Rails 3.2 - Assets that I do not wish to precompile - ruby-on-rails

I am using Rails 3.2 with asset pipeline. It works fine, however there is one particular case where I want one particular third party assets no to be precompiled.
I moved the assets back into public/javascripts directory hoping that I can use the tool in the same way as before, however I get the following error at runtime:
tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js isn't precompiled
I am puzzled, because I thought the third party JavaScript tool would be excluded from asset pipeline just by putting it in the public directory.
In my view I have the following include:
<%= javascript_include_tag 'tiny_mce/tiny_mce' %>
Any light on this subject would be appreciated.
Many Thanks.

You may consider to move your vendor assets in app/vendor/assets/javascripts directory , but not in public . The publicdirectory is used in production environment , after the assets are precompiled .
In case you rely on asset-pipeline , it is enough to include the tiny-mce in manifest file application.js like this :
/= require tiny_mce/tiny_mce
and avoid any javascript_include_tag in your views .


DEPRECATION WARNING: The asset "ckeditor.js" is not present in the asset pipeline.Falling back to an asset that may be in the public folder

I recently updated to Rails 5.2.2 (from 4.2.3) and now I'm getting this warning in the logs on pages using CKEditor gem.
DEPRECATION WARNING: The asset "ckeditor.js" is not present in the asset pipeline.Falling back to an asset that may be in the public folder.
This behavior is deprecated and will be removed.
To bypass the asset pipeline and preserve this behavior,
use the skip_pipeline: true option.
This is the line:
<%= javascript_include_tag :ckeditor %>
I tried adding skip_pipeline: true but then it started making requests for "/javascripts/ckeditor.js" which gave a 404 error.
Either way, the CKEditor works and the text field is rich text. I have this line in my application.js
//= require ckeditor/init
It works even without the javascript_include_tag. I get the feeling the previous dev thought CKEditor was a large library and only wanted to include it on specific pages in the admin that needed it. How can that be achieved?
Rails is going to give you a JavaScript file per file in your JavaScript assets folder. For example, you should have a javascript_include_tag for :application because of that "application.js" file there. You’re including ckeditor into your application.js file, which is why ckeditor works. But, you’re trying to include a JavaScript file for an asset that doesn’t exist, meaning there is no "ckeditor.js" file in your javascripts folder.
This message is coming from Rails attempting to look up the asset name for the js file, because in prod Rails tacks on a unique hash to the file name to prevent caching.
This has likely been a problem the whole time, and you just never noticed the JavaScript file 404ing, and now Rails 5.2 is louder about the problem than 4.2 was.
You should just delete the javascript_include_tag line.
Alternatively you could create a ckeditor.js file, and move the //= require ckeditor/init from the application.js file over to ckeditor.js. Now you can do the javacript_include_tag only on pages that need it. But be wary of your load order. If you have any js in your application.js file that depends on ckeditor or vice versa, you’ll need to make sure you include your files in the right order in the html (the same order that the requires happened in, in application.js, assuming the order matters).
This worked
<%= javascript_include_tag 'ckeditor/init' %>
I also commented out the line in the application manifest
// only load on required pages // require ckeditor/init

What is the proper way to link big template assets into rails erb files?

