Bad idea to alter external gem files in rails so I can use CSS in app? - ruby-on-rails

Did some research on how to style the views of the devise gem, didn't really find much so added some html and a render partial to the external libray to assist with styleing and to continue to offer my users some links. I get this gut instinct that it isn't the right way to do things however. Any online references provided would be greatly appreciated!

It depends on how you did it.
If you just edited the installed gem source, then perhaps that wasn't ideal.
But if you forked the Devise github repo, like 1,270 people have done as of today, you could easily track changes to the source and merge them with your version, contribute your changes back if you wanted, and you could build a gem of your own that you could use in style.


Include a gem's code as part of a rails project

My rails 4 project depends on Comfortable Mexican Sofa (CRM) which is loaded as a gem.
I checked out this gem as a submodule of my git repository.
Moving forward, this gem is becoming part of my project: I'm adding features to it
that depends on classes of my projects.
I would like to keep this gem as a submodule (to be able to pull changes from
the main repository) but still be able to add code that rely on my project.
What's the cleanest way to achieve that ?
(should I put the whole gem submodule into my lib folder for instance ?
should I keep it referenced as a gem ? etc...)
should I keep it referenced as a gem
Yes, you need to keep it referenced as a gem.
One of the benefits of using external libraries is that they are maintained by a group of very clever people (most of the time). It would be highly unlikely that you're going to be able to keep the submodules you include up to date as much as the gem owners etc.
What you're best doing is either overriding specific parts of the gem (EG like how many people override Devise functionality with their own controllers), or to see about creating an API for the gem, which you can populate from your app.
For me, in development, separation is always better then binding. I would recommend to leave it as gem and develop in the separate repository.

Rails 4 - Adding JS assets via gem

I am using a gem that somebody else wrote to serve the fabric javascript library. The gem is using an old version of the library (1.3) and I'd like to be using 1.4 (the latest version). I haven't found any other gems using this version. My question is, is this the best way to load assets, or is there a more preferred method? And, if so, how would I go about building this gem with the latest version of this library?
In my opinion, it is good to do so in most cases.
In your situation, depending on how much time you have, you may want to do one of the following:
1. Contribute to the gem
If the gem is open source, you may fork it, update to the newest version, and do a pull request.
By this way you also give contribution to the rails whole and the others who are facing the same problem as well.
Downside is this takes time. You have to wait for the author to accept the pull request and wait for the next version of the gem. But you can point your Gemfile to use your forked version until the new version is out ;)
2. Write your own gem
Writing a gem for rails providing assets is actually not difficult. You may follow other existing gem's structure and should be easy to understand.
A good example is
Downside is you have to maintain the gem. Otherwise when fabric 1.5 is out, another one would ask the same question as yours again.
3. Put the assets in your vendor directory
Rails project by default do have a vendor directory. It's ok to put external assets here as well.
The above are my preferred way to manage external assets.

Making my first gem - Where do I start?

So I have this idea for a RubyGem that I think would be an awesome experience to learn more about Ruby and Rails but...I have no idea where to start.
My idea is to generate a folder "articles" where you can put markdown files. From this folder the main blog page displays only the titles as links to the articles themselves.
It sounds simple but I honestly have no idea where to start. What articles do you recommend I read if I want to insert lines into routes.rb, generate a folder and display markdown in Rails?
I would recommend one of these tutorials for gem creation:
To modify the routes.rb file, you'll just need to read lines in. Use regular expressions to determine where you want to insert your line, and write the file back out.
To create a folder, look at the documentation for
For Markdown in Ruby/Rails, I like the rdiscount gem:
Railties provide a nice way to do certain things like this. You'll probably use quite a bit. There is some Railtie documentation on that site here:
I recommend reading the RubyGems guides – especially What is a gem?, Make your own gem and Patterns.
Since you're likely already using Bundler, you can run bundle gem <name> to generate a gem project with stuff already in place. It does save work, but refer to the guides if there's something you don't understand.
Also, watch some open source projects on GitHub – observing other developers and taking note of how they do things certainly helps.
The simplest way is probably to read other gems that do anything similar to what you want to accomplish. Start with their .gemspec files that will list all the other files which are needed for the gem to work, and a list of gem dependencies.
Responding more to how to get started with creating gems, the following are 2 popular, documented gems that can help you.
Also, though it does more than you're trying to do with your gem (it's a static site generator), is a very popular gem which you place .markdown files into a posts/ directory which are converted to static HTML pages via rake. I would imagine you could find at least some functionality you're after there.

Can an admin template be used in a Ruby on Rails web app?

I have been doing UI research and have come across admin templates at I was wondering how do you apply these onto a web app built on Rails. These templates look very similar to wordpress themes. Are they that easy to configure? Is it just as simple as setting up a link to the database to make the fields form capture data? I've been looking at this theme.
For admin templates I recommend using Active Admin. It's relatively easy to implement and gives you great admin screens with little effort.
Yes, You can. I'm trying to solve the same problem and so far I have a couple options:
1.) do it by hand, I've done this before, it works but takes a lot of time to truly understand how your theme is put together. First I would recommend using the included themes assets exactly as they are bundled with the theme. Don't assume that just because you have twitter-bootstrap-rails gem that the bootstrap classes in the theme will work. Link the assets statically and slowly extract out the static assets and replace them in the asset pipeline once you know they work.
2.) Use the strategy suggested in the install_theme gem ( the gem itself is not maintained any longer (i'm not sure about any forks), but the strategy is sound. Extract the core parts of the template into partials.
The short answer is yes, but there is no straight forward way to "import to rails"

Theming a rails app via plugin or engine

What's the best way to go about this? I've tried a bunch of different things but can't quite get the hooks in right. Tons of googling and I can't get it.
I can get everything working right but I cannot seem to override the child apps views/layouts/application.html.erb ... I need to copy over all assets with the gem and have the plugin/engine/gem/whatever's application.html.erb pull from those assets. Help please?
Jquery-UI has a whole spiel on theming, which also allows it to be dynamic across several different themes. Check out
Dont forget about Bootstrap from Twitter. You can just install these and mention the file_name in your layouts and you are good to go.
In fact, in most cases, you can also just copy them in your assets folders and you are ready to go.
