I'm trying to use regex in my StandardTokenParsers based parser. For that, I've subclassed StdLexical as follows:
class CustomLexical extends StdLexical{
def regex(r: Regex): Parser[String] = new Parser[String] {
def apply(in:Input) = r.findPrefixMatchOf(in.source.subSequence(in.offset, in.source.length)) match {
case Some(matched) => Success(in.source.subSequence(in.offset, in.offset + matched.end).toString,
case None => Failure("string matching regex `" + r + "' expected but " + in.first + " found", in)
override def token: Parser[Token] =
( regex("[a-zA-Z]:\\\\[\\w\\\\?]* | /[\\w/]*".r) ^^ { StringLit(_) }
| identChar ~ rep( identChar | digit ) ^^ { case first ~ rest => processIdent(first :: rest mkString "") }
| ...
But I'm a little confused on how I would define a Parser that takes advantage of this. I have a parser defined as:
def mTargetFolder: Parser[String] = "TargetFolder" ~> "=" ~> mFilePath
which should be used to identify valid file paths. I tried then:
def mFilePath: Parser[String] = "[a-zA-Z]:\\\\[\\w\\\\?]* | /[\\w/]*".r
But this is obviously not right. I get an error:
scala: type mismatch;
found : scala.util.matching.Regex
required: McfpDSL.this.Parser[String]
def mFilePath: Parser[String] = "[a-zA-Z]:\\\\[\\w\\\\?]* | /[\\w/]*".r
What is the proper way of using the extension made on my StdLexical subclass?
If you really want to use token based parsing, and reuse StdLexical, I would advise to update the syntax for "TargetFolder" so that the value after the equal sign is a proper string literal. Or in other words, make it so the path should be enclosed with quotes. From that point you don't need to extends StdLexical anymore.
Then comes the problem of converting a regexp to a parser. Scala already has RegexParsers for this (which implicitly converts a regexp to a Parser[String]), but unfortunately that's not what you want here because it works on streams of Char (type Elem = Char in RegexParsers) while you are working on a sttream of tokens.
So we will indeed have to define our own conversion from Regex to Parser[String] (but at the syntactic level rather than lexical level, or in other words in the token parser).
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util.parsing.input._
object MyParser extends StandardTokenParsers {
import lexical.StringLit
def regexStringLit(r: Regex): Parser[String] = acceptMatch(
"string literal matching regex " + r,
{ case StringLit( s ) if r.unapplySeq(s).isDefined => s }
lexical.delimiters += "="
lexical.reserved += "TargetFolder"
lazy val mTargetFolder: Parser[String] = "TargetFolder" ~> "=" ~> mFilePath
lazy val mFilePath: Parser[String] = regexStringLit("([a-zA-Z]:\\\\[\\w\\\\?]*)|(/[\\w/]*)".r)
def parseTargetFolder( s: String ) = { mTargetFolder( new lexical.Scanner( s ) ) }
scala> MyParser.parseTargetFolder("""TargetFolder = "c:\Dir1\Dir2" """)
res12: MyParser.ParseResult[String] = [1.31] parsed: c:\Dir1\Dir2
scala> MyParser.parseTargetFolder("""TargetFolder = "/Dir1/Dir2" """)
res13: MyParser.ParseResult[String] = [1.29] parsed: /Dir1/Dir2
scala> MyParser.parseTargetFolder("""TargetFolder = "Hello world" """)
res14: MyParser.ParseResult[String] =
[1.16] failure: identifier matching regex ([a-zA-Z]:\\[\w\\?]*)|(/[\w/]*) expected
TargetFolder = "Hello world"
Note that also fixed your "target folder" regexp here, you had missing parens around the two alternative, plus unneeded spaces.
Just call your function regex when you want to get a Parser[String] from a Regex:
def p: Parser[String] = regex("".r)
Or make regex implicit to let the compiler call it automatically for you:
implicit def regex(r: Regex): Parser[String] = ...
// =>
def p: Parser[String] = "".r
Getting started with Scala parser combinations, before moving on need to grasp failure/error handling better (note: still getting into Scala as well)
Want to parse strings like "a = b, c = d" into a list of tuples but flag the user when dangling commas are found.
