Work progress report in weekly basis by the users in jira - jira

How can I view the task done/in progress in weekly basis by the users in jira??
Thanks in advance.

Your question isn't very clear, what do you mean by done/in progress ? the status of the issue? and by saying How can I view what exactly do you mean? see them from Jira? send a weekly mail?
Anyway, in case that by saying done/in progress you mean that the issue is closed/unclosed, and you are looking to the right JQL query, than:
Closed last week:
project = Development and status = Closed and updated >= "-7d"
Worked on during last week, but not closed:
project = Development and status != Closed and updated >= "-7d"
Opened last week, but not closed:
project = Development and status != Closed and created >= "-7d"
and so on.. For more queries option visit JIRA Advanced Searching. If you have more questions feel free to ask.

I wrote a simple cli tool jira-report, that queries your jira and prints weekly report to console:
$ jira-report
Jira site address:
Username for '': admin
Password for '':
Connecting to ''. Pls wait...
What was [admin] doing:
Created: 2
WFM-7180 - Provide static context for log property in BasicHashAnalyzer
TST-5862 - Unable to install Nginx on HP-UX with Java 6
Resolved: 8
GSM-364 - Migration of existing scenario
WFM-5865 - NullPointerException while finding categories
TST-5864 - Some NGinx installation improvements
TST-5863 - NGinx minimal dependency
SDK-7139 - Move common interfaces and classes from into individual jar
SDK-7138 - Move common interfaces and classes from into individual dll
TST-7111 - Event.getDonotNotify doesn't indicate about agent's state
TST-6985 - TST classes should have static Log fields
Reopened: 0
Closed: 5
TST-6943 - Remove redundant org.apache.log4j dependency from common part
TST-5862 - Unable to install NGinx on HP-UX with Java 6
TST-5857 - Put back support for Jdk 1.6
TST-5840 - NGinx fails to handle interaction initiated
GSM-364 - Migration of existing units
Enjoy it!


TICK stack - adding multiple influxdb sources to chronograf / kapacitor

This is my first time posting to stackoverflow, so I apologize in advance if I am not following certain protocols. I will fix and / or expand my question as needed.
I am trying to add 2 different influxdb sources that are hosted on 2 different servers to chronograf kapacitor but I cannot get it working.
Can you connect to 2 different influxdb instances through the UI?
How do you configure kapacitor.conf to read from 2 different influxdb instances?
Through the Chronograf UI I can get either source working correctly but not both at the same time. This seems to be expected through the UI so I must be missing something.
If I set the sources in kapacifor.conf, chronograf does not read from them. There are also no errors in kapacitor logs.
This is my kapacitor.conf influxdb settings that do not work:
enabled = true
default = true
name = "localcluster"
urls = ["http://localhost:8086"]
username = ""
password = ""
timeout = 0
enabled = true
default = false
name = "remoteCluster"
urls = ["http://remotehost:8086"]
username = ""
password = ""
timeout = 0
I have read the documentation and also have the latest TICK stack packages.
I have also searched online and found some references that look like my configuration and are said to work, but they do not seem to work for me.
TICK stack host information:
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I got it working but I am not sure if the configuration is recommended:
Add a new InfluxDB connection through the Chronograf web UI.
Do not create another Kapacitor Connection as only one can be active at a time.
In the graph Queries tab, select the new
InfluxDB connection from the drop down list.
Metrics from the alternate InfluxDB instance will appear and can be queried.

Isolating cause of Erlang and RabbitMQ crashes

We have been trying to make use of the RabbitMQ Service Bus (v3.3.4) but the central bus keeps crashing. At the moment we are not using any clustering and its hosted on Windows Server 2008 R2. We'd like to isolate the root cause but the below error is the only one we can find. Can anyone shed some light on what; if anything; we can do to find the root cause of this?
Note: There are roughly 20 consumers with roughly the same number of Topic subscriptions. Also, all the clients are .NET 4.5 using the 3.3.4 Rabbit client libraries.
Sig[0].Name=Application Name
Sig[1].Name=Application Version
Sig[2].Name=Application Timestamp
Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name
Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version
Sig[5].Name=Fault Module Timestamp
Sig[6].Name=Exception Code
Sig[7].Name=Exception Offset
DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version
DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID
DynamicSig[22].Name=Additional Information 1
DynamicSig[23].Name=Additional Information 2
DynamicSig[24].Name=Additional Information 3
DynamicSig[25].Name=Additional Information 4
UI[2]=C:\Program Files\erl6.0\erts-6.0\bin\erl.exe
UI[5]=Check online for a solution (recommended)
UI[6]=Check for a solution later (recommended)
UI[8]=erl.exe stopped working and was closed
UI[9]=A problem caused the application to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if a solution is available.
LoadedModule[0]=C:\Program Files\erl6.0\erts-6.0\bin\erl.exe
LoadedModule[5]=C:\Program Files\erl6.0\erts-6.0\bin\erlexec.dll
LoadedModule[14]=C:\Program Files\erl6.0\erts-6.0\bin\beam.dll
FriendlyEventName=Stopped working
AppPath=C:\Program Files\erl6.0\erts-6.0\bin\erl.exe

