How do I transition from a UIView to a UITableViewController using an IBAction in xcode? - ios

I built my app as a single view application and then later added another view with an .xib. I get how to do that. But what I need to do now is add another view, but this is a UITableViewController that uses storyboards. I am adding IAP from a tutorial I used that uses a MasterViewController and automatically loads the first view, but I didn't make my app that way.
If anyone can explain how I can make it so when you click a button (IBAction) on my original view, I can transition to the UITableViewController that use storyboards that has the table for my IAP, that would be awesome. Is this even possible? If there's another way I'm cool with that too! BTW I am very new to this so please explain in simple terms if possible. So if anyone ca help it would be greatly appreciated.

Put a button on the first form, hold down CTRL and drag the mouse and point to the other form and it will create a segue. You can set the type (push, modal, etc.)
Watch the WWDC session from 2011 introducing Storyboards. Worthwhile.


Swift Input and event handling for storyboards

I've been trying to outline the basic functionality of a swift application I was developing. I created a basic gui with the storyboard functionality that xcode provides. Here is a picture of what it looks like currently:
What I want to do next is code up a way to receive and store input from the text fields I outlined in the storyboard. Additionally I want to receive information regarding certain settings that are placed from the switches I outlined in the second screen.
I've been looking through the files that xcode provides me but I haven't been able to find the one that contains the functionality for the storyboards. If someone could point me in the right direction for that i would greatly appreciate it. Ultimately I just want to be able to manage the input provided by the interface I outlined below. Thanks!
For each view controller on the storyboard make a subclasses of UIViewController.
In the inspector panel on the left of the storyboard set the class of each view controller to their respective subclass of UIViewController.
Open up the .swift file for that view controller and storyboard and ctrl + drag from the textField to the class this will cause a small popup where you can create an IBOutlet or IBAction.

Best approach for 1 screen contains 2 view controller

I want to learn parent - child concepts in iOS. I found a some app in app store and I liked the their design. They have 3 button in same view controller when the user taps a button below view changes and calls their view controllers. Like a TabBar.
I tried to create 3 xib files. When the user taps the buttons they are awaking from nib and I added them to my containerView subview. It works. But I couldn't send a data between them because there is no prepare for segue method to so i couldn't prepared them.
I tried to create 3 viewController in Storyboard and I use them with the Storyboard ID. It works. But still can't transfer data between them.
I didn't understand what is the best approach for solve this problem ? I researched on the web about Custom Segues and Parent - Child concepts but I couldn't find anything.
What is the best approach for make a container like in the image ?
Thank you.
I am not sure if there is something like a best approach, at least in general term. It really depends on your specific demands and other logic of your app.
Both creating XIB files and creating ViewControllers in Storyboard together with their ID is ok. Here it is more about your preferred way. I would say that today you will probably see more using Storyboard than XIB files.
In terms of data transition. There are several ways, if it is not some very heavy logic then delegates can do it pretty well and easy.

Advise on Custom Segue XCODE

I'm interested in replicating the transition features in the picture below.
I have noticed this being used in multiple apps but am not sure where to start.
The transition literally pushes the current screen away in a direction and is followed by the requested screen. In the picture below, the paper plan button is pressed to initiate this transition
Does anyone know how to create this custom segue or does anyone know of any projects on Github that demonstrate this?
Thanks in advance!
its not a segue you would use. you would use the childViewControllers property of UIViewController to add left and right view controllers than do some animation tricks and gesture recognizers to get it how you want it to look. There are tons of tutorials online just look them up if you don't want to come up with one from scratch.

Xcode storyboard UIWebView won't load

So all I want to do is create an App that has two pages: one with a button that opens up a UIWebView in the second. It seems simple enough, yet I have spent the past two days trying to figure it out.
I create the object and put in the code for the link and ctr - drag the web-view to the controlview.h but nothing will work.
Does anyone know a tutorial or can explain this to me? I have been searching the web for the pat two days and have gotten nowhere. thank you.
Each "page" should be a separate view controller. You open the storyboard editor, drag a view controller to it, drag a web view to your new view controller, then drag a segue from the appropriate control on the first page to the second page.
You will also need to create a UIViewController class for the second page, and set the controller's identity in the storyboard editor. (Select the second controller, type command-option-3, enter the view controller's class name in the "Custom Class" section.)
In the second view controller you will need some code to make the webview do something, obviously, so you probably will want to create an outlet for the webview.
Maybe you should start out with this general guide on View Controllers. You'll learn how to use View Controllers and how to present Modal View Controllers.
After that you go on with the documentation about UIWebView.
If you do a quick search for UIWebView you'll find tons of tutorials, but basics are important :)
CONTROL+DRAG does not work on storyboard. When I click view and drag to UIWebView, it opens a black popup but I cannot see my web value. I just see "view".
It does not work on storyboard either. I tried it on xib and it works with that.

Using multiple detail views in a UISplitView with Storyboards in Xcode 4.2?

I'm trying to create an iOS 5 application with a SplitView Controller that uses multiple detailviews. Here's the rub. I'm trying to do it using Storyboards. I've found a number of tutorials explaining how to do it in previous versions of Xcode, but none addressing Storyboards.
The one exception creates a tab bar controller in the master view, which is not something I want to use. I tried removing the tab bar and modifying the code but was unsuccessful.
I did figure out that I could attach a replace Segue to a static cell in the master view. It allows me to specify the type as a detail split, which accomplishes most of what I'm trying to do. It loads the new detail controller.
However, the button that shows the master popover disappears during he transition. I believe I can probably prevent that from happening using this method:
(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
Unfortunately, I'm not sure exactly what code to place there to prevent the button from disappearing. Do I need each detail controller as a delegate to the master somehow?
Has anyone gotten multiple detail views to work using storyboards and if so can you point me in the direction of a good tutorial? Thank you so much for the help!
I faced a similar situation and checked the link to the However I found managing the splitview delegate kind of too complicated, and it makes reuse between iPhone and iPad difficult. My solution is to create a DetailedContainerViewController as the right side view controller. And add the view controllers to be displayed on the right side as the child view controllers of the container controller. In this way only the DetailedContainerViewController needs to implement the SplitView delegate. So there is no need to worry about the delegate.
Take a look at the sample code I wrote on github:
