Force-directed graphing algorithm having strange results - lua

I've been trying to create a force-directed graphing algorithm with RBX::Lua. So far, everything seems to be working absolutely fine mathematically, but there are a couple of things that make absolutely no sense at all.
My problem is, the nodes experience an unexpected attraction to one another, whether connected or not. What the program does is, all of the unconnected nodes repel each other like a magnet, and all of the connected nodes attract each other like a spring.
I don't see anything in my code that could be causing this.
-- Creating an icon to represent each node
local n ="Part","Humanoid","Model")).Parent)
n.Name = "Head"
local tor ="Part", n.Parent)
tor.Name = "Torso"
tor.Anchored = true
tor.FormFactor = "Custom"
tor.Transparency = 1
local h = n.Parent.Humanoid
h.Health = 0
h.MaxHealth = 0
h.Parent.Name = "Node"
n.FormFactor = "Symmetric"
n.Shape = "Ball"
n.TopSurface, n.BottomSurface = "Smooth", "Smooth"
n.Size =,2,2)
n.BrickColor ="Institutional white")
n.Anchored = true"Vector3Value", n).Name = "velocity"
-- List of connections and nodes
local t = {
["Metals"]={"Gold", "Silver", "Steel", "Brass", "Mercury"},
["Alloys"]={"Steel", "Brass"},
["Noble Gasses"]={"Helium", "Argon", "Krypton", "Xenon"},
["Water"]={"Hydrogen", "Oxygen"},
["Liquids"]={"Water", "Mercury"},
--[[ -- Separate list for testing, commented out
local t = {
-- Add all of the nodes to the workspace, position them randomly
for _, v in pairs(t) do
local p1 = workspace:findFirstChild(_) or n.Parent:clone()
p1.Name = _
p1.Parent = workspace
p1.Head.CFrame =,100000)/1000,0,math.random(-100000,100000)/1000))
for a, b in ipairs(v) do
if v ~= b then
local p2 = workspace:findFirstChild(b) or n.Parent:clone()
p2.Name = b
p2.Parent = workspace
p2.Head.CFrame =,100000)/1000,0,math.random(-100000,100000)/1000))
local at = p1:findFirstChild(b) or"ObjectValue", p1)
at.Name = b
local at2 = at:clone()
at2.Parent = p2
at2.Name = _
local lasso ="SelectionPartLasso", p2.Head)
lasso.Name = "Link"
lasso.Humanoid = p2.Humanoid
lasso.Part = p1.Head
lasso.Color ="Institutional white")
local parts = {} -- List of all of the nodes themselves
-- Add all of the nodes to the list
for _, v in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
if v.ClassName == "Model" then
table.insert(parts, v.Head)
while wait() do -- Repeat forever waiting one frame between loops
for _, v in ipairs(parts) do
for a, b in ipairs(parts) do
if v ~= b then
local dif = b.Position-v.Position
local force = 0
if b.Parent:findFirstChild(v.Name) then -- if b is conneted to v
force = (dif.magnitude-30)/100
force = force - 1/dif.magnitude^2
local add = dif/dif.magnitude*force
add = add - v.Position/v.Position.magnitude/100
v.velocity.Value = v.velocity.Value + add
v.CFrame = v.CFrame + v.velocity.Value -- Postion the node
v.velocity.Value = v.velocity.Value*.2 -- Damping
v.CFrame = v.CFrame-v.CFrame.p*,1,0) -- Force 2D (optional)
v.Parent.Torso.CFrame = v.CFrame -- To display links connecting nodes

I found the problem. "b.Parent:findFirstChild(v.Name)" should have been "b.Parent:findFirstChild(v.Parent.Name)," otherwise it will just return true every time. This is just because of how I have the display of the nodes set up.


Lua - Dynamically generated look up table & values

I’m trying to create a table that is dynamically populated with the on/off status of set of switches I have. The following is where I I’ve got stuck as it always returns nothing/nil? ..
-- retrieved http.request status of 4 binary switches
local P61v = 1
local P62v = 0
local P63v = 1
local P64v = 0
— following table should allow us to look up the status of all associated light by their plug names P61, P62, P63 etc.
local LookupTable = {
P61 = P61v,
P62 = P62v,
P63 = P63v,
P64 = P64v
local x = LookupTable[P62]
In LookupTable[P62] the expression P62 is evaluated to nil, resulting in LookupTable[nil] which resolves to nil.
What you are looking for is either
-- or --
which are equivalent ways of expressing the same thing.
I created a script that defines both values, and this is what I ended up with..
local PowerResponse = "P61=0,P62=1,P63=0,P64=0"
local P61, _, P61v, P62, _, P62v, P63, _, P63v, P64, _, P64v = PowerResponse:match("(%w*)(=)(%d),(%w*)(=)(%d),(%w*)(=)(%d),(%w*)(=)(%d)")
local PowerStatusTable = {
P61 = P61v,
P62 = P62v,
P63 = P63v,
P64 = P64v
--local x = PowerStatusTable[P62]
for k, v in pairs(PowerStatusTable) do
luup.variable_set("urn:upnp-net:serviceId:IPPower1", k, v,deviceID)

