creating a string for a link in grails without g:link - grails

In a tag like below:
<a data-url="/new/request/showText/${}"> view text</a>
Is there a way to not hardcode the url like I have?
I tried using <g:link action="showText" id="${}"> but that renders to an anchor tag.
What I'm doing might be find but I'm just curious if there is a better way to do this in grails?

You may use
for full control. It just returns something like http://myapp/myaction/123 and supportsall the params which g:link supports.
To be more specific:
<a data-url="${createLink(action:'showText',id:}"> view text</a>
should work.

You can use the createLink function inside of ${..}.
So in your case this would be:
<a data-url="${createLink(controller: 'yourController', action: 'yourAction', params:[param1: 'value1'])}"> view text</a>


How to set shiro principal's property as thymeleaf tag attribute?

I have a demand that I want to use a shiro principal's property as thymeleaf tag's attribute.
I use the lib thymeleaf-extras-shiro, it's true to use like this.
<shiro:principal property='imgUrl'/>
but I want to set the property 'imgUrl' as tag '' attribute 'href'.
so anybody could tell me about this?
Thank you.
I haven't looked at thymeleaf-extras-shiro in a while but it might be something like:
<a href="${shiro.principal.imgUrl}"/>
// or maybe
<a href="${shiro.principal['imgUrl]'}"/>

Create custom GSP tag without writing Groovy code

Is it possible to create a custom GSP tag without writing Groovy code and embedding my HTML in the code (i.e. more of a JSP style way of creating a custom tag)?
I have a menu that consists of a bunch of items something like:
<li class="menu-item">
<g:link controller="someController" action="someAction" id="123">
My Item Text
I would like to create a new GSP tag to simplify my pages since it will be repeated multiple times. So, I'd like to create something like:
<my:menuitem controller="someController" action="someAction" id="123" text="My Item Text"/>
I know that I can create a custom taglib and create the tag using Groovy code. However I really don't like the idea of embedding HTML into a Groovy file. In the past I have created JSP taglibs in essentially a JSP file without writing Java code. So far looking at the documentation for Grails I haven't seen a similar style.
As a side note, can custom JSP tags be used within GSP?
You can do this with a template via the render tag, as explained in the "Views and Templates" section of the docs. Its worth noting you name the template file with a leading underscore but you refer to it in the render tag without the underscore.
The other alternative is to use a custom taglib as you described but to create your HTML with the Groovy MarkupBuilder. It takes a bit of getting used to (syntax is a bit strange) but once you've done a few times it becomes second nature.
The only way I can see to do what you want to do without a Taglib is to use g:render and pass in your values into the model attribute. Like this:
<g:render template="myTemplate" model="[controller: 'someController', action: 'someAction', id: 123, text: 'My Text Item']" />
Then in your actual template you will have the following:
<li class="menu-item">
<g:link controller="${controller}" action="${action}" id="${id}">

How can I show img inside anchor tag?

I want to do something like:
<img src="abc.jpg"/>
But when I see Html.ActionLink I can find any overload that allows me to do that. How can I achieve the above using Action.HtmlLink?
The easiest way is not to use Html.Action link and write plain old HTML.
<a href="<%=Url.Action("Action", "Controller")%>">
<img src="<%=Url.Content("~/Images/abc.jpg")%>" />
To achive the result your asking with ActionLink you've to write your own extension.
Look at this article

How to create link in mvc with html tags in title?

How can i create link using this -
html.RouteLink using html tags in title?
In result i would see something like this :
<a class="" href="#"><div class="someclass">1</div><div class="someotherclass"></div></a>
Why not you try to use Url.Action() method.. Something like this :
<div class="someclass">1</div><div class="someotherclass"></div>
Only suggestion. Example is written using Razor syntax, but you can also simple use it with ASPX view engine...

Creating a controller / action href

While Grails has several tags to generate either resource links or anchor tags, what about a plain href? Say I'm coding some AJAX functions on my own and I want to say something like
$.post("<g:href controller='mycontroller' action='update' />');
I think createLink is what you're looking for:
<a href="${createLink(controller:'mycontroller', action:'update')}" />