I am developing a rails application starting from webarch template. I know that adding the whole assets folder in the public/ folder will link the assets with my views, but it would not be taking advantage of the assets pipeline functions. The template has a lot of plugins and different options and one generally does not use all of it. The assets folder's size is 30MB.
I though about putting it inside vendor/assets and using it with the asset pipeline but this generates two problems:
I would be serving 30MB of minified code and using a small percentage of it in my app.
I would have to manually rewrite the whole assets folder to use links the way asset pipeline wants it (javascript_include_tag "file" to serve file.js). Of course, I would do this via a script but it still seems like a problem someone should have encountered first.
Since neither vendor/assets and public/ folders seem to be a proper location for these files I would like a better option (or a way to make the later options work better).
A solution to keep your files under asset pipeline when they are too big to reasonably be left in one single minimified asset file is to split your assets by categories, compile those categories in different minimified files, and include them in your views when needed.
I do it for an app that contains several "heavy" javascripts components that are located in different area of my app and are not often used.
1- Organize your file structure
In app/assets/javascrips and app/assets/stylesheets create one directory per category we are going to create. Examples:
2- Create your manifests
In app/assets/javascrips and app/assets/stylesheets create one manifest file per category and have them included the related directory
File app/assets/javascrips/common.js
//= require jquery
//= require_tree ./common
File app/assets/javascrips/admin.js
//= require_tree ./admin
File app/assets/javascrips/user_account.js
//= require_tree ./user_account
3- Add your manifests to rails precompile list
You can do it in config/application.rb file, but when it gets big it is preferable to create an initializer file config/initializers/assets.rb
Rails.application.configure do
config.assets.precompile += %w[common.js admin.js user_account.js]
4- Include them in your views and layouts, and set-up your javascript libraries.
Import the assets files into layouts and views. It can be a good idea to create several layouts for different area of your application that would be using common assets files. The methods to use are
stylesheet_link_tag 'manifest_file' and javascript_include_tag 'manifest_file'
And keep in mind you may have to tell your javascript plug-ins they need to use the miniminied file when dynamically loading files. For them you can use a configuration .js.erb file. Example:
File app/assets/javascrips/admin/plug-in_config.js.erb
PLUGIN.config('dynamicFileName', '<%= javascript_path('manifest_file') %>');

Why can't I add a plain link tag in Rails4 App

Why is it so forbidden to add line like <link href="/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> in my application.html.erb file. How else do I insert it?
It's not "forbidden" outright - it just skirts a lot of important Rails conventions which will likely create problems & inconsistencies down the line
There are several elements to what you're asking. Here they are:
Firstly, you need to use the correct helpers in your layout:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "bootstrap/bootsrap" %>
The reason for this is the same as using helpers in other parts of your Rails application - as paths change between environments & certain "backend" functionalities of the system evolve, you can't rely on using vanilla HTML to call "Rails-centric" methods
A pro tip is that if there is any reference to a path, or an asset, you need to use the helpers which Rails provides
Asset Pipeline
Further to this, you need to appreciate how the "asset pipeline" works.
One of the big benefits of the Rails framework is that it gives you the ability to organize your assets in the most effective way - by keeping them in the /assets folder.
Whilst great for development, your problem will arise when you go into a production environment - Rails prefers to serve static assets in production, which means that the assets will be pre-compiled & access in the public folder:
In the production environment Sprockets uses the fingerprinting scheme
outlined above. By default Rails assumes assets have been precompiled
and will be served as static assets by your web server.
To make sure this works properly, you need to use the path helpers to load the files dynamically; hence allowing Rails to access the files wherever they are on the system
I would strongly recommend you look into the "manifest" feature of the asset pipeline:
*= require bootstrap/bootstrap

Using ExtJS along with the Rails Assets Pipeline

For an application built on top of Rails (3.1.8) with ExtJS 4.1, we have the following files layout:
Lots of coffeescript files and folders.
ext-all-debug-w-comments.js and the whole ExtJS framework.
Our application heavily relies on the Ext loader (Ext.Require) to dynamically load files based on users rights / allowed modules. We would like to keep this functionality as much as possible, so only the required files are requested from the server. Bandwidth isn't really an issue, as the application is intranet-based (On a LAN).
In development environment, everything runs smooth. In production environment however, we are having problems. It looks like either the "rake assets:precompile" task is concatenating all files into an application.js file, and then when accessing our application the Ext loader complains that it can't find individual files (Because assets/WID/.../file.js isn't being served by the rails server).
So right now, i'm not sure what would be the best move to take... Is there anyone able to help us with a successful Rails + ExtJS production setup taking the best from the assets pipeline?
Thank you,
I think you should move your javascripts (and generally all the assets) from your public into vendor/assets/javascripts when you are in development environment. This way the asset-pipeline gets in charge.
EDIT: You may consider reverting your manifest file to application.js, not application.coffee. Generally it is a bad idea to rename these special files : application.css and application.js .In case you have some coffescript to add , just create a new file and place it in an asset directory.

