Embedded Youtube videos not appearing in infowindows - youtube

I am attempting to embed Youtube videos into some of the infowindows in the following KML file:
http://www.jonangfoundation.org/files/newdef.kml .
The videos show up fine on Google Earth and KML Builder, but on this page they do not show up at all:
Anyone know what could be keeping them from showing up?

Unfortunately your 'test' page does not load - Page Not Found error.
However, I think you need to set the correct MIME type for .kml files. Your newdef.kml is presented in my browser window as XML rather than downloaded as a .kml file. That might be your problem, it is hard to tell with nothing else to go on. check out this link for details about setting the right MIME
Edit: I am not sure what is going on. Your KML code looks okay to me, and I see you have tried a few different approaches, none of which appear to work. I suggest you visit this SO question, as it's answer is something you could do to make it work.
Basically, you override the default behaviour when a placemark gets clicked, and allow iframes and javascript to be used in the balloon. It is the original way of getting around your problem (however I thought it was fixed in recent version of the plug-in. Maybe not?)

I believe your content is being scrubbed. See link for description and possible work around.


Replace Thumbnails and Theme Switching

I am currently making an extension, and I hope I could get some
practical advice on feasibility :
I want my extension to go fetch/load a local folder of custom homescreen
thumbnails(top-sites), and then replace the auto-generated thumbnails in
the homescreen with those it loaded.
The extension would be able to read the associated domain names of the
thumbnails and then replace them accordingly.
(e.g :Pinned Url : youtube.com/anything : Ok so it’s YouTube : then replace the thumbnail with “Custom_Youtube_Thumbnail.png”)
Does that seems possible to you ? (Before I dive in head first)
I saw that the top-sites API is not quite available
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1246693 but maybe I’m wrong.
Extra : My extension is switching themes (like this :
https://github.com/mdn/webextensions-examples/tree/master/theme-switcher ).
Would it be possible to switch the thumbnails accordingly
(Custom_Youtube_Thumbnail_light.png > Custom_Youtube_Thumbnail_dark.png)
as i’ve made a version for each.
Would be a pleasure to hear your opinion on this, or just pointing
useful resources to me,
I’m not asking for a perfectly baked solution.
Hope I’ve been concise.
Thanks for reading me !
Very nice idea you had.
But In short: no possible.
Main problem is that you cannot inject and manipulate on the homepage which is a built in browser tab.
"You cannot inject code into any of the browser's built-in pages, such as: about:debugging, about:addons, or the page that opens when you open a new empty tab."

Media Picker filename search not accurate

Is there a way to fix the search in a Media Picker component for Umbraco? I noticed that when I click on the Media Picker component and tried to search for the file I uploaded I ended up of getting all sort of results that has nothing to do with the search I've been looking for. So ideally I was hoping that if I type image001.png I was expecting to find all image with that name. But to my surprise when I do the search I get presented with files that is not even image001.png. See below image
As you can see I tried to search for 200 but I got presented with a file that has a name of test.jpg
Is there a way to fix this filter behavior? I'm using Umbraco 7.4
Did test have 200 in the path where the media library stored it? Search is a bit of a black art sometimes. You can clear and re-build the indexes as that might help improve things.
I do not think there are any custom packages to improve this. YOu could create your own custom search fairly quickly n the backend within a new tab, like this:
Then you can use examine to query media yourself and only search on the filename. Prob not the most helpful answer but it is a option :)

Code that can look at open browser tabs and store the urls?

I am attempting to write a program that looks at the current browser you have open, goes through each tab, and copies and pastes each page's url into a notepad file.
I have no issue with writing the file; my main concern is that I can't find anything in any language that can look at the browser, sift through the tabs, and scrape the url.
Does anyone know if this would be possible, any code that might be able to help (in any language), or if something like this exists? I would appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction.
The software I was looking for did not exist, so I created it. It's a chrome extension called Raincheck

Placemark kml info not showing in iOS version of Google Earth

The information for placemarks that I have created in a kml file does
not show on the iPad. The window opens up, but there is no content. It
has worked in the past and it works fine in Google Earth for Windows
and Android. I have a feeling that this might be an issue with Google
Earth on the iPad more than a kml issue.
Here is the file if anybody is interested in taking a look:
Your KML looks good (actually, it's very nicely done; the airports look and behave great):
Visual desk check in a text editor and it looks good
Loaded in Google Earth without problems (confirms the behavior you saw)
Also there is an Interactive KML Parser available online - your KML ran through the parse without errors
Your suspicion that the root cause of your problem lies with the iPad or Google Earth on the iPad appears to be correct. I don't have an iPad, so I can't test that, but knowing that an independent test had similar results at least helps to pinpoint the problem.
Here is a work around for this problem.
Prepare a KML file with NetworkLink tag referring to your remote KML file and download the file.
Then description rendering works well even on iOS5.
"Remote", which means a file places at a server like "http://example.com/sample.kml", is important. Local files like a file in a .kmz file don't work currently.

PrettyPhoto Error: Image cannot be loaded. Make sure the path is correct and the image exists

I've searched a series of forums and I've noticed that a lot of people had this same issue. I tried all the resolutions: using the longer Youtube URL like
defining the width and height of the image, and I've tried using older versions of JQuery. I'm still receiving the error. I've linked all the images in the CSS file [incorrectly, but they are linked :)]. I've been trying to solve this for days and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
It appears that you have to add ?iframe=true to the end of the hyperlink
did the trick for me. Make sure you point direct to the web page you want to appear in the light box, not to the iframe.
I had the issue with WordPress,
I simply removed the alert.
file: /wp-content/plugins/prettyphoto-media/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.min.js
I use http://jsbeautifier.org/ to unfold the code
and comment line 350:
//alert("Image cannot be loaded. Make sure the path is correct and image exist.");
The links to the youtube video are not direct, you are using some kind of redirects. i suggest you use direct links to the youtube video
here is a demo of your site http://www.mediafire.com/?vj3l062uza7ov61 , see the left video
