Keep pixel aspect with different resolution in xna game - xna

I'm currently developping an old-school game with XNA 4.
My graphics assets are based on 568x320 resolution (16/9 ration), I want to change my window resolution (1136x640 for example) and my graphics are scaled without stretching, that they keep pixel aspect.
How can I reach this ?

You could use a RenderTargetto achieve your goal. It sounds like you don't want to have to render accordingly to every possible screen size, so if your graphics aren't dependant on other graphical features like a mouse, then I would use a RenderTarget and draw all the pixel data to that and afterwards draw it to the actual screen allowing the screen to stretch it.
This technique can be used in other ways too. I use it to draw objects in my game, so I can easily change the rotation and location without having to calculate every sprite for the object.
void PreDraw()
// You need your graphics device to render to
GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice = Settings.GlobalGraphicsDevice;
// You need a spritebatch to begin/end a draw call
SpriteBatch spriteBatch = Settings.GlobalSpriteBatch;
// Tell the graphics device where to draw too
// Clear the buffer with transparent so the image is transparent
spriteBatch.Draw(gunTextureToDraw, new Vector2(100, 0), Color.White);
if (!base.CurrentPowerUpLevel.Equals(PowerUpLevels.None)) {
spriteBatch.Draw(shipSpriteSheet, new Rectangle(105,0, (int)Size.X, (int)Size.Y), shipRectangleToDraw, Color.White);
// Let the graphics device know you are done and return to drawing according to its dimensions
// utilize your render target
finishedShip = renderTarget;
Remember, in your case, you would initialize your RenderTarget with dimensions of 568x320 and draw according to that and not worry about any other possible sizes. Once you give the RenderTarget to the spritebatch to draw to the screen, it will "stretch" the image for you!
Sorry, I skimmed through the question and missed that you don't want to "stretch" your result. This could be achieved by drawing the final RenderTarget to your specified dimensions according to the graphics device.

Oh Gosh !!!! I've got it ! Just give SamplerState.PointClamp at your spriteBatch.Begin methods to keep that cool pixel visuel effet <3


How to scale a texture and save the result in another in XNA

I'm new to XNA. What I want is just to scale a texture (double its size for example) and save the bigger one in another texture object of type Texture2D..
Any Ideas?
I know how to view a texture in a different scale,, take this piece of code:
CountryTexturData = new Color[CountryTextur.Width * CountryTextur.Height];
I want to make a process on the pixels of the country, but not the original one (CountryTextur), I want the scaled one, to save its pixels data in an array, like CountryTextureData, then make a simple process..
SpriteBatch.Draw only can view it scaled,, hopefully I could explain the problem..
You can use RenderTargets to achieve what you want to do:
//Draw your scaled CountryTextur
//You can now use scaledCountryTextur as an enlarged Texture2D of CountryTextur
What this will do is it will 'draw' your ContryTexture in a RenderTarget, which can be used like a regular Texture2D.
Hope this helps!

directx texture dimensions

so I've discovered that my graphics card automatically resizes textures to powers of 2, which isn't usually a problem but I need to render only a portion of my texture and in doing so, must have the dimensions it has been resized to...
I load a picture that is 370x300 pixels into my texture and try to draw it with a specific source rectangle
RECT test;
test.left = 0; = 0;
test.right = 370;
test.bottom = 300;
&test, // srcRect
NULL, // center
NULL, // position
but since the texture has been automatically resized (in this case) to 512x512, I see only a portion of my original texture.
The question is,
is there a function or something I can call to find the dimensions of my texture?
(I've tried googling this but always get some weird crap about Objects and HSL or something)
You may get file information by using this call:
D3DXGetImageInfoFromFile(file_name, &info);
Though, knowing the original texture size you'll still get it resized on load. This will obviously affect texture quality. Texture resizing is not a big deal when you apply it on mesh (it will get resized anyway) but for drawing sprites this could be a concern. To workaround this I could suggest creating a surface, loading it via D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile and then copying it to a "pow2" sized texture.
And an offtopic: are you definitely sure about your card capabilities? May be in fact your card do support arbitrary texture sizes but you use D3DXCreateTextureFromFile() which by deafult enforces pow2 sizes. To avoid this try using extended version of this routine:
D3DTexture* texture;
If your hardware suppors non-pow2 textures you'll get your file loaded as it is. If hardware is not able to handle it than method will fail.

