Close button appears on my docked control after redocking - delphi

I have a paint box which I want the user to be able to undock and move around. So I set its DragKind to dkDock and its DragMode to dmAutomatic, and put it inside a panel with DockSite set to True. I'm experiencing a rather odd behavior when I dock the paint box after having undocked it to a floating form. The close button of the floating form appears inside the panel. I've attached two screenshots. One from the original state, and one after docking the paint box again. What am I missing?
Original State:
After docking:
After using TLama's solution, here's the result.

You're not missing anything. That's how the default dock manager implementation works. It just wants to have grabber with the close button available on dock site, which uses it. What you can do, is implement your own dock manager and override its AdjustDockRect method, which controls the size of docking zone and where is in default dock manager implementation made a space for grabber with close button. If you don't want that grabber, just keep the size of dock zone rectangle as it was passed to the method, in size of the whole dock site. In other words, do nothing in that method override.
That's for the functional part of the grabber, but except that you need to intercept hardcoded drawing of it. To do so, you need to override the PaintDockFrame event method and like before, do just nothing there.
Here's a code sample:
TNoGrabDockManager = class(TDockTree)
procedure AdjustDockRect(Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect); override;
procedure PaintDockFrame(Canvas: TCanvas; Control: TControl;
const ARect: TRect); override;
{ TNoGrabDockManager }
procedure TNoGrabDockManager.AdjustDockRect(Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect);
// here you can make space for a grabber by shifting top or left position
// of the ARect parameter, which is by default set to the whole dock site
// bounds size, so if you do nothing here, there will be no grabber
procedure TNoGrabDockManager.PaintDockFrame(Canvas: TCanvas; Control: TControl;
const ARect: TRect);
// in this event method, the grabber with that close button are drawn, so
// as in case of disabling grabber functionality do precisely nothing for
// drawing it here, that will make it visually disappear
Here's how to use such custom dock manager (see below for note about UseDockManager property):
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Panel1.DockManager := TNoGrabDockManager.Create(Panel1);
Panel1.UseDockManager := True;
As few sources suggest, you should set the UseDockManager property of your dock panel to False at design time. I don't know why, but from quick tests I've made, some of the event methods of the custom dock manager were not fired when I didn't have set that property at design time (the AdjustDockRect event method worked properly even without doing so, but I wouldn't personally rely on it).

Rather than using a panel as the dock target, use a TPageControl and hide the tab from the generated tab sheet. Since a page control normally has visible tabs, the delete handle is not displayed. Unfortunately, when you hide a tab sheet's tab, the sheet itself is also hidden. So you must save and restore it by adding the following OnDockDrop event:
procedure TForm2.PageControl1DockDrop(Sender: TObject; Source: TDragDockObject;
X, Y: Integer);
ix: Integer;
ix := PageControl1.ActivePageIndex;
PageControl1.ActivePage.TabVisible := false;
PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := ix;


Delphi : losing focus from parent when clicking on child

I am having a problem with an effect trigger (shadow effect). I did put the trigger to be ismouseover = true. So, when I put the mouse onto a panel (parent), the shadows activate, and it works fine until I start putting some buttons inside the panel (children).
The shadows effect goes off when the mouse is over the children.
So, is there anyway to keep focus on the parents while being focused on the children?
I did try to change the trigger of the effects (from ismouseover to isfocused), but it didn't give any different results.
As said, your design is wrong, then you can remove the trigger and do it manually :
// show or hide shadow effect
procedure TForm2.ShowShadowEffect(AValue: boolean);
if ShadowEffect1.Enabled <> AValue then
ShadowEffect1.Enabled := AValue;
// show when enter on panel
procedure TForm2.Panel1MouseEnter(Sender: TObject);
// hide when leave the panel
procedure TForm2.Panel1MouseLeave(Sender: TObject);
// keep visible when over button
procedure TForm2.Button1MouseEnter(Sender: TObject);

How to put controls into a Design State Mode just like the Form Designer does?