Not sure how to use vector3

I tried to make an item spawn every 60 seconds and in one of two locations, but when I tried to use vector3 it didn't spawn in the location of the "spawnplace1" or "spawnplace2", but it spawned ontop of the roka being copied and didn't move. Also I don't think I can hold the copied roka's either. Here's the code!
local roka = workspace["Rokakaka Fruit"]
local itemspawns = workspace.ItemSpawnLocals
local itemspawn1 = itemspawns["Item Spawn 1"]
local itemspawn2 = itemspawns["Item Spawn 2"]
local place1 = itemspawn1.Position
local place2 = itemspawn2.Position
local spawnplace1 = math.random(1,2)
local spawnplace2 = math.random(1,2)
if spawnplace1 == 1 then
roka2 = roka:Clone()
roka2.Parent = workspace
local roka2handle = roka2.Handle
roka2handle.Position =
elseif spawnplace1 == 2 then
roka2 = roka:Clone()
roka2.Parent = workspace
local roka2handle = roka2.Handle
roka2handle.Position =
The Vector3 holds coordinates of a point in 3D space. You have only provided 1 of 3 pieces of information in the constructor. To construct a Vector3, you need to provide the Y and Z axes as well, like this :
roka2handle.Position =, 2, 3)
But you don't need to explicitly create a Vector3 to get your code working. You can just assign the positions of the spawn locations to your newly created fruit, and that should do the trick. This way, you can add lots more spawn locations, and you don't need to update the script each time.
-- grab some things from the workspace
local roka = workspace["Rokakaka Fruit"]
local itemSpawns = workspace.ItemSpawnLocals
-- choose a random spawn location
local spawnLocations = itemSpawns:GetChildren()
local spawnNumber = math.random(1, #spawnLocations)
local spawnPosition = spawnLocations[spawnNumber].Position
-- spawn and move a new fruit to one of the spawn locations
roka2 = roka:Clone()
roka2.Parent = workspace
local roka2handle = roka2.Handle
roka2handle.Position = spawnPosition
-- debug
print("spawning fruit at : ", spawnPosition)
As a side note, if roka2 is a Model, you may want to consider using roka2:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( to move it around.

Full path to the required value

How do I get the full path to the required value in the table? I want to track changes in another table through a proxy table.
I understand that I need to use metatables and __index in it. But I haven't been able to come up with a tracker yet.
Sample table structure:
Objects = {
Panel = { layer = 1, x = 600, y = 328, w = 331, h = 491;
objects = {
label = { layer = 1, x = 0, y = 0, text = 'header' };
Window = { layer = 2, x = 400, y = 100, w = 100, h = 100;
objects = {
label = { layer = 1, x = 0, y = 0, text = 'lorem ipsum dorem' };
Path: Objects.Panel.objects.Window.objects.label.text
I tried to create a metatable for each of the tables and collect the result of each call to __index into a table in order to roughly understand which key and value were retrieved or changed in order to synchronize these values ​​with other tables.
This will prove itself to be horrendously slow and memory inefficient. Anyway, you were right on the track: proxy and handle __index and __newindex metamethods to your liking. This being said you also need to track the state of the proxy somehow.
You can try to hide it with some closures and upvalues but the easy way is to store the information directly in the proxy tables:
function make_tracker (o, name)
local mt = {}
mt.__index = function (proxy, key)
local path = {unpack(rawget(proxy, "__path"))} -- Stupid shallow copy
local object = rawget(proxy, "__to")
table.insert(path, key)
if type(object[key]) == "table" then
return setmetatable({__to = object[key], __path = path}, mt)
return table.concat(path, ".") .. " = " .. tostring(object[key])
return setmetatable({__to = o, __path = {name}}, mt)
__to fields indicates what proxy should point to and __path is there to cover fields we have trespassed so far. It does a shallow copy, so that one can use subproxies with local variables. name parameter is there to initialize the name of the first table, as you just simply can't know that. You use it like this:
local tObjects = make_tracker(Objects, "Objects")
local subproxy = tObjects.Panel.objects.Window
-- prints:
-- Objects.Panel.objects.Window.objects.label.text = lorem ipsum dorem
-- Objects.Panel.objects.label.text = header
-- Objects.Panel.objects.Window.x = 400
Of course, I doubt that appending the path to the original value is what you want. Modify insides of else block:
return table.concat(path, ".") .. " = " .. tostring(object[key])
according to your needs, e.g:
register_tracked_path(table.concat(path, "."))
return object[key]
If you want to handle modification of values you need to extend the metatable with similar __newindex.

