Barcode ID for order/ticket - eventbrite

Is there a way to get a users barcode id for a ticket/order other than calling event_list_attendees and paging through the attendees trying to find the right user match? This method would be taxing on the eventbrite servers and a lot of unnecessary work/resources from the client side as well.
It seems like this should be included by default with the return json of user_list_tickets. Anyone have any ideas or other ways of doing this more efficiently?

It looks like right now that's not an option.


Add Last Login to Users api call

Our customer wants to see a report of all their current users' last login dates, but I couldn't find a way to get that information from the current API:
It's a little frustrating, because it's so easy to get this data in the UI itself:
Is there any way we can get that data through the API? Thanks!
Currently, there is no way to get this information via an API call; however, you are not the first person to inquire about this, and I suspect it's on D2L's list of improvement items for their developer platform.

How to make search query on certain web site and display it as native app

I have a task to implement but after some thought I don't really know from where to begin.
What I need to achieve:
Lets take as example BestBay web site. From my app I would like to create a certain query which will go/use to BestBay search type what I need and bring me the result. On my device I would like to show it as 10 views of the first items the website returned. For instance if I type "tvs" I will get a list of tvs so I would like to show this list on my device with the price and the link to the item (at least for the 10 first items).
I have experience with native apps(i didn't worked with web apps).
I can't use Best buy api.
I am not sure from where to begin.
I read about YQL.
I thought maybe to use the web page with the results as html and parse it to the objects I need.
Did anyone do something similar and can give me some starting point.
How to approach this kind of problem.
(tutorials/documentations/sample code something that can help me to start).
Tnx a lot.
In the end I decided to do it by HTML parsing:
parsing HTML on the iPhone
How to Parse HTML on iOS

Utterly confused about OAuth and Google Calendar Gadget

I'm working on a Google Calendar Gadget and need to load data for the user from a remote server. It's simple stuff, like favorite color, but I need the user's ID. Using makeRequest works in general, but I need to send the account name, or a hash of it, or any sort of identifier to my server so it gets the right data. What's the easiest way to get that info? Currently it asks the user via HTML form, every single time it loads, which is pretty lame.
I've been looking at OAuth stuff, trying examples, and nothing works... I got an OAuth client key but don't know how/where to use it (or if I do use it with a Gadget). I found the Calendar feed/scope URI but I'm not really sure if that's correct to just get a user identifier, maybe I should use accounts. Half the examples are for OAuth's really frustrating.
Does anyone know a way to do this, or a good example/tutorial that explains how, for a Gadget? I think Gadgets are different since they run on Google's servers...but don't really know how this makes them different in this context.
See the answer to this: osapi.people.get() returns 404 in google calendar sidebar gadget. Then associate the google user ID with your internal ID, if different.

How to get a list of all retweeters in Twitter?

I have seen numerous companies doing like Twitter lotteries where users got to retweet their tweet and then one of retweeters will get the prize or whatever.
I was wondering now how do they get the list of all retweeters or pick the winner?
I checked Twitter API and found only this thing: GET statuses/retweets/:id but it returns maximum of 100 retweeters. Is that the only way?
It looks likes there's a couple services out there doing almost exactly this. A quick google pulls up and there's a few other Twitter contest services, but they all seem to be different levels of broken since they haven't kept up with changes to the API.
As far as the Twitter API itself is concerned, if you were expecting more than 100 responses, I think using GET statuses/mentions makes the most sense. That API call returns any mentions of a user, and you can pass the flag include_rts to include any retweets of your tweets. Then, if you wanted to list RTs of a specific tweet, you could check the in_reply_to_status_id field in the returned data to see if it matches the original tweet ID. This API call only returns the last 800 status, 200 at a time, so if you expect a bunch of data, you would need to poll the API repeatedly over time to get all the tweets. I imagine services like favstar are doing exactly this, just on a larger scale.
If you're actually looking for code to do something like this, I wrote a sinatra app called twitter-rss-digest which handles querying Twitter over time to track different sorts of queries. It's pretty rough, and doesn't quite handle this specifically, but it might point you in the right direction if you want to code something.
The Twitter API has an endpoint that returns up to 100 retweeter IDs for a given tweet.
Note that for historical reasons, that endpoint only returns up to 100 results and the documentation about the cursor is useless. Twitter refused to fix the situation.
2013 note
That said, the first thread on the Developers site that surfaced in a quick google has #episod, a Twitter employee saying:
You can't likely get to all of them. The data is spread out. Your best bet is to use the REST API to determine many of the users who performed the retweet, but the data will still be constrained.
It's easiest to track retweets as they happen rather than try to find them from the past. Use the Streaming API for that.
I like muffinista's method, but I think if you want a 100% complete list of retweets, simply enable the retweet email notifications and write a script that polls the email box for those matching the subject "retweeted one of your Tweets!" and put the data into a table. Do this right from the start.
The site enlists all the retweeters for a given tweet (note that it only enlists retweeters who are direct followers of the source tweeter.) Nevertheless its probably the only public source available.

Get follower count on Twitter API search results

What I'm trying to do is pull some search results, and sort them by users.
Right now I'm using
$to->OAuthRequest('', array('q' => 'search-term'), 'GET');
to get the results, but I can't actually get information about the user like follower_count, etc. so I though I'd take each result's user_id, and run it through to get the rest of the information.
The problem is, if I get 50 results that way, that's 50 API calls, which is 1/3 of the hourly limit...
Is there a better way to do this?
I have requested whitelisting, and the guys at Twitter told me I should instead use the new Streaming API.
This kinda sucks since it's in Alpha testing, and the documentation is unclear, but the concept looks cool, and the limits are different than the regular API. Gonna dive into it later.
Only reliable user information you can get from twitter search results are username (from_user) and profile image url. If you want more information, you will have to call the users/show method for each user. There is no workaround or better way(that I'm aware of).
You will have to Cache user information and request whitelisting.
