Rails - Good way to support creation of drafts for several models - ruby-on-rails

I want to allow users to create drafts of several models (such as article, blog post etc). I am thinking of implementing this by creating a draft model for each of my current models (such as articleDraft, blogpostDraft etc.). Is there a better way to do this? Creating a new model for every existing model that should support drafts seems messy and is a lot of work.

I think the better was is to have a flag in the table (ex: int column called draft), to identify if the record is a draft or not.
Advantages of having such a column with out a separate table, as I can see:
It's easy to make your record non-draft (just change the flag)
you will not duplicate data (because practically you will have the same in draft and non-draft records)
coding will be easy, no complex login
all the data will be in one place and hence less room for error

I've been working on Draftsman, a Ruby gem for creating a draft state of your ActiveRecord data.
Draftsman's default approach is to store draft data for all drafted models in a single drafts table via a polymorphic relationship. It stores the object state as JSON in an object column and optionally stores JSON data representing changes in an object_changes column.
Draftsman allows for you to create a separate draft model for each model (e.g., article_drafts, blog_post_drafts) if you want. I agree that this approach is fairly cumbersome and error-prone.
The real advantage to splitting the draft data out into separate models (or to just use a boolean draft flag on the main table, per sameera207's answer) is that you don't end up with a gigantic drafts table with tons of records. I'd offer that that only becomes a real problem when your application has a ton of usage though.
All that to say that my ultimate recommendation is to store all of your draft data in the main model (blog) or a single drafts table, then separate out as needed if your application needs to scale up.

Check out the Active Record Versioning category at The Ruby Toolbox. The current leader is Paper Trail.

I'd go down the state machine route. You can validate each attribute when the model's in a certain state only. Far easier than multiple checkboxes and each state change can have an action (or actions) associated with it.

Having a flag in the model has some disadvantages:
You can not save as draft unless the data is valid. Sure, you can skip validations in the Rails model, but think about the "NOT NULL" columns defined in the database
To find the "real" records, you have to use a filter (like "WHERE draft = FALSE"). This can slow down query performance.
As an alternative, check out my gem drafting. It stores drafts for different models in a separate table.


Rails database setup Polymorphism

We have to create a request system which will have roughly 10 different types of requests. All of these requests will belong to the 'accounting' aspect of our application. Therefore we've called them "Accounting requests".
All requests share maybe only a few columns and each has up to 20 columns individually.
We started to wonder if having separate tables for each request type would be practical in terms of speed when we start to have to do very complicated joins or queries, for example, fetching ALL requests types into a single table and then sorting it.
Maybe it would be easier to just use Single Table Inheritance since it will have a type column and we'd be using one table to store all 10 accounting request types.
What do you think regarding using STI for this many polymorphic associations and requirements?
Essentially, it would have models like so:
BillingRequest < AccountingRequest
CheckRequest < AccountingRequest
CancellationRequest < AccountingRequest
Each subclass has roughly 10+ fields.
Currently reading about Multiple Table Inheritance here. This seems like the solution that fits my requirements in this case. Not sure yet though.
STI is a good fit if your models all share the same attributes.
However if your sub classes start having attributes specific to them and not applicable to others, then STI can result in a lot of null columns. In that case, I usually prefer to go with polymorphic association.
This railscast episode is a great example of the difference between the 2
You can use STI in that situation. But making STI will require all the columns into one single table and that's not the good think. The table will go very large in the number of fields.
I think you should divide into two tables like as below...
Request: A request table will be the polymorphic table which saved the information for the type of requests.
RequestItem: The request item table will save all the 20 fields records into the table and will have a foreign key of request table. The request item table will have two fields into the database that's called key and value.
It sounds do-able.
When I've looked into this, I found that making extensive use of value objects helped to control the non-applicability of some attributes to some of the types.
In my case I had types of products, some of which would not have particular measurements for example. In those cases I used a Null Object to indicate "Not applicable" where appropriate.
Edit: I also found the composed_of syntax very convenient: https://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Aggregations/ClassMethods/composed_of
For now I'm using a bit of NoSQL for such cases. Postgresql's JSONB type allows to store multilevel ruby hash. It also provides rich functionality: DB level constraints, indexes and query operators.
So common attributes are stored in standard way and child specific - in jsonb. Then you can use whatever you need on top of this: STI, Value Objects pattern, serialization or just create scopes for each child. I prefer the last one - my models are thin, most of constraints are DB level and all business logic is in service classes.
Avoiding alter table on big tables when need to add one more child type
Keeping my queries efficient
Preventing storing and selecting unnecessary columns
Serialization out of the box for JSON APIs
A bit of schemaless
Vendor lock

Turn flat file into relational models

I get flat files once a week that have a few 100k rows. I would like to turn them into a relational model system in Rails since there are about five columns that are fairly static and would make sense for a different model that would then be linked back into the main table as a foreign key.
Is there was a quick way to check if an entry already exists, and if so, look it up and put the foreign key in the main model, and if not, create a new entry in the second model and then reference it in the main model.
I can turn the above paragraph into code but wanted to know if there is a simple 'few lines' Ruby or Rails implementation.
Just for the sake of merging my comment and #anton-z 's.
You can use activerecord-import for doing bulk operations, and ActiveRecord's find_or_create_by to do the checking.