Scaling entire screen in XNA

Using XNA, I'm trying to make an adventure game engine that lets you make games that look like they fell out of the early 90s, like Day of the Tentacle and Sam & Max Hit the Road. Thus, I want the game to actually run at 320x240 (I know, it should probably be 320x200, but shh), but it should scale up depending on user settings.
It works kind of okay right now, but I'm running into some problems where I actually want it to look more pixellated that it currently does.
Here's what I'm doing right now:
In the game initialization:
public Game() {
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 640;
graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 480;
graphics.PreferMultiSampling = false;
Scale = graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 320;
Scale is a public static variable that I can check anytime to see how much I should scale my game relative to 320x240.
In my drawing function:
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Matrix.CreateScale(Game.Scale));
This way, everything is drawn at 320x240 and blown up to fit the current resolution (640x480 by default). And of course I do math to convert the actual coordinates of the mouse into 320x240 coordinates, and so forth.
Now, this is great and all, but now I'm getting to the point where I want to start scaling my sprites, to have them walk into the distance and so forth.
Look at the images below. The upper-left image is a piece of a screenshot from when the game is running at 640x480. The image to the right of it is how it "should" look, at 320x240. The bottom row of images is just the top row blown up to 300% (in Photoshop, not in-engine) so you can see what I'm talking about.
In the 640x480 image, you can see different "line thicknesses;" the thicker lines are how it should really look (one pixel = 2x2, because this is running at 640x480), but the thinner lines (1x1 pixel) also appear, when they shouldn't, due to scaling (see the images on the right).
Basically I'm trying to emulate a 320x240 display but blown up to any resolution using XNA, and matrix transformations aren't doing the trick. Is there any way I could go about doing this?
Render everything in the native resolution to a RenderTarget instead of the back buffer:
SpriteBatch targetBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
RenderTarget2D target = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, 320, 240);
//perform draw calls
Then render this target (your whole screen) to the back buffer:
//set rendering back to the back buffer
//render target to back buffer
targetBatch.Draw(target, new Rectangle(0, 0, GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Width, GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Height), Color.White);

Drawing off screen using XNA SpriteBatch

I have a SpriteBatch that is set to draw to a RenderTarget2D that is 500px larger in both height and width. However, whenever I call the SpriteBatch.Draw method using a point outside of the physical screen width/height it will not draw the object.
I am performing some 3D transforms on the texture so I need the areas outside the screen to be drawn. I have tried setting culling to None and this had no effect.
Thanks ahead of time for your help.
Modify the Viewport on your GraphicsDevice before drawing to your RenderTarget2D.
GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width += 500; //or a more sensible calculation
GraphicsDevice.ViewPort.Height += 500;
//Spritebatch operations

Making parts of Texture2D transparent in XNA

I'm just starting game development and I thought a game like Tank wars or Worms would be nice.
The hardest part I can think of so far is making the terrain destructible and I want to know how it's done before doing the easy parts.
I thought that explosion could have a mask texture which could be scaled for different weapons. Then using that mask I should make underlying terrain transparent (and optionally draw a dark border).
How do I achieve that?
Do I have to change the alpha value pixel by pixel or can I use some kind of masking technique? Drawing a blue circle on top of the terrain isn't an option.
I have versions 3.1 and 4.0 of XNA.
This tutorial is what you are searching:
Capter 20: Adding explosion craters
In short:
You have 2 textures: 1 Color Texture (visible), 1 Collision Texture (invisible)
You substract the explosion image from your collision texture.
To get the dark border: expand the explosion texture and darken the color in this area.
Now you generate a new Color Texture (old color - collison = new color).
This is a difficult question to answer - because there are many ways you could do it. And there are pros and cons to each method. I'll just give an overview:
As an overall design, you need to keep track of: the original texture, the "darkness" applied, and the "transparency" applied. One thing I can say almost for sure is you want to "accumulate" the results of the explosions somewhere - what you don't want to be doing is maintaining a list of all explosions that have ever happened.
So you have surfaces for texture, darkness and transparency. You could probably merge darkness and transparency into a single surface with a single channel that stores "normal", "dark" (or a level of darkness) and "transparent".
Because you probably don't want the dark rings to get progressively darker where they intersect, when you apply an explosion to your darkness layer with the max function (Math.Max in C#).
To produce your final texture you could just write from the darkness/transparency texture to your original texture or a copy of it (you only need to update the area that each explosion touches).
Or you could use a pixel shader to combine them - the details of which are beyond the scope of this question. (Also a pixel shader won't work on XNA 4.0 on Windows Phone 7.)
You should Make a new Texure2D with the Color of desired pixels.Alpha = 0.
Color[] bits = new Color[Texture.Width * Texture.Height];
foreach(Vector2D pixel in overlapedArea)
int x = (int)(pixel.X);
int y = (int)(pixel.Y);
bits[x + y * texture.Width] = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(0,0,0,0));
Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D(texture.GraphicsDevice, texture.Width, texture.Height);
Now replace the new Texture2D with the Last Texture and you're good to go!
For more code about Collision, or changing texture pixels color go to this page for codes:
