What would be ideal way to share functionality between Rails apps? - ruby-on-rails

I have a number of view helpers I use on almost every project, a set of useful rake tasks, minor extensions to active record, extensions to some gems (inherited_resources).
I'm wondering, what would be a good way to manage these 'snippets'? I wouldn't want to manage a gem for each snippet, or even a gem for each 'type' of snippet. Would it suffice to bundle this into a personal gem? Maybe add the option to specify which helpers/extensions to include in the project?
I could use a 'template' application which I could bundle with this code, but the problem here is if I update a snippet on one project, I want to be able to rollout that update on all projects with minimal effort (i.e. bundle update).

With your requirements, I would bundle it all in a base-zenph-gem and use it in every one o your projects, as it is the best way to have synchronized code over different projects.
Also, make a good documentation for it, as if anyone inherits one of those projects would love to know what is going on.

Instead of a gem with Rails you can create an engine which contains reusable functionality, then you can specify the use of the engine within your applications.
You can read more about it in the Rails documentation: Rails Engines


versioning or using different gems for next API verion

I have written some Rails API little long ago. I used namespace,module for making different versions of it.
Now I need to move my APIs to next version. Where I need to use different gems to achieve the requirement(need to add and delete some extra gems). While keeping the present version running for some more time.
I can use namespace, modules for routes and business logic changes. But how can I specify different gems for this version of API?
Does creating a separate git branch is the solution?
should I use different Gemfile.
How should I achieve this?
In same application if you want to add a new Gemfile, then I think it will be better option to create a engine and keep it inside vendors folder, so it will be inside your application and you will get separate routes, namespaces and Gemfile for that.
You can check the link given below about engine development.

Nesting Ruby gems inside a Rails project

How do I create a gem project nested inside my current Rails project?
I've got a Rails project with several parts that could easily be gems. I would like to extract these parts into gems but not leave the current Rails project. Creating new source control repos for the gems add additional complexity that project or organization is not ready or able to handle. These complexities will be overcome at some point and I would like to be ready.
So far I can only think of these items.
Relocate code to a single directory root. I'm guessing this would be in the vendor path
Create a <something>.gemspec
Link to the gem in the Gemfile of the Rails app
gem 'my_lib_code', path: 'vendor/my_lib_code'
What else do I need to do? I'm sure I'm missing something important.
If this were a c project I would create another shared library that the make process spits out. Or if this where a c# project I would make a .dll. For Java I would...
I'm sure Ruby can do the same as all the other languages. Something that is a half way step between a normally fully extracted gem and just some code siting in my lib path.
This is a perfectly fine approach for a component-based architecture.
You have a single repository, a single test suite, and a single deployment process, while at the same time you are "forced" to think of clean interfaces and separation of concerns.
Of course if you are planning on sharing this functionality with other projects, an externally hosted (but not necessarily public) Gem would serve better.
Implementation wise, you can get some nifty ideas from Stephan Hagemann's talk at this year's RailsConf: "Get started with Component-based Rails applications!"

What kind of things should go into a Ruby gem as opposed to a Rails plugin?

I have a set of functionality that I am considering packaging so as to use them in multiple projects, but I can't decide whether to choose a gem or a plugin. What is the difference? Which one should I choose?
Gem is currently acknowledged as the 'best practice' for Rails. (You can also package as a gem and include an install.rb so that your project can be optionally be installed as a plugin - see this Rails dispatch article).
Basically the only reason to go with a plugin is if your users will want to be able to modify the code more often than not, as it stores a copy in vendor/plugins. However, with the advent of bundler it's pretty simple to store your gems per repository as well and modify them.
If you go with gems, you get the advantages of dependencies, versions, and the functionality that rubygems.org offers for searching, alerts and so on.
Definitely make it a gem!

