ASP.Net MVC or HTML5 only client -

I recently developed an application using HTML5 and KendoUI suite and I found it much quicker to develop than using MVC or ASP.Net.
Since HTML5 is getting so much support from vendors and with tools and platforms like PhoneGap and Windows 8 apps I was wondering what arguments will be made to rather choose MVC over a HTML5 client?
I am just trying to get some constructive motivations for and against going HTML5 client only and not making use of ASP.Net MVC or any other Server side technology to generate client HTML.

There are hugely complex things you would never be able to do without some type of server side data processing, unless your app is just trivial. Given the choice I would never go back to ASP.Net, but MVC4, Razor, EF5, Kendo and HTML5 are like greased lightning. You have the choice of emphasis on a case-by-case basis to choose where it is most appropriate to solve a particular problem in this ecosystem. You can still lean very client-side if you wish. Properly architected things have their place though and I find the MVC model gives me almost any flexibility I need. I don’t really consider MVC to be generating my HTML client code per say, but to be a facilitator, which makes me curious if your prior MVC projects may have tainted you with too much server-side reliance. But ultimately we should be crafting the solution from the problem, not trying to solve every problem with the same solution, so your query could be completely on the money. (I believe I have said nothing.)


Mixing Angular and ASP.NET MVC/Web api?

I come from using ASP.NET MVC/Web API and now I am starting to use Angular but I am not clear on the proper way to mix them.
Once I am using Angular does the MVC sever side concepts still provide any value ? Or should I strictly be using Web API purely to get data for the angular HTTP calls ?
Any tips you have for a ASP.NET MVC guy transitioning to Angular would be helpful
Pure Web API
I used to be pretty hardcore with ASP.NET MVC but since I've met Angular I do not see one reason why I would use any server side content generation framework. Pure Angular/REST(WebApi) gives a richer and smoother result. It's much faster and allows you to build websites that come quite close to desktop applications, without any funky hacks.
Angular does have a little learning curve, but once your team has mastered it, you'll build much better websites in less time. Mainly this has to do with the fact that you don't have all these state(less) issues anymore.
For example imagine a wizard form with any traditional server side framework. Each page needs to be validated and submitted separately. Maybe the content of the page is dependent on values from a previous page. Maybe the user pressed the back button and is re-submitting an previous form. Where do we store the state of the client? All these complications do not exist when using Angular and REST.
So ... come over to the dark side ... we've got cookies.
Similar question
AngularJS is more associated with the single page application paradigm, and as such, doesn't benefit much from server-side technologies that render markup. There is no technical reason that precludes you using them together, but in a practical sense, why would you?
An SPA retrieves the assets it needs (JS, CSS, and HTML views) and runs on its own, communicating back to services to send or retrieve data. So, a server-side technology is still necessary for providing those services (as well as other means such as authentication and the likes), but the rendering parts are largely irrelevant and not particularly useful because it's a duplication of efforts, except MVC does it on the server side and Angular does it on the client. If you're using Angular, you want it on the client for best results. You can make Angular post HTML forms and retrieve partial views from MVC actions, but you'd be missing out on the best and easiest features of Angular and making your life harder.
MVC is pretty flexible and you could use it to service calls from an SPA application. However, WebAPI is more finely tuned and a bit easier to use for such services.
I've written a number of AngularJS applications, including a couple that migrated from pre-existing WebForms and MVC applications, and the ASP.NET aspect evolves towards a platform for delivering the AngularJS app as the actual client, and for hosting the application layer the client communicates to via REST (using WebAPI). MVC is a fine framework, but it usually finds itself without a job in these sorts of applications.
The ASP.NET application becomes another layer to the infrastructure, where its responsibilities are limited to:
Host the dependency container.
Wire the business logic implementations into the container.
Set up asset bundles for JS and CSS.
Host WebAPI services.
Enforce security, perform logging and diagnostics.
Interfacing with application caches for performance.
Another great thing about an SPA is it can increase bandwidth of your team. One group can blast out the services while the other lays in the client app. Since you can easily stub or mock REST services, you could have a fully working client app on mock services and swap out for the real ones when they're done.
You do have to invest up front on Angular, but it pays off big. Since you are already familiar with MVC, you have a leg-up on some of the core concepts.
It depends on the project you are working on.
If angularJS is something new for you I would rather pick a small low risk/pressure project to get started and ensure you learn how to do things in the right way (I have seen many projects using Angularjs wrong because of pressure, deadlines... lack of time to learn it in a proper way, e.g. using JQuery or accesing the DOM inside the controllers, etc...).
If the project is a green field one, and you have got some experience on AngularJS, it makes sense to abandon MVC and in the server side go for pure REST/WebAPI.
If it's an existing project, you can pick up a complex subset of functionality and build that page as a separate angularJS app (e.g. your app is composed of a big bunch of standard simple / medium complexity Razor based pages but you need and advanced editor / page, that could be the target piece to build with AngularJS).
You can use Angular framework for front end development i.e to construct views. It provides you a robust architecture and once you learn you will find it's advantages over MVC's razor view engine. To fetch data you have to use WebAPIs and now ASP.Net MVC project support both WebAPI and MVC controllers out of the box. You can refer below link start with Angular and ASP.Net MVC application development.
There are two frameworks currently available for developing UI components for angular applications. I have used both these frameworks in one of the angular projects that I worked.

