Can Direct3D 11 do offscreen-only rendering (no swap chain)? - directx

Is it possible to use Direct3D 11 for rendering to textures only, i.e. without creating a swap chain and without creating any window? I have tried that and all my API calls succeed. The only problem is that the picture I am downloading from a staging texture is black.
I finally managed to capture a full stream using PIX (Parallel Nsight does not seem to work at all). PIX shows that my render target is black, too, although I clear it to blue.
Is it possible at all what I intend to do? If so, how would one do it?

Actually, the whole thing is working as intended if you initialise the device correctly.


Strange rendering behavior with transparent texture in WebGL

I've been writing a little planet generator using Haxe + Away3D, and deploying to HTML5/WebGL. But I'm having a strange issue when rendering my clouds. I have the planet mesh, and then the clouds mesh slightly bigger in the same position.
I'm using a perlin noise function to generate the planetary features and the cloud formations, writing them to a bitmap and applying the bitmap as the texture. Now, strangely, when I deploy this to iOS or C++/OSX, it renders exactly how I wanted it to:
Now, when I deploy to WebGL, it generates an identical diffuse map, but renders as:
(The above was at a much lower resolution, due to how often I was reloading the page. The problem persisted at higher resolutions.)
The clouds are there, and the edges look alright, wispy and translucent. But the inside is opaque and seemingly being rendered differently (each pixel is the same color, only the alpha channel is changed)
I realize this is likely something to do with how the code is ultimately compiled/generated in haxe, but I'm hoping it's something simple like a render setting or blending mode I'm not setting. But since I'm not even sure exactly what is happening, I wouldn't know where to look.
Here's the diffuse map being produced. I overlaid it on red so the clouds would be viewable.
Bitmapdata.perlinNoise does not work on html5.
You should implement it by yourself, or you could use pre-rendered image.
public function perlinNoise (baseX:Float, baseY:Float, numOctaves:UInt, randomSeed:Int, stitch:Bool, fractalNoise:Bool, channelOptions:UInt = 7, grayScale:Bool = false, offsets:Array = null):Void {
openfl.Lib.notImplemented ("BitmapData.perlinNoise");
Also, WebGL-Inspector is very useful for debugging WebGL apps. Have you used it?
Well, then, did you upload that image from ByteArray?
Lime once allowed access ByteArray with array index operator, even though it shouldn't on js. This is fixed in the lastest version of Lime to avoid mistakes.
I used __get and __set method instead of [] to access a byte array.
Away3d itself might be the cause of this issue too, because the code of backend is generated from different source files depending on the target you use.
For example, byteArrayOffset parameter of Texture.uploadFromByteArray is supported on html5, but not on native.
If away3d is the cause of the problem, which part of the code is causing the problem? I'm not sure for now.
EDIT: I've also experienced a problem with OpenFL's latest WebGL backend. I think legacy OpenFL doesn't have this problem. OpenFL's sprite renderer was changing colorMask (and possibly other OpenGL render states) without my knowledge! This problem occured because my code and OpenFL's sprite renderer was actually using the same OpenGL context. I got rid of this problem by manually disabling OpenFL's sprite renderer.

SpriteKit red X

I need a help or an advice with SprikeKit. My app/game passed Apple review, but later I got some complaints regarding graphics (big red X). I am using spriteNodeWithImageNamed for loading pictures. Is it any way to find out if the picture was loaded? I'm sure that the picture does exist. Probably, the problem is related to a memory or something else. If I put the wrong picture name in Xcode I see error output and red x but how can I catch the error - #try/#catch does not help in this case. Any inputs, hints are very appreciated.
xcode 5, iPad air
Are you trying to load any very large textures? The max texture size for different models of iDevices vary - perhaps that's what you're running into. If you try to load a texture that's too large for a particular device, it might fall back to that X graphic.
As far as detecting whether the texture didn't load, I don't know a way to do that, but you might be able to ensure that it loads by using SKTexture's preloadWithCompletionHandler: method to make sure it's loaded.
Also, Apple recommends not loading textures on the fly, especially if you're loading many of them in a short time span, and carefully managing texture memory by discarding SKTextures that you no longer need. Do some preloading, and check that you're not keeping textures around that you don't need, and see if the X icons go away.

Is iOS glGenerateMipmap synchronous, or is it possibly asynchronous?