Thought about matching off failure ("a = b, ") when matching comma separated property assignments:
def commaList[T](inner: Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] =
rep1sep(inner, ",") | rep1sep(inner, ",") ~> opt(",") ~> failure("Dangling comma")
def propertyAssignment: Parser[(String, String)] = ident ~ "=" ~ ident ^^ {
case id ~ "=" ~ prop => (id, prop)
And call the parser with:
p.parseAll(p.commaList(p.propertyAssignment), "name = John , ")
which results in a Failure, no surprise but with:
string matching regex `\p{javaJavaIdentifierStart}\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}*' expected but end of source found
The commList function succeeds on the first property assignment and starts repeating given the comma but the next "ident" fails on the fact that the next character is the end of the source data. Thought I could catch that 2nd alternative in the commList would match:
rep1sep(inner, ",") ~> opt(",") ~> failure("Dangling comma")
Nix. Ideas?
Scalaz to the rescue :-)
When you are working with warnings, it is not a good idea to exit your parser with a failure. You can easily combine the parser with the Scalaz writer monad. With this monads you can add messages to the partial result during the parser run. These messages could be infos, warnings or errors. After the parser finishes, you can then validate the result, if it can be used or if it contains critical problems. With such a separate vaildator step you get usual much better error messages. For example you could accept arbitrary characters at the end of the string, but issue an error when they are found (e.g. "Garbage found after last statement"). The error message can be much more helpful for the user than the cryptic default one you get in the example below ("string matching regex `\z' expected [...]").
Here is an example based on the code in your question:
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
import util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
object DemoParser extends RegexParsers {
type Warning = String
case class Equation(left : String, right : String)
type PWriter = Writer[Vector[Warning], List[Equation]]
val emptyList : List[Equation] = Nil
def rep1sep2[T](p : => Parser[T], q : => Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]] =
p ~ rep(q ~> p) ^^ {case x~y => x::y}
def name : Parser[String] = """\w+""".r
def equation : Parser[Equation] = name ~ "=" ~ name ^^ { case n ~ _ ~ v => Equation(n,v) }
def commaList : Parser[PWriter] = rep1sep(equation, ",") ^^ (_.set(Vector()))
def danglingComma : Parser[PWriter] = opt(",") ^^ (
_ map (_ => emptyList.set(Vector("Warning: Dangling comma")))
def danglingList : Parser[PWriter] = commaList ~ danglingComma ^^ {
case l1 ~ l2 => (l1.over ++ l2.over).set(l1.written ++ l2.written) }
def apply(input: String): PWriter = parseAll(danglingList, input) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case failure : NoSuccess => emptyList.set(Vector(failure.msg))
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
import util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
defined module DemoParser
scala> DemoParser("a=1, b=2")
res2: DemoParser.PWriter = (Vector(),List(Equation(a,1), Equation(b,2)))
scala> DemoParser("a=1, b=2,")
res3: DemoParser.PWriter = (Vector(Warning: Dangling comma),List(Equation(a,1), Equation(b,2)))
scala> DemoParser("a=1, b=2, ")
res4: DemoParser.PWriter = (Vector(Warning: Dangling comma),List(Equation(a,1), Equation(b,2)))
scala> DemoParser("a=1, b=2, ;")
res5: DemoParser.PWriter = (Vector(string matching regex `\z' expected but `;' found),List())
As you can see, it handles the error cases fine. If you want to extend the example, add case classes for different kinds of errors and include the current parser positions in the messages.
Btw. the problem with the white spaces is handled by the RegexParsers class. If you want to change the handling of white spaces, just override the field whiteSpace.
Your parser isn't expecting the trailing whitespace at the end of "name = John , ".
You could use a regex to optionally parse "," followed by any amount of whitespace:
def commaList[T](inner: Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] =
rep1sep(inner, ",") <~ opt(",\\s*".r ~> failure("Dangling comma"))
Note that you can avoid using alternatives (|) here, by making the failure part of the optional parser. If the optional part consumes some input and then fails, then the whole parser fails.