ASP Webforms or MVC for a Complex Web Application

I have read just about every question/answers about webforms vs MVC. But none has addressed what I am about to ask.
We are a small development team (3 ppl) and we have a legacy application similar to Crystal Reports.
We need to convert this VB6 app to a web based app. Reason? It was written in VB6 and support for VB6 will be phased out in Windows 8. This application is / will be similar to Crystal Reports / Google Docs where thousands of users will use the web app to generate complex reports from a large database. Charts and graphs will be generated dynamically based on the data queried. All reports can then be exported to PDF and other supported document file types. Possible feature is creating Word documents with this data or at least annotating the PDF reports. Document/Content Management back end also required for storage and searching.
OK - so clearly its a rather complicated web application with loads of database access/queries. The front end will also need to be rather spick (although gridviews not compulsory).
1. Time to market is relatively short (6months to 1 year)
Technology should last or be available for the next 10-20 years - We can't work on this application forever, having to constantly updating and re-writing it every time new technology supersedes older technology. HTML will last beyond this time, but will ASP.NET?
User end performance needs to be relatively quick. it doesn't have to be blistering quick; but it shouldn't lag so much (more than 2 seconds for response) that users begin to complain. (ie ViewState not a prob if it doesn't exceed 100Kb).
Please answer my questions:
So my question to you is: do we go with Webforms or MVC?
MVC sounds attractive but MVC is STATELESS. Do you think this application will need to keep state or can I do without it? Or is it possible to implement state in MVC (confused)?
Some users are in govt departments and have have laptops that a clamped down for security reasons (by their IT Admin) - so Javascript, for a significant number of users will be TURNED OFF. This means JQuery may not be possible technology. Is there some way to accommodate for Javascript and non Javascript browsers?
Thanks in advance.
Use Web Forms.
Here's why:
1 - Faster development time (rapid application development) - as stated in your time constraint
2 - For complex charts/reports/grids, you'd have to roll your own with ASP.NET MVC (or use a helper someone else has created). But with Web Forms you have a wealth of server controls (and products like Telerik).
So do answer your questions:
Web Forms - see above.
We can't answer that - we don't know how exactly your application will operate. MVC is not stateless per-se, it is stateless in that it doesn't use ViewState. But you can still use things like Session.
JavaScript is client-side, and has no bearing on Web Forms vs MVC. You'll have to cater for scenarios with no JavaScript (minimize AJAX work, effects, etc).
You've mentioned "speed needs to be quick". Well if ViewState is a problem, then turn it off! It annoys me people who say "I hate ViewState, it makes pages slow", when you can simply turn it off at the control or page level.
BTW - i am by no means a Web Forms advocate - i actually prefer ASP.NET MVC. But from what i've read in your question, i would go with Web Forms.
This is completely subjective; use which ever one you want. I personally prefer MVC, but use which ever you want.
HTTP is stateless, no matter what the client or server are. That said, all web frameworks have tricks to make it appear stateful. MVC is not an exception here. It just doesn't use the same trick that ASP.NET Webforms does.
Yes. Detect if they have Javascript enabled, and be sure to provide alternate, server-only ways to do the same functionality.
I think both are viable choices, but I would personally go with MVC, considering the MVC 3 release candidate is out now, and has some awesome new features. I would go with MVC because it will be extremely maintainable and scaleable once the project is complete. This sounds like it would be very helpful for you since your project does appear to be quite complex. Conversely, however, it would take longer (at least from what I have experienced and read) using MVC over WebForms, so, if you feel that your team really needs to meet that deadline you mentioned, perhaps go with WebForms.
If you wish to proceed with MVC, its stateless nature should pose no problems to your project, at least, not that I know of.
Although the fact that JS may be turned off is slightly irritating to work with, WF and MVC will have to deal with issue similarly, and should have no impact on your final decision.
go with webforms, you can always sub some of the work out to india where they have been using webforms for years, if you get speed problems then let them tackle em by playing with viewstate on component levels
though really
ultra fast by Rick Kiessig solves 99% of all speed issues with webforms, if you have that book then webforms is a no brainer
mvc was a microsoft fork because a lot of web people could not optimise the viewstate
now you can turn off viewstate per page or per component, or just email india with code and say 'speed this up, someway'.

