updating Rails fixtures during tests - ruby-on-rails

I have a functional test in Rails (it's a Redmine plugin) which is causing me problems:
fixtures :settings
test 'error is shown on issues#show when issue custom field is not set up' do
setting = settings(:release_notes)
setting.value = setting.value.
update('issue_required_field_id' => 'garbage')
get :show, :id => '1'
assert_response :success
assert_select 'div.flash.error',
:text => I18n.t(:failed_find_issue_custom_field)
The Setting model has fields name and value; in this particular setting, the value is a hash which is serialised. One of the keys in this hash is issue_required_field_id, which is used to find a particular IssueCustomField during the show action. If there is no custom field with this ID (which there shouldn't be, because I've set it to the string 'garbage') then it should render a div.flash.error explaining what's happened.
Unfortunately when setting.save! is commented out, the test fails because the Setting doesn't appear to have been updated -- the working value for that setting (as appears in settings.yml) is used, and the 'div.flash.error' doesn't appear. If I uncomment it, this test passes, but others fail because the change isn't rolled back at the end of the test.
Is there a way of modifying a fixture like this so that any changes are rolled back at the end of the test?
Note: self.use_transactional_fixtures is definitely set to true in ActiveSupport::TestCase (and this test case is an ActionController::TestCase, which is a subclass)

I worked out what was going on -- the test was actually behaving transactionally, but Redmine's Setting class has its own cache. Adding Setting.clear_cache! to the test's setup fixed it.


How can I test with RSpec that Rails 3.2 ActionMailer is rendering the correct view template?

I am using rspec-rails and I want to test that my mailer is rendering the correct view template.
describe MyMailer do
describe '#notify_customer' do
it 'sends a notification' do
# fire
email = MyMailer.notify_customer.deliver
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).not_to be_empty
expect(email.from).to include "cs#mycompany.com"
# I would like to test here something like
# ***** HOW ? *****
expect(template_path).to eq("mailers/my_mailer/notify_customer")
Is this a valid approach? Or shall I do something completely different to that?
MyMailer#notify_customer might have some logic (e.g. depending on the locale of the customer) to choose different template under different circumstances. It is more or less similar problem with controllers rendering different view templates under different circumstances. With RSpec you can write
expect(response).to render_template "....."
and it works. I am looking for something similar for the mailers.
I think this is a step closer to the answer above, since it does test for implicit templates.
# must copy https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/spec/support/helpers/next_instance_of.rb
it 'renders foo_mail' do
allow_next_instance_of(described_class) do |mailer|
allow(mailer).to receive(:render_to_body).and_wrap_original do |m, options|
expect(options[:template]).to eq('foo_mail')
body = subject.body.encoded
OK, I understand what you're trying to achieve now.
You should be able to test which template is called by setting expectations on your mailer for the mail method having been called with particular arguments.
Try this in your test:
MyMailer.should_receive(:mail).with(hash_including(:template => 'expected_template'))

Very simple Rspec rails test is not passing, where it should

I'm having some problems creating an rspec test to my rails application.
Let say that I have a model called MyModel, with the following function, that obtains the instances of all the MyModels that have an empty text
self.where(:text => nil)
I've defined the following test, that checks that, new MyModels with empty text, should be returned by the previous function. I use FactoryGirl for the model creation.
describe "get empty models" do
before do
#newModel=Factory(:myModel, :text => nil)
it "new empty models should appear" do
(previousModels << #newModel).should eq(currentModels)
The test is quite simple, but its not working. I don't know why, but, for what I understand from the output, it seams that, on the "should" line, previousModels already contains the newModel on it, so the test fails (it contains #newModel 2 times.
I'm missing something obvious? Aren't the instructions inside "it" called in order?
To clarify, the following test does not fail, where it should:
describe "get empty models" do
before do
#newModel=Factory(:myModel, :text => nil)
it "new empty models should appear" do
(previousModels).should eq(currentModels)
self.where(:text => nil)
Is an ActiveRecord::Relation - the query doesn't actually fire until you try to do something to it (like iterate over it, append to it etc.)
In this case that happens on the same line as your call to should, ie after the factory has created the instance.
One way to fix this would be to force the evaluation of the relation in your before block, for example call .all on it.