Integrating CKEditor with Rails 3.1 Asset Pipline

I'm new to the Asset Pipeline, having just migrated over from Rails 3.0. I'm trying to get CKEditor into the pipeline, but all the gems for it are really unclear about how they work, and have little or no usage instructions.
I would prefer to do this without using a gem, since it seems that all I have to do is drop the source files into the vendor/assets directory and then include them in application.js. I've tried that, however, when I precompile and push to production, it seems that some of the files aren't being found (editor.css, for example), and the editor doesn't show up at all (just blank area).
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require ckeditor/ckeditor
//= require_self
That's with the source files in vendor/assets/javascript/ckeditor/, and is pointing to ckeditor.js. I'm just not sure where to go from here. This code works fine in development but does not work in production. I am running rake assets:precompile before adding and committing to git, and then pushing to heroku.
I got this working (deployed on Heroku), by:
Including the ckeditor code in vendor/assets/javascripts/ckeditor
Adding config.assets.precompile += ['ckeditor/*'] to my production.rb
Setup your ckeditor base path in the application.html.erb var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/assets/ckeditor/'; before the include of the application.js
In application.js, include //= require ckeditor/ckeditor
Bite the bullet and use a gem. Two options here:
CKEditor Engine
This runs as an engine and includes its own mountable CKEditor in assets. It also exposes Ckeditor.assets which you can add to your assets path. This references all the images, plugins, language files and miscellaneous little bits of junk that CKEditor requires.
It has a shot at handling image uploads and it also integrates nicely with ActiveAdmin.
CKEditor Rails
This does less, you include it in your asset pipeline and it does the rest for you. Nice and simple and sufficient for all basic use cases.
I have used both of these on live projects and both do the job. Use the former if you plan on using ActiveAdmin and you want a smooth ride. Use the latter if you prefer minimal.
CKEditor is pretty ugly. Keep it at arms length, then when you need to upgrade you can swap it out for another.
If you are on Rails 3.1.0, you should upgrade to 3.1.1. In this version the precompile rake task compiles assets into both original and digested filenames. This is so third-party code that is not pipeline aware will still work.
You will need to add the ckeditor directory and all its child directories to the precompile array so that the precompile task knows to compile them.
config.assets.precompile += your_files
your_files can be an array of files, regexs or Procs - whatever is need to capture the names of the ckeditor files. I don't have ckeditor handy to work out what needs to go in precompile, so others might appreciate it if you post what you come up with!
One thing to watch is that if you have far-future headers set for the /assets directory on your webserver, you'll need to exclude the CKeditor directory. Because those files won't be fingerprinted, there may be issues when you update CKeditor with some clients not getting the updated code because they have a cached copy that marked to only expire some time in the future.
Have similar issue. For me it was fixed by overriding default precompile task (I used Rails 4 and CkEditor 4).
Add to application.rb config.assets.precompile += ['ckeditor/*']
In application.js //= require ckeditor/init
Create file lib/tasks/precompile_hook and paste text from this answer Precompile hook
Had the same issue, I've adjusted fallback in production for the assets which had not digest until it will be fixed:
config.assets.compile = true
what about ckeditor_assets directory in /public ? uploaded photos and attachments go to those directories, as defined by default in app/models/ckeditor/[attachment.rb,photo.rb]
ckeditor_assets is outside of assets and images/files are not accessible (url like http://yourdomain.com/ckeditor_assets/pictures/1/file.jpg will not work, but the file is there)
I spent some time getting the ckeditor_rails gem to work; maybe I can save some time for others trying to do the same.
The gem worked just fine out-of-the-box in development, but when deployed to production using precompiled assets under Phusion Passenger it did not. It was clear to me that the problem was that it was looking for assets under:
where in fact it needed to be looking under:
It was also clear to me that I needed somehow to set:
var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/my_app_name/assets/ckeditor'
but no matter where or how I tried to do this, it wouldn't take.
Finally, I found on this key sentence on the gem wiki:
You can create app/assets/javascripts/ckeditor/basepath.js.erb to
have your own CKEDITOR_BASEPATH.
I created the file as specified (alongside my config.js file for configuring the editor), added my CKEDITOR_BASEPATH setting to the file, re-compiled my assets, and all was good.
In your config/development.rb make sure to set
config.assets.precompile += ['ckeditor/*']
as well as set
config.assets.debug = true