Why have or haven't you moved to ASP.NET MVC yet? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I find myself on the edge of trying out ASP.NET MVC but there is still "something" holding me back. Are you still waiting to try it, and if so, why? If you finally decided to use it, what helped you get over your hesitation?
I'm not worried about it from a technical point of view; I know the pros and cons of web forms vs ASP.NET MVC. My concerns are more on the practical side.
Will Microsoft continue to support ASP.NET MVC if they don't reach some critical threshold of developers/customers using it?
Are customers willing to try ASP.NET MVC? Have you had to convince a customer to use it? How did that go?
Are there major sites using ASP.NET MVC (besides SO)? Could you provide links if you have them?
Did you try ASP.NET MVC and found yourself regretting it? If so, what do you regret?
If you have any other concerns preventing you from using ASP.NET MVC, what are they?
If you had concerns but felt they were addressed and now use ASP.NET MVC, could you list them as well?
Will Microsoft continue to support ASP.NET MVC if they don't reach some critical threshold of developers/customers using it?
They will for sure.
Are customers willing to try ASP.NET MVC? Have you had to convince a customer to use it? How did that go?
Customers care about high quality products and price. Just convince them that Mvc will help to raise quality and lower price. Shouldn't be hard.
Are there major sites using ASP.NET MVC (besides SO)? Could you provide links if you have them?
Isn't it enough with SO? :)
Did you try ASP.NET MVC and found yourself regretting it? If so, what do you regret?
I did try and didn't regret it at all. It kills me being forced to work on web forms project again.
Go for it!
I believe ASP.NET MVC has reached that critical threshold, as evident by VS 2010 tooling, ASP.NET, MS employee blog and the extensive effort Microsoft put into the framework thus far. I don't see this framework perishing in the next decade (or two).
By customers, I assume you mean people that I build websites for? The only issue I find with ASP.NET is the hosting solutions. However, this issue is becoming moot as more affordable hosting solutions are found. But usually, if I believe in the technology and that it will work for my customer, my customer trusts me and agrees on it. The customer is also usually comforted by the fact that ASP.NET-MVC is a Microsoft product. Having a big company behind a technology is always a nice thing to have, since you can rest assured it will be supported for quite awhile with frequent updates.
ASP.NET MVC is a relatively new framework, and slow adoption of new technology is expected. But this is what I found: . I think you'll see a big influx of websites using ASP.NET-MVC this year when VS 2010/.NET 4 are released with built-in support for ASP.NET MVC.
I never enjoyed developing with C#/ASP.NET more than when I started using ASP.NET-MVC. To a certain extent, ASP.NET-MVC forces you to write good code more so than WebForms due to ASP.NET-MVC inherit separation of concerns and easy customization. And the ability to control HTML output is essential, a feature that was difficult with ASP.NET-WebForms (pre 4.0).
I use MVC and hate it, especially, the front end, web form are far more better in the front end... With loads of javacript on the page, that means it is hard to maintain and take a longer time to develop and debug..
To do a very complicated page, the flexibility of MVC is limited, you will end up with using a lot of javascript control, and you know what? Different controls use different version of jquery, and they have conflict..
It is actually the javascript, and lack of UI flexibility that pulls me off, especially you are NOT working on your code
and we have more issues of browser compatability, with the new browsers coming, you are going to shoot yourself with MVC
MVC front end is very fast if your web site is not too big.. The backend of MVC is very good, it is the front end that blows it over
Why not? The rest of my team doesn't want to.
I have not yet actually tried coding up some ASP.Net MVC(looked at a few examples though) but the main thing holding us back from using it is that all of our code is currently written using Webforms.
Regarding Microsoft support ASP.Net. First Scott Guthrie, the VP of Development at MS is behind it, so that's one feather in its cap. Second its open source now so even if for some strange reason MS decides not to support it going forward you can still tweak it on your own if you need to. In addtion the MVC pattern is somethign that more and more web development platforms are using. It is a great pattern for web development and as a result I can't think of any reason MS wouldn't continue to support it.
If by customers you mean end users, honestly they shouldn't care how you implement the site. If by customers you mean consulting clients, if you can develop faster and they have the servers that can host it, I would think they would be open to it. On top of that youre MVC sites should use less bandwidth than a typical Web Forms web site (IMHO) mainly because there is a lot of additional stuff put into a Web Forms page (for example extra attributes in the HTML htat are tailored for web forms, ViewState) so that should be seen as a positive by them. Now if by customers you mean people integrating with you, then its also a plus since MVC makes it very easy to implement REST based web services (not that WFC doesn't but MVC works very nicely as well).
Hmm major sites using MVC, so far I've found a list here I also know of a number of apps at different companies where large scale MVC apps are in development. I wish I could give more detail, but unfortuantely I can't at the moment.
When I first started out with ASP.Net MVC I thought I was going to hate it. I wasn't a huge fan of Web Forms either, but MVC just felt like a step back to ASP development back before .Net came out. Then I started really getting into it and really finding the pattern is clean, concise, extensible, maintainable, and easy to pick up. Honestly I don't want to ever go back to Web Forms, and anytime I find myself doing a .Net web app I make a point of making it an MVC project.
You need to choose what's more appropriate to your product. Webforms has a few things to recommend it over mvc in some situations.
The big one is a developer working on in-house tools at small to medium shops. In these circumstances:
Large viewstates are not likely to be a problem, because your users typically have 100Mbit upload to your web server rather than a measly 128Kbit or less.
Javascript is likley to be supported by everyone
Development time matters more than widespread cross-browser compatibility or even nice design.
You're likely stuck working with inherited devs who used to do desktop/forms style development, or have a lot of churn among junior devs who don't really know web development.
All of those things together mean that webforms is still a very good fit. And let's be honest: a lot more programmers work at these small to medium in-house shops than do public internet work. So webforms isn't going anywhere.
That said, one of the big things coming up among these small shops is likely to be taking their internal tools and making them available offsite for telecommuters. In that situation, you need to start worrying more about WAN performance odd browser issues where MVC might be a better fit.
Dell is hiring masses of ASP.NET MVC developers in Texas and India for major work on many of their websites.
According to The Gu, ASP.NET MVC will have it's own product and development cycle. It is now 100% detached from ASP.NET WebForms and it's not going away.
Did you try ASP.NET MVC and found yourself regretting it? If so, what do you regret?
I do not regret trying out MVC in fact I love it. When I started it out I hated it I kept looking for the code behind file and was unsure at first how to get values out textboxes and stuff without going textbox1.Text;
Now I cringe every time I go back to webforms and wish I could write it in ASP.NET MVC because I just love how your working with html instead of using drag and drop controls that usually make your life alot harder if you got to customize them to much. I love how ASP.NET MVC likes to focus on good code like design patterns such as the Repository pattern and how to do unit test using TDD.
I have not picked up a book yet in MVC where they talked about how to make good code. I am not saying you can't write good code in Webforms but in the books and classes that I seen teach ASP.NET this never seems to be a main focus.
Like for instance I hate the datasource controls I am tutoring some people in WebForms and they love to drag a datasource in and then write their SQL statements in that datasource. Then in the code behind they use these datasorces to insert their records.
So every time they need to make a new SQL query a new datsource is dragged on and made. So now you all your logic is all mixed together. It makes it so much harder to find out whats going on, switch to different things if needed then of course it is limiting.
Something that revolves around the name "controller" can only mean problems.
I tried following the Nerddinner tutorial this morning. I'm comfortable in webforms, but nothing in that nerddinner tutorial made sense, just an outdated, hardcoded recipe from mvc1.0 that dosent even compile with the current mvc2.0, probably Wrox made this tutorial, only they can come up with only formating and no content.
I didn't see anything in there that was good; a bunch of hardcoded conventions I didn't need.
I certainly didn't see anything in there that would make me say I'd want to move from webforms, although this seems to be all the propaganda I read.
They put this tutorial based around wizards, on main page, while claiming the model is lean, all of it is generated code they don't explain, the default mvc template project has something like 15 references.
This 2 page website managed to be slow to build and to load.
Was 30 minutes in it until I realized my data model didn't match the one from the tutorial and many things that had been generated using the create controller and create view wizards were now failing.
With what I was provided in the rushed tutorial, I wasn't able to recover the project. I'll just pass until I find better documentation.

