Iterate through dynamic JSON keys - ruby-on-rails

Returned this hash:
"stats": {
"2012-10-31": 2637,
"2012-10-30": 2873,
"2012-12-14": 2894,
"2012-12-08": 2906,
"2012-12-09": 3357,
"2012-11-30": 4959
The problem is that the Date keys can be any date value.
I want the sum of all values.

If you're in Rails, you can just use Enumerable#sum:

You can use Ruby Enumerable's reduce method. I haven't done any error handling in my example, but you might need to deal with bad or missing data if this is coming from an API.
JSON.parse(response.read_body)["stats"].reduce 0 do |memo, kvp|
memo + kvp.last
Option 2 is more ninja:


Rails - Accessing JSON members

I am new to Rails, and working with some JSON, and not sure how to get to the data as the examples below:
1) If i were to use JSON.parse(response)['Response']['test']['data']['123456'], i will need to parse another response for 123457, is there a better way to loop through all the objects in data?
2) base on the membershipId, identify the top level object, ie data.
"test": {
"data": {
"123456": {
"membershipId": "321321312",
"membershipType": a,
"123457": {
"membershipId": "321321312",
"membershipType": a,
JSON.parse(response)['Response']['test']['data'].each do |key, object|
puts key
puts object['membershipID']
To select the data record associated with a particular membership
match_membership = '321321312'
member = JSON.parse(response)['Response']['test']['data'].select |_key, object|
object['membershipID'] == match_membership
puts member.key
=> 123456
For 1:
By you saying "need to parse another response", you were doing something like below:
# bad code: because you are parsing `response` multiple times
then simply:
Solution 1:
If you are gonna be accessing 2+ level deep hash values for just maybe 2 or 3 times,
response_hash = JSON.parse(response)
Solution 2:
If you are gonna be accessing 2+ level deep hash values for loooooots of times,
response_hash = JSON.parse(response)
response_hash_response_test_data = response_hash['Response']['test']['data']
# ...
Solution 2 is better than Solution 1 because it saves repetitive method calls for Hash#[] which is the "getter" method each time you do like ...['test'] then ['data'] then ['123456'], and so is better-off doing Solution 2 which you store the nested-level of the hash into a variable (this does not duplicate the values in-memory!). Plus it's more readable this way.

Rails params to array

I am sending a list of checkbox selected from PHP file to our Rails API server. All checked items' ID's will be sent in json format (campaign_ids in json_encode from PHP):
I got a URL being passed to our API like this
Started PUT "/campaigns/function.json?campaign_ids=["6","7"]&user_id=0090000007"
I need to get the campaign_ids ["6","7"] and process it like any other array using array.each do || end
How can I convert this to an array so I can use array.each?
The following sample code can achieve it but I think there could be a better way?
campaign_ids = params[:campaign_ids].to_s # [\"6\",\"7\"]
campaign_ids = campaign_ids.gsub(/[^0-9,]/,'') # 6,7
if campaign_ids.size.to_i > 0 # 3 ??
campaign_ids.split(",").each do |campaign_id|
The correct format of the URL should've been campaign_ids[]=6&campaign_ids[]=7. That would automatically yield an array of [6, 7] when you do params[:campaign_ids].
But assuming you can't change the format of the incorrect parameters, you can still get it via JSON.parse(params[:campaign_ids])
Try this
campaign_ids = JSON.parse(params[:campaign_ids])
You get params[:campaign_ids] as a string.
So, you will have to parse that json string to get array elements.
params[:campaign_ids] is already in your desired array format, you need not convert that to string using to_s.
You can do something like this
campaign_ids = params[:campaign_ids]
campaign_ids.each do |campaign_id|
# do the computation here

Array.size() returned wrong values (Grails)

I'm developing an app using Grails. I want to get length of array.
I got a wrong value. Here is my code,
def Medias = params.medias
println params.medias // I got [37, 40]
println params.medias.size() // I got 7 but it should be 2
What I did wrong ?
Thanks for help.
What is params.medias (where is it being set)?
If Grials is treating it as a string, then using size() will return the length of the string, rather than an array.
println params.medias.length
also return 7?
You can check what Grails thinks an object is by using the assert keyword.
If it is indeed a string, you can try the following code to convert it into an array:
def mediasArray =
println mediasArray.size()
The downside of this is that Eval presents the possibility of unwanted code execution if the params.medias is provided by an end user, or can be maliciously modified outside of your compiled code.
A good snippet on the "evil (or lack thereof) of eval" is here if you're interested (not mine):
I think 7 is result of length of the string : "[37,40]"
Seems your media variable is an array not a collection
Try : params.medias.length
Thanks to everyone. I've found my mistake
First of all, I sent an array from client and my params.medias returned null,so I converted it to string but it is a wrong way.
Finally, I sent and array from client as array and in the grails, I got a params by
List medias = params.list('medias')

Ruby, accessing a nested value in a hash

I have the following hash. Using ruby, I want to get the value of "runs". I can't figure out how to do it. If I do my_hash['entries'], I can dig down that far. If I take that value and dig down lower, I get this error:
no implicit conversion of String into Integer:
{"id"=>2582, "entries"=>[{"id"=>"7", "runs"=>[{"id"=>2588, ...
Assuming that you want to lookup values by id, Array#detect comes to the rescue:
h = {"id"=>2582, "entries"=>[{"id"=>"7", "runs"=>[{"id"=>2588}]}]}
# ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓ lookup element with id = 7
h['entries'].detect { |e| e['id'] == 7 }['runs']
.detect { |e| e['id'] == 2588 }
#⇒ { "id" => 2588 }
As you have an array inside the entries so you can access it using an index like this:
You need to follow the same for accessing values inside the runs as it is also an array.
Hope this helps.
I'm not sure about your hash, as it's incomplete. So , guessing you have multiple run values like:
hash = {"id"=>2582, "entries"=>[{"id"=>"7", "runs"=>[{"id"=>2588}]},
{"id"=>"8", "runs"=>[{"id"=>2589}]},
{"id"=>"9", "runs"=>[{"id"=>2590}]}]}
Then, you can do
hash["entries"].map{|entry| entry["runs"]}
[[{"id"=>2588}], [{"id"=>2589}], [{"id"=>2590}]]

Why am I getting this TypeError - "can't convert Symbol into Integer"?

I have an array of hashes. Each entry looks like this:
- !map:Hashie::Mash
name: Connor H Peters
id: "506253404"
I'm trying to create a second array, which contains just the id values.
This is how I'm doing it
second_array = { |hash| hash[:id] }
But I'm getting this error
TypeError in PagesController#home
can't convert Symbol into Integer
If I try
second_array = { |hash| hash["id"] }
I get
TypeError in PagesController#home
can't convert String into Integer
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for reading.
You're using Hashie, which isn't the same as Hash from ruby core. Looking at the Hashie github repo, it seems that you can access hash keys as methods: { |hash| }
Try this out and see if that works--make sure that it doesn't return the object_id. As such, you may want to double-check by doing { |hash| } to see if you're really accessing the right data.
Then, provided it's correct, you can use a proc to get the id (but with a bit more brevity):
This sounds like inside the map block that hash is not actually a hashie - it's an array for some reason.
The result is that the [] method is actually an array accessor method and requires an integer. Eg. hash[0] would be valid, but not hash["id"].
You could try:{|hash|}
which would ensure that if you do have any nested arrays that nesting is removed.
Or perhaps{|hash| if hash.respond_to?(:id)}
But either way you may end up with unexpected behaviour.
