Rails SCORM LMS - ruby-on-rails

Are there any LMS (hosting SCORM) Rails gems or apps written in Ruby on Rails?
I would be using Articulate to create the SCORM.

There's Canvas LMS. It appears to be under very active development, with the most recent update to master happening yesterday:
I don't have any personal experience with it so I can't comment on its quality.

You can use SCORMCloud to serve the SCORM content from Rails.
There's a github repo that implements some of the API:
Just be careful of running rake test there..... it tries to delete all of your courses (not good if its pointed at a prod environment).
My company builds integs for SCORMCloud, our Bright service uses a rails back end a fork of the AES lib (we are planning on recommitting this back onto github soon).

Another option worth exploring will be Fedena. More information about it can be found at http://www.projectfedena.org/ or https://github.com/projectfedena/fedena. I am not sure how it stacks up agains Canvas LMS. But I would love to know about it if someone over here can share.
tags - ror scorm lms


Rails 3 / PhoneGap: Converting a Rails app into an Phonegap iOS app?

I have a site built on top of Rails. In essence, I want to release a lightweight version of it for the appstore, and I think Phonegap is a good solution w/o writing a full iOS application.
What would be the easiest way to get something like this out of the door? I'm new to PhoneGap and would love if an experience dev could shed some light on how with is done. I feel it would also be a valuable resource for many other Rails devs.
My rails 3 app uses devise for authenication, carrierwave for file processing, amazon S3 for storage, and Heroku for hosting. Can someone give me some basic insight into how all these components are wrapped up and ablwe to be used with PhoneGap?
I'm new to Phonegap too, but I'm exploring the same idea than you and I've found this useful screencast: "PhoneGap + Rails 3 API"
The idea is that you make an HTML5 client side app that makes calls to a Rails API on the server side.
Here is the code of the screencast demo:
https://github.com/quickleft/kbomb_phonegap_server (Rails API)
https://github.com/quickleft/kbomb_phonegap_client (HTML5 client with
Hope it helps!
I think it could be relevant to check my phonegap-rails gem gem and my example rails / ember.js App that is exported with Phonegap. It also implements token authentication based on ember-auth and several OAuth strategies on top of Devise.
Currently in de the devel branch: https://github.com/joscas/base_app/tree/devel
Heroku deploy: https://starter-app-staging.herokuapp.com (the desktop version)
The gem exports assets, fixes paths etc. to allow seamless export of single page apps based on a rails backend.
At 37 Signals they rendered their html SERVER SIDE and just created an app wrapper. Here's the article: https://signalvnoise.com/posts/3743-hybrid-sweet-spot-native-navigation-web-content
This is an important difference in most approaches as most will re-develop their front end using a client side framework and it has the potential to save users a bunch of time. The downside is that I've heard rumors you can't get into the iOS app store, but it doesn't seem like they had a problem with it. There's also services like GoNative.io that will wrap your app for you.
A video and code that does something similar to Javi's answer can be found at
Using Phonegap as a native container for a Rails 3 App

Preferable way to distribute a Rails app

Although Rails and PHP have different deployment methods, what is the preferable way to distribute a FOSS Rails app? Suppose one of the major PHP apps - Magento, Drupal, Wordpress had been build upon RoR, what would have been the preferable way for them to have distributed their application?
Packaging up the code as a gem seems to be the wrong approach for a complete out-of-the-box application, but I could be wrong.
Coming from the world of PHP with its upload-and-go approach, and being a newcomer to Rails, it's rather opaque at the moment to see how code could be easily and effectively distributed.
Packaging a completed Rails app as a gem is probably the wrong approach. I think the best solution is to provide access to a git repository or a tarball of your git repo.
If you want to offer your users something more than rake db:schema:load to setup your app it's pretty easy to create custom setup commands.
Many applications are packaged with the source code just like typical PHP applications. While deploying Rails applications may seem difficult its expected that the user will know how to set up the server properly according to their environment and needs. The only issue you need to worry about is distributing the code, setting up the server is not a domain that you are going to want to help with.
For information on deployment in Rails you should see the deployment page here.
Well, usually Rails apps run in environment running Apache + Passenger (aka mod_rails).
Deployment is easily done with Capistrano gem.
When you're running Rails app in shared host environment, they usually use fcgi/cgi dispatchers to run Ruby.

