the storyboard?

How to create a universal storyboard for universal app in iOS?

How can I create a universal app in iOS with Storyboard?
Xcode - > File -> New -> Project -> Single View Application -> Universal App.The list of files that are autogenerated are present in the below screenshot :
Can I remove any storyboard and make a universal storyboard for iPads and iPhones?
Just Delete the iPad Storyboard, Go to Supporting files->ProjectName-Info.plist->Main storyboard file base name(iPad) delete that as well. Now Run your app with iPad option in Main Interface, You can use for both iPhone and iPad. It may not work properly as the screen sizes of both devices are very different. I would suggest to use separate storyboards.

How to deploy/run app on ipad simulator?

I'm having trouble converting my iphone app to the ipad. I already created a separate storyboard, and set the ipad storyboard to the new one from the build settings, however, whenever I run it on the ipad 6.0 simulator, it's not using the new storyboard I made (but still using the iphone's storyboard).
Is there some setting that I'm missing to deploy/test using the new storyboard I made for ipad?
In Project settings > (select your target) > Summary tab
You'll see iPhone / iPod Deployment Info, scroll down to iPad Deployment Info and put your storyboard in Main Storyboard field.

iphone to ipad conversion: some storyboard options missing

I'm converting an iphone app to an ipad app. I've changed the project's build target from "iphone" to "ipad" and the app compiles, builds, runs and displays the way I want it to.
However, I've noticed that some parts of Storyboard still believe this is an iphone app. For example, when I try to build a segue, it only offers me the "push" "modal" and "custom" options. A newly created ipad project also offers the "popover" and "replace" options.
Similarly, this converted app does not offer me the possibility of a Split View Controller.
So is there a setting or some way to get this "iphone" -> "ipad" app to have the full ipad storyboard options without restarting the project and copying everything over?
I had a similar problem to this awhile back. I fixed it by clicking on my main project on the navigation panel. If you go to summary and look under the iOS Application Development you will see a spot that asks which devices your app is targeted to. Make sure this is switched to universal
Next create an iPad storyboard under File > new > File... > User Interface > Storyboard > set Device Family to iPad (It sounds like you already did this though). Make sure you call it something different then your iPhone storyboard.
Lastly go back to your project settings and scroll down to the iPad Development Info you will see a drop down titled Main Storyboard. Make sure that is set to your newly created iPad storyboard.
If this still is not working for you the Standford ItunesU iOS course has a lecture on converting iPhone applications to universal ones.
