iOS local notifations on new pictures in gallery - ios

I would like to show a badge on my app icon when new pictures are taken on the phone stock camera.
How can I register for this event? If not possible , is there a way to tell when iCloud of the user added new photos and get notify the user to open the application?
If not can I schedule an event to the user (lets say every hour) and run some code to check if pictures were added to the gallery - if so display a badge so the user will open my app?


Is there a way to have an app notification to be persistent in iOS?

We have a requirement to create a notification that stays on screen for the period of the event. Every time user clicks on it, it should navigate to the app, but notification remains on the lock screen/notification screen.
Is it possible in iOS?

save all app data Xcode

I'm starting now with swift and wanted to know how do I save the data from my app. I have text and photos in my app. how can I save this using the firebase or saving directly to the user's iphone?
I want the user to terminate an action and the app to save automatically.
an example the user added an image in the imageview using the photos library closed and left the app. when he reopened everything he did this as he had left.

Detect screenshots taken ON ANY APP within my iOS app

Is it possible to detect when the user takes a screenshot in any app while my app is in the background ? And how would I do that ?
If not, can I background check regularly for screenshots (not pictures from the camera) in the photo library ? Like every minute or hour ?
One way to get your app to detect Screenshots is:
Register with the Photo Library's PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver
When your app receives a notification that a photo has been added,
check its PHAssetMediaSubtype
If the Subtype is PHAssetMediaSubtypePhotoScreenshot, you know a new
Screenshot has been taken.
The PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver protocol notifies you of changes that
occur in the Photos library, regardless of whether those changes are
made by your app, by a user in the Photos app, or by another app that
uses the Photos framework.

How to open Reminder Event Default screen using our app

I am creating a app where i can set the reminder based on Location and date.Apple has already given the UI if you are using Reminder which has both option.Can any one help me out that how can i open that Create event screen.

Is it possible to add my app to the photo album's 'share via' button?

I've worked on an Android application that enable to send pics directly via the album photo. Just have to add a link to my app in the share via button.
Now I'm doing the same app for iPhone. That's why I want to know if that is possible to put my app to the list of propositions in that share via button.