This one has been puzzling me for some time now and maybe the answer is an easy one, or perhaps it involves much more VCL hacking or magic to accomplish what I am looking for but either way I am at a loss as to how to solve my problem.
If you look at the Delphi Form Designer you will see that none of the controls animate when the mouse moves over them, they also cannot receive focus or input (eg you cannot type into a TEdit, click a TCheckBox or move a TScrollBar etc), only at runtime do the controls behave normally and respond to user interaction.
I want to know how can I implement this type of behavior to any control at runtime, eg set controls into like a Designer State Mode? However, controls should also still respond to Mouse Events such as OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUp etc so they can be moved and sized if needed for example.
This is the closest that I managed:
procedure SetControlState(Control: TWinControl; Active: Boolean);
SendMessage(Control.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Ord(Active), 0);
InvalidateRect(Control.Handle, nil, True);
Which could be called simply like so:
procedure TForm1.chkActiveClick(Sender: TObject);
SetControlState(Button1, chkActive.Checked);
SetControlState(Button2, chkActive.Checked);
SetControlState(Edit1, chkActive.Checked);
Or for example, all controls on the form:
procedure TForm1.chkActiveClick(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
Ctrl: TWinControl;
for I := 0 to Form1.ControlCount -1 do
if Form1.Controls[I] is TWinControl then
Ctrl := TWinControl(Form1.Controls[I]);
if (Ctrl <> nil) and not (Ctrl = chkActive) then
SetControlState(Ctrl, chkActive.Checked);
Two problems I have noticed with the above is that whilst the controls do appear to become Design State like, some controls such as TButton still have the animation effect painted on them. The other issue is when pressing the left Alt key when the controls are Design State like causes them to disappear.
So my question is, how do I put controls into a Design State mode at runtime just like the Delphi Form Designer does, where those controls do not animate (based on Windows Theme) and cannot receive focus or input?
To make that bit clearer, look at this sample image based off the above code sample where the controls are no longer active, but the TButton's animation paint is still active:
But should actually be:
From the two images above, only the TCheckBox control can be interacted with.
Is there a procedure hidden away somewhere that can change the state of a control? Or perhaps a more suitable approach to achieving this? The code I managed to get so far just presents more problems.
Setting the controls to Enabled := False is not an answer I am looking for either, yes the behavior is kind of the same but of course the controls paint differently to show they are disabled which is not what I am looking for.
What you are looking for is not a feature of the controls themselves, but rather is an implementation of the Form Designer itself. At design-time, user input is intercepted before it can be processed by any given control. The VCL defines a CM_DESIGNHITTEST message to allow each control to specify whether it wants to receive user input at design-time (for example to allow visual resizing of list/grid column headers). It is an opt-in feature.
What you can do, though, is put the desired controls onto a borderless TPanel, and then simply enable/disable the TPanel itself as needed. That will effectively enable/disable all user input and animations for its child controls. Also, when the TPanel is disabled, the child controls will not render themselves as looking disabled.
Remy Lebeau's answer on putting controls into a container such as a TPanel, and then setting the panel to Enabled := False does put the controls into the state I was looking for. I also discovered that overriding the controls WM_HITTEST put the controls into the same state, eg they don't receive focus and cannot be interacted with. The problem with those two is that the controls still need to be able to respond to MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp events etc but they no longer cannot.
Remy also suggested writing a class and implement Vcl.Forms.IDesignerHook, something I have not attempted yet as maybe it requires too much work for what I need.
Anyway, after lots of playing around I found another alternative way, it involves the use of PaintTo to draw the control onto a canvas. The steps I did are as follows:
Create a custom TPanel with an exposed Canvas
At FormCreate create and align the custom panel to client
Add controls to the form at runtime (bringing the custom panel to the front)
Call the controls PaintTo method onto the custom panels Canvas
What this is essentially doing is creating the components and using the Form as the parent with our custom panel sitting on top. The controls are then painted onto the panels canvas which makes it appear as if the control is on the panel, when actually it sits underneath on the form undisturbed.
Because the controls are underneath the panel, in order for them to respond to events such as MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp etc I overrided the WM_NCHitTest in the panel and set the result to HTTRANSPARENT.
In code it would look something like this:
Custom panel:
TMyPanel = class(TPanel)
procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHitTest;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Canvas;
{ TMyPanel }
constructor TMyPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
Align := alClient;
BorderStyle := bsNone;
Caption := '';
destructor TMyPanel.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TMyPanel.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
Message.Result := HTTRANSPARENT;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
FMyPanel: TMyPanel;
procedure ControlMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
{ Public declarations }
{ TForm1 }
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FMyPanel := TMyPanel.Create(nil);
FMyPanel.Parent := Form1;
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.ControlMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if Sender is TWinControl then
ShowMessage('You clicked: ' + TWinControl(Sender).Name);
Example of adding a TButton to the form:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Button: TButton;
Button := TButton.Create(Form1);
Button.Parent := Form1;
with Button do
Caption := 'Button';
Left := 25;
Name := 'Button';
Top := 15;
OnMouseDown := ControlMouseDown;
PaintTo(FMyPanel.Canvas, Left, Top);
If you try running the above, you will see that the TButton we created does not animate or receive focus, but it can respond to MouseDown events we attached in the code above, that is because we are not actually looking at the control, instead we are viewing a graphical copy of the control.
I'm not sure if this is what you're after or not, but Greatis has a Form Designer component. See:

