Add an integer value to a floating point value in Gforth - forth

In Gforth, is there a way to add an integer value to a floating point value?
Something like 1 + 2.1? If I do 1 2.1e f+ I get an error which I'm guessing is because the values are not on the same stack. I know that I could just do 1.0e 2.1e f+, but that's not what I'm trying to figure out how to do.

Gforth has the s>f and d>f words that convert an int (single cell and double cell respectively) to a double - Gforth floating point functions doc is here
1 s>f 2.1e f+
should do the trick in this case.


Why, in Swift, when I convert from a Double to an Int is it subtracting 1?

I have some very simple code that does a calculation and converts the resulting double to an int.
let startingAge = (Double(babyAge/2).rounded().nextDown)
for each in 0..<allQuestions.count {
if allQuestions[each] == "\(Int(startingAge))"
The first print of startingAge gives me the correct answer, for example 5.0. But when it converts to an Int, it gives me an answer of 4. When the Double is 6.0, the int is 5.
I'm feeling stupid, but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
When you call rounded(), you round your value to the nearest integer.
When you call .nextDown, you get the next possible value less than the existing value, which means you now have the highest value that's less than the nearest integer to your original value. This still displays as the integer when you print it, but that's just rounding; it's really slightly less than the integer. So if it's printing as "4.0", it's really something like 3.9999999999999 or some such.
When you convert the value to an Int, it keeps the integer part and discards the part to the right of the decimal. Since the floating-point value is slightly less than the integer you rounded to thanks to .nextDown, the integer part is going to be one less than that integer.
Solution: Get rid of the .nextDown.
When you cast you lose precession.
In your case the line returns a double: Assume baby age is 9 then startingAge is 3.999999
let startingAge = (Double(babyAge/2).rounded().nextDown)
and when you print it your answer becomes 3
To fix this use this line instead:
let startingAge = (Double(babyAge/2).rounded().nextDown).rounded()
This is what nextdown does, it does not round values, and if the number is
a floating point number it becomes slightly less. If the number was to be an int it would become 1 less I presume.

single, double and precision

I know that storing single value (or double) can not be very precise. so storing for example 125.12 can result in 125.1200074788. now in delphi their is some usefull function like samevalue or comparevalue that take an epsilon as param and say that 125.1200074788 or for exemple 125.1200087952 is equal.
but i often see in code stuff like : if aSingleVar = 0 then ... and this in fact as i see always work. why ? why storing for exemple 0 in a single var keep the exact value ?
Only values that are in form m*2^e, where m and e are integers can be stored in a floating point variable (not all of them though, it depends on precision). 0 has this form, and 125.12 does not, as it equals 3128/25, and 1/25 is not an integer power of 2.
Comparing 125.12 to a single (or double) precision variable will most probably return always False, because a literal 125.12 will be treated as an extended precision number, and no single (or double) precision number would have such a value.
Looks like a good use for the BigDecimals unit by Rudy Velthuis. Millions of decimal places of accuracy and precision.

Computing UILabel height & UIFont height (for number of lines) using ceil() or roundf()?

I have this values that i've logged:
label.frame.size.height :18.000000, label.font.lineHeight: 17.895000
if i use roundf() like:
roundf(label.frame.size.height / label.font.lineHeight) // answer: 1
while with ceil()
ceil(label.frame.size.height / label.font.lineHeight) // answer: 2
but when computed manually: answer is 1.00586756
I wonder whats the best and more reliable(generally) between this two. Why is everybody using ceil() to determine the number of lines of UILabel?
In the case of number of lines each letter after the limit a line could display should be taken to next line so .005 is also significant this .005 part of the text should carry to next line. So it is better to use ceil() rather than roundf( ). In roundf( ) a value will be significant only when it is greater or equal to its half value)
The C library function ceil(x) returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to x.
I still dont understand why must of the people use ceil() when computing the number of line since roundf() is more accurate..
But when talking about computing for the number of line.. i look to me that 'roundf()' is indeed more accurate, but since its number of lines.. decimal values are not significant..
Computing what is the image:
54 / 17.895000 = 3.01760268
And numberOflines = 3
if we use roundf() answer would be 3 as well
while if ceil() is already 4
therefore using floor() or simply converting the result to int will do the work:
int result = (int)floor(answer);
int result = (int)answer;
About my question, i think roundf() to the work for me for computing number of lines generally..
I'm making a class that will compute the number of line base from this values, and will be used by the whole app.

Objective C ceil returns wrong value

NSLog(#"CEIL %f",ceil(2/3));
should return 1. However, it shows:
CEIL 0.000000
Why and how to fix that problem? I use ceil([myNSArray count]/3) and it returns 0 when array count is 2.
The same rules as C apply: 2 and 3 are ints, so 2/3 is an integer divide. Integer division truncates so 2/3 produces the integer 0. That integer 0 will then be cast to a double precision float for the call to ceil, but ceil(0) is 0.
Changing the code to:
NSLog(#"CEIL %f",ceil(2.0/3.0));
Will display the result you're expecting. Adding the decimal point causes the constants to be recognised as double precision floating point numbers (and 2.0f is how you'd type a single precision floating point number).
Maudicus' solution works because (float)2/3 casts the integer 2 to a float and C's promotion rules mean that it'll promote the denominator to floating point in order to divide a floating point number by an integer, giving a floating point result.
So, your current statement ceil([myNSArray count]/3) should be changed to either:
([myNSArray count] + 2)/3 // no floating point involved
ceil((float)[myNSArray count]/3) // arguably more explicit
2/3 evaluates to 0 unless you cast it to a float.
So, you have to be careful with your values being turned to int's before you want.
float decValue = (float) 2/3;
NSLog(#"CEIL %f",ceil(decValue));
CEIL 1.000000
For you array example
float decValue = (float) [myNSArray count]/3;
NSLog(#"CEIL %f",ceil(decValue));
It probably evaluates 2 and 3 as integers (as they are, obviously), evaluates the result (which is 0), and then converts it to float or double (which is also 0.00000). The easiest way to fix it is to type either 2.0f/3, 2/3.0f, or 2.0f/3.0f, (or without "f" if you wish, whatever you like more ;) ).
Hope it helps

Small numbers in Objective C 2.0

I created a calculator class that does basic +,-, %, * and sin, cos, tan, sqrt and other math functions.
I have all the variables of type double, everything is working fine for big numbers, so I can calculate numbers like 1.35E122, but the problem is with extremely small numbers. For example if I do calculation 1/98556321 I get 0 where I would like to get something 1.01464E-8.
Should I rewrite my code so that I only manipulate NSDecimalNumber's and if so, what do I do with sin and cos math functions that accept only double and long double values.
This division gives you 0 because integer division is performed here - the result is an integer part of division. The following line should give you floating point result:
integer/integer is always an integer
So either you convert the upper or the lower number to decimal
Which explicitely convert the number to double.
Happy coding....
