How to tag a Facebook page using UIActivityViewController - ios

I am using UIActivityViewController to post to Facebook in iOS 6 and have that working fine. However, when I try to tag a Facebook page by including #pagename in the message, the raw text '#pagename' is posted and is not linked to the page. I am able to do this directly on Facebooks website so I know that the page name is correct. Is this possible to do?

After a lot of searching, I have determined that this is not possible with the current UIActivityViewController API. Even if it did work, you need to 'like' a page before you can tag it, so this will not work for my situation.


open external weblink from facebook app and pass facebook username

I am building an IOS app that will post weblinks to facebook and other social media using social media framework (not facebook-graph-api) and it works as I desire. eg:
I do however want that when my friends on facebook open that external link and it opens in an external browser - their facebook user name gets passed on to the browser so I can allow them to add comments to the weblink.
To clarify - the comments to be added will be on my website for the page they just opened (and not the comments in facebook)
Is it possible to do this ?
You can only do something with URL while posting it. Well if we posting URL on wall of known user then we can achieve your problem with following approach.
I think you can append name of friend as a get parameter in URL. So whenever your friend opens this link, its corresponding name is also passed along with URL. As far as security is concerned you can consider to append some security code to URL as well. Which will be validated against Name of friend.
For example.

"#sessions" does not exist

I am using
Apparently this issue only happens on the iPhone and iPad.
Here's how to replicate the issue. I tweeted on Twitter. The tweet contains a link that points to by web app: (ps This is a dummy link. You can use your own link).
Make sure the controller/method handling the link ( has the following line redirect_to "/auth/twitter?use_authorize=true"
On the iPhone or iPad, open up the Twitter App. Search for the tweet. Tap on the link (
The page should redirect you back to /auth/twitter?use_authorize=true. Everything works fine so far. The user is sent to Twitter's login portal/form. However, after the user fills out the form and submits it. Instead, of being redirected back to our web app, he is sent to Twitter where it says:
"#sessions" does not exist
Anyone else experience this before? At this point, I don't know if this is a Twitter API issue or the way I am supposed to redirect with the gem.
The issue also seems apparent with other people:
Update: Searching #sessions on Twitter, returns several people experiencing the same issue. It may be related to Twitter's API, more than anything. Apparently, its also happening with their widgets. Anyone think of a workaround?

Facebook og:image

So i have a problem with the facebook og:image.
if people use this link to show their image, its no problem, facebook loads the og:image
But it is used in an iPhone App, so people make a picture and get a shortened url of back and then they can post it.
So if you post it, facebook juts doesn't show the preview of the image, but if you post that shortened link on in the statusupdate it does. Someone know what the problem is?
You have to post an image status update, instead of a normal status update!

I get confirmation of my posted open graph action, but don't see any posts

I am using the new Facebook IOS SDK 3.0 and have integrated the Scrumptious sample into my app. I have specified the namespace and action for my app correctly. When I click "announce", I get "posted open graph action, id: xxxxx" so it looks like my post is successful. I am assuming the post will go to my personal Facebook news stream since that I who I am logged in as, however I don't see anything. Is there anything that needs to be done with my app to make it active? Or other settings that I might be overlooking? Thanks.
It turns out I didn't enable timeline on my facebook account so I didn't see the posts. Once I enabled it, I was able to see them. I could also see them in my activity log. I have another issue with tags now, but at least I am able to post now. Thanks.

Facebook share and like are grabbing the title from the home page

Share and like are working perfectly on my other PHP site, but on my new Rails site, it is just posting the home page url and the title from the home page. It's also not grabbing any images when posting through FB share.
I tried everything - setting the og:title meta property, changing the href in the url param for share.php to facebook, etc.
What am I missing? Has anyone encountered this problem on RoR?
I think I know why. The page can't be views without a login. FB can't therefore see the page and is redirected to the log in page.