Well built rails code for download

I want to get into rails by examining well built code
where can i find typical open source rails project that i can download
and learn from ?
i'm interested in facebook connect integration (facebooker), tag clouds, searching in
my website
I'm not looking not tutorials or screen casts
This question gives a good list
a list of projects with good test-suites
a list of open source rails apps to learn from
Have a browse of ruby tool box and download some open source. For example there's refinery and zena, two content management systems and Rboard, a forum. Depends what you want really but there's plenty out there. Ruby toolbox entries are ordered by github watchers and forks to give you an idea of their popularity.
I really like looking at the commits in teambox.
I find it a bit more complicated. But there's also spree.
There's also devise which is really interesting to look at too.
Finally, I'd recommend you to follow the rails commits (it's the only commits feed I have in my Google Reader).
Gady, this is an extremely rich topic you're asking about and resources are all over the internet. Try starting at http://rubyonrails.org/.
You should be able to find tens of questions just like yours (asked and answered) by searching SO at the top bar.
For Rails, part of it is the building process, so one feasible approach is to read a tutorial like http://railstutorial.org/book
then when in Chapter 2, you will use Scaffold, and at that time, you will have some basic code to look into how a basic Rails app is.
I also suggest you use source control like Git, Mercurial, or SVN to commit different phases of the project, from creating the rails project and then after each step, so you can diff what the changes are during each step.
If you already have Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.0.1, and sqlite3, then you can
rails new myproj
cd myproj
rails generate scaffold foo name:string salary:integer gpa:float note:text
rake db:migrate
rails server
and now you can use http://localhost:3000/foos to create, display, update, delete the foo records, and have quite a bit of source code to look at. Most of the customizable code is in app, with css and javascript in the public folder.
Ryan Bates has an excellent series of videos.
An extremely valuable resource.
Radiant is a CMS that you can download for free and see how it works. It is a great piece of code to look at and see how it works.
I guess that most open source Rails projects are shared on Github, so it may be interesting to browse its Ruby section and look for most watched or most forked projects:
Steady stream of new interesting projects to take a look at :)
And don't forget the official:
well there is one "bigger" project on github, waiting for downloading and contribution...
but it's a little controversial because of the security issued they have (had?)
It's still worth a look:

Is Ruby on Rails suitable for a non-web application?

I am interested in developing a workstation-based application that communicates with a proprietary data server and that presents information from that server to the user. I am not intending the user interface to be browser-based, and have been considering Qt as my framework. Should I consider RoR for this? Thanks.
Rails is specifically a web application framework, however there are GUI toolkits that can be used with Ruby, including Qt (although not the open source version).
Rails is a web framework, so you should not use it. However, you should absolutely consider using Ruby. I've never used Ruby with Qt, but I've had a lot of success using JRuby with Swing. I use the Profligacy gem, which suits my needs quite well.
Being a web framework you may not use rails, but you may certainly use some parts of rails.
For example just use require 'active_record' and you instantly have access to AR and all its magic - validations, belongs_to, has_many and other similar associations.
You can use the ActiveRecord part of Ruby on Rails, which for a long time was the most interesting part of RoR. https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_basics.html
Alternatively, use another Ruby ORM, like DataMapper: http://datamapper.org/
The answer is yes. I've been working on a project, Qt on Rails, which combines Qt with a Rails back end. The end result is that you can develop your Qt app's in Ruby, harness the libraries of Rails and there's support for scaffolding of apps as well.
It’s still a 'Work In Progress' but the current latest version at the Qt on Rails github repository (http://github.com/theirishpenguin/qtonrails) will certainly give a flavour of where the project is headed. Contributors and feedback is most welcome and detailed blog post is available on the project.

Ruby on Rails offline programming

I am going to be away from the internet for a few weeks and would still like to get a project done. What steps should I take to make sure I have access to the things I need (ruby and ROR) while I will be disconnected?
when offline, the following are hard to get:
rails expert blogs
stackoverflow ;-)
gem install as much as you can
download all the railscasts
keep one or two rails book around
and find a place with internet wifi
and most importantly:
un-plug yourself 2 days before the real offline, that's called staging ;-)
If you use version control, make sure you can work offline. DVCS do this well, I've heard SVN can work offline if you have a local SVN server.
Running the Rails app on localhost will allow you to access it with your browser locally.
Apart from this it would also be nice to have documentation offline too. Download everything you can think of: Rails, Ruby, Shell, libs etc. Or use books.
Make sure you have local copies of any documentation you need (railsapi.com lets you download the Rails docs)
Make sure you have all the gems/plugins you need
This may not affect you, but it's bitten me before.
If you are using a javascript library such as jQuery, and are linking to Google's Hosted Libraries rather than a local one, you may find jQuery stops working when you are offline.
Download and link to a local copy before you go.
Get your app (in its current state) up and running on your laptop. Then shut off wireless and make sure it still goes. Don't just guess at what gems and things you'll need - make sure you see it actually run. Don't forget things like database engines and queuing servers. Then start guessing about other gems and items you might need.
Make sure that
gem server
will start up a webserver and let you browse the docs for all your installed gems.
Download every Ruby gem. All of them!
You never know when you'll need to extract EXIF data, or something.