Ruby on Rails Active Record Validation for "Draft" state best practices

I'm developing a form that I would like the user to have the option to return to. Ultimately all the fields need to be completed and I would like to incorporate the proper model level field validation before labeling the record as "complete". I can think of a few ways to do this:
Create two tables, one for records in "draft" state, with looser validation rules (ie fields don't necessarily need to be complete for the record to be saved), and a second table to store the records that have been submitted as "complete", obviously with the more stringent validation rules.
Create only one table to store the records, with a field that is labeled "isComplete", and based on this value determine which validation rules to apply.
I'm leaning towards option #2 because it would involve less working parts (in option #1 I would have to ensure that when I change a records state from "Draft" to "Complete" it gets deleted from one table and added to the other). The issue is I don't know how how do this elegantly in Rails.
Ultimately, as I'm sure this problem has been solved before, my question is:
What is the best practice in this situation?
Definitely option number two. Have an isComplete or draft option that is a boolean. Then in your models you can control what validations to run based on the state of the isComplete field. This can be done in a number of ways, for instance Rails has the concept of conditional validation which allows you to specify :if options on the validations so you can restrict what runs based on the complete state. You can also add a before_save or before_update hook to run methods based on if the record is a draft or not. With these two tools you should be able to have everything in a single table in an intuitive way.

Dynamically creating new Active Record models and database tables

I am not sure exactly what I should name this question. I just started server-side programming and I need some help.
All the tutorials I have read so far on RoR deal with creating a pre-defined table and with pre-defined fields (id, name, email, etc etc). They use ActiveRecord as base class and saving to db is handled automatically by superclass.
What I am trying to program is something that allows user-defined table with fields. So think of this way. The web UI will have an empty table, the user will name the table, and add columns (field), and after that, add rows, and then later save it. How would I implement this? I am not asking for details, just an overview of it. As I said, all the tutorials I have read so far deal with pre-defined tables with fields where the ActiveRecord subclass is predefined.
So in a nutshell, I am asking, how to create tables in db on runtime, and add fields to the tables.
Hope I was clear, if not, please let me know and i will try to elaborate a bit more.
Unless you're building a DB administration tool (and even maybe then), allowing the user direct access to the database layer in the way you're suggesting is probably a bad idea. Apart from issues of stability and security, it'll get really slow if your users are creating lots of tables.
For instance, if you wanted to search for a certain value across 100 of your users' tables, you'd have to run 100 separate queries. The site would get exponentially slower the more user tables that were created.
A saner way to do it might be to have a Table model like this
class Table < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :fields
has_many :rows
Every table would have fields attached to it, and rows to store the corresponding data (which would be encoded somehow).
However, as #Aditya rightly points out, this is not really beginner stuff!
I agree with previous answers generally speaking. It's not clear from your question why you want to create a table at runtime. It's not really obvious what the advantage of doing this would be. If you are just trying to store data that seems to fit into a table with rows and columns, why not just store it as an array in a field of your user table. If your user is allowed to create many tables, then you could have something like
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tables
and then each table might have a field to store a serialized array. Or you could go with Alex's suggestion - the best choice really depends on what you are going to do with the data, how often it changes, whether you need to search it and so on ...
You can create a database as shown in tutorials which stores name of tables and their columns name those your user want. Then you can have worker (which can be build using Redis and Resque, here is simple Tut on Resque and Redis) and have those worker run migration (write migration with variables and use params to replace them) for you for new table in DB as soon as new entry is made in database. Tell me if you have questions on this.

How do I handle a "fixed content" model in Rails?

In some of my forms I have to provide a dropdown where users can select some districts. The thing is, there will always be a fixed number of districts ( 31 in this case ). Should I create a model named District having only a string field,populate it with the data and be done with it?
It's content will not modify over time. Is there another way?
You should take a look at jnunemakers scam-gem. It mimics the AR for you and lets you define the models in your Rails app without a backing database/table.
I use this whenever I want something to do psuedo belongs to/has many relationships, but do not want to back a model with a database as the data does not change often, if ever.
Making a table-backed model is the simplest way. Otherwise you're going to end up implementing half of an AR model anyway, because you'll want to use collection_select at some point.
I guess it depends on how you want to store the districts and whether you want to do any querying etc.
For example, you could just have the list of districts as a constant, then store them as a string in your models (not very elegant), or as you say you could create a model and use active record associations - this would allow you to easily query on districts etc.