TListView doesn't hide selection when using explorer style

In Delphi XE4 if you set HideSelection to true and use an explorer style TListView (when the selection rectangle has a gradient background like Windows Explorer) clicking on another control will not hide the selection rectangle. It will stay there as if nothing has happened - it will not even turn into a gray rectangle like normally when the Listview doesn't have focus.
Is this a Delphi bug or a "feature" of the MS Listview control? Are there any known workarounds or fixes for this? It's really annoying...
This is a feature of the underlying control. The delphi code does nothing with the property beyond passing on the LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS list view style to the underlying control.
Initially I was surprised by your question. I've never seen the behaviour that you describe. Upon closer inspection I realise that is because all my list views are virtual. That is they set OwnerData to True and supply content in response to OnData events. Doing that is the only workaround that I know of.
This "feature" is explained by David, and here is a workaround.
By utilizing the OnExit event to save the selection and set selection to nil, you would mimic the wanted behavior. When the ListView is focused, restore the selection.
To make it react on the mouse, make the ListView focused in the OnMouseEnter event.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
FSelected: TListItem;
procedure TForm1.ListView1Enter(Sender: TObject);
if (ListView1.SelCount = 0) and Assigned(FSelected) then
ListView1.Selected := FSelected;
procedure TForm1.ListView1Exit(Sender: TObject);
FSelected := ListView1.Selected;
if Assigned(FSelected) then ListView1.Selected := Nil;
procedure TForm1.ListView1MouseEnter(Sender: TObject);
Having mentioned this solution, why not go for the simple one, set HideSelection = false, and the selected item will turn gray when unfocused, just like Sertac mentioned in a comment.

How can I remove the or change the "horizontal separator" in a Category Panel control?

I've been playing around with the Category Panel Control inside Delphi 2010. I've been able to modify the colors and get them working they way I'd like. However, there's a silver colored "horizontal separator" (I don't know what else to call it) between each panel heading.
How can I change the appearance of this "horizontal separator" or remove it all together?
A look at the source of T(Custom)CategoryPanel reveals a method DrawCollapsedPanel. It unconditionally draws the separator. DrawCollapsedPanel is called from DrawHeader and the only condition checked is whether the panel is collapsed.
More importantly though, DrawCollapsedPanel is virtual, so you can either create your own descendant or use an interceptor class:
TCategoryPanel = class(ExtCtrls.TCategoryPanel)
procedure DrawCollapsedPanel(ACanvas: TCanvas); override;
function GetCollapsedHeight: Integer; override;
If you put this in a separate unit, all you need to do then is include it AFTER the ExtCtrls unit wherever you want a category panel with your own behaviour.
To please David :-)
procedure TCategoryPanel.DrawCollapsedPanel(ACanvas: TCanvas);
// Don't call inherited, we do not want the default separator.
// And don't draw anything you don't want.
and we need to override GetCollapsedHeight as well, as that determines the room available for whatever you want to draw under the Header in a collapsed state:
function TCategoryPanel.GetCollapsedHeight: Integer;
// As we don't want anything under here,
// don't call inherited and just return the HeaderHeight.
// (Instead of HeaderHeight + 6;
Result := HeaderHeight;

Custom drawing in TListview descendant

I have a descendant of TListView that offers some additional features, such as sorting and ability to load itself from a TDataset. I now wish to extend this component further so that certain aspects of the drawing can be specified at the time items are added to the list view.
I'm having trouble figuring out which procedure or procedures to override to take control of the drawing. I have overridden DrawItem to change the font style to include strikethrough and then call the inherited DrawItem. If I also specify the style LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED (in an overriden CreateParams()) my function is called and works as I want except that only the item, and not the subitems, is drawn.
Does anyone know how I can tell the list view to draw the subitems also? I've found one example of a substantially enhanced list view, but this one isn't sufficiently well documented for me to follow exactly what's going on, and I'm hoping not to have to hook quite as many events and windows messages as this one does — it seems to me that simply setting the canvas pen, brush, and font and then having the item draw itself should not be quite so involved.
Here's what I have so far:
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure DrawItem(Item: TListItem; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override;
procedure TLookupListView.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
inherited CreateParams(Params);
Params.Style := Params.Style or lvs_OwnerDrawFixed;
procedure TLookupListView.DrawItem(Item: TListItem; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
var I: Integer;
Left: Integer;
Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style + [fsStrikeOut];
inherited DrawItem(Item, Rect, State);
//I know the canvas must be restored here, this is just for proof-of-concept.
PLEASE NOTE: I'm not interested in doing custom drawing in a particular instance of TListView using the supplied events. I know how to do that. I'm trying to "bake in" this functionality to my custom TListview descendant component.
The component has a virtual method IsCustomDrawn() which is called to determine which code paths need to be executed. In the base class implementation it checks whether any of the event handlers to paint the subitems is assigned, but you can override the method to return True for all those paint stages you want handled, even when there is no event handler assigned.
If you want to handle everything in code you should probably override CustomDrawItem() and CustomDrawSubItem() and do everything there. To get everything working I would build the app with debug DCUs, step into from event handlers and look around what the minimum amount of code you can get away with is. The important method to check out is TCustomListView.CNNotify() - here the Windows messages for owner drawing are handled.
I forgot to add that you should try to not owner draw the text in the control, but just to set canvas properties in the various paint stages - the reason being that otherwise you will have to make sure that text output is pixel-perfect in all Windows versions, something that the VCL doesn't achieve. You can see this by adding a few columns and rows to a list view and toggling the OwnerDraw property at design time, the text jumps around.
Which version of Delphi are you using? In Delphi 2007 TListView has support for custom-drawing by handling NM_CUSTOMDRAW messages, as described here. TListView already has events defined for custom-drawing subitems, as well as virtual methods you can override in your descendant.
