Group by week / month / year in GORM - grails

I have a domain class (minified) as :-
class Expense {
Date dateOfExpense
int amount
I am trying to get sum of amount grouped by week/month/ year of expense date.
Referring to 'sqlGroupProjection' method in grails doc,
I tried using following code:-
def results = c {
between("dateOfExpense", fromDate, toDate)
projections {
sqlGroupProjection 'dateOfExpense,sum(amount) as summed',
Throws exception:
No such property: DATE for class: grails.orm.HibernateCriteriaBuilder. Stacktrace follows:
Message: No such property: DATE for class: grails.orm.HibernateCriteriaBuilder
Please suggest an approach using sqlGroupProjection method

Create three new numeric fields each for week,month and year in the domain class. These fields won't be mapped to column in the table.
Provide static mapping for the three fields.
static mapping = {
//provide the exact column name of the date field
week formula('WEEK(DATE_OF_EXPENSE)')
month formula('MONTH(DATE_OF_EXPENSE)')
year formula ('YEAR(DATE_OF_EXPENSE)')
Now we can group by desired field using
def results = c.list {
between("dateOfExpense", fromDate, toDate)
projections {
case "week":
case "month"
case "year":

Instead of this
static mapping = {
week formula('WEEK(DATE_OF_EXPENSE)') //provide the exact column name of the date field
month formula('MONTH(DATE_OF_EXPENSE)')
year formula ('YEAR(DATE_OF_EXPENSE)')
try this
static mapping = {
week formula: 'WEEK(DATE)'
month formula: 'MONTH(DATE)'
year formula: 'YEAR(DATE)'

Try something like
sqlGroupProjection 'MONTH(dateOfExpense) as month, sum(amount) as summed',

This sqlGroupProjection method seems to be poorly supported. Use
def results = c.list {
between("dateOfExpense", fromDate, toDate)
projections {
will produce the deserved outcome.
If you want group by the month of the date, see Grails group by date (It totally outweight my answer, actually. But I reach the same solution after trying your code for a long time.)


Grails minimum value fetch

I am working to fetch the minimum value from a table in Grails where the vehicleid and the type is given
there are many values associated from that vehicleid and type i need to fetch the minimum date associated with that vehicleid . I have tried this but it is not working for the startDate param.
List vehicleDate= Table.createCriteria().list() {
what could be the query like
If you just need to fetch the minimum value, you could use a projection as documented here.
Not tested, but your criteria should look something like this:
def result = Table.createCriteria().list() {
projections {
println "Minimum start date is ${result[0]}"

How to set formula in grails domain class?

I am trying to write formula in my domain class which helps me in creating criteria.
class MyClass {
//some fields
Date appointmentTime
String ddmmyy
int year
int month
int day
static transients = [
static mapping= {
ddmmyy formula('DATE_FORMAT(appointmentTime)')
year formula('YEAR(appointmentTime)')
month formula('MONTH(appointmentTime)')
day formula('DAYOFMONTH(appointmentTime)')
Whenever I am trying to use this fields in my criteria it throws error i.e. can not resolve property 'ddmmyy' of 'myClass'.
MyCriteria is:
Date myDate = Calender.instance.time
def results = MyClass.createcriteria().list{
lt('appointmentTime', date+1)
ge('appointmentTime', date)
projections {
Any idea why I am getting an exception for this?
You need to make these fields non transient to use in criteria. See reference document

How to use "WHERE" with grails criteria

Class Vote {
String name;
Date startDate;
Date endDate;
I want to show all vote when Date of end is superior to new Date
Grails docs show you the list of operators in a criteria. In your case you can use gt and pass the current date.
def votes = Vote.createCriteria().list() {
gt('endDate', new Date())

Grails group by date

I have a domain class with a date-property.
class Transaction {
LocalDate time
BigDecimal amount
How can I query for the sum of all transactions grouped by month? I canĀ“t find any support for group by a date-range in GORM.
Add a formula based field to your domain class for the truncated date:
class Transaction {
LocalTime time
BigDecimal amount
String timeMonth
static mapping = {
timeMonth formula: "FORMATDATETIME(time, 'yyyy-MM')" // h2 sql
//timeMonth formula: "DATE_FORMAT(time, '%Y-%m')" // mysql sql
Then you'll be able to run queries like this:
Transaction.withCriteria {
projections {

How to exclude some columns with GORM with dynamic finders?

I have the following domain object:
class DbDeployment
static constraints = {
startDate(nullable: false)
endDate(nullable: true)
username(nullable: true)
fabric(nullable: false)
description(nullable: true)
status(nullable: true)
details(nullable: true)
static mapping = {
columns {
details type: 'text'
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate
String username
String fabric
String description
String status
String details // xml representation of the plan
I would like to be able to run a query like this:
DbDeployment.findAllByFabric("f1", params)
but I would like to ensure the column details (which is potentially huge) is not retrieved.
Is there a way to do this?
Option 1: Create an association for the large data field(s)
One suggestion from this answer is to break the large data property out into a separate domain, which will cause it to load lazily. Example:
class DbDeployment {
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate
DbDeploymentDetails details
class DbDeploymentDetails {
String details
static belongsTo = DbDeployment
Option 2: Using a new domain + mapping to the original table
An answer on a different question links to a Grails mailing list question which has a great answer from Burt Beckwith, but the SO answer doesn't give an example. For the sake of posterity I'll yoink his example from the mailing list and put it here.
It involves creating another domain class without the large field, and then using its static mapping closure to map to the other domain's table.
class DbDeployment {
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate
String details
class SimpleDbDeployment {
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate
// do not include String details
static mapping = {
table 'db_deployment'
Then you can just use the finders on SimpleDbDeployment:
SimpleDbDeployment.findAllByFabric('f1', params)
Burt, it'd be great if you would re-answer with your example from the mailing list; I'll cut it out of mine and upvote yours, since you deserve the credit.