Building an extension framework for a Rails app

I'm starting research on what I'd need in order to build a user-level plugin system (like Wordpress plugins) for a Rails app, so I'd appreciate some general pointers/advice. By user-level plugin I mean a package a user can extract into a folder and have it show up on an admin interface, allowing them to add some extra configuration and then activate it.
What is the best way to go about doing this? Is there any other opensource project that does this already? What does Rails itself already offer for programmer-level plugins that could be leveraged? Any Rails plugins that could help me with this?
A plugin would have to be able to:
run its own migrations (with this? it's undocumented)
have access to my models (plugins already do)
have entry points for adding content to views (can be done with content_for and yield)
replace entire views or partials (how?)
provide its own admin and user-facing views (how?)
create its own routes (or maybe just announce its presence and let me create the routes for it, to avoid plugins stepping on each other's toes)
Anything else I'm missing?
Also, is there a way to limit which tables/actions the plugin has access to concerning migrations and models, and also limit their access to routes (maybe letting them include, but not remove routes)?
P.S.: I'll try to keep this updated, compiling stuff I figure out and relevant answers so as to have a sort of guide for others.
You might want to check out mephisto, it's a blogging software built with ruby on rails and has add-on plugin support. Not sure if it works how you are thinking of, but might give you some good insights. The source can be found on GitHub.
You should look at deface gem. It allows to customize rails views, adding content via hooks and replacing whole views/partials. Spree is using this gem so you can look also at spree. Beside views they also have other solutions for customizing application so you can find more answers to your questions.

Building a ruby gem for Rails applications

As a Rails developer I feel a bit stupid asking this question but hopefully I will learn something new and someone can put me out of my misery! In my rails applications I use (other peoples) gems all the time, I also use plugins from the community or my own.
I understand the benefits of use gems over plugins as they are version-able, segmented, system wide, easier to manage and share etc etc but I don't really know how to go about making a gem for my rails apps!?
Do you always start with a plugin and convert it to a gem, I've seen the words 'package it as Gem'. Also the gem I'm thinking of building would be no good in a normal ruby program, it's only useful to rails apps. I'm not even sure if the semantics of that make sense, 'RubyGem' that will only work in a rails application!?
I would like to create a gem (if that's what I should use?) for a discrete piece of functionality for my rails apps. It will need to add a database migration, new routes and provide controllers and views or useful view helpers. I'm know I can achieve this via a plug-in but would just like to know how/why to do it as a 'Ruby Gem'?
To avoid the risk of Over-engineering, I usually start with the feature I need directly into the application. Then, as soon as I need to use the same feature into another project, I check whether it is worth to extract it into a plugin or even a separate application providing an API.
Plugins and Gems are often interchangeable. Gems provides several significant advantages in terms of reusability and maintainability.
On the other side, there are some specific known issue. For instance, a Rails app actually can't load rake tasks defined into a plugin packaged as a Gem.
Almost every Rails plugin can be packaged as a Gem.
For instance, take my tabs_on_rails plugin.
You can install it as a Gem specifying the dependency on environment.rb. Or you can use script/plugin install command as you would expect.
If you want to achieve the same result, make sure to follow the standard Gem layout and provide the init.rb initialization script required by Rails.
Also, you might want to create an install.rb and uninstall.rb file to include the post-install and post-uninstall hooks when the plugin is installed as a standard Rails plugin.
Last but not least, if you package a plugin as Gem you can reuse it in non-Rails projects and provide Rails-specific initializations using the init.rb file. Non-Rails applications will simply ignore it.
If you want to make a plugin for Rails, https://peepcode.com/products/rails-2-plugin-patterns gives you a good start. After that, make the plugin into a gem.
To make a gem, this resource http://railscasts.com/episodes/183-gemcutter-jeweler will be helpful.
As of 2013 you'll want to use Bundler and the following tutorials:
#245 New Gem with Bundler -
Make your own gem - RubyGems
Take a look at Jeweler. Jeweler gives you a set of rake tasks to make gem versioning and building very easy.