Of all of the ways that Microsoft offers you to write a web page, which one delivers the most value per programming hour?

I'm frustrated recently by all of the choices that Microsoft offers to develop a web form. There is Sharepoint, Infopath without Sharepoint, ASP.NET Web Forms (with different controls for each runtime), ASP.NET without Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC framework, Silverlight, and WCF. Rendering and databinding technologies aside, there are a handful of different ways to pass data to and from the database (DataSets, LINQ, SqlDataControls, and many more) And those are only the ones that I can name in a minute or so - I'm sure I'm missing some very old technologies (did FoxPro ever get a web front end) or very new things in the process of rolling out of Microsoft Labs.
If I want to move away from using ASP.NET Web Forms and DataSets, what's the best way to move right now for data driven forms? What have you worked with that delivered good value for your programming time? I'm tempted to try working with LINQ to Entities and the new MVC framework, but I don't know enough about all these new technologies to choose where the value lies.
It's been said many times before - there is no "what's best". If any of these tools were best, than the rest wouldn't exist. "Data driven forms" is a pretty broad requirements statement.
They all have advantages and disadvantages in other areas, but all of them are capable of "data driven forms". MVC is lower-level forms - you will have to put in all the HTML and form processing yourself, however, it is much closer to dealing directly with HTTP, so lots of people find it much lighter-weight and easier to work with.
Silverlight has drawbacks in that it uses a diminished set of the .Net libraries, and requires the users to install browser plugins.
WCF would provide the data behind your forms, and would be very suitable if you're planning on opening up a public API or consuming the data in other ways.
You may find it beneficial to research each technology for even an hour each, and you would have a better understanding of which might fit your needs.
If you're using ASP.NET (which, when trying to code a regular website, feels a little "shoehorned"), then I thoroughly recommend trying Microsoft's MVC framework. It's a real breath of fresh air!
From a value per working-hour POV, it really depends on what you're doing. I can't say I've tried many web-frameworks, so I may not be the best metric, but using MVC everything fell into place naturally and I'm happy to stick with it for now.
I don't think ASP.Net Forms is something you need to "get away from".
MVC certainly has it's usefulness and when appropriate certainly makes a lot of stuff simpler.
But a well designed ASP.Net Forms app can be just as or even more useful in certain situations.
Myself I use MVC for public facing sites and Forms for internal/administrative stuff.
For a data-heavy page, I think web forms is a perfectly adequate solution. MVC introduces separation of layers which may make it harder for you to develop, since it forces you to separate the gathering of the data and routing it.
I'd say MVC is nice for having an interactive web page (Web 2.0-ish) but if you are simply showing a bunch of reports, or making users fill out forms - there's not much for you to take advantage of, IMHO.
As an alternative, try writing less code with built-in controls like Repeaters or DataGrids or even DataSets. Getting down to the core of your data flow allows you to be more productive by writing smarter code - not necessarily by writing less code.
In the end, I've found that I put together my own "framework" that does exactly what I need. I get HTML directly from a custom control. These controls simply format the data being fed by procedure calls to my custom Database access class. And yes, these are all served up with web forms or http handlers (ASHX) and a little bit of jQuery.
So while it's not glamourous, it gets the job done faster and better - by developing code that is fine-tuned to my business, not to some abstract software design pattern.