I would like to implement a parser for some defined language using Scala Parser Combinators. However, the software that will compile the language does not implements all the language's feature, so I would like to fail if these features are used. I tried to forge a small example below :
object TestFail extends JavaTokenParsers {
def test: Parser[String] =
"hello" ~ "world" ^^ { case _ => ??? } |
"hello" ~ ident ^^ { case "hello" ~ id => s"hi, $id" }
I.e., the parser succeeds on "hello" + some identifier, but fails if the identifier is "world". I see that there exist fail() and err() parsers in the Parsers class, but I cannot figure out how to use them, as they return Parser[Nothing] instead of a String. The documentation does not seem to cover this use caseā¦
In this case you want err, not failure, since if the first parser in a disjunction fails you'll just move on to the second, which isn't what you want.
The other issue is that ^^ is the equivalent of map, but you want flatMap, since err("whatever") is a Parser[Nothing], not a Nothing. You could use the flatMap method on Parser, but in this context it's more idiomatic to use the (completely equivalent) >> operator:
object TestFail extends JavaTokenParsers {
def test: Parser[String] =
"hello" ~> "world" >> (x => err(s"Can't say hello to the $x!")) |
"hello" ~ ident ^^ { case "hello" ~ id => s"hi, $id" }
Or, a little more simply:
object TestFail extends JavaTokenParsers {
def test: Parser[String] =
"hello" ~ "world" ~> err(s"Can't say hello to the world!") |
"hello" ~ ident ^^ { case "hello" ~ id => s"hi, $id" }
Either approach should do what you want.
You could use ^? method:
object TestFail extends JavaTokenParsers {
def test: Parser[String] =
"hello" ~> ident ^? (
{ case id if id != "world" => s"hi, $id" },
s => s"Should not use '$s' here."
I don't know if this info is relevant to the question, but I am learning Scala parser combinators.
Using some examples (in this master thesis) I was able to write a simple functional (in the sense that it is non imperative) programming language.
Is there a way to improve my parser/evaluator such that it could allow/evaluate input like this:
import scala.<some package / classes>
import weka.<some package / classes>
some DSL code (lambda calculus)
J48 j48 = new J48();
as input written in the guest language (DSL)?
Should I use reflection or something similar* to evaluate such input?
Is there some source code recommendation to study (may be groovy sources?)?
Maybe this is something similar: runtime compilation, but I am not sure this is the best alternative.
Complete answer given bellow with "{" and "}". Maybe "{{" would be better.
It is the question as to what the meaning of such import statements should be.
Perhaps you start first with allowing references to java methods in your language (the Lambda Calculus, I guess?).
For example:
java.lang.System.out.println "foo"
If you have that, you can then add resolution of unqualified names like
println "foo"
But here comes the first problem: println exists in System.out and System.err, or, to be more correct: it is a method of PrintStream, and both System.err and System.out are PrintStreams.
Hence you would need some notion of Objects, Classes, Types, and so on to do it right.
I managed how to run Scala code embedded in my interpreted DSL.
Insertion of DSL vars into Scala code and recovering returning value comes as a bonus. :)
Minimal relevant code from parsing and interpreting until performing embedded Scala code run-time execution (Main Parser AST and Interpreter):
object Main extends App {
val ast = Parser1 parse "some dsl code here"
Interpreter eval ast
object Parser1 extends RegexParsers with ImplicitConversions {
import AST._
val separator = ";"
def parse(input: String): Expr = parseAll(program, input).get
type P[+T] = Parser[T]
def program = rep1sep(expr, separator) <~ separator ^^ Sequence
def expr: Parser[Expr] = (assign /*more calls here*/)
def scalacode: P[Expr] = "{" ~> rep(scala_text) <~ "}" ^^ {case l => Scalacode(l.flatten)}
def scala_text = text_no_braces ~ "$" ~ ident ~ text_no_braces ^^ {case a ~ b ~ c ~ d => List(a, b + c, d)}
//more rules here
def assign = ident ~ ("=" ~> atomic_expr) ^^ Assign
//more rules here
def atomic_expr = (
ident ^^ Var
//more calls here
| "(" ~> expr <~ ")"
| scalacode
| failure("expression expected")
def text_no_braces = """[a-zA-Z0-9\"\'\+\-\_!##%\&\(\)\[\]\/\?\:;\.\>\<\,\|= \*\\\n]*""".r //| fail("Scala code expected")
def ident = """[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*""".r
object AST {
sealed abstract class Expr
// more classes here
case class Scalacode(items: List[String]) extends Expr
case class Literal(v: Any) extends Expr
case class Var(name: String) extends Expr
object Interpreter {
import AST._
val env = collection.immutable.Map[VarName, VarValue]()
def run(code: String) = {
val code2 = "val res_1 = (" + code + ")"
val res = interpret.valueOfTerm("res_1")
if (res == None) Literal() else Literal(res.get)
class Context(private var env: Environment = initEnv) {
def eval(e: Expr): Any = e match {
case Scalacode(l: List[String]) => {
val r = l map {
x =>
if (x.startsWith("$")) {
} else {
case Assign(id, expr) => env += (id -> eval(expr))
//more pattern matching here
case Literal(v) => v
case Var(id) => {
env getOrElse(id, sys.error("Undefined " + id))
I'm trying to split input by some keywords without delimiter like white-space.
object MyParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
def expr = (text | keyword).+
def text = ".+".r ^^ ("'"+_+"'")
def keyword = "ID".r ^^ ("["+_+"]")
val p = MyParser
p.parse(p.expr, "fooIDbar") match {
case p.Success(r, _) => r foreach print
case x => println(x.toString)
This outputs as below.
>> 'hogeIDfuga'
But I really want to do is like this.
>> 'hoge'[ID]'fuga'
It seems text engulfs all the characters. I tried to express [text does't contain keyword], but I could't. How to express it in regex or scala parser? or any other solutions?
I have seen some posts 1 2, but they don't work in my case.
First, keyword is a constant word so you don't need a regex, a plain string is enough.
Second, a text is some string that doesn't contain a keyword, not any string. Try this:
import util.parsing.combinator._
object MyParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
def expr = (text | keyword).+
def text = """((?!ID).)+""".r ^^ ("'"+_+"'")
def keyword = "ID" ^^ ("["+_+"]")
val p = MyParser
p.parse(p.expr, "fooIDbar") match {
case p.Success(r, _) => r foreach print
case x => println(x.toString)
As for the trick of writing a regex that not matching something, read this.
I am using Scala combinatorial parser by extending scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParser. This class provides following methods
def ident : Parser[String] for parsing identifiers and
def numericLit : Parser[String] for parsing a number (decimal I suppose)
I am using scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.Scannersfrom scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.StdLexicalfor lexing.
My requirement is to parse a hexadecimal number (without the 0x prefix) which can be of any length. Basically a grammar like: ([0-9]|[a-f])+
I tried integrating Regex parser but there are type issues there. Other ways to extend the definition of lexer delimiter and grammar rules lead to token not found!
As I thought the problem can be solved by extending the behavior of Lexer and not the Parser. The standard lexer takes only decimal digits, so I created a new lexer:
class MyLexer extends StdLexical {
override type Elem = Char
override def digit = ( super.digit | hexDigit )
lazy val hexDigits = Set[Char]() ++ "0123456789abcdefABCDEF".toArray
lazy val hexDigit = elem("hex digit", hexDigits.contains(_))
And my parser (which has to be a StandardTokenParser) can be extended as follows:
object ParseAST extends StandardTokenParsers{
override val lexical:MyLexer = new MyLexer()
lexical.delimiters += ( "(" , ")" , "," , "#")
The construction of the "number" from digits is taken care by StdLexical class:
class StdLexical {
def token: Parser[Token] =
| digit~rep(digit)^^{case first ~ rest => NumericLit(first :: rest mkString "")}
Since StdLexical gives just the parsed number as a String it is not a problem for me, as I am not interested in numeric value either.
You can use the RegexParsers with an action associated to the token in question.
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
object HexParser extends RegexParsers {
val hexNum: Parser[Int] = """[0-9a-f]+""".r ^^
{ case s:String => Integer.parseInt(s,16) }
def seq: Parser[Any] = repsep(hexNum, ",")
This will define a parser that reads comma separated hex number with no prior 0x. And it will actually return a Int.
val result = HexParser.parse(HexParser.seq, "1, 2, f, 10, 1a2b34d")
scala> println(result)
[1.21] parsed: List(1, 2, 15, 16, 27439949)
Not there is no way to distinguish decimal notation numbers. Also I'm using the Integer.parseInt, this is limited to the size of your Int. To get any length you may have to make your own parser and use BigInteger or arrays.