get absolute url on handle ressource request on blackberry - blackberry

I use this method the get the urls of ressources contain on web page
public InputConnection handleResourceRequest(BrowserFieldRequest request) throws Exception
final String url = request.getURL();
return super.handleResourceRequest(request);
But, I made request.getURL(); it returns relative url and not the absolute url.
How can I change it to get the absolute URL?

When I run your code, it does return me absolute URLs, even when my web page contained relative links. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if sometimes, it doesn't. I haven't fully tested this code, but I would think you could try something like this.
Basically, you check to see if the URL is absolute, and if not, you assemble an absolute URL by using the parent BrowserField document URL:
ProtocolController controller = new ProtocolController(_browserField) {
public InputConnection handleResourceRequest(BrowserFieldRequest request) throws Exception {
String absoluteUrl = null;
URI uri = URI.create(request.getURL());
if (uri.isAbsolute()) {
absoluteUrl = request.getURL();
} else {
String docUrl = _browserField.getDocumentUrl();
String url = request.getURL();
if (url.startsWith("/")) {
// the URL is relative to the server root
URI docUri = URI.create(docUrl);
absoluteUrl = docUri.getScheme() + "://" + docUri.getHost() + url;
} else {
// the URL is relative to the document URL
absoluteUrl = docUrl + url;
System.out.println(" requesting: " + absoluteUrl);
return super.handleResourceRequest(request);
Again, for me, I was getting absolute URLs, so I couldn't easily test the code in the branch where the URL is relative. So, it's possible that I'm dropping a "/" somewhere, or not handling file:/// URLs properly.
But, this is a starting point, to workaround your problem.


URL redirect from one domain to another using cloudflare

I haaave been trying to set up a cloudflare worker to redirecet an URL to another ( ->
The destination URL is set up within cloudflare the source-URL however is purchased via Onlydomains.
I have been using the code given in the documentation:
const base = ""
const statusCode = 301
async function handleRequest(request) {
const url = new URL(request.url)
const { pathname, search } = url
const destinationURL = base + pathname + search
return Response.redirect(destinationURL, statusCode)
addEventListener("fetch", async event => {
What I think have to do now is to aadd a route but is does not want to do that:
Although I added the nameservers to the Onlydomains URL.
Am I missing something? I just want a simple redirect that replaces SOURCE with DESTINATION :|

Facebook avatar image download using Webclient always return 403 status code in mvc

I am developing an mvc Website. In my website , I am downloading facebook avatar image to my server. I am using web client for it. But when I download it always returns 403 status code.
My Facebook avatar URL is something like this
I download like this
public string DownloadFacebookAvatar(string url)
string path = null;
using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
string filename = "avatar.jpeg";
string physicalPath = Path.Combine(dir, filename);
path = dir + "/" + filename;
webClient.DownloadFile(url, physicalPath);
return path;
When I download, it is giving me this error.
What is wrong with my code?

Legacy PHP urls do not invoke custom routing in MVC

We recently replaced an old php website with an MVC website. In order to prevent 404 errors from the legacy urls in search engines, we setup a custom legacy route system via -
The code works on my local machine, and it redirects to the correct route; however, the live server issues a 404. Bonus problem/clue, the 404 is not our custom 404 page but the iis 6 default page.
The code:
public class LegacyUrlRoute: RouteBase
// source:
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
const string status = "301 Moved Permanently";
var request = httpContext.Request;
var response = httpContext.Response;
var legacyUrl = request.Url.ToString();
var newUrl = "";
if (legacyUrl.Contains(".php"))
newUrl = "/";
if (legacyUrl.Contains("support/mailfilter.php"))
newUrl = "/support/";
else if (legacyUrl.Contains("/support/default.php"))
newUrl = "/support/";
else if (legacyUrl.Contains("/business/default.php"))
newUrl = "/services/";
else if (legacyUrl.Contains("/residential/default.php"))
newUrl = "/services/";
else if (legacyUrl.Contains("/about/default.php"))
newUrl = "/home/about/";
else if (legacyUrl.Contains("/jobs.php"))
newUrl = "/jobs/";
else if (legacyUrl.Contains("/support/links.php"))
newUrl = "/support/";
else if (legacyUrl.Contains("/support/settings.php"))
newUrl = "/support/";
else if (legacyUrl.Contains("/default.php"))
newUrl = "/";
response.Status = status;
response.RedirectLocation = newUrl;
return null;
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
return null;
We suspect that the problem is with iis being unable to serve php pages, but I can't seem to find a setting in iis to fix the problem. It is as if the request never hits the Controller code, error or otherwise. All other pages/routing is working perfectly.
Found the answer.
The problem is due to the fact that iis never starts the service if the extension is .php.
The solution is to go to Properties>Home Directory>Configuration, find the .php extension, change the executable path to the path, and limit it to "GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG" or whatever you prefer. I originally selected the "All Verbs" radio button, but that did not work.
Though the page did not specifically have the answer I came up with, this page did help.

