Instruments: Target failed to run: already running on exited process - instruments

I quit out of Instruments, the iPhone simulator, Xcode, and unplugged and reconnected my iPhone. I still get the following error.
This first answer below didn't help.

Try to switch off your iPhone and restart it. Sometimes this is the only way to fix a problem with some process being hanged in the debugger, maybe it also works for Instruments.


Xcode 8 simulator extremely slow

I am running Xcode 8 on macOS Sierra 10.12.2, and there seems to be a problem with running the simulator on my first "Hello World!" app (simulating iPhone 7 Plus). As you can see, I am very new at app development.
The simulator gets stuck at the loading bar with the Apple logo for about 10 to 15 minutes, and then gives me the message of "The operation couldn't be completed. (Mach error -308 - (ipc/mig) server died)".
I dug around the web and found solutions suggesting to go to Product > Clean in Xcode, also Simulator > Reset Content and Settings... in Simulator.
After which, the system gets stuck at the spinning clock for about 20 minutes and gives me the error message "Unable to contact local DTServiceHub to bless simulator connection" (solution I found online tells me to "Reset Content and Settings...")
I'm just really lost here because the error codes seems inconsistent in ways I cannot explain. Maybe it is my laptop? (Early 2011 MacBook Pro 15" 4GB ram, 2.2GHz Corei7)
Thank you in advance for your effort to help me.
On older/slower Macs the first run of an App on a simulator will be slow like this and an error often occurs:
The Apple logo bit is the simulator initialising (just like a real device when you cold start it) - just be patient and let it finish.
The error I suspect is something in XCode timing out due to be excessive delay. If this happens don't clean, just re-run: the simulator should not need to re-initialise so everything should be quicker and on my slow Mac setup the error does not tend to re-occur (unless I shut down or close the simulator - in which case I have to wait for it to re-initialise again!)
Helpfully you can manage without getting a new Mac :o)
I usually do this on Xcode 8.3.3.
Uncheck Debug->Optimize Rendering for Window Scale
Check again Debug->Optimize Rendering for Window Scale
It will work now
No Xcode simulator is not slow, It may be because slow animation is checked
Select Simulator
Debug Option and uncheck slow animation
That's work for me. Hope it works for you

UITesting Failure - failed to get attributes within 5s: { 3003 }

Recently I have permanent error while perform UI testing. Why it happens? What may be the reason?
I reset the app, XCode, and even macbook. It doesn't help.
Running tests on a real device, problem doesn't exist on simulator.
it was very fine so far, it stopped working immediately...
What are attributes to get? How can I workaround this?
Simply restart your device. It will work then.

Simulator/device does not sync with iCloud

From time to time I'm getting errors that my iOS 8 device or simulator will sometimes not sync with iCloud (Drive). The following message appears (multiple times) in the output log:
CoreData: iCloud: Error: failed to receive initial sync notification
call back in 90 seconds
Only reinstalling the app helps.
Has anyone experienced the same issue or got some information about this?
I have seen that error (today) on an iPad running iOS 8. I fixed it by performing a reset (hold power and home/sleep buttons until the Apple logo appears). After that when I reran my app it synced immediately.
For the simulator it may be sufficient just to quit the simulator and relaunch. However, I have seen cases where restarting the computer was required.
I'm not sure what the cause of the issue is but hopefully the above help.

Swift Playground and Simulator Error (ipc/mig) server died, Unable to boot the iOS Simulator

When I try to do anything in Playground, this pops up before I even finish typing a word.
Error running playground.
Failed to launch iOS stub for playground: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Mach error -308 - (ipc/mig) server died).
and when I just try to run IOS Simulator I get the following error
Unable to boot the iOS Simulator.
oh and this error just popped up
An error was encountered while running (Domain = DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain, Code = 2)
I tried rebooting, I closed out and opened again, I deselected file and reselected. Just keeps happening. Anyone have a solution?
Your firewall is blocking the debugger, you need to allow it to connect:
TCP out
Or allow the debugserver process open access (whichever you, or your firewall, prefer(s)).
Upon enabling it, and restarting Xcode everything should work like a charm.
If you're having trouble finding, or allowing, the debugserver simply try, temporarily, disabling your firewall and restart xcode. Does the playground work? Oh, and don't forget to make sure you've got the assistant view open and the output box showing.
Currently the Xcode 6 beta needs to reside in \Applications for the playground and simulator to work. After you move it there you need to reboot.
This error popped up for me when I closed the simulator before Xcode finished attaching my application to it. Opening the simulator and running the app again solved this problem.

xcode instrument problem

i try to use intrument application from xcode to find out about some leaks in my app, i can use it when i running my app on simulator, but the problem is, when i try to use instrument on running my app on device, it give me warning like this
target failed to run : remote exception encountered : 'Executable 'MyApp' ' is already running as process 97 which was lauched from the 'Xcode Debugger' process
is it something wrong?? i dont know what wrong step i made before, can somebody help me??
thank you
this seems that your app is already running in your device and you are trying to run it again with instrument, try to close your app completely from device and then start it again with instrument.