Equinox Weaving doesn't work in Virgo tomcat

I'm using equinox weaving to do aspect across bundles in Virgo tomcat, I followed the weaving sample. It worked fine in eclipse target platform. But when I deployed into virgo, it didn't work.
I modified config.ini like below
No exception occrred when starting Virgo, and bundles' state were correct
id State Bundle
0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.1.v20120830-144521
Fragments=1, 34
1 RESOLVED org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook_1.0.200.I20130319-1000
2 ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj_1.0.300.I20130319-1000
3 ACTIVE org.aspectj.weaver_1.7.3.20130613144500-a
4 ACTIVE org.aspectj.runtime_1.7.3.20130613144500-a
I found some difference in consoles. When starting in eclipse target platform, next tow statements displayed in consoles
[org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook] info adding AspectJ hooks ...
[org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj] info Starting AspectJ weaving service ...
But when starting in Virgo, just the second one displayed. I considered maybe the hook didn't start correctly, but i'm not sure. Anyone can help me?

Grails development enviornment page loads very slow

So I'm getting page load times in the range of 30-45 seconds.
Some history:
This was not always the case for this project. This project is in production so I haven't really touched the code in a while. I noticed it started happening the last time I was updating the code. I don't recall anything specific that I changed that should have anything to do with the problem. I have other projects that are running with the same Grails versions with no problem.
I think it started happening in 2.2.3. I am now running 2.2.4.
I am using x64 JDK 1.7.0_25, Windows 7 x64.
I'm not sure what else to put here that would be relevant. Any assistance is appreciated!
Edit: running with -noreloading has no effect.
Edit2: I've tried deleting my .grails folder entirely, running clean, and deleting my target folder and stacktrace log.
Edit3: It does seem that the amount of time it takes is dependent on the amount of data displayed/read. Small pages take 3-4 seconds. Medium pages 10-12 seconds...
Edit4: I'm running it via IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.4 x64 (idea64.exe). I've also tried it outside of IntelliJ with the same results.
Edit5: The database is Oracle enterprise that supports the entire company. It is managed by full time adminstrators. This isn't a MySQL server on my local machine.
Edit6: The application also functions normally when deployed in TEST (test war), but still is slow when ran with test run-app.
Starting to get somewhere:
I downloaded JDK 1.7.21 and ran the app with that and it started working no problem! I then ran clean which triggered a recompile and it stopped working... grr
Now with 1.7.21 still active, I tried -noreloading and it works!
Annnd... now it works even if I don't use -noreloading..........
I've gone back to 1.7.25.. ran clean, and it works. Sooooooo yeah... explain that.
And now it doesn't anymore.
This is under Linux but will maybe useful:
If you are running the code within an IDE:
ps auwx|grep java -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -Xms40m -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -
As you can see the memory settings Xms and Xmx are quite low...
In your IDE there should be an INI file:
more STS.ini
1 -vm
2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
3 -startup
4 plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar
5 --launcher.library
6 plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20120913-144807
7 -product
8 org.springsource.sts.ide
9 --launcher.defaultAction
10 openFile
11 -vmargs
12 -Dgrails.console.enable.interactive=false
13 -Dgrails.console.enable.terminal=false
14 -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal
16 -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6
17 -Xms40m
18 -Xmx768m
19 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
You can up these value and try restarting your IDE...
I would also suggest you run something like nmon before/during and monitor whilst the code is running and monitor disk/cpu/network throughputs.
You may find you are hammering your dev box which is causing the issue.
If the production is fine I really don't see what the problem is..
E2A Ahhh forgot it was under windows so no nmon for windblows but hey not that I tried it -
E2A again:
1. Enable DataSource.groovy debugging:
dataSource {
pooled = true
driverClassName ="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
username = "aaa"
password = "aaaa"
//SQL Logging - refer to Config.groovy at hibernate.sql now
config.groovy - this will stop your app from running if you have issues with lets say records you are trying to add in your BootStrap
// Return error when it fails
Enable log4j and use this or part of it:
// log4j configuration
log4j {
appender.stdout = "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"
appender.'stdout.layout.ConversionPattern'='[%r] %c{2} %m%n'
appender.stacktraceLog = "org.apache.log4j.FileAppender"
appender.'stacktraceLog.layout.ConversionPattern'='[%r] %c{2} %m%n'
logger {
org {
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet="error" // controllers
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages="error" // GSP
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh="error" // layouts
codehaus.groovy.grails."web.mapping.filter"="error" // URL mapping
codehaus.groovy.grails."web.mapping"="error" // URL mapping
codehaus.groovy.grails.commons="info" // core / classloading
codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins="error" // plugins
codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate="error" // hibernate integration
// Hibernate should be on - if you want to catch sql logs
//hibernate.SQL = 'debug'
//hibernate.type = 'trace'
//hibernate.SQL = 'info,hibernate'
//hibernate.type = 'info,hibernate'
//hibernate = 'info,hibernate'
//apache.commons.digester.Digester = 'debug,javaclasses'
try and capture what it is doing, it is also worth running developer tools on your browser whether its firefox of chrome and trying to figure out on what elements it is taking that time - but between the logs and the browser developer tools should lie your answer.
Usually you can fix this by doing
grails clean
on the grails command line (I open it via CRTL+ALT+G in IntelliJ IDEA).
This erases all compiled files and will recompile your project from scratch (afaik), which usually erases errors like that. This is not a real fix for the underlying problem, but it solves the problem. Grails is highly experimental and unstable if you ask me, i have a lot of weird error that usually disappear when doing a clean. Btw i'm using 2.1.5 on Windows 7 x64, too.
Delete stacktrace file in the target folder of your project. It can
get huge. (At present mine is 48 GB).
Check if there is enough space in your C directory.
If you are hot swapping code, then page loads can get slow. So in such cases, restart the dev server (grails app).
Sometimes, requests to the server can hang, where focusing (left or right clicking on the cmd) on the command prompt seems to skip the pause. (weird)
Increasing the JVM permgen, heap spaces depending on your memory might help as well.
Try running the server using command prompt rather within an IDE.
Better use methods for actions than closures.
For a system with 3GB RAM, my environment variable setting is:
-Xms512m -Xmx1g
The STS.ini settings:
8) Maybe the problem is with the JDK and grails versions combination. There seems to be an error with OpenJDK 1.7u25 and spring loaded. Okay, you are not using OpenJDK, but try with other version anyway. Try with JDK1.7u03.
9) Try JVM with -server flag, and see if it improves runtime performance.
grails run-app -server
So the reason why this was happening:
JDK 1.7.25

ActiveResource timeout not functioning [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Overriding/Modifying Rails Class (ActiveResource)
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm trying to contact a REST API using ActiveResource on Rails 2.3.2.
I'm attempting to use the timeout functionality so that if the resource I'm contacting is down I can fail quickly - I'm doing this with the following:
class WorkspaceResource < ActiveResource::Base
self.timeout = 5 = ""
However, when I try to contact the service when I know it isn't available, the class only times out after the default 60 seconds. I can see from the error stack that the timeout error does indeed come from an ActiveResource class in my gem folder that has the proper functions to allow timeout settings, but my set timeout never seems to work.
Any thoughts?
So apparently the issue is not that timeout is not functioning. I can run a server locally, make it not return a response within the timeout limit, and see that timeout works.
The issue is in fact that if the server does not accept the connection, timeout does not function as I expected it to - it doesn't function at all. It appears as though timeout only works when the server accepts the connection but takes too long to respond.
To me, this seems like an issue - shouldn't timeout also work when the server I'm contacting is down? If not, there should be another mechanism to stop a bunch of requests from hanging...anyone know of a quick way to do this?
The problem
If you're running on Ruby 1.8.x then the problem is its lack of real system threads.
As you can read first hereand then here, there are systemic problems with timeouts in Ruby. An interesting discussion but for you in particular some comments suggest that the timeout is effectively ignored and defaults to 60 seconds - exactly what you are seeing.
Solutions ...
I have a similar issue with our own product when trying to send emails - if the email server is down the thread blocks. For me the solution was to spin the request off on a separate thread and therefore my main request-processing thread doesn't block.
There are non-blocking libraries out there for Ruby but perhaps you could take a look first at this System Timeout Gem.
An option open to anyone using Rails behind a proxy like nginx would be to set the upstream timeout to a lower number - that way you'll get notified if the server is taking too long. I'd only do this if I were really stuck for a solution.
Last but not least, it's possible that running Rails 2.3.2 on top of Ruby 1.9.1 will fix the issue.
Alternatively, you could try to catch these connection errors and retry once (after certain period of time) just to make sure the connection is really out.
retried = false
#businesses = Business.find(:all, :params => { :shop_domain => #shop.domain })
retried = false
rescue ActiveResource::TimeoutError => ex
#raise ex
rescue ActiveResource::ConnectionError, ActiveResource::ServerError, ActiveResource::ClientError => ex
unless retried
sleep(((ex.respond_to?(:response) && ex.response['Retry-After']) || 5).to_i)
retried = true
# raise ex
Inspired by this solution from Shopify for paginating a large number of records.