Struts file uploaded to certain directory, not able to retrieve back?

I am running Eclipse Java EE and tomcat for running my webapp. I used the following code to store an image file to the upload/images/profilepics directory:
public String uploadPhoto() {
try {
//get path to upload photo
String filePath = servletRequest.getSession().
System.out.println("Server path:" + filePath);
//creating unique picture name
Map sess = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("session");
Integer uid = (Integer) sess.get("uid");
String profilePictureName = uid + "-" +
MyUtilityFunctions.createVerificationUrl() + this.userImageFileName;
//update user record
//tobe done
String imgUrl = filePath + profilePictureName;
ViewProfileModel pofilePictureUpdate = new ViewProfileModel();
pofilePictureUpdate.updateUserPhotoUrl(imgUrl, uid);
//create new File with new path and name
File fileToCreate = new File(filePath, profilePictureName);
//copy file to given location and with given name
FileUtils.copyFile(this.userImage, fileToCreate);
} catch (Exception e) {
return INPUT;
return SUCCESS;
after printing filePath I got the following result:
Server Path: /home/bril/webspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/picvik/uploads/profilepics
Now the problem is, I am not able to get the image or if I give the same url to <img src=""> nothing is getting displayed.
Please correct where I am doing wrong.
There are suggestions:
there are lots of reason, that you shouldn't save user images in this way, just like #DaveNewton mentioned in another question. There
are some post to help you make your decision:
My personal opinion is to save them into DB, because you don't want
to let your user lost their images.
If you need access session, you can check out SessionAware. This should be a better way to access session.
You are using tomcat as application container, you can configure the server to use its local installation, which makes you easier to track the problem in this case. check out this picture below
Back to your question, There are different ways to do this:
if you cannot find the image user just uploaded, you can check it
manual, see 3.
Otherwise, you could try <img src="/uploads/profilepics/<s:property
Or you can get this picture using stream, here is the snippet:
<img src="
<s:url var="profilePic" action="customer-image-action">
<s:param name="uid" value="%{uid}"/>
" alt="kunden logo" />
public String execute() throws Exception {
// filename = somehow(uid);
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) ActionContext.getContext().get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_REQUEST);
imgPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/uploads/profilepics/")+filename;
log.debug("context-path: " + imgPath);
try {
inputStream = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File(imgPath));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error(e.getCause(), e);
return SUCCESS;

Extjs 4 - How can I get the complete url with params from a currently loaded grid's store?

I have a grid loaded, I want to get the current stores URL which loaded the json data to it , and pass an extra param to it, and load this URL as a pdf, or xls. But how can I get the url?
Get the proxy and ExtraParams:
var url = grid.getStore().getProxy().url;
var params = grid.getStore().getProxy().extraParams;
Then, build the url:
var newUrl = url + '?' + Ext.Object.toQueryString (params);
And the newUrl will be something like this:
I don't think that exists a proxy method that do this but you can extend an existing proxy, as follows:
Ext.define ('MyProxy', {
extend: '' ,
buildInternalUrl: function () {
return this.url + '?' + Ext.Object.toQueryString (this.extraParams);
And then:
var newUrl = grid.getStore().getProxy().buildInternalUrl ();
Result is the same ;)
Here's you can find the doc of proxies: Ajax Proxy
you can get the stores url by yourGrid.getStore().getProxy().url
