using #implementation creates "instance method conflict" warnings in XCode - ios

In my iOS application I have a 5 view controllers that all deal with the same feature (groups). These view controllers can be pushed on top of eachother in a few different configurations. I made a file called GroupViewHelper.h which uses #implementation to provide some functions for the groups feature. The functions look through the view controller stack and send a "refresh" message to a view controller of a specific type. The file looks like this:
#implementation UIViewController (GroupViewHelper)
- (void) refreshManageGroupsParent
// ...
- (void) refreshGroupDetailsParent
// ...
My code works great and everything behaves as expected, but I get 14 warnings that are all very similar to this at build time:
ld: warning: instance method 'refreshGroupDetailsParent' in category from /Users/x/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-ayshzmsyeabbgqbbnbiixjhdmqgs/Build/Intermediates/ conflicts with same method from another category
I think I'm getting this because I'm using a .H which is included in multiple places, but how do I correctly use #implementation in this situation?

I think I'm getting this because I'm using a .H which is included in multiple places
Well, sort of, but the real problem is that you've put the #implementation in the .h file in the first place. If you only included that .h file in one place, you would get away with it—but it would still not be the right way to do it.
but how do I correctly use #implementation in this situation?
Put it in a file called GroupViewHelper.m, and add that file to your project's sources, and put the #interface in GroupViewHelper.h.
Or, ideally, call them UIViewController+GroupViewHelper.m and UIViewController+GroupViewHelper.h, because that's the idiomatic way to name category files. (And if you use Xcode's "New File…" menu item to create a new Objective-C category file, that's what it will give you.)
In other words, interfaces and implementations for categories on existing classes work exactly the same as interfaces and implementations for new classes.

I have encountered exactly this issue. I had imported a reference to a header file, on a .m page. However, it also contained a reference to another header file, which contained a reference to another header file - that also referenced the conflicted header file. So indirectly the same header file was imported twice, causing the error.
In my case, the .m file did not need this reference. I was able to delete it, removing the error. My advice is check the files where you have included a reference to the offending header file, and verify that it actually is required.


"Cannot define category for undefined class" error in Xcode 11.3, no access to source file

I'm trying to make a category for a class that gets defined in a source file I don't have access to, namely RunnerViewController.
The two important files here are iPad_RunnerAppDelegate.h and I do not have access to the header file's corresponding source file.
iPad_RunnerAppDelegate.h contains a forward declaration to the RunnerViewController class, and can reference that class with no difficulties.
However, if I try to #include "iPad_RunnerAppDelegate.h" in and then try to create a category in the same file, it doesn't recognise the class name.
Despite this error appearing, I can still use the RunnerViewController class inside, I just can't make categories for it.
What's happening here, and how would I fix it?
I've had to do this same thing but it was a long time ago. The problem is that without some indication of where to apply the category, your code cannot work alone. What you need is info to the compiler to let it know where it's going to insert the category.
In, you will tell it by adding this BEFORE "iPad_RunnerAppDelegate.h":
#interface RunnerViewController: UIViewController // or whatever it actually subclasses
Now the compiler knows that its going to insert the category against an Objective C class named RunnerViewController.
But - you're not completely done. Now you need to insure that the runtime / loader do the class loading and category insertions at the proper time. This is where my knowledge gets a bit fuzzy, so it may not turn out to be a problem at all.
What I believe needs to occur is for the RunnerViewController class to get loaded first, then later at some point the category you wrote applied to it (but this may not be necessary). So if RunnerViewController is statically linked into your app (using a .a archive), then you're good for sure. But if that class is in a dylib loaded dynamically, and your category is statically linked - well that might be a problem. I just don't know how long Apple waits to try and deal with the categories (which by the way the -ObjC link flag is for.
In any case try the code above first and just see what happens. If RunnerViewController is dynamically loaded, and you get some hard runtime error, there is a workaround where you would make your category go into a module/framework that is also dynamically linked, but gets linked after RunnerViewController.
In the end I believe you have a good chance of making this happen.

Is this a good way to structure header importing

I am building an app, where I have made a Menu class which is a tableview being presented to the user (containing link to different view controllers, which should be presented on click).
Instead of importing any viewc. header in either of my viewc.'s I decided to import all the view controllers headers into my Menu.h. This way I can make all app navigation from menu class. I will then import menu.h in my appDelegate.h and then import only appDelegate.h to all my view controllers. Are there any unforeseen downsides to this, or should I do it another way? Thanks
If it compiles then that's OK, however it's considered best to use forward declarations in header files where ever possible to improve compile time.
Any custom type can be forward declared in the header file, of the using class, with:
#class YourViewController;
and then within the implementation file of the using class, include the actual header file:
#import "YourViewController.h"
Using forward declaration can also stop dependency loops where A.h includes B.h, which itself includes A.h.
Doing this you will have a include loop (which is bad !).
Menu.h is importing ViewController1.h
AppDelegate.h is importing Menu.h (and ViewController1.h)
ViewController1.h is importing AppDelegate.h (and Menu.h (and ViewController1.h))
A clean solution is to use Forward declaration when needed, and doing your import in .m files