ASP.NET MVC plus Silverlight

It seems to me that, for structured development with both depth and breadth of capability, ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight have the potential to make a nice powerful framework with superior UI granularity and reduced AJAX exposure. Have any of you tried building such a stack with future durability in mind?
ASP.NET MVC and silverlight?
In some ways, it is an either-or choice - your data is displayed either in html/css/js generated by ASP.NET, or in Silverlight. Why mix them? I'm sure that ASP.NET MVC is a good way to deliver Silverlight, but that doesn't necessarily make it part of the same UI.
It's generally about reach vs. richness. A web UI with no Silverlight or Flash can reach more users, but one with Silverlight can have a richer UI. Silverlight is good fun to code in, and I have seen some wonderful apps using Silverlight's streaming video features, but if e.g. you are doing data entry and display, and you don't need the richness of Silverlight, then why not keep the reach and stay in Asp.Net?
If you are going to do the UI in silverlight it makes sense to do all of it in Silverlight. I have had good experiences with all the ViewModel-view-controller page flow happening inside the Silverlight app, rather than transitioning to another html page and loading a different silverlight app. It's faster and you can do fancy transition or fade-in effects in Silverlight's XAML markup.
Why is "reduced AJAX exposure" a desirable goal? Sites like e.g. Stackoverflow here use AJAX techniques to very good effect.
Stephen Walther's talk at MIX09 shows four pillars of ASP.Net as it currently stands - Forms, MVC, AJAX and Dynamic data. A lot of people are Seeing it as "moving from forms to MVC" but there are other approaches also being developed in the mix.
I've built a little test app with SL and MVC. It didn't work that well but I don't think I was doing right. I've tried using SL in views but its slow to switch pages since its loading new SL instances all the time. I've tried a single SL app which meant it contained all the control code as well but that relegates the server to data access which only needs some WCF/Web service code no need for MVC there.
It may work better if we dispense with the idea of there being many view pages. In my next iteration I shall be using controllers to respond with XML or JSON directly to requests from a Silverlight app which contains the views. However this approach would still leave some questions unanswered, for example, how does the controller get to have a say in what view is actually displayed?
To be honest, I'm getting the feeling that SL to ASP.NET-MVC are yet shaping up as a good match. Some web apps may benefit from some SL elements (charting for example) yet the app remain firmly in HTML. On the other hand, an app whose UI is purely in SL (whilst internally using some similar View/Controller concept) doesn't really need MVC on the server-side.
Its early days, it will take while for us early adopters to see what really works and what doesn't. There being a beta for version 3 with more coming from MS in the way SL can access serverside data may change things further.
I asked a similar question here: Does Silverlight 3 Change the MVC vs. Silverlight question. This was in response to SL2 vs. MVC where folks all agreed that they were complimentary technologies. I'm still not convinced. My experience has been similar to AnthonyWJones. Per the previous posts, I tried to mingle them without a lot of success. Could be my own ignorance, though. Right now I'm building a Silverlight only application using SL3 beta. I seem to be a lot closer to my intended effect. That being, an application with a few database features. So it didn't make sense to build a completely stand alone app (since the data is central), but I really wanted some Silverlight goodness to render the end result and allow the user to interact.
So where in the hell am I going with all of this? Based on my experience, this still seems like a YMMV type question. It really depends on what you're trying to build. Since I'm light on database, heavy on interaction, I'm biting the bullet with Silverlight 3 and .NET RIA Services for the little database stuff. If I were writing Stackoverflow, I'd probably do ASP.NET MVC and AJAX.
We are currently using ASP.NET MVC as an alternative to WCF to expose data to Silverlight where our Silverlight app makes RESTFUL calls to urls in our Mvc application and the controller returns a JsonResult which works well for us. It's by no means necessarily the text book way but we found this way the two technologies compliment each other. Now if we ever need an HTML implementation we've already done the Model-Controller work which can be re-used.