Division of metatable

got some problem with metatable. This is my simple metatable:
local mt = {}
function mt:add(n)
return setmetatable({n = n}, {__index = mt})
function mt:get() return self.n end
Now I want to add some division like:
Which each one has some own methods like:
mt.math:floor() return math.floor(self:get()) end
mt.effect:show(args) onMapShowEffect(self:get(), {x = x + (args[1] ~= nil or 0), ...) end
mt.effect:get() return getCurrentPos() end
Any ideas?
OK, trying make all details to share my problem.
Player = {}
function Player:add(this)
return setmetatable({this = this}, {__index = Player})
Player:get() return self.this end
Above code works perfectly on this example
function enterToGame(player1, player2)
local p1 = Player:add(player1)
local p2 = Player:add(player2)
print(p1:get()) -- ID1
print(p2:get()) -- ID2
Now I want to create some helpfully methods(functions) for table Player. I want to make it more flexible, so I want divide it for classes. Example: = {
id = function() return Player:get() end,
Player.pos = {
get = function() return getPosition(Player:get()) end,
set = function(args) setPosition(Player:get(), args) end,
Player.speed = {
get = function() return getSpeed(Player:get()) end,
set = function(value) setSpeed(value) end,
improve = function(value) setSpeed(Player.speed.get() + value) end,
But its not work exactly what I want:
function enterToGame(player1, player2)
local p1 = Player:add(player1)
local p2 = Player:add(player2)
print(p1:get()) -- ID1
print(p2:get()) -- ID2
print( -- ID2 instead of ID1
print( -- ID2
When I put Player:get() in my methods its return last object declaration.
Based on what you state, if you do
mt.math = mt:add(123)
You don't need themt:get() because mt is the metatable for mt.math. Then
mt.math.floor = function(self) return math.floor(self.n) end
will work as expected. For example,
prints 123.
EDIT 1: So now that I have a better understanding of what you are trying to do: normally you would do
Note the colon, this is important, so that each method gets a "self" as first parameter, thereby given them the table instance to operate on (p1, in the above example). Instead you want to group methods so
These methods will get a self that points to, p1.pos, etc. But those sub-tables have no knowledge of the container table (p1). The info and pos tables are in the Player class: they are shared by all instances of Player (p1, p2 etc). You have to make the info and pos tables non-shared:
function Player:add(player)
local pN= setmetatable( {n = player, info={}, pos={}}, {__index = Player}) = function() return pN.n end
pN.pos.set = function(x) return setPosition(pN, x) end
return pN
Then you get
> p1=mt:add(player1)
> p2=mt:add(player2)
> print(player1)
table: 0024D390
> print(
table: 0024D390
> print(player2)
table: 0024D250
> print(
table: 0024D250
All that said, I don't really like the idea of having to use closures like this, perhaps there are gotchas since not everything will be in Player.

How to Automatically Add and Rename Objects in Lua?

I am trying to construct a method that automatically adds and renames objects in Lua. I have the add method for adding the object, but I am not sure how to make it so that it renames each object. I'm thinking of adding an if statement, but I don't know how to construct it in a way that it will rename the object each type it loops.
Here is what I have so far:
frogBody = {density = .8, friction = 0.3, bounce = 0.1, radius = 10} -- body Type
local onPlayerSpawnObject = function(object) -- method to spawn object
local layer = map:getTileLayer("Enemies")
local frog = movieclip.newAnim{ "FrogMini.png", "frogMiniRed.png" } -- object that spawns
frog.x = object.x ; frog.y = object.y
frog.myName = "frog"
frog.isHit = false
physics.addBody(frog, frogBody)
Thank you for all of your help!
I think that what you mean is that you would like to access the frogs objects from your example distinctively ?
If that is the case you could either assign the return of the add function to a lua table, or directly assign to the table inside your function.
local frogs = {}
frogBody = {density = .8, friction = 0.3, bounce = 0.1, radius = 10} -- body Type
local onPlayerSpawnObject = function(object) -- method to spawn object
local layer = map:getTileLayer("Enemies")
local frog = movieclip.newAnim{ "FrogMini.png", "frogMiniRed.png" } -- object that spawns
frog.x = object.x ; frog.y = object.y
frog.myName = "frog"
frog.isHit = false
physics.addBody(frog, frogBody)
table.insert(frogs, frog)
-- To print a distinct frog from the collection, replace 1 by your index
print (frogs[1].myName)