In splitting large class using category, category complains of undeclared selector

I am working on a view controller that has a long and unpretty view setup method.
For cleanliness, this view setup code is moved to a category, intended only for view setup.
This category references private selectors in the original view controller, and Xcode is showing warnings: Undeclared selector 'xyz:'
It seems to me I have these options, none of which seem good:
Leave the warnings, EYES CLOSED!
Expose private selectors publicly by declaring in header file
Declare a second category, which serves as a sub-category to my first category, in the original VC header file
I have gone with the last option, but I still have this feeling like I have to go poo or something. What is the optimal move here?
You can add a declaration to the private method in your category implementation
So in CustomViewController+ViewSetup.m
#interface CustomViewController (private)
// declare private methods and properties here which you know exist in CustomViewController.m
In general though, I think that you are doing with the category is unnecessary. You can clean the code up in the original file and not need a category file to manage and maintain. Not to mention that if you change any of those private method signatures and forget to change it in the category, the compiler will not warn you and you will instead see a crash when you try to call one of those methods.

Using Categories in Objective C

I have a file called ViewMessages.m which is becoming quite verbose. I'd like to refactor and put part of my methods into a separate file. It seems that Categories are the right way to go, so I've created a Category on ViewMessages called DataEngineViewMessages
It created 2 files, DataEngineViewMessages.h and DataEngineViewMessages.m
My Question: Do I need to #import "DataEngineViewMessage.h" in my original ViewMessage.h or .m in order to access my new methods?
Not into the .h file. The category header should import ViewMessages.h, and if required the category header should be imported into ViewMessages.m. This prevents any kind of circularity.
Usually you want to differentiate between category methods that should be public (defined in a header perhaps like ViewMessages+DataEngine.h) and category methods that are for internal use (defined in a header perhaps like ViewMessages+Private.h). The former shouldn't be included by ViewMessages and the latter should (again, in the .m file).
Any code that calls the methods will raise a compiler warning if the compiler can't see the method definition. They may also raise an error if the compiler can't figure out exactly what to do about the return type and you're expecting it to be an atomic C type.
In terms of keeping the external interface untouched, you can probably just add a #import for your category methods at the bottom of the main class's header file.

NSObject's category is available for every NSObject subclass even without any import of this category's .h file anywhere

Please consider the following steps:
1) In Xcode create a new "Single View Application".
2) Create a category NSObject+Extension.h and .m files:
// .h
#interface NSObject (Extension)
- (void)someMethod;
// .m
#implementation NSObject (Extension)
- (void)someMethod {
NSLog(#"someMethod was called");
3) Ensure that NSObject+Extension.m file is included into a main target.
4) Add the following line to AppDelegate:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[[NSString new] performSelector:#selector(someMethod)];
return YES;
5) Ensure that #import "NSObject+Extension.h line does not exists anywhere in the app!
6) Run Application.
The output is
2013-08-27 04:12:53.642 Experimental[32263:c07] someMethod was called
I wonder if there is no any #import of this category anywhere in the app, how is it even possible that NSString does still have NSObject+Extension available? This behavior makes me feeling very bad about every Objective-C category I declare because I want the categories I declare to be available only in the scopes they are declared within. For example, I want NSObject to be extended by Extension only in some class but not in the whole app because its globalspace becomes "polluted" otherwise.
Is there a way to avoid this behavior? I do want my categories to work only when I explicitly import them, not when I just have them linked to a target I use to run.
I wonder if there is no any #import of this category anywhere in the app, how is it even possible that NSString does still have NSObject+Extension available? This behavior makes me feeling very bad about every Objective-C category I declare because I want the categories I declare to be available only in the scopes they are declared within. For example, I want NSObject to be extended by Extension only in some class but not in the whole app because its globalspace becomes "polluted" otherwise.
There are no namespaces on Objective-C objects. If you declare that a class has a method (whether via a category or on the primary #interface) then every instance of that class will have that method.
The way that Objective-C deals with "private" methods is by choosing not to tell other people about the methods in question (which is accomplished by not #import-ing the file that declares those methods). This, coupled with -Wundeclared-selector (warn if you use a selector that the compiler doesn't know about) is about as good of a guard as you're going to get.
But regardless, if you compile the .m file into your final binary, the method will exist, even if no one else "knows" about it.
Are there way to avoid this behavior? I do want my categories to work only when I explicitly import them, not just when I have them linked to a target I use to run.
Yeah, use -Wundeclared-selector, and Xcode will warn you.
Including the header just makes it so the compiler knows about it. It compiles it regardless because xCode compiles every file included in a target. At runtime, the method will be there, so even if you didn't include it for compile time checking, the object will still respond to that category method.
