Composite Component and setPropertyActionListener - jsf-2

I have a composite component that have a dialog...
Inside the dialog I have the following piece of code:
<p:commandButton id="selectButton" icon="ui-icon-check" oncomplete="lookupDialog.hide();" update=":#{cc.clientId}:#{cc.attrs.fieldId}_panelGrid">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{cc.attrs.targetValue}" value="#{entity}" />
So, when the button is clicked, the dialog vanishes, but the property isn´t set.
There is no errors, no warnings, nothing! So I simply don´t know what is happening...
If you need anymore details, please just say so! :)
This is a related question, but not really what I want to do...
Pass Argument to a composite-component action attribute
I just need the propertyActionListener to work.
Here some extra information:
<cc:attribute name="targetValue" required="true"/>
the value:
Where inside the bean (acaoController)
I have an entity...
And inside the entity I have another object, that is "responsavel".

Try checking setters and getters of responsavel getting called when you close the dialog box.
Otherwise you can use Flash to pass on the value between components. In the action method of command button,
Flash flash = FaceUtil.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getFlash();
And you can extract the value like this:
Flash flash = FaceUtil.getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getFlash();
responsavel = (Responsavel) flash.get("entity");


Error when calling a method with a4j:poll vs. JSF commandButton

I'm trying to implement an autoSave function on an edit form using a4j:poll.
My JSF page contains two items that call the same form method: a button and an RichFaces a4j:poll. The button functions properly. The poll fails. The symptom is that when the a4j:poll triggers, the data entity contained in the form is empty. When the button is pressed, the data entity contained in the form has that data that was typed into the fields.
<h:form id="patient">
value="Save In-Progress" />
actionListener="#{sessionState.pForm.saveInProgressAction}" />
(Other edits removed, since they are no longer relevant.)
I think what is happening is that when the a4j:poll triggers, processUpdates() never gets called.
How can I call the processUpdates() method from the a4j:poll?
Can I call processUpdates() from the method I call in the a4j:poll, saveInProgressAction() in this case?
By default only the poll component is processed on the server, if you need to process other components (e.g. text fields) you need to use #execute:
<a4j:poll execute="#form" />
this will process the entire form, but you can use ids if you need it to be more specific.

Any way to bypass form validation on p:commandButton without using o:ignoreValidationFailed or immediate=true

I create page forms with a parameter that tells them where to return when done. The backing bean is #ReqeuestScoped and includes this:
<f:viewParam name="return" value="#{createGroup.paramReturn}" />
The form has fields with validators, so the cancel button has to skip validation. So, the cancel button looks like this:
<p:commandButton value="Cancel"
The purpose of the doCancel() method is to go into Flash scope and return the value set with setParamReturn method.
The problem is with the immediate="true" attribute is that the Flash storage that has the paramReturn variable in it is no longer available. If someone could tell me how to fix that this would be my preferred solution.
Of course without the immediate="true" attribute the action is never invoked because the form cannot pass validation. Another solution would be to cause validation to be ignored some other way.
I have looked at the OmniFaces <o:ignoreValidationFailed> tag and it seems to do what I want, but I don't want to import a whole library for just this tag. However, that is what I will do if there is no other simple way to fix this.

How to iterate over variable in param using JSF EL expression

I have a PrimeFaces <p:dataGrid> component that contains a variable number of panels. Each panel contains a number of derived components. I have a delete button contained inside each of these panels to allow for deletion. I also have an add button outside of the dataGrid. Instead of using immediate="true" on the buttons, I figured out how to set the required attribute of each component in each panel.
For instance:
required="#{empty param['vehicleGrid:0:btnDelete'] and empty param['btnAdd']}".
For every delete button in the dataGrid and the add button, ignore component validation.
This works if there is a panel inside of the dataGrid, but it only references the first one. I need to dynamically check every panel. Maybe instead of looking at it from the markup page, maybe I need to look at it in Java terms since param is a Map<String, String>.
Bind the delete button component to the view and use UIComponent#getClientId() instead.
<h:inputText ... required="#{empty param[deleteButton.clientId]}" />
<h:commandButton binding="#{deleteButton}" ... />
This way the proper client ID will be looked up in the parameter map and there's then no need to iterate over the parameter map.

JSF: setting a property in a wizard form with multiple submit actions

I have this scenario: in the first tab of a primefaces wizard component, I have some fields and a button. The button saves some data, does some business logic and, with the results, sets some properties of the form bean (which is in ViewScope) that are not related to a specific field of the form. I have checked that in the invoke application phase, the values are set properly.
In the second tab I have another button that has to do some business logic using the values set by the first one but, doing some debug, I noticed that the values, even if not related to any field of the form, are overwritten I think during the update model phase invoked when I click the second button.
How can I avoid this? Is there a way to obtain the correct behaviour?
I looked around but I couldn't find any example of a wizard form with multiple submissions. Thanks for help!
<p:wizard widgetVar="wiz" render="true" id="wizard" showNavBar="false">
<p:tab id="step0" title="Step0" step="0">
<!-- Some other fields-->
<p:commandButton value="Save and do some business logic"
oncomplete="wiz.loadStep (wiz.cfg.steps [1], false)">
<p:tab id="step1" title="Step1" step="1">
<!-- Some other fields-->
<p:commandButton value="Second button: use the previous informations"
oncomplete="wiz.loadStep (wiz.cfg.steps [2], false)">
To show an example I can say that my bean contains a business logic object. During the first submission, this object is being saved so the database (Mysql and Hibernate), assigns to it a progressive id.
During the second submission, when I try to read this id, the value is zero so, obviously, I get an error.
Something like:
public class FormBean{
private BLObject object;
// Constructor Getters and setters
// Method executed during the first submission
public void save(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
//Save the object and set his id
// Method executed during the second submission
public void doSomethingWhitTheId(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
//Access the id... id=0 returned
int id = object.getId();
The problem was that, navigating from one page to another, Primefaces wizard, uses a String to identify the tab. Returning the value of this String, which is not null nor void, makes the view bean go out of scope. It is ok when you have a simple form but, if you wanna set some properties not related to a form element during the flow, they get overwritten during the tab changes.
I solved the problem adding to the form an hidden parameter linked to the property I wanted to preserve.
<h:inputHidden value="formBean.idToPreserve" id="inputHidden" />

how action result in div or panel with h:commandButton

i tried to show action result in panel with this :
<p:panel id="pnl" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
<p:commandButton id="addUser" value="Ajouter" action="#{userMB.addUser}" ajax="false" target=":pnl">
but i cant get result in same page, after click i've result in new page.
as you can see i used target for this, there is a way to do it ?
Thanks in advance
Change "target" to the word "update" and remove ajax="false"
Ensure that your action method addUser either doesn't return anything (the method signature's return declaration is "void") or returns null
You may need to make your backing bean view scoped (if you do change to ViewScoped, ensure that your backing bean is Serializable)
