What is Twitter API? - twitter

I would like to apologize first if the question is a total newbie question, but I really am a total newbie on this.
I'm a student and I recently have joined a project that involves studying (mining) tweets. The project head asked me to use the Twitter API to extract tweets. What exactly is Twitter API and how can I use it? What do I need to know to start using it?

Twitter allows you to interact with its data ie tweets & several attributes about tweets using Twitter APIs. You'd need to know a server side scripting language like php, python or ruby to make requests to twitter api and results would be in JSON format that can be easily read by your program.
A good starting point would be reading the official documentation at https://dev.twitter.com/ itself.

Throw you can use and show some functionality in your website


How to use Walmart API with iOS app in Xcode? (swift language)

I've recently installed Walmart's API into my iOS app. The app's purpose is for the user to search for items using Walmart's API and then display the queried items to the user. However I am having a hard time finding any examples on how to use Walmart's API with Xcode and Swift language. Was curious if anyone could point me in the direction of how to properly use the API while using Swift language or if anyone has experience using the Walmart API in Xcode? I feel like it shouldn't be hard to accomplish what I am trying to do but right now I am a bit lost. All help and advice is appreciated in advance! Thanks.
Whenever An API is Created The Author gives out a Documentation, about the usage of the API, Requests Parameters etc.
So, Go through the Documentation of Your Needed API,
Once the Requests Are made in-app, they Generally respond you in JSON, XML etc.
Using these Incoming data you can Populate data in your APP

Java Library or API for extracting tweets of particular interest

I would like to know if there is a java library or API , that can extract tweets of my interest such as i want to know which tweets have reported about the strike in upcoming days in Islamabad city or bomb blast recently occured in my city . etc. I know there are other libraries out there but they only tell about whether the specific tweet is positive , negative or neutral. Thanks
Every library for integrating twitter tweets to your application is based on the twitter apis.
For your specific example, you can try Search API.
The process is really simple: just try from here your keywords to determine which keywords best suit your need and then use the actual API like this(returns tweets with keyword:Islamabad) to return the tweets you need in a JSON format.
Version 1.1 of the APIS uses an OAuth Authentication(I have not tried it yet so I can not provide more details :( ).
Now for Java libraries(frameworks) that simplify this process, the only one I know is Spring Social. But in case you are not familiar with Spring framework in general, the best thing is to just read the Json url generated by the api and unmarshall it to get your results.

How to crawl Twitter data

Ive searched through stack, but answers are dated. I was wondering if anyone knows what it is to crawl a topic like security. How do I do this by using Twitter? Do I just follow people who tweet about this topic, re-tweet and tweet new things, or is there an exact way of doing this? I then need to make statistical analysis on the data I gather.
You can use Puppeteer to crawl twitter data.
Checkout their github repository here.
This is a repository that crawls twitter data using Puppeteer .
How about using twitter search api (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/search/tweets)
You need to create an app first(or better say register an app) on dev.twitter.com and use search api to query for tweets that contain security (assuming I understood your crawling in the right way). Once you have your tweets you can do statistical analysis on the gathered data.
I use twitteR package on R to crawl twitter data (https://github.com/geoffjentry/twitteR) . It includes simple and useful functions to get twitter data.

Get RSS feed of a Twitter hashtag

A client of mine wants to get an RSS feed for a twitter hashtag and include it in a list of other feeds from a variety of other sites.
I've Googled it all morning and I get a mix of answers. Some say it's possible, others say not anymore.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
Unfortunately, as of the API v1.1 upgrade on June 11th 2013, twitter now only gives responses in JSON. You can view the official announcement here.
That being said, I think you may need to think broader with your google searching ;)
Within 30 seconds, I found this, and it looks like exactly what you're looking for:
RSS readers cannot subscribe to JSON feeds. twitter-json-to-rss is a set of PHP scripts that you install on your public facing server that allows you to get around this problem.
Heres the library. Note this is entirely untested by myself, so you'll have to check it out.
Basically, you need to send an authenticated request to the twitter 1.1 API, get your data, then convert the returned json to RSS for your client.
If you're using PHP, this is the fastest post to help you get up to speed with requests to the 1.1 API in PHP.
It's not possible anymore. Twitter removed RSS feeds from their data formats and will require you to use their API to achieve that.

How to read and scan twitter's public timeline in ruby on rails?

I'd like to read twitters public timeline scanning it for the occurence of a specific word. When someone says it, I'd like to automatically respond. Is this feasible using the twitter api? Where to start?
It seems that you want to decouple your Rails application from the traditional HTTP request-response cycle. What you probably want to do is implement a background job which periodically calls the Twitter API and does something if the word you're looking for is found.
As for the actual Twitter API call you need to use, I suggest you start by looking at the Twitter Search API.
