Changing the color of FPPopover controller - ios

I have Downloaded FPPopover controller code form Link
it consist the some popover colors as green,red,yellow,light gray..
But in that code i am not able to change the popover color as real popover color as in iPad
Please go through the code in the above Link and help me...

hey its simple you just need to change value here in this example
typedef enum {
FPPopoverDefaultTint = FPPopoverRedTint
} FPPopoverTint;
you can check change with FPPopoverDefaultTint = FPPopoverRedTint with FPPopoverDefaultTint = FPPopoverLightGrayTint
i just tested and i put FPPopoverRedTint
Output is


iOS NavigationPage.SetBackButton not working

Above mentioned solution is not working for my project in iOS , (this,"false") can you please help me to sort out the issue . Screenshot attached for your reference. How to hide back button in navigation bar xamarin forms
If you want to set the title of this page, set a SetBackButton on the page you want to return to.
You can add the following code to the page's constructor to hide the back button:
NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);

Algolia voice-overlay-ios change titleListening

I want to change "listening..." text of inputScreen:
voiceOverlayController.settings.layout.inputScreen.titleListening = "Another text for listening..."
but this doesn't help.
Be sure to add your code for changing the UI in the appropriate lifecycle of the ViewController. I have the following appear correctly when the code is under viewDidAppear(:_):
voiceOverlayController.settings.layout.inputScreen.titleListening = "Voice-search is not enabled."

How to show image title instead of icon in xcode code?

I'm writing a pretty simple line, but it's hard for me to see what I've actually written, because my image title is displayed as an icon in xcode.
I want to see it as:
thing.image = picture.png
But instead I see it as:
thing.image = an actual icon is here in the code for some weird purpose I can't understand
I've searched with no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
**edit: I'm assuming it's an icon placeholder... it displays as a small white box.
**edit: here's a ss of how my code looks:
Related: I like the literals; to find out the name of the image after-the-fact, have Xcode reveal the name of the image asset by selecting the literal, then press Cmd-E, "Use Selection for Find". The image's name will show in the Find bar, e.g. #imageLiteral(resourceName: "icn_spinner")
Alternatively, press Cmd-/ to comment the line out; the commented form contains the literal text.
assign image to the UIImageView
thing.image = UIImage(named:"picture.png")
Highlight image and press Ctrl + F, then the image name will be in the toolbar.

Show more button next to end of text Swift

I want to show more button at the end of the text or below if there isn't enough space. I don't understand how Apple developers did this?
Please answer in swift. After clicking on more button i want to show all the text. change the button to less.
Thanks in advance.
Here's a great CocoaPod for the functionality you're looking for.
This will allow you to set a maximum number of lines and customise the text append to the end of the trimmed text. You can change the font and color since it is an NSAttributedString.
If you add more than 4-5 view controllers to a TabBar Controller, either in storyboard or programmatically(adding array of controllers to a tabar controller), it automatically show a more item as a tabar item in TabBar.

Generate buttons or clickable area

I want to generate buttons or something click able using c sharp coding ? can anyone give me the code please .
Assuming your layout root is ContentPanel, what is the default, it would be something like this:
TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock();
textBlock.Text = "Ho, ho, ho!";