I'm developing an iPad app that uses large textures in OpenGL ES. When the scene first loads I get a large black artifact on the ceiling for a few frames, as seen in the picture below. It's as if higher levels of the mipmap have not yet been filled in. On subsequent frames, the ceiling displays correctly.
This problem only began showing up when I started using mipmapping. One possible explanation is that the glGenerateMipmap() call does its work asynchronously, spawning some mipmap creation worker (in a separate process, or perhaps in the GPU) and returning.
Is this possible, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Within a single context, all operations will appear to execute strictly in order. However, in your most recent reply, you mentioned using a second thread. To do that, you must have created a second shared context: it is always illegal to re-enter an OpenGL context. If already using a shared context, there are still some synchronization rules you must follow, documented at
It should be synchronous; OpenGL does not in itself have any real concept of threading (excepting the implicit asynchronous dialogue between CPU and GPU).
A good way to diagnose would be to switch to GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR. If it's genuinely a problem with lower resolution mip maps not arriving until later then you'll see the troublesome areas on the ceiling blend into one another rather than the current black-or-correct effect.
A second guess, based on the output, would be some sort of depth buffer clearing issue.
I followed #Tommy's suggestion and switched to GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR. Now the black-or-correct effect changed to a fade between correct and black.
I guess that although we all know that OpenGL is a pipeline (and therefore asynchronous unless you are retrieving state or explicity synchronizing), we tend to forget it. I certainly did in this case, where I was not drawing, but loading and setting up textures.
Once I confirmed the nature of the problem, I added a glFinish() after loading all my textures, and the problem went away. (Btw, my draw loop is in the foreground and my texture loading loop - because it is so time consuming and would impair interactivity - is in the background. Also, since this may vary between platforms, I'm using iOS5 on an iPad 2)

DWM Screen Capturing with DirectX IDXGIOutput::GetDisplaySurfaceData

I am trying to capture DWM's DirectX surface by using DXGI and GetDisplaySurfaceData() using Direct3D 10/11.
However, when I am taking ownership of the adapter's output with IDXGIOutput::TakeOwnership() before calling to GetDisplaySurfaceData(), the whole screen blacks out for a moment and then restores back (just as during display mode switching).
Why does this happen, and how can I prevent this?
I know this is extremely late. But for what it's worth, the documentation explicitly says that you are not supposed to call TakeOwnership() directly as the results will be unpredictable.

How do I print a partially transparent image to a PDF Canvas using Delphi?

My program needs to output a (fairly complex) form to the printer, including several images. I’m currently doing this using Delphi (2006)’s Printer.Canvas, after selecting a PDF printer (PDF995). This works like a treat.
However, I’m now running into a problem: there’s one partially transparent image that needs to be placed on top of other elements (borders, background and such), with portions of that text still visible through parts of the image.
Doing this on a regular screen Canvas works fine with regular TBitmaps, by using the TransparentColor property. However, when I try to do this on a printer, it doesn’t always work; and when I try this on a PDF printer, it never works: the background turns black, or (the best result so far), turns white, but still overwrites anything underneath it.
I’ve tried achieving the same result by inserting a PNG image with alpha transparency (a.k.a. translucency) in a Word document, and then sending that to said PDF printer. The translucency disappears, but pixel transparency is maintained. So that, at least, should somehow be possible.
Anybody know how?
You mention you are using the TransparentColor property, so is it correct to say you don't really need alpha transparency and can get away with using binary transparency (transparency for each pixel is either off or on)?
If so, it might be possible to generate a Region from your bitmap.
You then use this region as a clipping region and draw the bitmap.
The PDF printer might be able to handle a clipping region correctly.
Here's an example of generating a region from a bitmap, it's used to make non-rectangular forms but the idea is the same:
Here is another example of setting a clipping region for your TCanvas:
I don't think you can achieve partial transparency using a pdf printer. What you can do is get the VisPDF package. With it you can add a mask to the images contained in the pdf that you actually produce right in you're application. If this is not an option, you could combine all your background stuff in to one image. Drawing the alphachanneled thing on this image.
I also had this problem before, If I recall correctly, what I ended up doing was to create an off screen bitmap that I manipulated, then after I was done copied again and used the new bitmap copy on the canvas I was sending to the printer.
You may want to consider using a third-party PDF component in your application to render the canvas directly to PDF. I use this technique for specialized reporting (RTF, Radioemtric JPEGs, Tables, Text etc) in a commercial product I developed for Infrared Thermography. I am very happy with the performance and quality. The component I am using llPDFLib was just updated and I believe now supports full image transparency.
Best of luck. Printing images with an Alpha channel can be challenging at times in my experience.