FactoryGirl not giving useful validation errors

I'm using FactoryGirl for my fixtures and am finding that it's not really producing useful validation errors.
I always get the message for activerecord.errors.models.messages.record_invalid.
Not sure what further details are needed to help diagnose this. This makes it an excruciatingly slow process to track each error down.
Example factory:
Factory.define :partner do |partner|
partner.sequence(:username){ |n| "amcconnon#{n}" }
partner.first_name "Bobby Joe"
partner.last_name "Smiley"
partner.sequence(:email){ |n| "bob{n}#partners.com" }
partner.phone_number "5557 5554"
partner.country_id 75
partner.password "password"
partner.password_confirmation "password"
Then Factory(:partner) => "ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid Exception: Looks like something went wrong with these changes"
The actual problem is of course the email sequence doesn't use n properly and there is a unique validation on email. But that's for illustrative purposes.
rails => 3.2.2
factory_girl 2.6.1
Any other deets needed to help diagnose this?
(Note: edited this just to add an easier to read factory)
As per bijan's comment: "What exactly am I trying to do."
Trying to run "rspec spec". I would like when I use a factory like Factory(:partner) in this case for the error message when that fails to contain the same error I would get from Partner.new({blah...}).valid? then looked at the validation failures.
I'm not sure if this is exactly the same problem you were having, but it's a problem I was having with validation error messages not being very useful and I thought it could be useful to others searching for this problem. Below is what I came up with. This could be modified to give different info too.
include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
# Right after you include Factory Girl's syntax methods, do this:
def create_with_info(*args, &block)
create_without_info(*args, &block)
rescue => e
raise unless e.is_a? ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
raise $!, "#{e.message} (Class #{e.record.class.name})", $!.backtrace
alias_method_chain :create, :info
Then, when you use create :model_name, it will always include the model name in the error message. We had some rather deep dependencies (yes, another problem), and had a validation error like, "name is invalid"... and name was an attribute on a few different models. With this method added, it saves significant debugging time.
I think the key point here is that when you're setting up a test you need to make sure that the code you're testing fails at the point that you set the expectation (i.e. when you say "should" in Rspec). The specific problem with testing validations is of course that the validation fails as soon as you try to save the ActiveRecord object; thus the test setup mustn't invoke save.
Specific suggesions:
1) IMO Factory definitions should contain the minimum information required to create a valid object and should change as little as possible. When you want to test validations you can override the specific attribute being tested when you instantiate the new test object.
2) When testing validations, use Factory.build. Factory.build creates the ActiveRecord instance with the specified attributes but doesn't try to save it; this means you get to hold off triggering the validation until you set the expectation in the test.
How about something like this?
it "should fail to validate a crap password" do
partner_with_crap_password = Factory.build(:partner, :password => "crap password")
partner_with_crap_password.should_not be_valid

after_create callback not working in test but works in console

Testing in Rails has always been something of a mystery that I avoid if possible but I'm putting a production application together that people will pay for so I really need to test. This problem is driving me mad because the test fails but when I perform the same commands in the console (in test and development mode) it works fine.
test "should update holidays booked after create"
user = users(:robin)
assert_equal user.holidays_booked_this_year, 4 # this passes
absence = user.absences.create(:from => "2011-12-02", :to => "2011-12-03", :category_id => 1, :employee_notes => "Secret") # this works
assert_equal user.holidays_booked_this_year, 5 # fails
after_create :update_holidays_booked
def update_holidays_booked
user = self.user
user.holidays_booked_this_year += self.days_used # the days used attribute is calculated using a before_create callback on the absence
My only thoughts are that it's something to do with updating the User model through a callback on the Absence model but, as I say, this works in the console.
Any advice would be appreciated.
What are you using for your factory?
If you are using a database backed test then you need to reload the user in the test (because the user instance is not updated, the absence's user is updated and saved to the database), reloading the user would look like:
assert_equal user.reload.holidays_booked_this_year, 5
I would also guess that an absence needs to have a user, so you should use build instead of create so the foreign key for user is part of the "created" instance:
First guess would be that in the console you are operating on a real user in the database whereas the test is a fixture. Have you tried this is in test?:
raise user.inspect
Look at the output and determine which user you are actually working with and what the holidays_booked_this_year attributes is.
(your test block also needs a "do" after the description)

Why did post fail in my Rails functional test?

When I run a post in my Rails functional test
setup do
post :create, :user => Factory.attributes_for(:user)
and it fails, I don't get any feedback as to why. I know that it fails because my assertion to make sure that there's one additional record in the database fails.
I tried to do
setup do
post :create, :user => Factory.attributes_for(:user)
assert_valid #controller.object
but object is a protected method.
How can I examine the errors on the model object that results from the post call?
I'm using Shoulda and Factory Girl, but I suspect that doesn't matter.
Add the following assertion:
assert_nil assigns(:user).errors
Which will fail if there were errors saving your object (perhaps a validation), and show you the value of the errors object.
I'm using rails 3.2.13, and it seems like assert_nil doesn't work properly as stated in the previous answer.
This is what worked for me:
assert_empty assigns(:user).errors
I believe this is because even a successful "save" call returns an ActiveRecord:Errors object containing with an Empty hash of "messages" so you could also do this:
assert_empty assigns(:user).errors.messages
